
在GTAI上发布公告的日期: 2023年1月3日
KfW 采购编号: 507115
纳睿国际咨询有限公司和中资环 能(北京)国际咨询有限公司联 合体中国//香港EURO 516,700 516,700.002023.10 –– 2027.12

Publication date of Notice on GTAI: January 3 rd, 2023
KfW Procurement No.: 507115
Winning BidderCountry of registrationContract amountStart end date of the Contract
Joint Venture between NAREE International Limited and NAREE Consulting LimitedChina / Hong KongEURO 516,700 516,700.0010/23 – 12/27

截止日期: : 2023 2023年 年22月 月22日 日
((城市发展 城市发展//排水和 排水和污水 污水//实
中国标准时间下午22点 点))
施监测咨询顾问 顾问))
项目:: 宝丰县污水处理厂及管网工程项目
BMZ 编号 编号: 301000884
地址: 中华人民共和国河南省宝丰县兴宝路270号
招标:: 国际竞争性招标:咨询服务招标:实施管理咨询顾问
KfW 贷款编号 贷款编号: : 507115
项目方法:: 总体目标将通过在大营镇和张八桥镇建设两个污水处理厂及配套污水管网来实现。
· 子项目1:大营镇排水系统和污水处理厂
o 总长度41.3公里的排水管网;
o 容量3,400 m³的末端组合式雨水调蓄池;
o 表容积1,000m²、蓄水深度1米的蓄水型生态滤池;
o 智能排水过程监测系统;
o 生态河流修复(约2公里);
o 污水处理厂(5,000 m³/d)。
· 子项目2:张八桥镇排水系统和污水处理厂
o 污水管网系统(22.04公里)和总长度23.03公里的雨水管网系统;o 雨水排水口设施;
o 污水处理厂(5,000 m³/d)。
要求的咨询服务范围:: 咨询顾问的任务是在项目准备和实施期间支持业主、设计院和窗口公司。咨 询顾问应:
· 参与项目准备和实施过程,特别是对详细工程设计审查和招标文件的审查;
· 整个招标过程中的采购事宜,包括合同谈判;
· 在施工阶段定期进行实地考察,并参与合同实施的关键步骤,进行质量检查和交叉检查发 票;
· 参与项目管理,包括向德国复兴信贷银行报告;和
· 在施工期间监测环境和社会健康标准(ESHS),以确保项目符合世界银行环境和社会标准(ESS)、世界银行组织通用和特定行业的EHS指南以及国际劳工组织(ILO)的基本公约。
关键人员:: 服务将由一个由国际和国家专家组成的团队提供,该团队涵盖以下专业知识和经验:
· 污水/城市排水基础设施工程(土木、机械、工艺设计和水力),包括污水处理厂;· 环境和社会影响评估和管理,包括根据KfW银行的可持续发展指南(2019年)的要求,特别 是世界银行环境和社会框架的环境和社会标准(ESS 1-10)进行土地征用和重新安置规划 ;
· 根据中华人民共和国《政府采购法》和《招投标法》以及地方政府采购措施和多边开发银行 采购指南/(KfW)指南进行公共采购;
· 污水/城市排水工程施工监督管理;
· 合同和索赔管理;
· 质量保证和质量控制(QA/QC)措施;以及
· 国际金融合作项目管理/多边开发银行项目管理付款程序和财务控制。
最低要求:: 咨询服务将被授予能够提供以下各方面可靠记录的独立的咨询公司或联合体。该咨询公 司过去三(3)个财政年度的平均年营业额需超过60万欧元(或其他货币等值平均年营业额)且过去 三(3)个财政年度的平均值流动比率大于等于1.0。如果是联合体,则会考虑联合体所有成员的总 营业额。详见资格预审文件。
采购框架:: 咨询服务资格预审将以KfW银行最新版本的《与合作伙伴国家金融合作中咨询服务、工 程、工厂、货物和非咨询服务采购指南》(2021版/可在www.KfW-entwicklungsbank.de上获取)(“导则”)为指导。
电子采购系统的使用: 本次招标的申请书和建议书应通Exficon Exficon股份有限公司提供的电子采购系统进
请联系招标代理(Rene Meyer),发送邮件至并抄送窗口公司代 表( and )以获取资格预审文件。
Consulting Services
(Urban Development /
Deadline: February 2, 2023
Drainage & Wastewater /
(2 pm China Standard Time)
Monitoring Consultancy)
Country: People’s Republic of China
Project: Urban Water Environment Improvement Project in Baofeng County BMZ No.: 301000884
Project Executing Agency:
Baofeng Rongze Water Conservancy Facilities Construction Co., Ltd ADDRESS: No. 270 Xingbao Road, Baofeng County, Henan Province
People’s Republic of China
Tender: International Competitive Bidding: Tender for Consulting Services:“Implementation Management Consultant)
KfW Procurement ID: 507115
Project measures: This overall objective of the Project will be reached by the construction two wastewater treatment plants in Daying and Zhangbaqiao and the associated sewage pipeline network.
The KfW Promotional Loan of EUR 35 million shall finance the following outputs:
· Subproject 1: Drainage System and Wastewater Treatment Plant Daying Town
o Drainage network with a total length of 41.3km;
o Terminal combined stormwater retention tank with a volume of 3.400 m³; o Retention soil filter system with a surface of 1,000m² and storage depth of one meter;
o Intelligent drainage process monitoring system;
o Ecological River Rehabilitation (approximately 2 km);
o Wastewater Treatment Plant (5,000 m³/d).
· Subproject 2: Drainage system and wastewater treatment plant in Zhangbaqiao Town o Sewage network system (22,04 km) and rainwater network system with a total length of 23.03km;
o Stormwater outlet facilities;
o Wastewater Treatment Plant (5,000 m³/d).
Requested Consultant Services: The Consultant’s task is to support the Employer as well as the Design Institute(s) and the Window Company during Project preparation and implementation. The Consultant’s shall:
- During preparation and implementation of the project, in particular during review of the detailed engineering design and review of the tender documents;
- In procurement matters during the entire tender process including contract negotiations;
- During construction phase with regular site visits and taking part in crucial steps of contract implementation, conducting quality checks and crosschecking
- In project management including necessary reporting to KfW; and
- In monitoring environmental and social health standards (ESHS) during construction to ensure the Project’s compliance with World Bank Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) and the World Bank Group General and sector-specific EHS Guideline.
Key Personnel profile: The Services are to be provided by a team of international and national experts with expertise and experience in the following areas
- Engineering (civil, mechanical, process design and hydraulic) for wastewater / urban drainage infrastructure including wastewater treatment plants;
- Environmental and social impact assessment and management, including land acquisition and resettlement planning according to the requirements of KfW’s Sustainability Guideline (2019), and therewith in particular the Environmental and Social Standards (ESS 1-10) of the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework;
- Public Procurement in accordance with Chinese Government Procurement Law and the Tender Law, and local government procurement measures and MDB procurement guidelines / (KfW) Guidelines;
- Construction supervision management for wastewater / urban drainage projects;
- Contract and claim management;
- Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) measures; and
- Project management for international financial cooperation / multilateral development bank projects management of disbursement procedures and financial controlling.
Relevant experience working conditions in China are required.
Minimum requirements: The Services shall be awarded to an independent consultant firm or joint venture / consortium of firms with a proven track record in the respective experience areas. The average annual turnover of the consultant shall exceed EUR 600,000 (or other currency equivalent) for the last three (3) financial years and an average Current Ratio equal or larger than ≥ 1.0 on for last three financial
years.For joint ventures / consortia, the aggregated turnover of all members of the joint venture / consortium will be considered. Further information is available in the Prequalification document.
Procurement framework: This Prequalification for Consulting Services will be guided by the latest version of KfW´s „Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services, Works, Plant, Goods and Non-Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries” (2021 / available on www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de).
Usage of e-procurement: Applications and Proposals for this tender shall be submitted electronically only through the e-procurement platform by the provider Exficon GmbH.
No physical submissions of Applications and Proposals will be required. Further information is available in the Prequalification document.
To receive thocumentation, please contact Tender Agent (Rene Meyer) under with cc to the Window Company representatives ( and ) .
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