本招标项目三峡国际巴西阿里努斯(Arinos)光伏项目光伏组件集中采购已获批准采购,项目业主为CTG Brazil(三峡巴西公司)Arinos光伏项目公司,招标人为三峡物资招标管理有限公司,招标代理机构为三峡国际招标有限责任公司。采购资金来自项目业主自有资金和自筹资金。项目已具备招标条件,现对该项目进行公开招标。
The centralized procurement of photovoltaic modules for Arinos photovoltaic project of CTGI Brazil has been approved. The project owner is Arinos Photovoltaic Project Company of CTG Brazil (“CTG Brazil”), the bid inviter is CTG Materials and Tendering Management Co., Ltd. (“CTGMT”) and the bid invitation agency is Three Gorges International Tendering Co., Ltd. (“TGIT"). Procurement funds come from the project owner's own funds and self-raised funds. The project has already met the conditions for bid invitation, and is subject to public bidding now.
2.1 项目概况
2.1 Project overview
This procurement project is the Arinos photovoltaic project in Brazil. The planned installed capacity of the project on the DC side is 412.65MWp, and the planned installed capacity on the AC side is 336.826MWac. The specific projects are as follows:
巴西阿里努斯(Arinos)光伏项目位于巴西东南部米纳斯吉拉斯亚州(Minas Gerais),距离最近的城市阿里努斯(Arinos)市约30公里,距离巴西首都巴西利亚360公里,约3小时车程。项目直流侧规划装机容量412.65MWp,交流侧规划装机容量336.826MWac,分两期建设,项目组件拟采用1P方式布置。其中,一期共规划6个SPV,直流侧规划装机共353.7MWp,交流侧规划装机共288.708MWac;二期规划1个SPV,直流侧规划装机58.95MWp,交流侧规划装机48.118 MWac。
The Arinos photovoltaic project in Brazil is located in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, about 30 kilometers from the nearest city, Arinos, and 360 kilometers or about 3 hours’ drive from Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. The planned installed capacity of the project on the DC side is 412.65MWp, and the planned installed capacity on the AC side is 336.826MWac. The project will be constructed in two phases, and the project modules are planned to be arranged in 1P mode. Among them, a total of 6 SPVs are planned for the first phase, with a planned installed capacity of 353.7MWp on the DC side and a total planned installed capacity of 288.708MWac on the AC side; 1 SPV is planned for the second phase, with a planned installed capacity of 58.95MWp on the DC side and a planned installed capacity of 48.118 MWac on the AC side.
2.2 招标范围
2.2 Scope of bid invitation
(1) 本项目招标范围为三峡国际巴西阿里努斯(Arinos)光伏项目光伏组件集中采购所需的545Wp及以上单晶双面双玻组件本体及其附属设备,预估采购总容量约412.65MWp,投标人应提供满足要求的单晶光伏组件产品本体及其附属设备(含接线盒组件连接线、MC4插接头及专用工具等)、配套服务等,具体采购数量以项目实际需求为准。具体如下:
(1) The scope of bid invitation for this project is 545 Wp and above bifacial mono-crystalline modules body and its accessory equipment required for the centralized procurement of photovoltaic modules for Arinos photovoltaic project of CTGI Brazil. The estimated total procurement capacity is about 412.65MWp. The bidder shall provide the monocrystalline photovoltaic module product and its accessory equipment (including junction box component connecting wires, MC4 plug connectors and special tools, etc.), supporting services, etc. that meet the requirements. The specific purchase quantity is subject to actual needs of the project. Details are as follows:
The design, manufacturing, test, packing, transportation, delivery, and on-site installation guidance of photovoltaic(PV)modules and auxiliary devices, spare parts and special tools necessary for the normal operation of the modules, the provision of plant drawings(if any)and information, the quality inspection, testing, commissioning and acceptance during the on-site installation and commissioning and the preparation of technical documents.
(2) 本项目划分为2个标段采购,具体如下:
(2) This project is divided into 2 bid sections for procurement, as follows:
标段 Bid Section |
标段名称 Name of Bid Section |
组件产品型号要求 Model Requirements for Module Product |
采购容量 Procurement Capacity (MWp) |
第一标段 Section 1 |
P型单晶双面组件采购 Procurement of P-type monocrystalline bifacial modules |
P型545Wp及以上单晶双面双玻组件 P-type 545Wp and above bifacial mono-crystalline modules |
353.7 |
第二标段 Section 2 |
高效单晶双面组件采购 Procurement of high efficient monocrystalline bifacial modules |
555Wp及以上单晶双面双玻组件(转换效率不低于21.4%) 555Wp and above bifacial mono-crystalline modules s (with conversion efficiency not less than 21.4%) |
58.95 |
合计 Total |
412.65 |
2.3 交货时间及数量
2.3 Delivery time and quantity
(1) 交货时间
(1) Delivery time
Section 1: The first batch of modules is scheduled to be delivered before July 30, 2023, and is completely delivered within eight months from the initial delivery. The specific delivery time, batch and quantity are subject to the buyer's notice (NTP).
Section 2: The first batch of modules is scheduled to be delivered before October 30, 2023, and is completely delivered within five months from the initial delivery. The specific delivery time, batch and quantity are subject to the buyer's notice (NTP).
(2) 交货地点:巴西萨尔瓦多港。
(2) Place of delivery: Port of Salvador, Brazil.
(3) 交货条件:光伏组件应在萨尔瓦多港交付(CIF-萨尔瓦多港,2020年国际贸易术语解释通则)。
(3) Delivery Terms:PV Modules shall be delivered at Port of Salvador (CIF -Port of Salvado, Incoterms 2020).
3.1 投标人资格条件
3.1 Bidder qualification
Section 1:
The bidder should meet the following qualifications at the same time:
(1) 资质条件:投标人须为中华人民共和国境内依法注册的,具有独立法人资格的光伏组件设备制造商。
(1) Qualification conditions: The bidder shall be a photovoltaic module manufacturer legally registered in the People's Republic of China with independent legal personality.
(2) 业绩要求:2020年01月01日至投标截止日(以合同签订时间为准),投标人(包括其国外及国内公司)530Wp及以上单晶组件的累计合同业绩不低于2GW;
(2) Performance requirements: From January 1, 2020 to the bid deadline (subject to the time of signing the contract), the cumulative contract performance of the bidder (including its foreign and domestic companies) for 530Wp and above mono-crystalline modules should not be lower than 2GW;
(Note: The contract and other certification materials shall be provided, specifying the module specifications, quantity, contract signing time and other relevant information.)
(3) 信誉要求:未处于中国长江三峡集团有限公司限制投标的专业范围及期限内。
(3) Credibility requirements: Not within the scope and time limit of limited bidding by CTG Corporation;
(4) 其他要求:投标P型产品须具有INMETRO认证且完成免进口关税注册(“Ex-Tarifario”NCM)。
(4) Other requirements: The bidding P-Type bifacial mono-crystalline modules must have INMETRO certification and complete import duty-free registration (“Ex-Tarifario” NCM).
Section 2:
The bidder should meet the following qualifications at the same time:
(1) 资质条件:投标人须为中华人民共和国境内依法注册的,具有独立法人资格的光伏组件设备制造商。
(1) Qualification conditions: The bidder shall be a photovoltaic module manufacturer legally registered in the People's Republic of China with independent legal personality.
(2) 业绩要求:2020年01月01日至投标截止日(以合同签订时间为准),投标人(包括其国外及国内公司)530Wp及以上单晶组件的累计合同业绩不低于1GW。
(2) Performance requirements: From January 1, 2020 to the bid deadline (subject to the time of signing the contract), the cumulative contract performance of the bidder (including its foreign and domestic companies) for 530Wp and above mono-crystalline modules should not be lower than 1GW;
(Note: The contract and other certification materials shall be provided, specifying the module specifications, quantity, contract signing time and other relevant information.)
(3) 信誉要求:未处于中国长江三峡集团有限公司限制投标的专业范围及期限内。
(3) Credit requirements: Not within the scope and time limit of limited bidding by CTG Corporation;
(4) 其他要求:投标产品应具有CGC、CQC、TUV、UL之一的认证。
(4) Other requirements: the bidding modules should have one of CGC, CQC, TUV, UL certifications.
3.2 本次招标不接受联合体投标。本次招标不接受代理商投标。
3.2 Consortium bid and agent bid will lead to the rejection of bid.
3.3 投标人不能作为其它投标人的分包人同时参加投标。单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一标段投标或者未划分标段的同一招标项目投标。
3.3 The bidder may not participate in the bid as a subcontractor of other bidders. Different companies with the same head or having holding or management relationships shall not participate in the bid of the same bid section or bid for the same bidding project without dividing bidding sections.
3.4 投标人可同时就2个标段进行投标,最多可以中2个标段。
3.4 The bidder may bid on 2 sections at the same time, and win 2 sections at most.
4.1 招标文件发售时间为2022年11月5日09时到2022年11月9日17时00分(北京时间,下同)。
4.1 The bid invitation documents will be released from 09:00 on November5, 2022 to 17:00 on November9, 2022 (Beijing time, the same below).
4.2 招标文件仅提供电子版,售价人民币1800元每标段,售后不退。
4.2 The bid invitation documents are only available in electronic version, with the price of RMB 1800 each section, and there is no refund after sale.
4.3 有意向的投标人须登录中国长江三峡集团有限公司新电子采购平台(网址:https://eps.ctg.com.cn/,以下简称“新平台”,服务热线电话:400-665-1995转2)进行免费注册成为注册供应商:
4.3 Interested bidders shall visit the new electronic procurement platform of CTG Corporation (website: https://eps.ctg.com.cn/ (hereinafter referred to as "new platform"; service hotline: 400-665-1995 ext 2) for free registration as a registered supplier:
(1) 针对已在中国长江三峡集团有限公司旧电子采购平台(http://epp.ctg.com.cn/)拥有账号的供应商用户,可直接通过注册旧平台时预留手机号采取“忘记密码”重置密码的方式进行登录。如操作提示错误,可联系平台服务热线处理。
(1) For supplier users who already have registered an account on the old electronic procurement platform of CTG Corporation (http://epp.ctg.com.cn/), they can directly use the mobile phone number reserved when registering for the old platform to reset the password by "forgetting password". If any error occurs, please contact the service hotline of the platform.
(2) 针对未在旧平台注册过账号的供应商用户,可直接通过新平台注册入口提交信息申请入库,经审核通过后成为新平台投标用户。
(2) For supplier users who have not registered an account on the old platform, they can submit information directly through the registration portal of the new platform to file an application, and become a bidder of the new platform after being reviewed and approved.
4.4 参与本项目须登录新平台,于招标文件规定的发售时间内,在“投标管理-我要参与”页面点击【立即参与】按钮后,跳转至“投标管理-我的项目”页面,点击本项目上的【购买文件】按钮,按照提示指引完成支付操作。投标人仅可选择在线支付(单位或个人均可)完成标书款支付,请严格按照页面提示进行支付,若支付成功,新平台会根据银行返回的交易结果自动开放招标文件下载权限。
4.4 To participate in this project, you must visit the new platform. During the time of selling bid invitation documents specified in the bid invitation documents, click the [Participate Now] button on the "Bid Management - I Want to Participate" page to jump to the "Bid Management - My Project" page, and click the [Purchase Document] button on this item, and follow the prompts to complete the payment operation. The bidder can only choose online payment (units or individuals are allowed) to complete the payment for the bid invitation documents. Please make payment strictly according to the page prompts. If the payment is successful, the new platform will automatically open the download permission of the bid invitation documents according to the transaction results sent by the bank.
4.5 投标人必须在招标文件发售截止时间之前完成招标文件的费用支付,否则将不能获取未支付成功标段的招标文件,也不能参与相应标段的投标,未及时按照规定在新平台完成招标文件费用支付的后果,由投标人自行承担。
4.5 The bidders must complete the payment for the bid invitation documents before the deadline of selling the bid invitation documents, otherwise they will not be able to obtain the bid invitation documents for the unsuccessfully paid sections, nor can they participate in the bid on the corresponding sections. The bidder shall bear the consequences of failing to complete the payment for bid invitation documents on the new platform in a timely manner.
4.6 标书款发票将以“增值税电子普通发票”的形式开具,不再提供纸质发票。潜在投标人在成功支付标书款后,可在“投标管理-我的标书订单”页面点击【开票】按钮,自行下载获取电子发票(新平台开票时间:当月01日至24日,其他时间不开具,如需开票请待下月01日后再自行申请)。
4.6 Invoices of payment for bid invitation documents will be issued in the form of "VAT electronic regular invoices", and paper invoices will no longer be provided. After making payment successfully, potential bidders can click the [Invoicing] button on the "Bid Management - My Bid Order" page to download and obtain an electronic invoice by themselves (Invoicing time on the new platform: from January 1st to 24th of the current month and no invoice will be issued at other times. If an invoice is required, please file an application by yourself after the first day of the next month).
4.7 投标人缴纳的中标服务费、标书款和递交的投标保证金将由招标代理机构总部账户统一收取,投标人应按照招标文件规定的程序进行支付。中标服务费、标书款等由招标代理机构收取的费用,相关发票由招标代理机构具体承担招标项目实施的四川省分公司开具,并由四川省分公司在其注册所在地申报缴纳增值税。
4.7 The bid-winning service fee, payment for bid invitation documents and submitted bid security will be collected by the headquarters account of the bid invitation agency, and the bidder should make payment according to the procedures specified in the bid invitation documents. For the bid-winning service fee, payment for bid invitation documents and other fees charged by the bid invitation agency, the relevant invoices shall be issued by Sichuan branch of bid invitation agency that specifically undertakes the implementation of the bidding project, and Sichuan branch shall declare and pay value-added tax at the place of its registration.
6.1 本项目投标文件的离线制作(签章、加密)、网上递交(加密的电子投标文件需上传至新平台并提交)、开标(解密、确认报价)等环节均需要使用CA电子钥匙(标书购买阶段无需使用CA电子钥匙)。新平台CA电子钥匙须在北京数字认证股份有限公司指定网站办理(以下简称“北京CA”,网址:https://esign.ctg.com.cn,服务热线:010-5851 5511/400 700 1900,办理周期约为5个工作日),请潜在投标人及时办理,以免影响投标,由于未及时办理CA电子钥匙影响投标的后果,由投标人自行承担。
6.1 Offline preparation (signature, encryption) and online submission (encrypted electronic bidding documents need to be uploaded to the new platform for submission) of bidding documents, bid opening (decryption, confirmation of quotation) and other links of this project require the use of CA electronic keys ( CA electronic keys are not required at bid invitation document purchase stage). You should apply for the new platform CA electronic keys on the designated website of Beijing Certificate Authority Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing CA"; website is https://esign.ctg.com.cn and service hotline is 010-5851 5511/400 700 1900, with the processing time of about 5 working days). Potential bidders are requested to apply for it in a timely manner to avoid affecting the bid. The consequences of failing to apply for the CA electronic key in a timely manner, thereby affecting the bid shall be borne by the bidder itself.
6.2 已在旧平台注册并在北京天威诚信电子商务服务有限公司指定网站(https://ixin.itrus.com.cn/s/sanxia)办理的CA电子钥匙及电子印章不适用于新平台,须按新平台要求重新办理。
6.2 The CA electronic key and electronic seal that have been registered on the old platform and applied on the designated website of iTrusChina (https://ixin.itrus.com.cn/s/sanxia) are not applicable to the new platform and should be re-applied according to the requirements of the new platform.
7.1 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为2022年11月25日10时00分。
7.1 The deadline for submitting bidding documents (bid deadline, the same below) is 10:00 on November 25, 2022.
7.2 本次投标文件的递交采用网上递交方式,投标文件应在投标截止时间前成功递交至新平台(递交状态显示为“递交成功”)。逾期递交的投标文件,招标人不予受理。
7.2 The bidding documents are submitted online. The bidding documents should be successfully submitted to the new platform before the bid deadline (the submission status is displayed as "Submitted successfully"). Bidding documents submitted overdue will not be accepted by the Bid Inviter.
8.1 开标时间:同投标截止时间。
8.1 Bid opening time: the same as the bid deadline.
8.2 投标人须于开标时间前至少10分钟登录新平台、插入与加密投标文件时使用的同一把CA电子钥匙(投标人务必保证开标结束前该电子钥匙在有效期内),进入本项目开标大厅等候开标。
8.2 The bidder must visit the new platform at least 10 minutes before the bid opening, insert the same CA electronic key used when encrypting the bidding documents (the bidder must ensure that the electronic key is within the validity period before the end of the bid opening), and enter the bid opening hall of the project to wait for bid opening.
8.3 投标人须使用加密投标文件时的CA电子钥匙,待开标主持人下发解密指令后,在规定的解密时间内对已递交的电子投标文件完成解密操作,若CA电子钥匙无法解密,可使用随投标文件包一并生成的密码串文件(文件类型为.txt)进行解密。具体操作详见招标文件“第二章投标人须知”中“5开标”。
8.3 The bidder should use the CA electronic key when encrypting the bidding documents. After the bid opening host issues the decryption instruction, the submitted electronic bidding documents shall be decrypted within the specified decryption time. If the CA electronic key cannot decrypt the documents, the bidder can use the string password file (.txt) generated with the bidding document package for decryption. For details, please refer to "5 Bid Opening" in "Chapter II "Instructions to Bidders" in the bid invitation documents.
The notice of invitation for bids will be released on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http://www.cebpubservice.com) and the new electronic procurement platform of CTG Corporation (https://eps.ctg.com.cn)at the same time.
The bidder can download and view the "Operation Manual" and "Frequently Asked Questions" from the Help Center on the home page of the new platform to understand the specific operation methods of the new platform. Download address: "Help Center" column on the home page of new platform (URL: https://eps.ctg.com.cn/), or call the new platform service hotline (400-665-1995 ext. 2) or email: (ctg_epp@ctg.com.cn) or ask for online customer service: click the [Online Customer Service] button on the new platform homepage for consultation.
Bid inviter: CTG Materials and Tendering Management Co., Ltd
Address: 11th Floor, Block B, Three Gorges Building, No. 368, Tiantai Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan Province
Contact: Mr. Pan
电话:028-859 32973
Tel: 028-859 32973
Email: pan_dingjian@ctg.com.cn
Bid invitation agency: Beijing Project Department of Three Gorges International Tendering Co., Ltd
Address: 8th Floor, Building T1, Poly Metropolis, No. 156, Xinhua North Street, Tongzhou District, Beijing
Contact: Ms. Tu
Tel: 010-57082330
Email: tu_chenzihan@ctg.com.cn
Bid invitation procurement supervision: CTG Materials and Tendering Management Co., Ltd
招标人或其招标代理机构主要负责人(项目负责人): (签名)
招标人或其招标代理机构: (盖章)