
基本信息项目名称:海油工程深技服/安装分公司推进器购置工程项目名称:海油工程深技服/安装分公司推进器购置项目概况:本次为船舶推进器招标,签署总价合同。此次招标推进器包括:全回转主推进器4台、可伸缩式全回转推进器4台、艏侧推2台。合同生效条款:本次招标为深技服多功能海洋工程船推进器(2台3500KW全回转主推进器)和海工安装分公司专业铺管船推进器(其余8台推进器)合并招标,投标人承诺:①《中标通知书》发出后30日内,招标人中海油深圳海洋工程技术服务有限公司与中标人签订深技服多功能海洋工程船推进器(2台3500KW全回转主推进器)正式合同。②《中标通知书》发出后30日内,招标人海洋石油工程股份有限公司与中标人签订海工安装分公司专业铺管船推进器(其余8台推进器)正式合同,本合同签订后不立即生效,待招标方项目可研批准后,双方签订合同生效确认函后合同生效,否则已签订的合同将自动失效。This is a tender for Vessel Thruster,signing the total price contract.The bidding thrusters include:4 full rotary main thrusters,4 retractable thrusters,and 2 bow tunnel thrusters.Effective terms of the contract:This tender is for the combination of Shenjiservice multi-functional ocean engineering ship thrusters(2 3500KW full rotary main thrusters)and Haigong Installation Branch professional pipelaying Vessel thrusters(other 8 thrusters).The bidder undertakes:①Within 30 days after the"Notice of Award"is issued,the tenderer CNOOC Shenzhen Ocean Engineering Technology Service Co.,Ltd.and the winning bidder sign a formal contract for the thrusters(2 3500KW full rotary main thrusters)of the multi-functional Marine engineering ship of Shenjiye Service.②Within 30 days after the"Notice of Award"is issued,the tenderer Offshore Oil Engineering Co.,Ltd.and the tenderer sign a formal contract for professional pipelaying ship thrusters(the remaining 8 thrusters)of the Offshore Engineering Installation Branch.The contract will not take effect immediately after signing,and the contract will take effect after the tenderer's project is approved and signed by both parties.Otherwise,the signed contract will automatically become invalid.项目所在地:天津市资金来源:企业自筹资金落实情况:已落实是否允许联合体投标:否异议投诉:异议投诉应在中国海油供应链数字化平台提交发布媒介:中国海洋石油集团有限公司采办业务管理与交易系统,中国招投标公共服务平台,中国海洋石油集团有限公司供应链数字化平台标段信息1.海油工程深技服/安装分公司推进器购置标段标段(包)编号:24-CNCCC-HW-GK-5456/01发标日期:2024年03月21日主要技术规格:此次招标推进器包括:全回转主推进器4台、可伸缩式全回转推进器4台、艏侧推2台。The bidding thrusters include:4 full rotary main azimuth thruster,4 retractable thruster,and 2 Bow tunnel thruster.交货期/服务期/完工期:投标人承诺交货时间为合同签订后14个月内。The bidder promises that the delivery time is 14 months after signing the contract.交货数量:10套招标范围:此次招标推进器包括:全回转主推进器4台、可伸缩式全回转推进器4台、艏侧推2台。The bidding thrusters include:4 full rotary main azimuth thruster,4 retractable thruster,and 2 Bow tunnel thruster.出资比例:100%生产能力:满足招标文件要求Meet the requirements of the bidding documents资格要求:资格要求:1.投标人具有合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照,投标时需提供原件扫描件(原件备查)。投标人为事业单位的,应具有合法有效的事业单位法人证书,投标时需提供原件扫描件(原件备查)。投标人为分公司的,应具有合法有效的营业执照和上级法人单位授权书,分公司与上级法人单位只可一家参与投标,同时参与投标的,投标均无效。如果投标人为境外注册公司,需提供有效的公司登记注册证明。2.如出现单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的情况,相关投标均无效,招标人随时有权作出拒绝投标、取消投标资格、取消授标、不签订合同或在合同签订后终止合同等决定,相关投标人须无条件接受,且由此造成的任何损失由投标人承担。如果投标人为境外注册公司,需提供有效的公司登记注册证明。3.投标人应为本次投标所投产品的制造商,本次招标不接受代理商、贸易商投标。Qualification Requirements:1.Bidders must have a valid and legal business license,tax registration certificate,and organization code certificate,or a business license that combines certificates and licenses.When bidding,they must provide scanned copies of the original documents(for future reference).If the bidder is a public institution,they should have a legal and valid certificate of legal representative of the public institution.When bidding,they need to provide a scanned copy of the original document(for future reference).If the bidder is a subsidiary,they should have a valid and legal business license and an authorization letter from the superior legal entity.only one subsidiary and the superior legal entity can participate in the bidding.If they participate in the bidding at the same time,the bidding is invalid.If the bidder is a foreign registered company,a valid company registration certificate must be provided.2.In the event that the person in charge of the unit is the same person or there is a controlling or management relationship,all relevant bids are invalid.The tenderer has the right to make decisions such as refusal to bid,cancellation of bidding qualification,cancellation of award,failure to sign the contract,or termination of the contract after signing the contract at any time.The relevant bidders must unconditionally accept the decision,and any losses caused by this shall be borne by the bidder.If the bidder is a foreign registered company,a valid company registration certificate must be provided.3.The bidder should be the manufacturer of the products tendered in this tender.Agents and traders are not accepted for bidding in this tender.资质要求:无Certification Requirements:none业绩要求:(1)2010年1月1日起至投标截止日(以合同签署文件为准),投标人至少提供2艘具备DP2或以上动力定位能力的海洋工程船舶的推进器产品的供货业绩,且每艘船舶需同时具备由投标人销售的三种类型的推进器,即:全回转主推进器(功率满足3500KW及以上)、可伸缩推进器(功率满足1000KW及以上)、艏侧推进器(功率满足2000KW及以上)。注:海洋工程船舶是指平台供应船、三用工作船、平台守护船、物探船、铺管船、铺缆船、潜水支持船、起重船、FPSO。(2)投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件至少包括:销售合同复印件(含相关技术附件)和到货验收证明文件。投标人所提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同首页、签字盖章页、合同签署时间、货物名称、船舶DP等级、船舶类型、推进器类型、推进器功率、到货验收证明(到货验收证明可以是到货交接签收文件或对应的箱单、提单、发票复印件或验收报告或调试验收证明等)。(3)未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法体现满足上述业绩要求的,均视为无效业绩。Performance requirements:(1)From January 1,2010 to the bidding deadline(based on the contract signing documents),bidders shall provide at least 2 sets of propulsion products for marine engineering ships with DP2 or above power positioning capabilities,and each ship shall be equipped with three types of thrusters sold by the bidder,namely:fully rotating main thrusters(with a power of 3500KW and above),extendable thrusters(with a power of 1000KW and above)Bow thruster(with a power of 2000KW or above).Note:Marine engineering vessels refer to platform supply vessels,three purpose work vessels,platform guard vessels,geophysical exploration vessels,pipeline laying vessels,cable laying vessels,diving support vessels,lifting vessels,and FPSOs.(2)Bidders are required to submit performance forms in the prescribed format and relevant performance certification documents.The performance certification documents shall at least include copies of the sales contract(including relevant technical attachments)and proof of delivery and acceptance.The performance certification documents submitted by the bidder must at least reflect the following contents:contract front page,signature and seal page,contract signing time,goods name,vessel DP level,vessel type,thruster type,thruster power,and arrival acceptance certificate(the arrival acceptance certificate can be the delivery handover receipt document or the corresponding packing list,bill of lading,invoice copy or acceptance report or commissioning acceptance certificate,etc.).(3)Failure to submit performance proof documents,or failure to reflect the above performance requirements in the provided performance proof documents,shall be deemed as invalid performance.其他要求:未按要求在开标阶段进行公开的资质、业绩信息,评标阶段不予认可。评标阶段只评审开标阶段已公开的资质、业绩内容,对在开标环节未公开的资质、业绩内容,即使投标文件中提供了也不认可并不再进行评审。Other requirements:Qualification and performance information that is not publicly disclosed during the bid opening stage as required will not be recognized during the evaluation stage.During the evaluation stage,only the qualifications and performance content that have been publicly disclosed during the bid opening stage will be evaluated.For qualifications and performance content that have not been publicly disclosed during the bid opening stage,even if provided in the bidding documents,they w招标文件领取时间:2024年03月21日至2024年03月28日招标文件领取方法:凡有意参加投标者,请登录中国海油供应链数字化平台(https://bid.cnooc.com.cn)的“采购文件下载”页面进行购买(购买流程详见门户首页)。购买过程必须全程在系统中操作,线下形式的汇款将不予接受。标书费支付成功后,投标人可自行在系统中下载招标文件。如未在系统中领购招标文件,不可参加投标。招标文件价格:200元投标文件递交截止时间:2024年04月11日09时00分投标地点:天津市滨海新区开发区第五大街51号投标文件递交方法:请在规定的投标文件递交截止时间内,将纸质投标文件递交到投标文件递交地点:天津市滨海新区开发区第五大街51号。Please submit the paper bidding documents to the place of submission of the bidding documents within the stipulated deadline:No.51,Fifth Avenue,Development Zone,Binhai New Area,Tianjin.开标时间:2024年04月11日09时00分开标地点:中国海油供应链数字化平台特殊说明:本次为国际公开招标、纸质投标。请在规定的投标文件递交截止时间内,将纸质标书递交至指定地点。开标时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。This is an international open bidding and paper bidding.Please submit the paper bidding documents to the designated location within the specified deadline for submission of bidding documents.Bidding will be opened in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend.联系方式招标人:海洋石油工程股份有限公司地址:天津港保税区海滨十五路199号国际贸易与航运服务区3号楼A座A1001室联系人:张鹏电子邮箱:zhangpeng29@cnooc.com.cn邮编:300461联系电话:59897782异议受理人:李伟异议受理人联系电话:022-66504854投诉受理人邮箱(投诉受理专用):liwei6@cnooc.com.cn投诉受理人:朱琛招标代理机构:中化建国际招标有限责任公司天津分公司地址:联系人:李伟电子邮箱:liwei6@cnooc.com.cn邮编:联系电话:022-66504854