“幸福空间里,邻里美与共”2023年中国·成都第三届社区美空间全球创意设 计竞赛公告
本“幸福空间里,邻里美与共”2023年中国·成都第三届社区美空间全球创意 设计竞赛已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为其他资金激励资 金,招标人为/。本项目已具备招标条件,现招标方式为其它方式,特邀请有兴 趣的潜在投标人提出资格预审申请。
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"The Beauty of Community in the Park City" 2023 Global Design Award for
Chengdu Public Aesthetic Space in Community
为深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神,落实习近平总书记关于把 更多美术元素、艺术元素应用到城乡规划建设中,增强城乡审美 韵味、文化品位的重要指示,按照市委市政府提升文明素养,弘 扬文明风尚,建设文明典范城市的工作要求,持续抓好社区发展 治理项目建设,打响成都社区美空间品牌,吸引国内外高水平专 业团队和应届毕业生参与社区美空间设计建设,营造人人参与、人人共享的良好氛围,助力建设践行新发展理念的公园城市示范 区,特举办本次创意设计竞赛(以下简称“竞赛”)。
In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and implement the remarks of General
Secretary Xi Jinping on applying more artistic elements to urban and rural planning and construction and enhancing the urban and rural aesthetic charm and cultural taste, this Event is hereby launched according to the work requirements of the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee and the Chengdu Municipal Government for enhancing the appreciation of fine culture, promoting civilized practices and building a model civilized city. It aims to strengthen community development and governance project construction, build the brand of Chengdu Public Aesthetic Space in Community, attract domestic and foreign high-level professional teams and fresh graduates to participate in the design and construction of the Public Aesthetic Space in Community, create a good atmosphere for everyone to participate and share, and contribute to the building of a park city demonstration zone which practices the new development philosophy.
II. Organization Structure
i. Organizers: Urban and Rural Community Development and Governance Committee of the CPC Chengdu Municipal
Committee, Publicity Department of the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee, Office of Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC
Chengdu Municipal Committee, Chengdu Municipal Bureau of
Planning and Natural Resources, and Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau
ii. Undertakers: Party and Mass Affairs Department of the Party Working Committee of Sichuan Tianfu New Area and Chengdu Design Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
III. Participants
Design agency/team in the fields of architecture, planning,
landscape, art or horticulture, community builders, community
planners, university students, fresh graduates and social organizations
etc. (Hereinafter referred collectively to as "design institutes").
IV. Project Overview
The event aims at collecting conceptual design schemes for 20 community spaces in Chengdu, which are characterized by a strong desire for renovation by the people, planned construction, guaranteed funds yet not started implementation. The list of projects in different areas is as follows (see the design briefs for the project contents): 表1. 项目概况
序号 | 区县 | 项目名称 |
1 | 四川天府新区 | 天府新区创新创享中心社区美空间项目 |
2 | 拾光公园社区美空间项目 | |
3 | 瓦窑村老兵盖碗茶(扩建)社区美空间项目 |
4 | 成都东部新区 | 贾家街道菠萝社区新建邻里中心项目 |
5 | 高明镇三大湾村水果集散市场社区美空间项目 | |
6 | 成都高新区 | 石羊社创空间社区美空间项目 |
7 | 锦江区 | “花果新生活”社区综合体社区美空间项目 |
8 | 金牛区 | 淳风桥社区仁理淳风亭社区美空间项目 |
9 | 武侯区 | 邻里中心社区美空间项目 |
10 | 成华区 | “笔墨间”社区书吧社区美空间项目 |
11 | 龙泉驿区 | 洛带镇宝胜村客家农耕学堂社区美空间项目 |
12 | 新都区 | 拾里社区美空间项目 |
13 | 双流区 | “常运动乐沟通”运动公园会客厅社区美空间项目 |
14 | “零距离”居民服务圈打造社区美空间项目 | |
15 | 郫都区 | 云上田园展创社区美空间项目 |
16 | 郫筒街道双柏社区食堂社区美空间项目 | |
17 | 简阳市 | 黄葛树村民创客厅新建社区美空间项目 |
18 | 彭州市 | 亲水空间营造社区美空间项目 |
19 | 崇州市 | 隆兴镇梁景村集凤苑小区服务站社区美空间项目 |
20 | 大邑县 | 盐店村历史文化研学基地社区美空间项目 |
Table. 1. Project Overview
Project No. | Project Location | Brief Design content |
1 | Sichuan Tianfu New Area | Tianfu New Area Innovation and Creativity Center |
2 | Aesthetic Space of Shiguang Park community | |
3 | Aesthetic Space of Wayao village tea house | |
4 | Chengdu Eastern New Area | Neighborhood center of Jiajia street pineapple community |
5 | Rural revitalization project of Sandawan village, Gaoming town | |
6 | Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone | Social innovation space of Shiyang community |
7 | Jinjiang District | Aesthetic Space of "New life with fruit and flowers" community complex |
8 | Jinniu District | Aesthetic Space of Chunfengqiao community |
9 | Wuhou District | Neighborhood center project |
10 | Chenghua District | "Pen&Ink" Community book&reading bar project |
11 | Longquanyi District | Hakka farming school project of Baosheng village, Luodai town |
12 | Xindu District | Home-sharing project of Shili Theme |
13 | Shuangliu District | Sport park meeting room project |
14 | "Zero Distance" Residential Service Circle project of Shangshanju C disrtict, Bajiao community | |
15 | Pidu District | Pastoral on the clouds project |
16 | Community canteen project of Shuangbai community, Pitong street | |
17 | Jianyang City | Village creative reception hall project |
18 | Pengzhou City | Hydrophilic visitor center project |
19 | Chongzhou City | Community service station of Jifeng community, Liangjing village, Longxing town |
20 | Dayi City | Yandian Village Historical and Cultural Research Base |
V. Rules
The competition is conducted in three stages by means of public solicitation: the first stage is the Pre-qualification Stage; the second stage is the Scheme Design and Design Document Evaluation Stage; and the third stage is the Scheme Reporting and Final Evaluation Stage.
为确保设计成果质量,同一设计团队最多可选择5个项目进行 报名。
In order to ensure the quality of design deliverables, one design team may select up to 5 projects for registration.
(一) 第一阶段——报名资格预审
(I) First Stage--Pre-qualification
After the public solicitation and registration of 20 projects, the
Undertakers will evaluate the relevant materials submitted by the
design institutes, and notify the shortlisted design institutes.
(二) 第二阶段——概念设计初审
(II) Second Stage-Scheme Design and Design Document Evaluation
The design institute shall fully understand the project design brief, and provide a conceptual design scheme that meets the requirements.
Each design institute can only submit one proposal for each project.
The Organizer and the Undertaker shall set up an initial evaluation committee, who shall review the conceptual design schemes submitted
by the design institutes, and select three high-quality design institutes (without order) from the registration team of each project to enter the final review stage of the scheme.
(III) Third Stage--Scheme Reporting and Final Evaluation Stage
进入终审的设计机构须在概念设计方案基础上进行深化设计,形成最终的设计方案。由主办单位、承办单位组建方案终审委 员会,邀请相关专家、部门负责人、项目业主组成终审委员会,对进入终审的设计机构提交的有效设计方案进行终审,确定各项 目设计方案的名次,每个项目评选出一、二、三等奖各1个,方案 汇报终审将通过直播形式全程向社会公开。
The design institute that enters the Third Stage shall further refine the design on the basis of the conceptual design scheme to form the final design plan. The Organizer and the Undertaker shall set up a final evaluation committee consisting of relevant experts, department heads and project owners, who will review the design schemes submitted by the design institutes that have entered the final review and determine the ranking of the design schemes of each project. One first, second
and third prize will be awarded for each project. The final review of the scheme reporting will be made public through live broadcast.
VI. Design Principles
参加本次竞赛的设计方案须参考《成都社区美空间设计评价 标准》,符合国家相关规范标准,并满足以下要求:
The design proposals must refer to the Evaluation Standards for Chengdu Public Aesthetic Space in Comm unity. The national
standards shall be met, while the following requirements shall also be satisfied:
注重文化挖掘。充分挖掘和彰显社区文化特色,尊重社区所在地 历史文化,彰显本土文化氛围和历史底蕴。
1. Laying emphasis on culture exploration. To fully explore cultural features of the community, respect and highlight the local cultural and historical background.
可行性、消费体验、社会交往、社区价值等功能目标,体现社区 独有特色。
2. Highlighting originality and comprehensive functions of the space. To integrate the spatial planning logic, the artistic expression, aesthetic presentation, construction feasibility, consumption
experience, social interaction and community value in the construction of Public Aesthetic Space in Community, creating some unique
community features in the design.
强化社区粘性。体现社区空间的公益性和开放性,提供契合本辖 区居民需求的服务、产品和活动,打造兼具社区生活价值与美学 价值的空间场景,促进社区共建共治共享。
3. Enhancing community stickiness. To embody the commonweal and openness of community space, provide services, products and activities that are in tune with the requirements of the residents under the jurisdiction area, build space scenes with both community life value and aesthetic value, and promote the joint contribution, co-governance, and shared benefits of the community.
兼顾运营管理。充分考虑项目建成后的运营维护,策划植入具有 造血能力的功能业态,引导居民自我维护,实现社区美空间可持 续发展。
4. Taking operation management into account. To take full account of the operation maintenance after the completion of the project, plan to integrate with functional businesses that are full of creativeness to maintain vitality, guide the residents to perform self-maintenance, and realize the sustainable development of the Public Aesthetic Space in Community.
表2. 成都社区美空间设计评价标准
评价指标 | ||
一级指标 | 二级指标 | 三级指标 |
空间指标 | 空间设计 | 功能业态符合当地当时居民需求,具有便民利民性。 |
色调协调、舒适、富有主题感。 | ||
家具符合功能需求及人体工学,软装材料风格与整体风格匹 配。 | ||
物理环境具备可灵活控制的通风、制冷、采暖、干湿度调节 等功能。 |
照明设置满足功能需求,科学合理。营造了良好氛围。 | ||
空间布局 | 功能分区位置合理、面积适度、陈设科学、动线清晰。 | |
导视系统 | 风格统一,与整体空间协调,具有美学设计感。 | |
内容清晰、准确,具有明确的引导性功能。 | ||
社区价值 | 文化表达 | 有代表性的文化呈现,文化主线和主题性清晰突出。 |
在地文化元素在空间充分表达,并注重细节呈现。 | ||
文化富有美学性表达。 | ||
社区共享 | 同一区域或局部可满足不同时段不同功能的适用需求,能实 现空间功能共享。 | |
公共活动社区居民参与度较高。 | ||
与社区、社会团体互动性较好。 | ||
生态价值 | 空间细节充分彰显生态、低碳、环保理念。 | |
社区粘性 | 居民参与 | 体现社区空间的公益性和开放性,提供契合居民需求的服务、产品和活动。 |
管理运营 | 基础运营 | 每周有较为充足的开放时间。 |
建立商业化逻辑、市场化运营机制,实现了可持续运营。 | ||
有完善的管理运营机制,有专人进行日常管理,保持环境安 全、干净、整洁。 | ||
智慧应用 | 有VR、AR、5G等现代科学技术应用,打造有沉浸式、智慧 |
化的场馆体验,充分体现智慧智能运营。 | ||
特色创新 | 特色创新 | 具有上述标准以外的其他特色创新工作。 |
Table 2. Evaluation Standards for Chengdu Public Aesthetic Space in
Evaluation Indicators | ||
Level I indicator | Level II indicator | Level III indicator |
Spatial criteria | Spatial design | The functions and business formats meet the demands of local residents at that time and are convenient for them. |
The colors are harmonious, comfortable and highlighting the theme. | ||
The furniture meets functional requirements and ergonomics, and the style of soft decoration materials is consistent with the overall style. | ||
The physical environment has flexible ventilation, refrigeration, heating, dry humidity regulation, and other functions. | ||
The lighting configuration should be rational and scientific, |
meeting functional requirements. It creates favorable conditions. | ||
Spatial layout | The functional areas are arranged reasonably, with appropriate size, scientific furnishings, and clear traffic flow. | |
Sign system | The style is uniform and coordinated with the overall space, and has a sense of aesthetic design. | |
The content is clear and accurate, with a clear guiding function. | ||
Community value | Cultural expression | The cultural expression is typical, and the cultural mainline and theme are highlighted. |
Local cultural elements are fully expressed in the space and the presentation of details is highlighted. | ||
Culture is rich in aesthetic expressions. | ||
Community sharing | One area or part is able to meet the application needs of different functions in different periods, thereby realizing the sharing of spatial functions. | |
The participation of residents in a public activity community is high. | ||
Good interaction with communities and social groups. | ||
Ecosystem | The concept of ecological and low-carbon environment is fully |
value | demonstrated through space details. | |
Community stickiness | Residents participation | The public welfare services for the community that residents can participate, enter, and to have an intuitive feeling of the authentic space in community |
Management operation | Basic operation | Weekly opening hours are sufficient. |
Commercial logic and market-oriented operation mechanism are built, realizing sustainable operation. | ||
There is a well-established management and operation mechanism, special personnel are assigned for daily management to keep the environment safe, clean and tidy. | ||
Smart application | VR, AR, 5G and other modern technologies are applied to create an immersive and smart venue experience, which fully reflects the intelligent and smart operation. | |
Featured innovation | Featured innovation | There are other innovations that conform to standards other than the above criteria. |
Note: the table is not an evaluation and scoring standard
VII. Awards and Personal Awards
本次竞赛总激励资金为360万元,将对20个竞赛项目的设计方 案进行评审,每个项目评选出一、二、三等奖各1名并于2024年统
The total incentive fund for this competition is 3.6 million yuan. The design schemes of the 20 competition projects will be reviewed. One first, second and third prize will be selected for each project, and the fund will be released in 2024.
鉴于各项目设计范围、设计工作量差异较大,为确保参赛团 队参与各项目设计的积极性和均衡性,依据20个竞赛项目的规模
As the design scope and workload of each project could vary greatly, to ensure the enthusiasm and balance of participating teams in the design of each project, the award standards of those 20 projects are as follows.
表3. 项目获奖设计方案资金激励
序号 | 区县 | 项目名称 | 奖金(单位:万元) |
1 | 四川天府新区 | 天府新区创新创享中心社区美空间项目 | 第一名12 第二名 8 第三名 4 |
2 | 拾光公园社区美空间项目 | 第一名18 第二名12 第三名 8 | |
3 | 瓦窑村老兵盖碗茶(扩建)社区美空间项目 | 第一名 9 第二名 6 第三名 3 | |
4 | 成都东部新区 | 贾家街道菠萝社区新建邻里中心项目 | 第一名 9 第二名 6 第三名 3 |
5 | 高明镇三大湾村水果集散市场社区美空间项目 | 第一名 9 第二名 6 第三名 3 |
6 | 成都高新区 | 石羊社创空间社区美空间项目 | 第一名 9 第二名 6 第三名 3 |
7 | 锦江区 | “花果新生活”社区综合体社区美空间项目 | 第一名 9 第二名 6 第三名 3 |
8 | 金牛区 | 淳风桥社区仁理淳风亭社区美空间项目 | 第一名 6 第二名 4 第三名 2 |
9 | 武侯区 | 邻里中心社区美空间项目 | 第一名 9 第二名 6 第三名 3 |
10 | 成华区 | “笔墨间”社区书吧社区美空间项目 | 第一名 6 第二名 4 第三名 2 |
11 | 龙泉驿区 | 洛带镇宝胜村客家农耕学堂社区美空间项目 | 第一名 6 第二名 4 第三名 2 |
12 | 新都区 | 拾里社区美空间项目 | 第一名16 第二名10 第三名 6 |
13 | 双流区 | “常运动乐沟通”运动公园会客厅社区美空间项目 | 第一名 6 第二名 4 第三名 2 |
14 | “零距离”居民服务圈打造社区美空间项目 | 第一名 6 第二名 4 第三名 2 | |
15 | 郫都区 | 云上田园展创社区美空间项目 | 第一名 9 第二名 6 第三名 3 |
16 | 郫筒街道双柏社区食堂社区美空间项目 | 第一名 10 第二名 8 第三名 4 | |
17 | 简阳市 | 黄葛树村民创客厅新建社区美空间项目 | 第一名 8 第二名 5 第三名 3 |
18 | 彭州市 | 亲水空间营造社区美空间项目 | 第一名 9 第二名 6 第三名 3 |
19 | 崇州市 | 隆兴镇梁景村集凤苑小区服务站社区美空间项目 | 第一名 6 第二名 4 第三名 2 |
20 | 大邑县 | 盐店村历史文化研学基地社区美空间项目 | 第一名 6 第二名 4 第三名 2 |
Table 3. Award standards of projects
Project No. | Project Location | Brief Design content | Award standards (Unit: ten thousand yuan) |
1 | Sichuan Tianfu New Area | Tianfu New Area Innovation and Creativity Center | The frist prize: 12 The second prize: 8 The third prize: 4 |
2 | Aesthetic Space of Shiguang Park community | The frist prize: 18 The second prize: 12 The third prize: 8 | |
3 | Aesthetic Space of Wayao village tea house | The frist prize: 9 The second prize: 6 The third prize: 3 | |
4 | Chengdu Eastern New Area | Neighborhood center of Jiajia street pineapple community | The frist prize: 9 The second prize: 6 The third prize: 3 |
5 | Rural revitalization project of Sandawan village, Gaoming town | The frist prize: 9 The second prize: 6 The third prize: 3 |
6 | Chengdu Hi- tech Industrial Development Zone | Social innovation space of Shiyang community | The frist prize: 9 The second prize: 6 The third prize: 3 |
7 | Jinjiang District | Aesthetic Space of "New life with fruit and flowers" community complex | The frist prize: 9 The second prize: 6 The third prize: 3 |
8 | Jinniu District | Aesthetic Space of Chunfengqiao community | The frist prize: 6 The second prize: 4 The third prize: 2 |
9 | Wuhou District | Neighborhood center project | The frist prize: 9 The second prize: 6 The third prize: 3 |
10 | Chenghua District | "Pen&Ink" Community book&reading bar project | The frist prize: 6 The second prize: 4 The third prize: 2 |
11 | Longquanyi District | Hakka farming school project of Baosheng village, Luodai town | The frist prize: 6 The second prize: 4 The third prize: 2 |
12 | Xindu District | Home-sharing project of Shili Theme | The frist prize: 16 The second prize: 10 The third prize: 6 |
13 | Shuangliu District | Sport park meeting room project | The frist prize: 6 The second prize: 4 The third prize: 2 |
14 | "Zero Distance" Residential Service Circle project of Shangshanju C disrtict, Bajiao community | The frist prize: 6 The second prize: 4 The third prize: 2 | |
15 | Pidu District | Pastoral on the clouds project | The frist prize: 9 The second prize: 6 The third prize: 3 |
16 | Community canteen project of Shuangbai community, Pitong street | The frist prize: 10 The second prize: 8 The third prize: 4 | |
17 | Jianyang City | Village creative reception hall project | The frist prize: 8 The second prize: 5 The third prize: 3 |
18 | Pengzhou City | Hydrophilic visitor center project | The frist prize: 9 The second prize: 6 The third prize: 3 |
19 | Chongzhou City | Community service station of Jifeng community, Liangjing village, Longxing town | The frist prize: 6 The second prize: 4 The third prize: 2 |
20 | Dayi City | Yandian Village Historical and Cultural Research Base | The frist prize: 6 The second prize: 4 The third prize: 2 |
"Design Award for Public Aesthetic Space in Community" will be awarded for the first prize of each project, and the title of "Creative Designer for Public Aesthetic Space in Community" will be conferred to the Chief Designer.
无法使用本机构帐户收取人民币的,可授权国内合法独立法人代 收款项。
The financial rewards of this competition are paid in RMB. Any taxes arising from the financial rewards obtained are borne by the design institute itself. If the design institute participates in the
competition in the name of a design joint group, the Organizer of the competition shall sign a fund award payment contract with the leading design institute of the design joint group and pay the relevant funds according to the specified procedures. If foreign design institutes cannot use their own accounts to collect RMB, they can authorize legitimate independent legal persons in China to collect money on their behalf.
VIII. Registration
(i) Requirements of Registration
境内外设计机构均可报名参加,报名阶段不设资质限制。中国境 内设计机构必须具有在有效期经营内的合法性证明文件,且必须
为独立企业法人或其他组织或取得合法授权的分支单位。境外设 计机构必须为所在地合法注册的设计单位。法定代表人为同一个 人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,不得分开报名参加。
1. Domestic and international design agencies are appreciated to apply for participation. No qualification restriction is set in the
registration. A Chinese design agency must have supporting documents of its legitimacy within the validity period, and must be an independent legal person or a branch under legal authorization. A foreign design agency must be a legally registered design unit in the place where it is located. If the legal representatives are two or more legal persons of one person, one parent company, one wholly-owned subsidiary or its holding company, they shall not register separately.
鼓励优秀个人设计师、应届毕业生报名,报名可采用团队形式或 个人形式(若采用此模式报名且最终获得项目获奖设计方案资金 激励,需按国家相关政策要求缴纳相应个人所得税)。
2. Outstanding individual designers, graduates are encouraged to register, The application by individual or group of individuals is
accepted. (If the individual or group of individuals win the project awards, the relevant individual income tax must be paid in accordance with national policies and requirements.)
允许设计机构以联合体形式报名。联合体成员不得超过两家,联 合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联 合体参加本次竞赛。
3. Joint registration is allowed. A joint group shall not consist of more than two members. Each party of the group is not allowed to participate alone, or form another group with another design agency to participate in the competition.
4. 对于设计机构:
4. For Design Institutes:
(1)参与本次竞赛的设计人员应为该设计机构的在册人员,首席设计师须直接参与竞赛全过程。如设计机构为境外机构,为 了保证项目设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项 目设计人员中应至少有一名精通中文的人士。
(1) Designers participating in the creative design competition shall be on-payroll persons of a design agency/team, and the chief designer
must directly participate in the whole course of the event. A foreign design agency shall at least have one person proficient in Chinese in order to ensure that the team members have an accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements in China.
(2)负责本项目主要设计工作的主创设计师需参加评审方案 汇报等工作;在竞赛过程中若主创设计师与资格预审材料所提交 的团队人员不符,主办方有权取消其竞赛参与资格。
(2) The chief designer responsible for the main design work of the project shall participate in the evaluation, and report of design
proposals, among others. During the competition, if the chief designer is inconsistent with the team personnel submitted in the
prequalification materials, the Organizer may cancel their qualification.
(ii) Registration Method
本次竞赛采取网上报名形式,设计机构请于公告之日起至202 3年12月5日17:00前(以北京时间为准)将报名文件发送至电子邮 箱(ruizx_cxg@163.com)。
The creative design competition adopts online registration.
Designer institutes shall send registration documents to the e-mail
(ruizx_cxg@163.com) from the date of the announcement to 17:00 on December 5th, 2023 (subject to Beijing time).
(iii) Composition of Registration Documents
参与报名的设计机构请按照以下顺序编制报名文件,并列目 录及对应页码。所提供的各类证明材料如为复印件,应在复印件 上加盖公章确认其真实性(若有)。
A design agency participating in the registration shall prepare the registration documents in the following order, and indicate the table of contents and the corresponding pages. If the supporting materials provided are copies, the official seal shall be affixed on the copies to confirm their authenticity (if any).
报名文件以电子版PDF格式提交,要求A4纸张,内容建议不 超过80页,并制作封面和目录。格式参照附件报名文件格式。
Registration documents shall be submitted as A4 PDFs. The content should better not exceed 80 pages. A cover and table of contents shall be prepared. Please refer to the registration document format in the annex.
1. 竞赛参与声明:竞赛参与声明及授权、公司名称、联系人 信息(此页需公司法人签名盖章或个人签名);Participation statement: participation statement and
authorization, company name, contact information (this page shall be sealed and signed);
2. 联合体协议书(若有):以设计联合体名义报名的应提交 所有联合体成员共同签署的“设计联合体协议书”,并明确牵头设 计的主体(需加盖联合体所有成员公章或签字),牵头单位工作份额 不低于50%;Joint group agreement (if any): the "Design Joint Group
Agreement" signed by all joint group members and submitted in the name of the Design Consortium, specifying the leading unit (the official seal or signature of all members of the joint group shall be affixed); the work share of the leading unit shall not be less than 50%; 3. 报名表:另附有效的营业执照(或工商登记证明)、企业资质 证明文件
(如有)、获奖文件(如有)(联合体各方均需填写并提供相关复印件,加盖公章,设计团队无公章和营业执照的可不提供) 。
34Registration form, plus a valid business license (or business registration certificate), enterprise qualification certificate (if any) and award-winning document (if any) (all parties of the joint group shall fill in the form and provide relevant copies with official seal; If the design team has no official seal and business license, it may not be provided);
4. 项目经验一览(如有);
4. List of similar project experience (if any). 5. 设计人员总表。
5. List of designers.
(iv) Prequalification of Registration
承办单位将对参赛者提供的资料进行合法性审查,任意一个项目 出现报名设计机构累计不足 3
家时,承办单位可根据报名情况与其他报名团队沟通协调,综合 调配。
1. The Undertaker shall establish a registration prequalification toevaluate the performance of the design agencies. When a project has
less than three design agencies, the Undertaker may communicate andcoordinate with other registration teams and make comprehensivedeployment according to the registration situation.
若入围的设计机构因不可抗力中途退出或最终放弃参与,须提前 三天向主办方书面说明。
2. If any shortlisted design agency exits or finally gives upparticipation due to force majeure, it shall explain in writing to theorganizers three days in advance.
IX. Schedule
表4. 日程安排
时间 | 主要事项 |
11月23日- 年12月5日 自然日) | 发布正式公告,设计机构报名(以北京时间为准)。 |
12月6日- 年12月8日 自然日) | 承办单位对报名设计机构提交的报名资料进行资格预审。 |
12月9日- | 各设计机构根据项目设计任务书完成方案设计,并于2024年1月12日17:00前提交设计成果(以北京时间为准)。 |
时间 | 主要事项 |
年1月12日 自然日) 1月13日- 年1月22日 自然日) 1月31日- 年2月2日 自然日) | 方案初审委员会对各设计机构提交的设计文本进行方案初审。在每个项目的设计机构中选定3个优质设计机构参与终审并公示。 举行方案汇报终审,入围终审的设计机构逐一进行方案汇报,由终审委员会择优评选出每个项目的一、二、三等奖各1个。 |
Table 4. Schedule
Stage | Time | Main event |
Registration | November 23rd,2023- December 5th,2023 (13 calendar days) | Release a formal announcement for design agencies (subject to Beijing time). |
Prequalification | December 6th,2023- December 8th ,2023 (3 calendar days) | The Undertaker will carry out for prequalification based on relevant materials submitted by the design agencies. |
Design | December 9th,2023- January 12nd ,2024 (35 calendar days) | The design agencies will complete the design according to the design brief, and submit their design before 17:00 on January 12nd,2024(subject to Beijing |
Stage | Time | Main event |
time) | ||
Preliminary review of design texts | January 13rd,2024- January 22nd,2024 (10 calendar days) | The preliminary proposal evaluation committee will carry out preliminary review of design texts submitted by each design agency. 3 quality design institutes from design institutes of each project will be selected to participate in the final review. |
Final review of proposals | January 31th,2024- February 2nd,2024 (3 calendar days) | The Organizer will lead the final review of proposals. Design institutes passing the preliminary review will report their proposal one by one. The final review committee will select the first prize, second prize and third prize for each project. |
Note: The organizer of the Design Award reserves the right to adjust the schedule.
X. Requirements for Design Contents and Deliverables
Submission in Conceptual Proposal Stage
设计成果应满足国家、四川省及成都市相关规定、标准及设 计规范,提交成果包含必须提交成果和可选择提交成果两个部分。
The design deliverables shall meet the relevant regulations,
standards and design specifications of the state, Sichuan Province and
Chengdu City, and the submission shall include mandatory
deliverables and optional deliverables.
(I) Contents of deliverables submitted in the preliminary review
Requirements for preliminary review of design deliverables: 1. 结合项目愿景,应清晰表达设计意图及构思亮点;
1. The project vision should clearly express the design intent and highlights in ideas;
2. 设计所体现的应对策略应满足可行性和创新性要求;2. The coping strategies embodied in the design should meet the requirements of feasibility and innovation;
3. 设计功能复合,考虑服务的实际需求;
3. Functional composition is adopted in the design to consider the actual demand of services;
4. 综合以上所有设计层面,成果应充分反映可持续理念; 4. All the above design levels should be integrated, and the deliverables should fully reflect the concept of sustainability;
5. 应充分考虑项目建设费用限制条件。
5. The restrictions on project construction cost shall be fully considered.
Requirements for deliverables submission for preliminary review: 1. 提出设计理念和初步的方案设计说明;
1. Propose design concept and preliminary scheme design
2. 表达设计构思过程的分析图及效果图;
2. Submit analysis drawing and effect drawing expressing design conception process;
3. 相关技术图纸等;
3. Relevant technical drawings, etc;
不超过20页的(不含封面封底)A3横版图文排版设计文本;4. No more than 20 pages (excluding the front and back cover) of A3 design text with drawings in horizontal format, single-side printed in color;
5. One A1 display board, which shall include all the technical deliverables to be submitted (consistent with the A3 text document); 6. 提供项目估算成果并保证基本满足建设费用条件;6. Provide project estimation deliverables and ensure that the construction cost conditions are basically met;
7. The design deliverables shall meet the regulations, standards and design specifications of relevant national, Sichuan and Chengdu authorities.
8.The design concept text shall include PDFs of relevant proposal text, one original and one copy. The cover of the original shall indicate the name of the design agency, and the copy shall not disclose any information related to the design agency.
(II) Contents of deliverables submitted in final review
Requirements for final design deliverables: (architecture, landscape)
On the premise of compliance with the requirements for design deliverables of preliminary review, the final review design deliverables shall include (but not limited to) the following:
1. 创意设计总体方案、设计理念及方案设计说明;
1. Description on general scheme, design concept and scheme design of creative design;
2. Relevant technical drawings, including but not limited to: general layout, plan, main elevation and section; plans of outdoor environment space landscape nodes; vertical design drawing; planting design drawings; night lighting design drawings;
3. Analysis drawings expressing design ideas, including but not limited to: site analysis, community crowd activity analysis, function layout analysis, traffic moving line analysis, cultural characteristics analysis, landscape vision analysis, building fire protection analysis, sunlight analysis;
4. Aerial view and renderings of key nodes;
5. Detailed design drawings of part details, including but not limited to: landscape structures, sculptures, outdoor furniture, creative lighting, characteristic paving;
6. Relevant economic and technical indicators;
7. Other necessary design drawings.
Requirements for final design results: (indoor)
1. Overall design proposal, design concept and description of the design proposal;
2. Relevant technical drawings, including but not limited to: plan (including ground pavement, facilities, furnishings design); Top surface drawing (including top surface decoration, lighting design); Elevations (they should display space interface decoration, facilities and corresponding furnishings design);
能布局分析、交通动线分析、文化特色分析、建筑消防分析等;3. Analysis drawings expressing design ideas, including but not limited to: analysis of crowds’ activities in community, functional layout analysis, traffic flow analysis, cultural characteristics analysis, architecture fire control analysis;
4. Overall renderings and renderings of key nodes; 5.相关经济技术指标;
5. Relevant economic and technical indicators; 6.其他必要的设计图纸等;
6. Other necessary design drawings;
Requirements for deliverables submission for final review:
1. Above contents shall be submitted in electronic text, and the paper version should be submitted when reporting to the final review; 2.文本内容能够详细表达设计意图、构思,图纸内容齐全、
2. The text can completely and clearly express the design
intention, conception and drawing content in detail;
3.基于设计方案的汇报PPT(汇报时长不超过15分钟);3. PPT of report based on design scheme (report duration shall not exceed 15 minutes);
、电子或实物模型、调研报告等成果,方式和类型自定。其中影 像资料文件大小不超过500M。
4. On the premise of meeting the above requirements, participants may also submit, together their design proposals, the image data, electronic or physical models, research reports and other deliverables to assist the expression of the scheme, with the method and type at your own discretion. The size of an image data file shall not exceed 500M.
XI. Validity of Deliverables
The documents delivered before the specified deadline and
meeting the requirements of the project design briefs are valid design
deliverables. The design deliverables aligning with any one of the
following are deemed invalid: 设计成果逾期送达的;设计成果分次提交的;
1. The design deliverables are delivered overdue; The design deliverables are submitted in batches;
2. 设计成果提交后,更改设计成果内容的;
2. The content of the design deliverables is changed after submission;
经专家评审委员会半数以上(含半数)评委认定设计成果非原创、已经发表过、与其它设计方案雷同的或设计成果深度未达到技 术任务书要求的。
3. More than half (including half) of the expert evaluation committee determines that the design deliverables are not original, have been published, or are similar to other design proposals, or the deliverables do not meet the requirements of the project design briefs.
XII. Copyrights and Laws
所有参加本次竞赛的设计成果署名权归设计机构所有,凡提交的 所有设计成果不退回设计机构,主办单位、承办单位、协办单位 有权无偿使用所有设计成果,包括在评审结束后公布评审成果,并通过传媒、专业杂志、专业书刊或其它形式介绍、展示及评价 设计成果。
1. The right of authorship of all design deliverables of the Design Award is owned by the design agency. All design deliverables
submitted will not be returned. The Organizer, Undertaker and Joint-Organizer have the right to use all such design deliverables free of charge, including publishing the review deliverables after the review, and introducing, displaying and evaluating the design deliverables through media, professional magazines, professional books and magazines or other forms.
设计机构应保证设计成果中所有内容均为设计机构原创,不得包 含任何侵犯第三方知识产权的资料。如发生侵权行为,由侵权的 设计机构自行承担一切法律后果,并取消其参与本次竞赛的资格。
2. Design institutes shall ensure that all contents of the design deliverables are originally developed by themselves and contain no data which may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of a third party. In case of infringement, the infringing design agency shall bear all legal consequences and be disqualified from participating in this Design Award.
主办单位提供的所有资料(文字、图纸、电子数据等)均受版权 保护。未经授权,任何单位和个人不得将内容复制、改编、分发、发布、外借、转让,否则将依法追究其相应法律责任,并取消 其参与本次竞赛的资格。
3. All materials (text, drawings, electronic data, etc.) provided by the Organizers are protected by copyright. Without authorization, no unit or individual shall copy, adapt, distribute, publish, lend or transfer contents of the deliverables, otherwise they will be investigated for corresponding legal liabilities according to laws and disqualified from participating in this Design Award.
本次竞赛规则受中华人民共和国法律管辖,竞赛工作和所有文件 适用中国法律,若发生争议,经协商不成时,双方同意提交成都 仲裁委员会进行仲裁。
4. The rules of this Design Award are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. The work and all documents of this Design Award shall be governed by Chinese laws. In case of any dispute that
can not be settled through negotiation, both parties agree to submit it to Chengdu Arbitration Commission for arbitration.
本次竞赛结束前,设计机构或其设计人员未征得主办单位、承办 单位、协办单位的许可,不得以任何方式披露、公开或展示设计 成果,否则将依法追究其相应法律责任,并取消其参与本次竞赛 的资格。
5. Before the end of this Design Award, none of the design firms or their designers is allowed to disclose, made public or display the design deliverables in any manner without the permission of the Organizer, Undertaker, Joint-Organizer; otherwise the corresponding party will be investigated for legal liability and disqualified from this Design Award.
XIII.Language and Miscellaneous
主办单位保留更改日程安排的权力。如有改动,将及时通知相关 设计机构。
1. The organizers reserve the right to change the schedule. In case of any change, timely notice will be given to the relevant design agencies.
所有参加本次竞赛的设计机构的主创设计师和主要设计人员须全 程参与设计工作;与境外设计机构合作的,应确保有境外设计机 构的人员参与、签名和加盖单位印章。
2. The chief designer and main design personnel participating in this Design Award must be engaged throughout the whole design process. In case of cooperation with overseas design agencies,
personnel from such overseas design agencies shall be engaged, with signature and official seals attached wherever appropriate.
参加本次竞赛的设计机构均视为认可本次竞赛规则以及各阶段相 应的文件内容要求。
3. The design institutes participating in this Design Award is deemed to recognize the rules of this Design Award and the contents and requirements of corresponding documents in each stage.
主办单位、承办单位对本次竞赛规则拥有最终解释权,解释语言 以中文为准。
4. The Organizer and the Undertaker reserve the final interpretation right to the rules of the Design Award, and the interpretation language shall be Chinese.
Contact Email: ruizx_cxg@163.com
联系人:高老师 联系电话:187 8011 2594 Contact: Ms. Gao Mobile: 187 8011 2594 联系人:易老师 联系电话:180 8087 2125 Contact: Ms. Yi Mobile: 180 8087 2125 联系人:钟老师 联系电话:136 1972 0957 Contact: Mr. Zhong Mobile:136 1972 0957 联系人:李老师 联系电话:155 2253 9370 Contact: Mr. Li Mobile:155 2253 9370