法开署贷款腾冲市大盈江流域生态保护和修复示范项目 第2包技术服务 Contract Award Notice of Ecological conservation and restoration of the Daying river and its watershed in Tengchong,Yunnan Province Lot 2:Technical Assistance 客户:腾冲市水务局 Client:Tengchong Water Authority 项目名称:法开署贷款腾冲市大盈江流域生态保护和修复示范项目第2包:技术服 务 Project Name:Ecological conservation and restoration of the Daying river and its watershed in Tengchong,Yunnan Province Lot 2:Technical Assistance 国家:中国 Country:China 招标编号RfP No:0733-23091825/2 此合同咨询顾问的选择采用以基于质量和费用为基础的选额(QCBS)程序。 The consultant of contract is selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)procedures. 1.被授予合同的咨询顾问/The Successful Consultant 名称Name: 北京诺兰特生态设计研究院有限公司、中国电建集团昆明勘测设计研究院有限 公司、中国科学院生态环境研究中心、欧洲技术服务应用公司联合体 Joint Venture of Beijing Norland EcoDesign Institute Co.,Ltd.,Kunming Engineering Corporation Limited,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences and Application Europeenne de Teehnologies et de Services (AETS) 合同价Contract Price: 欧元2,959,270.00 EUR 2,959,270.00 合同期限Contract Duration: 咨询服务将贯穿整个项目的实施周期,即从2024年至2026年。。 The consulting services will run through the project implementation period,i.e.from 2024 to 2026. 工作范围概述Summary of Work Scope: 任务1:为项目实施和能力建设提供技术援助 Task 1:Technical assistance to the project implementation and capacity building 子任务1.1:项目监测和报告方面的技术援助 Sub Task 1.1:Technical assistance for project monitoring and reporting 子任务1.2:湿地管理能力建设 Sub Task 1.2:Capacity building for Wetlands management 任务2:环境和社会影响评估(ESIA),重新安置行动计划(RAP)以及环境 和社会管理计划(ESMP) Task 2:Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA),Resettlement Action Plan(RAP),and Environmental and Social Management Plan(ESMP) 子任务2.1:子项目的具体环境和社会影响评估(ESIAs) Sub Task 2.1:Specific Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs)for sub- projects 子任务2.2:子项目的具体环境和社会管理计划 Sub Task 2.2:Specific Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMPs)for sub- projects 子任务2.3:次级项目的具体安置行动计划 Sub Task 2.3:Specific Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs)for sub-projects 子任务2.4:监测ESMP实施计划 Sub Task 2.4:Monitoring program of the implementation of the ESMPs 任务3:流域水管理和水监测 Task 3:Water management and water monitoring at watershed level 子任务3.1:调查和绘制流域内水系统的地图 Sub Task 3.1:Investigation and mapping of water systems in the watershed 子任务3.2:水资源调查、分析和监测 Sub Task 3.2:Investigation,analysis and monitoring of water resources 子任务3.3:建立流域综合管理机制和规划 Sub Task 3.3:Establishment of an integrated watershed management mechanism and planning 子任务3.4:基于“河长制”提高流域管理能力 Sub Task 3.4:Improvement of watershed management capacity based on"river chief system" 子任务3.5:水资源保护宣传 Sub Task 3.5:Awareness of water conservation 子任务3.6:水资源水质监测平台建设(9包相关设计) Sub Task 3.6:Construction of Water Resources and Water Quality Monitoring Platform (lot 9 related design) 任务4:气候变化影响管理 Task 4:Climate change impacts management 子任务4.1:极端气候变化对腾冲生态系统(动植物、水文和水资源、土地利用 )的影响研究 Sub Task 4.1:Study on the impact of extreme climate change on the ecosystems of Tengchong(animal,plant,hydrology and water resources,land use) 子任务4.2:研究和监测可持续土壤管理对该地区的影响 Sub Task 4.2:Ecological compensation 子任务4.3:腾冲大盈江流域应对气候变化行动计划编制 Sub Task 4.3:Studies and monitoring of the impact of sustainable soil management on the area 任务5:生物多样性监测和行动计划 Task 5:Biodiversity monitoring and action plan 子任务5.1:生物多样性科学调查 Sub Task 5.1:Scientific investigation on biodiversity 子任务5.2:支持加强保护区管理计划 Sub Task 5.2:Support enhancement of protected areas management plans 子任务5.3:为实施生物多样性监测提供技术援助 Sub Task 5.3:Technical assistance for implementation of biodiversity monitoring 子任务5.4:生物多样性监测监测体系建设(9包相关设计) Sub-Task 5.4:Construction of Biodiversity Monitoring and Monitoring System (lot 9 related design) 子任务5.5:腾冲流域规模的生物多样性保护行动计划 Sub Task 5.5:Biodiversity protection action plan at Tengchong watershed scale 任务6:生态补偿政策研究与试点 Task 6:Eco-compensation policy research and pilot program 子任务6.1:生态补偿评价指标体系研究 Sub Task 6.1:Research on the evaluation index system of ecological compensation 子任务6.2:建立生态补偿引导基金,开展资源资本化和生态资本化,探索水权 交易、排污权交易、森林碳汇交易等生态产品市场化交易试点 Sub Task 6.2:Establish an ecological compensation guidanee fund,carry out resource capitalization and ecological capitalization,and explore pilot market-oriented trading of ecological products such as water rights trading,emission right trading,and forest carbon sink trading 子任务6.3:建立流域生态补偿制度 Sub Task 6.3:Establish a watershed ecological compensation system 任务7:协助设计和执行由中国生物多样性基金资助的补充活动 Task 7:Assistance in the design and implementation of complementary activities financed by the China Biodiversity Fund(CBF) 分任务7.1:支持需求的定义 Sub Task 7.1:Support for the definition of needs 分任务7.2:支持建立伙伴关系 Sub Task 7.2:Support in setting up partnerships 分任务7.3:支持在中央一级推广这些活动及其成果 Sub Task 7.3:Support the promotion of these activities and of their result at the central level. 2.参与本项目投标的咨询顾问 (1)序号Number:1 咨询顾问名称Name of Consultant: 莫特麦克唐纳咨询(北京)有限公司、核工业北京地质研究院和北京浩汉工程咨 询有限公司联合体 Mott MacDonald (Beijing)Limited in association with Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology and Beijing Haohan and Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd 递交建议书Submitted Proposal:是Yes 总技术得分Overall Technical Scores:63.92 财务建议书价格Financial Proposal Price: 欧元2,709,937 EUR 2,709,937 财务建议书得分Financial Scores:20 综合得分及排名Combined Score and Ranking: 综合得分Combined Score:83.92 排名Ranking:4 (2)序号Number:2 咨询顾问名称Name of Consultant: HJI集团公司、中国水利水电科学研究院、BERIM SA HJI Group Corporation(HJI)、China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research(IWHR)and Berim SA(BERIM) 递交建议书Submitted Proposal:是Yes 总技术得分Overall Technical Scores:69.97 财务建议书价格Financial Proposal Price: 欧元2,988,350 EUR 2,988,350 财务建议书得分Financial Scores:18.14 综合得分及排名Combined Score and Ranking: 综合得分Combined Score:88.11 排名Ranking:2 (3)序号Number:3 咨询顾问名称Name of Consultant: 北京诺兰特生态设计研究院有限公司、中国电建集团昆明勘测设计研究院有限 公司、中国科学院生态环境研究中心、欧洲技术服务应用公司联合体 Joint Venture of Beijing Norland EcoDesign Institute Co,Ltd,Kunming Engineering Corporation Limited,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences and Application Europeenne de Technologies et de Services (AETS) 递交建议书Submitted Proposal:是Yes 总技术得分Overall Technical Scores:75.23 财务建议书价格Financial Proposal Price: 欧元2,959,270.00 EUR 2,959,270.00 财务建议书得分Financial Scores:18.31 综合得分及排名Combined Score and Ranking: 综合得分Combined Score:93.54 排名Ranking:1 (4)序号Number:4 咨询顾问名称Name of Consultant: 凯谛思建设工程咨询有限公司(上海)有限公司与BIOTOPE组成的联合体 Joint Venture of Arcadis Shanghai Limited and Biotope SAS 递交建议书Submitted Proposal:是Yes 总技术得分Overall Technical Scores:64.50 财务建议书价格Financial Proposal Price: 欧元2,977,200.00 EUR 2,977,200.00 财务建议书得分Financial Scores:18.20 综合得分及排名Combined Score and Ranking: 综合得分Combined Score:82.70 排名Ranking:5 (5)序号Number:5 咨询顾问名称Name of Consultant: 法国奥雷亚德环境与可持续发展咨询设计公司、生态环境部南京环境科学研究 所、水利部交通运输部国家能源局南京水利科学研究院、中国科学院昆明动物研 究所、西南林业大学联合体 The consortium of Oreade-Breche,Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences,Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Nanjing Hydraulic Research lnstitute,Kunming lnstitute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Southwest Forestry University 递交建议书Submitted Proposal:是Yes 总技术得分Overall Technical Scores:69.41 财务建议书价格Financial Proposal Price 欧元2,920,600.00 EUR 2,920,600.00 财务建议书得分Financial Scores:18.56 综合得分及排名Combined Score and Ranking: 综合得分Combined Score:87.97 排名Ranking:3 客户:腾冲市水务局 Client Tengchong Water Authority 地址:云南省腾冲市腾越镇观音塘社区滨河小区17号 Address:No.17,Riverside Community,Guanyintang Community,Xiyuan Street, Tengchong City, Baoshan City,Yunnan Province 联系人Contract Information:许茂兴 Mr.Xu Xingmao 联系电话Telephone:0875-5135462 电子邮箱Email:tcshzb@126 eom 招标代理:中信国际招标有限公司 Tendering Agent:CITIC International Tenderihg Co,Ltd 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路京城机电太厦18层1817 Address:1817,18F,Beijing Holding Mansion,East Third Ring Middle Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing,China 联系人Contract Information:郭欣悦Ms Guo Xinyue 电话Telephone:010-87945198-510 电子邮箱Email:guoxy@biddingcitic.com