
Substation Construction for Atacama PV Complex Project Tender
Notice(The Second Time)
本Substation Construction for Atacama PV Complex
规模:522MW,Solar complex project
I; (002)Section II; (003)Section III;
(001SectionI)的投标人资格能力要求:See attachment for details;
(002Section II)的投标人资格能力要求:See attachment for details;
(003Section III)的投标人资格能力要求:See attachment for details;
获取方式:详见附件See attachment for details
递交方式:详见附件See attachment for details电子上传文件递交
开标地点:Network conference room
地 址:济南市闵子骞路106号
电 话:0531-85182167
地 址: 济南市华龙路1665号
联系人: 蔡倩
电 话: 0531-83121203
电子邮件: cqzhaobiao2021@163.com
招标人或其招标代理机构主要负责人(项目负责人): (签名)
Substation Construction for Atacama PV Complex Project
Tender Notice(The Second Time)
Project Location:Atacama Desert in northern Chile
1.Tender condition
Atacama PV Complex project is located in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile,which is
a region with favorable solar resource in Chile.The site is relatively flat,and the local humidity
is very suitable for the construction and operation of photovoltaic projects.The project covers a
total area of 660 hectares (380 hectares for the first phase and 280 hectares for the second
phase),with an altitude of 1600m.It is 65km from the nearest city,Copiap6,35km from the
nearest road and more than 600km from the Chilean capital Santiago.
2.Project briefing and tender scope
Capacity:522MW,Solar complex project
Tender scope: Civil construction of booster station, building decoration,
installation of transformer and distribution equipment,installation of control and
protection equipment,installation and commissioning of lighting system,water
supply and drainage system, fire and fire alarm system, HVAC system,
undertaking interface work with the opposite terminal station,transmission lines
and communication companies within the scope of the contract of the owner.,etc.
The scope of the said tender is divided into 3 sections,as follows:
No.SectionWork ScopeTimefor Completion (Calendar Days)
1Section IThe basic construction of the booster station transformer project mainly includes the main transformer foundation, firewall and foundation, outlet transmission Line Steel Structure and Foundation, pillar insulator, PT and CT, disconnect switch and other equipment foundation, cable trench construction, gravel paving, outdoor water supply and drainage system, etc., finishing and handing over the completion files, providing services within the warranty period, assisting in the unit performance test, reaching the standard and putting into production, etc. and other content.150

No.SectionWork Scope The control building, warehouse, fire shed, accidentTime for Completion (Calendar Days)
2Section IIoil pool, water pump room and other structures, including concrete and steel structures, decoration construction, etc., finishing and handing over the completion files, providing services within the warranty period, assisting in the unit performance test, reaching the standard and putting into production, etc. and other content. Installation of booster station, mainly including150
3Section IIIinstallation and commissioning of transformer and distribution equipment and steel structure in booster station, control and protection equipment, outdoor lighting equipment, water supply and drainage system, firefighting and firefighting alarm system, HVAC system, etc., finishing and handing over the completion files, providing services within the warranty period, assisting in the unit performance test, reaching the standard and putting into production, etc. and other content.270

(1)The above work scope is for reference,please see the specific work scope in
tender document Chapter 3 Contract ANNEX 1-5 Bill of Quantities.
(2)The above sections are allowed to be bid and awarded at the same time.
3.Bidder Qualification requirement
The Bidder shall meet the following conditions:
I Basic Qualification Requirements
(1)Consortiums are allowed.
(2)A Bidder or the lead member of a consortium must be a validly existing
company incorporated in Chile.
(3)The Bidder is free of behaviors such as fraudulently winning a bid,material
breach of contract,or termination of any contract due to its fault in the past 36
(4)The Bidder is operating well without ordered cessation of business,takeover
or freezing of asset,and bankruptcy.Companies incorporated in Chile have no
arrears,with related proofs provided.
(5)No fatal accident occurred in the past 18 months.
II Special Qualification Requirements
(1)The Bidder shall have experience in undertaking civil works or installation
works of substations in Chile.If the Bidder is a consortium,the lead member of
the consortium shall have experience in undertaking
civil works or installation
works in Chile,and members of the consortium shall have
experience in
construction and installation of three Or 220 kV and above
more substation
projects in China (including new
installed projects and expansion projects.If the
experience is expansion project,it shall include installation and commissioning of
main transformers.).Supporting documents such as the contracts signed with the
employers,completion certificates shall be provided.
(2)Personnel Qualification Requirements
The project manager is qualified in aceordance with Chilean laws and regulations,
and once served as a project manager for projects in Chile.Valid safety-related
qualification certificates of the safety management personnel shall be provided.
(3)The Bidder shall be familiar with the Chilean standards for design and
construction of projects.The Bidder shall be highly experienced in construction,
can provide sufficient professional persons, machinery and manufacturing
capability for the Project to
ensure effective performance of the Contract,and
shall have excellent track record in terms of safety and quality.
4.Obtainment of bidding documents
Time of obtainment:09:00 a.m,12/4/2023-17:00 p.m,27/4/2023
Form of obtainment:For those interested in bidding,from April 12,2023 to April
27,2023 9:00 a.m to 17:00 p.m. (Beijing time,the same below),send the
completed signature scan version and editable version of the"Bidding Document
Purchase Registration Form",and scanned copy of the business license by e-mail
to the cqzhaobiao2021@163.com (the unified format of the e-mail name is:
Substation Construction for Atacama PV Complex Project+ Section No.+the full
name of the Bidder Company.。 The tenderee will issue the Bidding Documents
by electronic mail to potential bidders.The "Bidding Document Purchase
Registration Form" can be downloaded
from the portal(website:
http://www.sdepci.com,supplier login module).There is no charge
for bidding
5.Submission of Tender Documents
Deadline of submission:09:30 a.m 4th May,2023.
Form of submission: Before the deadline for submission of Tender Documents,
send the electronic version of the encrypted Tender Documents (the signature and
stamped PDF version and the editable version)to the designated email address:
cqzhaobiao2021@163.com.Within 15minutes after the submission deadline,the
password shall be sent to the jdyx@sdepci.com.
6.Time and address of tender opening
Time of tender opening:09:30 a.m 4th May,2023.
Address of tender opening:Network conference room.
Time in Bids should be time in Peking.
8.Supervision department
Supervision department of Tender:Department of enterprise management and
Legal affairs (Board office)of Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting
Institute Corp.,Ltd.
Tenderee:Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Co.,Ltd
Address:No.106,Minziqian Road,Jinan City
Contact person:Ms.Zhao
Tender Agency:Shandong Ludian International Technology and Trade CO.LTD
Address:No.1665,Hualong Road,Jinan City
Contact person:Qian Cai