2024年电动有杆飞机牵引车采购项目 - 国际招标公告
中招国际招标有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2024-11-13在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 |
1、招标条件 |
项目概况:中国国际航空股份有限公司和山东航空股份有限公司拟采用国际公开招标的方式合并采购8辆小型电动有杆飞机牵引车和2辆中型电动有杆飞机牵引车。其中中国国际航空股份有限公司拟采购7辆小型电动有杆飞机牵引车(交货地点分别为北京首都国际机场1辆、杭州萧山国际机场1辆、成都天府国际机场2辆、成都双流国际机场1辆、重庆江北国际机场2辆)和1辆中型电动有杆飞机牵引车(交货地点为重庆江北国际机场);山东航空股份有限公司拟采购1辆小型电动有杆飞机牵引车(交货地点为青岛胶东国际机场)和1辆中型电动有杆飞机牵引车(交货地点为青岛胶东国际机场)。 |
资金到位或资金来源落实情况:自有资金,资金来源已落实。 |
项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备。 |
2、招标内容: |
招标项目编号:0618-244TC240W9TD |
招标项目名称:2024年电动有杆飞机牵引车采购项目 |
项目实施地点:中国北京市 |
招标产品列表(主要设备): |
3、投标人资格要求 |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩: (1)投标人应为所提供货物的制造商或投标人应为得到货物制造商同意其在本次投标中提供该货物的正式唯一授权的代理商。 (2)所提供的货物应为成熟的、已被广泛使用的合格产品和配置,招标人不接受为此次采购单独设计、配置的设备,所投电动有杆飞机牵引车必须有中国民用航空局网站发布的设备通告信息及相应检测报告,且在合同履约期间保持通告有效。投标人应在招标文件中提供所投电动有杆飞机牵引车民航局通告及对应配置检测报告复印件(注:供应商所投电动有杆飞机牵引车如存在多份民航局检测报告,须将原始检测报告(定型试验报告)及后期增配扩型报告(部分项目检测报告)一并提交,并说明各项报告之间的关系,所有提供的报告内容应真实完整。) (3) 自2019年1月1日至投标截止日期(以合同签订日期或订单下单日期为准)内,所投小型电动有杆飞机牵引车(同产品、同型号)累积销售数量不少于(含)2辆的历史销售业绩;自2019年1月1日至投标截止日期(以合同签订日期或订单下单日期为准)内,所投中型电动有杆飞机牵引车(同产品、同型号)累积销售数量不少于(含)1辆的历史销售业绩。(注:由投标人直接销售或通过代理商销售给实际使用单位的业绩为有效业绩,合同的甲方应为实际使用单位,合同甲方为代理商的业绩为无效业绩。) |
是否接受联合体投标:不接受 |
未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 |
4、招标文件的获取 |
招标文件领购开始时间:2024-11-13 |
招标文件领购结束时间:2024-11-20 |
是否在线售卖标书:否 |
获取招标文件方式:现场领购 |
招标文件领购地点:中国关境内投标人可登录中招联合招标采购平台(网址:http://www.365trade.com.cn)在线下载招标文件;中国关境外投标人可采用邮件方式(报名邮箱:weizhiping@cntcitc.com.cn)领购招标文件。 |
招标文件售价:¥1000/$140 |
其他说明:招标文件售后不退,领购时间为2024年11月13日至2024年11月20日每日8:30~17:00(北京时间,法定节假日除外)。 |
5、投标文件的递交 |
投标截止时间(开标时间):2024-12-04 09:30 |
投标文件送达地点:北京市海淀区学院南路62号中关村资本大厦六楼会议室 |
开标地点:北京市海淀区学院南路62号中关村资本大厦六楼会议室 |
6、联系方式 |
招标人:中国国际航空股份有限公司 |
地址:北京市顺义区天柱路30号院1号楼1至9层101 |
联系人:薛宁、王汝歆 |
联系方式 :010-61465927、 010-61465437 |
招标人:山东航空股份有限公司 |
地址:山东省济南市历下区二环东路山航大厦12楼 |
联系人:王梓昂 |
联系方式 :0531-85698536 |
招标代理机构:中招国际招标有限公司 |
地址:北京市海淀区学院南路62号中关村资本大厦 |
联系人:魏志平、张晓辉、吕超 、李喆、吴君华 |
联系方式 :010-62108094、62108141 |
7、汇款方式 |
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 中国工商行北京海淀支行营业部 |
招标代理机构开户银行(美元): 中国银行总行营业部 |
账号(人民币): 0200049619200362296 |
账号(美元): 778350014863 |
8、其他补充说明 |
其他补充说明: 公告发布网站:本次招标公告同时在《中国国际招标网》和《中国招标投标公共服务平台》上发布。对于因其他网站转载并发布的非完整版或修改版公告,而导致误报名或无效报名的情形,招标人及招标代理机构不予承担责任。 |
2024 Electric Pole Aircraft Tractor Procurement Project
China CNTC International Tendering Corporation entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2024-11-13. |
1.Bidding Conditions |
Overview:Air China Limited and Shandong Airlines. plan to jointly purchase 8 small electric pole aircraft tractors and 2 medium-sized electric pole aircraft tractors through international open bidding. Among them, Air China Limited plans to purchase 7 small electric pole aircraft tractors (delivered to Beijing Capital International Airport 1, Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport 1, Chengdu Tianfu International Airport 2, Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport 1, Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport 2) and 1 medium-sized electric pole aircraft tractor (delivered to Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport); Shandong Airlines. plans to purchase one small electric pole aircraft tractor (to be delivered to Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport) and one medium-sized electric pole aircraft tractor (to be delivered to Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport). |
Source of Funds:Self owned funds, the source of funds has been confirmed . |
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Already possessed. |
2.Bidding Content: |
Bidding No:0618-244TC240W9TD |
Project Name:2024 Electric Pole Aircraft Tractor Procurement Project |
Place of Implementation:Beijing, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Qingdao |
List of Products: |
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder |
Qualifications or Performance: (1)The bidder shall be the manufacturer of the goods provided or the bidder shall be the authorized agent authorized by the goods manufacturer to provide the goods in this bid. (2)The goods provided should be mature and widely used qualified products and configurations. The tenderer does not accept equipment designed or configured separately for this procurement. The electric pole aircraft tractor must have equipment notification information and corresponding testing reports published on the website of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and the notification must remain valid during the contract performance period. Bidders shall provide a copy of the Civil Aviation Administration's notice and corresponding configuration testing report for the electric pole aircraft tractor they have submitted in the bidding documents. (Note: If there are multiple Civil Aviation Administration testing reports for the electric pole aircraft tractor submitted by the supplier, the original testing report (type test report) and the later expansion report (partial project testing report) must be submitted together, and the relationship between each report must be explained. All provided report contents should be true and complete.) (3)From January 1, 2019 to the bidding deadline (based on the date of contract signing or order placement), the historical sales performance of the small electric pole aircraft tractor (of the same product and model) with a cumulative sales quantity of not less than (including) 2 units; From January 1, 2019 to the bidding deadline (based on the date of contract signing or order placement), the cumulative sales performance of the medium-sized electric aircraft tractor (of the same product and model) shall not be less than (including) 1 unit. (Note: The performance sold directly by the bidder or through an agent to the actual user unit is considered valid performance. The first party of the contract should be the actual user unit, and the performance of the first party of the contract as an agent is invalid performance.) |
Joint Bids:NOT Available |
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available |
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents |
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2024-11-13 |
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2024-11-20 |
Sell bidding doc online or not:No |
To Obtain:On-site Purchase |
Place:Bidders within China's customs territory can log in to the China Tendering Joint Bidding and Procurement Platform (website: http://www.365trade.com.cn )Download bidding documents online |
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1000/$140 |
Additional Instructions:Bidders within China's customs territory can log in to the China Tendering Joint Bidding and Procurement Platform (website: http://www.365trade.com.cn )Download bidding documents online; Bidders from outside China's customs territory can use email (registration email: weizhiping@cntcitc.com.cn )Purchase bidding documents.The bidding documents are non refundable after sales, and the purchase time is from 8:30 to 17:00 daily (Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays) from November 13, 2024 to November 20, 2024. |
5.Bid Submission |
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2024-12-04 09:30 |
Place of Bid:Conference Room, 6th Floor, Zhongguancun Capital Building, No. 62 Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing |
Place of Bid Opening:Conference Room, 6th Floor, Zhongguancun Capital Building, No. 62 Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing |
6.Contact Details |
Purchasers:Air China Limited |
Add.: 101, Floors 1-9, Building 1, No. 30 Tianzhu Road, Shunyi District, Beijing |
Contact:Mr. Xue Ning 、Ms. Wang Ruxin |
Tel:010-61465927、 010-61465437 |
Purchasers:Shandong Airlines |
Add.:12th Floor, Shanhang Building, Second Ring East Road, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province |
Contact:Mr.Wang Ziang |
Tel:0531-85698536 |
Bidding Agency:China CNTC International Tendering Corporation |
Add.:Zhongguancun Capital Building, No. 62 Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing |
Contact: Ms. Wei Zhiping,Mr. Zhang Xiaohui 、Mr.Lv Chao、Ms. |
Tel :0086-10-62108094、62108141 |
7.Remittance Approach |
Bank(RMB):Beijing Haidian Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (CNY) |
Bank(USD):China CNTC International Tendering Corporation |
Account NO.(RMB):0200049619200362296 |
Account NO.(USD):778350014863 |
8.Additional Instruction |
Additional Instruction:Announcement release website: This bidding announcement is simultaneously published on China International Tendering Network and China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform. The tenderer and bidding agency shall not be held responsible for any erroneous or invalid registration caused by incomplete or modified versions of announcements reproduced and published on other websites. |