I、Project overview
Item number:XJCG22120911370144
Project name:2022年12月国产液压气动元件采购
project type:Directional procurement
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.
II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.
III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.
IV、quotation deadline:2022-12-19 09:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.
V、attachment information
VI、Clarification attachment
、Target information
Item number:XJCG22120911370144
Project name:2022年12月国产液压气动元件采购
project type:Directional procurement
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.
II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.
III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.
IV、quotation deadline:2022-12-19 09:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.
V、attachment information
Title | Relevant documents |
VI、Clarification attachment
Title | Relevant documents |
、Target information
material code | material name | specification and model | Unit of measurement | purchase quantity | used by | Requirement note |
30204511520001633 | PU直通 | PU10 | 件 | 30 | ???烧结厂??? | |
30204511520001632 | PU直通 | PU12 | 件 | 10 | ???烧结厂??? | |
30204511520001019 | 气动接头 | PC10-3/4英寸 (螺纹直通) | 件 | 20 | ???烧结厂??? | |
30204511520001015 | 气动接头 | PC10-1/2英寸(螺纹直通) | 件 | 30 | ???烧结厂??? | |
30204511301008494 | 滤芯 | 5576-03 | 个 | 10 | ???中厚板??? | |
30204510501031551 | 三联件 | AC4010-06(G3/4) | 个 | 2 | ???中厚板??? | |
30204510501031550 | 三联件 | AC4010-04(G1/2) | 个 | 2 | ???中厚板??? | |
30204510501027192 | 电磁阀 | 4H310-10 24V | 个 | 3 | ?????? | |
30204510501015593 | 空气过滤器 | F68G-8GN-AR3 1" | 个 | 1 | ???中厚板??? | |
30204510501015591 | 空气滤清器 | QUQ25-10*3.0 | 个 | 2 | ???中厚板??? | |
30204510501015590 | 空气滤清器 | QUQ3-20*2.5-20um-2500L/min | 个 | 2 | ???中厚板??? | |
30204510501005250 | 气动角座阀 | 93101250 G1 1/2 burkert | 个 | 2 | ?????? | |
30204510501005039 | 电控换向阀 | 4M320-10 DC24V | 个 | 5 | ?????? | |
30204510501002005 | 电磁换向阀 | 4V320-10 24V | 件 | 10 | ?????? | |
30204510501002002 | 电磁换向阀 | 4M310-8 AC220V AirTAC | 件 | 30 | ???动力厂??? | 国产优质品牌替代 |
30204510501001047 | 电磁阀 | K25D-20 24V | 台 | 5 | ???炼钢厂(热轧)??? | |
30204510302061670 | 法兰叶轮视镜 | SG-YL41 DN50 PN16 门距245 | 个 | 5 | ???炼钢厂(热轧)??? | |
30204510302049461 | 测压软管 | CSH/M20*1.5-1500A | 根 | 5 | ?????? | |
30204510302049460 | 测压软管 | CSH/M20*1.5-1200 | 根 | 5 | ?????? | |
30204510302046500 | 叶片泵 | YB-E100 | 台 | 1 | ?????? | |
30204510302009130 | 电磁阀 | 4M410-15 24V | 台 | 3 | ?????? | |
30204510302009053 | 电磁换向阀 | 4M310-8 24v | 件 | 10 | ???动力厂??? | |
30204510302008655 | 差动阀 | YDGE-06B-00-00 BOPAR | 台 | 1 | ?????? | |
30204510302008654 | 叠加式平衡阀 | MCS-06AB-00-00 BOPAR | 台 | 1 | ?????? | |
30204510302008653 | 叠加式平衡阀 | MCS-03AB-3-20-NH BOPAR | 台 | 1 | ?????? | |
30204510302008652 | 插装液控单向阀 | BYZ2S-25-AB-Y BOPAR | 台 | 1 | ?????? | |
30204510302008651 | 电控调速阀 | BYMSF-04-P-I-D24 DN16 BOPAR | 台 | 2 | ?????? | |
30204510302008650 | 叠加式平衡阀 | BH-MCS-04AB-3-20-NH BOPAR | 台 | 1 | ?????? | |
30204510302008156 | 电磁阀 | ZCLF-50 1.6mpa AC220V | 个 | 2 | ???中厚板??? | |
30204510301030790 | 单向节流阀 | QLA-L20 DN20 | 个 | 5 | ???炼钢厂(热轧)??? |