本咨询服务时间为期21个月,预计于2022年8月开始,合同执行期间,技术专家团队预计需要投入290 个人月,来保障合同顺利推进。
COUNTRY:The People’s Republic of China
NAME OF PROJECT:Zhejiang Qiandao Lake and Xinan River Basin Water Resources and Ecological Environment Protection Project
Loan No.: 8856-CN
Assignment Title: Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System Service
Reference No.: JHJC1-2
The Chinese government has received loan from the World Bank toward the cost of the Zhejiang Qiandao Lake and Xinan River Basin Water Resources and Ecological Environment Protection Project, and intends to apply part of the funding for Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System Service Contract (JHJC1-2).
The consulting services (“the Services”) will build a monitoring and evaluation system platform for the Shouchang River Basin based on the watershed information investigation, model construction, ecological remote sensing, and application of big data intelligent algorithms. The system could provide following services: (1) digital integration and visualization of watershed information; (2) digitalization of watershed water ecological information archives and intelligent planning of Governance Schemes; (3) application for river basin ecological environment governance; (4) situational awareness for water ecological environment elements.
This consulting service lasts for 21 months and is expected to start in August 2022. During the implementation of the contract, the technical expert team is expected to invest 290 person-months to ensure the accomplishment of the contract.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment are attached to this request for expressions of interest.
Jiande Xinshui Construction Co., Ltd. now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The supporting documents include: the company\'s core business and related experience, similar tasks completed, work experience under similar conditions, and the personnel who are ready to participate in performing the contract and their skills. Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to the World Bank Policy on Conflicts of Interest, which is in Section III, paragraphs 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (“Procurement Regulations”) (published in July 2016 and revised in November 2017 and August 2018).
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the quality and cost-based selection method (QCBS) in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.).
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by June 10, 2022 at 4 pm.
Jiande Xinshui Construction Co., Ltd
No. 80, xindian Road, Jiande, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
P.C.: 311700
Attn: Contact person: Huang Yongcai
Tel. 0571-64758844
为全面解决由工业化、城镇化进程加快以及污染物排放总量不断增加造成的寿昌江流域水质恶化风险,有效保护千岛湖及新安江上游流域水资源与生态环境,浙江省和世界银行合作实施 “世界银行贷款浙江千岛湖及新安江流域水资源与生态环境保护项目”(此后简称为项目)。项目旨在建立一种有效服务政府的流域动态监测评估体系。通过构建寿昌江流域监测评估系统平台,实现寿昌江流域的水质时空变化趋势分析和污染来源识别,并提供治理方向决策支撑,为地区政府流域治理工作提供数据信息支持,为流域其他项目实施提供评估支持。同时在寿昌江流域监测评估系统平台建设的基础上,将相关经验推广延伸至上游千岛湖和新安江流域,提高流域整体水资源和生态环境治理的有效性和可持续性,为《千岛湖及新安江上游流域水资源与生态环境保护综合规划》的实施提供有力支撑。
AI开发平台 | 模型训练 | 支持通用的计算框架如: TensorFlow、PyTorch、scikit-learn、XGBoost、SparkM- Llib同时国内自主可控开源框架如 paddlepaddle (提供产品截图界面,并加盖产品原厂商公章) |
深度学习计算: 1. 深度学习参数服务器支持千亿级别 2. 支持训练任务按比例分配GPU显存 | ||
机器学习计算: 1. 提供单机类Pandas的高性能数据分析库,性能领先,处理数据量领先; 2. 提供单机类Scikit learn的机器学习库,性能领先,处理数据量领先; 3. 提供GPU加速的数据分析库和机器学习库 | ||
支持交互式(Notebook)建模、可视化(拖拽式)建模、数据表自动化建模、生产线建模方式 | ||
可视化拖拽式建模方式:支持建模流程的节点可视化的形式展现,支持大量常用的机器学习、深度学习算子,包括二分类、多分类、回归、聚类等算子,比如DNN、DecisionTree、逻辑回归、朴素贝叶斯、随机森林、GBDT、SVM、XGBoost、LR等算法,无需代码,每个节点报错可追寻,可查看中间数据 | ||
自动化建模:支持数据表的AutoML建模方式,加速业务探索建模效率 | ||
生产线建模:支持图像和文本智能生产线,其中图像生产线支持图像分类、目标检测、图像分割生产线,内置成熟优势的预训练模型, 增强建模效率(提供产品截图界面,并加盖产品原厂商公章) | ||
提供可视化的数据预处理功能 | ||
支持分布式训练机制提供可视化的建模实验管理 | ||
支持特征工程、统计分析组件 | ||
提供共享文件系统,可以对接HDFS,类AWS S3等底层文件系统 | ||
样本库 | 数据处理:支持管理集群内及第三方存储,目前支持Hive、MySQL、Oracle、达梦、HDFS、GlusterFS等系统;(提供产品截图界面,并加盖产品原厂商公章) | |
提供可视化的数据预处理功能 | ||
具备数据统计、数据探索功能,有助于了解数据特性,选择合适算法提供可视化的数据预处理功能 | ||
模型库 | 具有良好的模型兼容性,第三方模型可导入模型仓库统一管理,并发布为在线预测服务进行运行 | |
模型支持一键部署为在线预测服务,生成在线服务API供业务系统调用,部署服务支持资源选择,保证资源稳定提供 | ||
服务支持多副本和A/B Test,支持HA下的动态不停服更新,保证服务的稳定高可用 | ||
云边协同 | 支持云边协同机制,AI平台可以对边缘侧模型进行灵活动态下发 | |
支持常见的边缘AI网关有NVIDIA Jetson系列、华为Atlas系列、BD的Edgeboard系列 | ||
授权厂家 | 授权厂家需有独立知识产权的深度学习框架,深度学习框架兼容国内计算硬件,比如飞腾认证 | |
授权厂家需有自研的AI加速芯片,保障自主安全可控,并提供相应性能说明材料加盖产品原厂商公章 | ||
系统兼容性 | 不依赖第三方特定的云环境及软件依赖,可以和第三方云平台进行集成 | |
支持并兼容常见CPU、GPU硬件类型,不依赖特定品牌硬件 | ||
原厂商牵头建设国家级人工智能实验室,如深度学习实验室,提供证明材料 |
专家职位 | 国内/人月数 |
关键专家 | |
组长/环境科学与工程专家 | 21 |
河口等相关专业,承担过河口海岸动力学或水动力数值模拟研究项目的专家 | 16 |
地图学或地理信息相关专业,具有丰富的气象海洋、遥感、地理信息等领域经验的专家 | 14 |
水生生物多样性研究相关专家 | 10 |
从事过流域基础信息收集及污染源调查的专业人员 | 14 |
从事过无人船走航、水下地形测绘或从事过海事船艇研发的专业人员 | 14 |
水文(水利)评估专业人员 | 12 |
流域环境治理效果评估系统研究相关专业人员 | 14 |
流域水污染治理方案智能规划系统研究相关专业人员 | 14 |
流域水环境要素态势感知系统研究相关专业人员 | 14 |
系统平台开发负责人/高级软件工程师 | 21 |
合计 | 164 |
非关键专家 | |
流域基础信息收集及污染源调查团队成员 | 14 |
无人船走航及水下地形测绘团队成员 | 28 |
水动力数值模拟研究团队成员 | 16 |
地理信息及卫星遥感团队成员 | 14 |
系统开发建设团队成员 | 54 |
合计 | 126 |
总计 | 290 |
l 组长负责协调实施小组的工作,控制总体的实施服务质量;
l 负责全面履行合同,负责整个项目的实施,确保整个项目的顺利进行,协调下属各个项目组之间的工作;
l 负责项目的规划、设计与建设;
l 负责项目总体工作的指导和监督、项目的全面管理及进度管理;配合系统平台开发负责人进行技术决策,进行技术风险评估;
l 组织项目的验收。
② 资质要求:
l 从事5年及以上环境专业相关工作,具有环境科学与工程专业博士及以上学历。
① 具体任务:
l 负责牵头构建开源水动力模式ECOM的三维水动力模型和适用于寿昌江流域典型区域的高精度三维水质数值模型,模拟反演寿昌江流域重点河道的流场、水位场、营养盐等的时空分布规律,提供业务化水质预报功能;
l 对模型进行不断校核修正。
② 资质要求:
l 具有河口海岸学相关专业博士及以上学历和高级工程师;从事河口海岸动力学与水动力数值模拟研究10年以上;有相关国家、省、市级海岸动力或水动力数值模拟科研或咨询项目经历。
① 具体任务:
l 牵头建设卫星遥感及数据反演功能模块,对寿昌江流域周边植被变化(植被指数、植被覆盖度、植被面积)和土地利用(耕地,林地,草地,建设用地)情况进行监测分析,并牵头绘图可视化展示。同时对遥感及数据反演变化情况,进行现场勘测核实,现场勘测结果录入系统,比对校正,并进行结果分析。
② 资质要求:
l 具有地图学与地理信息系统相关专业硕士及以上学历,中级工程师。
l 从事气象海洋环境、遥感和3DGIS相关的软件系统设计及研发工作5年以上,具有气象海洋、遥感、地理信息等领域科研或咨询项目经验。
① 具体任务:
l 基于寿昌江水生态调查,牵头建设寿昌江水生态情况可视化展示。对寿昌江流域水生态情况进行分析评估,分析评估寿昌江营养等级、生态系统稳定性等,并对寿昌江现状做出评价。
② 资质要求:
l 具有环境科学相关专业研究生及以上学历和工程师资格,承担过水生物多样性指数、水生物多样性调查与评估等相关项目。
① 具体任务:
l 牵头对寿昌江流域相关基础信息进行收集,同时对寿昌江典型流域周边污染源进行调查研究,以供系统平台建设和污染负荷分析。
② 资质要求:
l 具有环境工程相关专业硕士及以上学历和高级工程师资格,承担过流域信息收集或污染源调查项目。
① 具体任务:
l 牵头负责无人船巡航和测绘团队开展工作,利用无人船对流域进行巡航,同步进行测绘并拍摄监控画面,为流域模型构建和AI视频影像应用提供支撑。
② 资质要求:
l 具有船舶工程相关专业本科及以上学历,和船舶工程工程师资质,从事过无人船走航、水下地形测绘或从事过海事船艇研发。
① 具体任务:
l 负责对水文自动监测站和人工监测水文数据进行分析、应用和评估,并牵头负责系统平台分析应用可视化展示。
② 资质要求:
l 具有水文与水资源工程相关专业本科及以上学历,助理工程师及以上资格,从事过水文研究相关工作。
① 具体任务:
l 作为系统平台建设专业人员提供流域环境治理效果评估、流域水污染治理方案智能规划、流域水环境要素态势感知系统研究的专业方向全过程技术支持。
② 资质要求:
l 具有初级及以上职称证书,并且具有相关系统研究经验。
① 具体任务:
l 作为系统平台开发建设总负责人,把控系统开发总进度,提供系统软件开发全过程技术指导,协调跟进各系统建设及开发人员相关工作。
② 资质要求:
l 具有软件工程相关专业硕士及以上学历,具有高级软件工程师资质,从事软件开发工作3年以上。
3.2.2 非关键专家的详细任务
① 具体任务:
l 进行流域基础信息收集及污染源调查;
l 开展无人船走航及水下地形测绘工作;
l 进行水动力数值模拟研究;
l 开展地理信息及卫星遥感研究;
l 进行系统开发建设,包括:软件产品设计(前端、后端)、系统运维、软件UI设计、软件测试。
② 资质要求:
l 进行流域基础信息收集及污染源调查、开展无人船走航及水下地形测绘工作、进行水动力数值模拟研究、开展地理信息及卫星遥感研究的相关人员需为环境工程或科学、海洋地质、无人船走航或测绘、地理信息或遥感、模型研究等相关专业人员并具有相关从业经历。
l 进行系统开发建设的团队成员需为计算机、物联网工程、软件工程等相关的专业人员并具有相关从业经历。
表4-1 时间和成果产出表
成果产出 | 截止时间 |
提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统-流域水生态信息存档数字化和治理方案智能规划模块及说明文档 | 确认收到中标通知书后3个月内 |
提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统-流域生态环境治理应用模块及说明文档 | 确认收到中标通知书后5个月内 |
提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统-水生态环境要素态势感知模块及说明文档 | 确认收到中标通知书后7个月内 |
提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统-流域信息数字集成及可视化模块及说明文档 | 确认收到中标通知书后9个月内 |
提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统试运行报告,完成系统阶段性验收 | 确认收到中标通知书15个月内 |
提交全过程运维记录和系统建设应用完工报告 | 2024年4月30日前 |
其他相关结果产出 | 根据世行和客户的相关要求 |
表5-1 培训内容及要求
序号 | 培训内容 | 培训对象 | 培训人数和培训时间 | 培训形式 |
1 | 流域信息数字集成及可视化模块应用 | 建德市当地系统使用人员 | 5人/2天 | 线下或线上 |
2 | 流域水生态信息存档数字化和治理方案智能规划模块应用 | 建德市当地系统使用人员 | 5人/2天 | 线下或线上 |
3 | 流域生态环境治理模块应用 | 建德市当地系统使用人员 | 5人/2天 | 线下或线上 |
4 | 水生态环境要素态势感知模块应用 | 建德市当地系统使用人员 | 5人/2天 | 线下或线上 |
5 | 意向单位认为需要进行的其他培训 | / | / | / |
序号 | 提交成果 | 支付金额 | 支付时间 |
1 | 提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统-流域水生态信息存档数字化和治理方案智能规划模块及说明文档 | 凭借模块及说明文档和寿昌江流域水生态监测系统总体设计及全过程咨询顾问出具的监理报告,支付合同总价的15% | 确认收到中标通知书后3个月内 |
2 | 提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统-流域生态环境治理应用模块及说明文档 | 凭借模块及说明文档和寿昌江流域水生态监测系统总体设计及全过程咨询顾问出具的监理报告,支付合同总价的15% | 确认收到中标通知书后5个月内 |
3 | 提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统-水生态环境要素态势感知模块及说明文档 | 凭借模块及说明文档和寿昌江流域水生态监测系统总体设计及全过程咨询顾问出具的监理报告,支付合同总价的15% | 确认收到中标通知书后7个月内 |
4 | 提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统-流域信息数字集成及可视化模块及说明文档 | 凭借模块及说明文档和寿昌江流域水生态监测系统总体设计及全过程咨询顾问出具的监理报告,支付合同总价的15% | 确认收到中标通知书后9个月内 |
5 | 提交寿昌江流域监测评估系统试运行报告和寿昌江流域水生态监测系统总体设计及全过程咨询顾问出具的监理报告 | 凭借试运行报告和寿昌江流域水生态监测系统总体设计及全过程咨询顾问出具的监理报告,支付合同总价的20% | 确认收到中标通知书后15个月内 |
6 | 提交全过程运维记录和系统建设应用完工报告 | 凭借运维记录、完工报告以及寿昌江流域水生态监测系统总体设计及全过程咨询顾问出具的监理报告,支付合同总价的20% | 2024年4月30日前 |
Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System Service contract
Terms of Reference
The World Bank is the abbreviation of the World Bank Group (WBG), including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)) has a total of 5 member organizations. With the aim of promoting poverty reduction and development, the World Bank focuses on supporting underdeveloped regions while considering regional balance. In eastern region of China, World Bank loans are mainly used to support projects in the fields of transportation, energy, and environmental protection, and have played an active role in promoting the development of the area. The use of World Bank loans in Zhejiang Province began in 1984. For more than 30 years, Zhejiang has always insisted on making good use of World Bank loans as an important starting point for promoting local economic development. While introducing World Bank funds, it also introduced advanced project management concepts. Under the new situation, Zhejiang has deepened cooperation and exchanges with the World Bank, highlighted key areas such as structural adjustment, improvement of people\'s livelihood, ecological protection and sustainable development, used capital and project cooperation to drive technology and knowledge cooperation, strengthened talent development, and promoted management innovation; at the same time, Exchange development experience, strengthen development strategy research, and continuously improve the level of cooperation.
In order to solve the risk of water quality deterioration (caused by the acceleration of industrialization, urbanization, and the continuous increase of pollutant discharge) in the Shouchang River Basin, and to protect the water resources and ecological environment of Qiandao Lake and the upper reaches of the Xin\'an River, Zhejiang Province and the World Bank cooperated to implement " The World Bank Loaned Zhejiang Qiandao Lake and Xin’an River Basin Water Resources and Ecological Environmental Protection Project” (hereinafter referred to as the project). The project aims to establish a dynamic monitoring and evaluation system for Shouchang river basins that can effectively serve the government. The system can analyze the temporal and spatial trend of water quality and identify pollution sources in the Shouchang River Basin, provide decision-making service for the direction of governance, provide data and information for the regional government\'s watershed governance work, and provide evaluation for the implementation of other projects in the basin. At the same time, the relevant experience will be extended to the upstream Qiandao Lake and Xin\'an River basins, to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the overall water resources and ecological environment governance in the basin. In addition, it could provide support for the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan for Water Resources and Ecological Environmental Protection in Qiandao Lake and the Upper Xin\'an River Basin.
In order to solve the problems (such as insufficient monitoring level of ecological environment and pollution response ability, unclear governance effect, and lack of direction for in-depth comprehensive management of the basin) of the current Shouchang River Basin, based on basin information investigation, model construction, ecological remote sensing, and application of big data intelligent algorithms to build a monitoring and evaluation system platform system. The system could provide following services: (1) digital integration and visualization of watershed information; (2) digitization of water ecological information archives in the watershed and intelligent planning for governance programs; (3) application for watershed ecological environment governance; (4) Situational awareness of water ecological environment elements.
The contract should provide Shouchang River Basin monitoring and evaluation system application services, create a "digital and intelligent ecological Shouchang River", enhance the government\'s monitoring capabilities in the Shouchang River Basin, and accurately control the water ecological environment information in the Shouchang River Basin. Through the implementation of the project, it is planned to gradually achieve the following objectives:
Complete the development of each module of the Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System Platform within 9 months after receiving the Notification of Award. Then, continuously update and improve the system to provide support for the services of digital integration and visualization services for watershed information, digitization of watershed water ecological information archiving, intelligent planning for governance programs, application for river basin ecological environment governance, and situational awareness services for water ecological environment elements.,
The Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System test and on-line trial operation will be completed within 15 months after the receipt of the bid winning notice is confirmed, providing support for the development of the Shouchang River Basin monitoring and evaluation work, and realizing the overall digital supervision of the Shouchang River Basin.
By the end of April 2024, the monitoring and evaluation of the Shouchang River Basin will be in stable operation, which can be used as a demonstration project to extend relevant experience to the upstream Qiandao Lake and Xin\'an River basins. In addition, it can provide strong support for the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan for Water Resources and Ecological Environmental Protection in Qiandao Lake and the Upper Xin\'an River Basin.
Through the construction and application of the monitoring and evaluation system for the Shouchang River Basin, there will be systematic and long-term monitoring of the water quality, hydrological changes, pollution, terrestrial ecology, and project construction in the Shouchang River Basin. Based on the integration, analysis, and application of various types of data, the effect and improvement of watershed governance will be evaluated, and an iteratively upgraded "Shouchang River with Digital Intelligence Ecology" will be created. The planning and guidance for the continuous improvement of the ecological environment in the Shouchang River Basin will be provided. The detail decryptions include:
The information include population, social economy, meteorological data, land use, soil type, topography, forest (wetland) resources, water resources, engineering projects, water quality, hydrology monitoring point distribution and monitoring information, water source protection areas, the distribution of drinking water sources and their monitoring information, the distribution of important sewage enterprises and sewage treatment plants, the monitoring information of sewage outfalls into rivers, video surveillance and other basic information will be investigated. The collected data will be connected to the system platform, deeply integrated based on 2.5/3D map to form a "one map" of Shouchang River, a digital intelligence ecosystem. Data Integration and Visualization Services
① Visual display of project information in the Shouchang River Basin, including: location and distribution of the project, project overview, competent departments and contacts, main engineering measures, investment, estimated completion time, operation (construction) and other information. The display will be updated regularly. ②Visual display of monitoring data and analysis reports, including visualize real-time monitoring data, data analysis of various water quality, hydrology, and meteorology; dynamically visualize monthly, semi-annual, and annual analysis and evaluation reports. ③ Visualize the water quality early warning situation. ④ Visualization of intelligent prediction and early warning of water environment. ⑤ “Virtual River patrol” including video surveillance, unmanned ship surveillance, AI intelligent identification and alarm). ⑥ Visualization of meteorological data analysis. ⑦ Visually display the basin ecological conditions through satellite remote sensing (vegetation index, vegetation coverage, vegetation area), land use conditions (cultivated land, forest land, grassland, construction land) in the Shouchang River Basin. Providing system query and export functions
Provides a custom query function, which can be customized to query and view the internal historical data and information of the system, such as water quality data, hydrological data, meteorological data, alarm and early warning information, remote sensing data, assessment reports, etc. at each monitoring point. The system export function needs to support the download and export of various statistical analysis data results. Providing information disclosure function and information sharing open interface
Establish a public open platform to promptly publish water environment information that the masses care about, such as the current water quality of surface water, predicted water quality, abnormal water quality at each section or exceeding the standard, etc. Establish various forms of information feedback channels to collect and organize public opinions. Establish a feedback channel for government departments to public opinions, and expand the public influence of environmental protection through government-enterprise interaction. Provide information sharing interface between government departments, support different permission settings, and realize data interconnection and dynamic update.
2.2.2 Providing digitalization of water ecological information archiving and intelligent planning services for management programs in the basin
Digitized archiving of various real-time data and historical data of water ecology in the Shouchang River Basin. At the same time, through the investigation, calculation, and analysis of the distribution of pollution sources and pollution loads in the basin, the distribution map of various types of pollution loads in the basin is drawn. At the same time, an intelligent library of watershed governance schemes is constructed to realize intelligent analysis and judgment on the direction and objects of watershed governance, and intelligently plan governance schemes. Specifically include: Digitization of Watershed Water Ecological Information Archive
Digitized archiving of various real-time data and historical data of water ecology in the Shouchang River Basin. Including: monitoring data, relevant survey data in the "one map" of Shouchang River, historical images and other data. Intelligent analysis of pollution loads in typical watersheds
According to the requirements of the pollution load calculation method and hydrological estimation method in the "National Technical Guidelines for the Verification of Water Environment Capacity", "The Hydrological Estimation Method of Non-point Source Pollution Load (Youyuan Chen, et al.)" and other documents, the pollution load of typical river basins will be intelligently analyzed. Draw the distribution map of various pollution sources in typical watersheds and display them visually
Visually display the distribution of pollution loads of various pollutants in typical watersheds and the distribution of pollution sources around the watershed on the map. And analyze the proportion of pollutants entering each pollution source around a typical watershed to achieve a visual display. Analyzing and judging typical watershed governance objects and governance directions
According to the content of pollution sources and pollution load distribution in typical river basins, reasonable treatment methods and directions will be analyzed and determined. Building a library of intelligent solutions for typical river basin governance, and intelligently plan the river basin governance
Based on the research on typical watershed governance objects and governance directions, a database of intelligent watershed governance solutions is preset, and the current situation of watershed pollution is realized through data cleaning, integration, database building, and utilization to achieve intelligent matching and planning of watershed governance plans.
2.2.3 Providing watershed ecological environment management application services Dynamic assessment of the macro-level (watershed) governance effect of the Shouchang River Basin
The macro level is mainly to evaluate the realization of the overall goal of comprehensive management of the Shouchang River Basin, and to use automatic monitoring and manual monitoring to track and monitor the water quality and hydrology of the basin for a long time. In accordance with the requirements of the "Surface Water Environmental Quality Evaluation Method (Trial) China Environmental Monitoring Station 2011.3", the main stream of the Shouchang River Basin will be evaluated and visualized in terms of water quality, hydrological changes, and emission reduction effects. Dynamic evaluation of the treatment effect of the meso-level (tributary) in the Shouchang River Basin
The evaluation of the treatment effect at the meso-level is mainly to evaluate the comprehensive treatment effect of two typical small watersheds (Wulong River and Laocun River) in the tributaries of the Shouchang River. Use automatic monitoring and manual monitoring data to track and monitor the water quality, hydrology, and other information of the two small watersheds for a long period. Appropriate water quality evaluation methods will be used to analyze and evaluate the water quality, determine the main pollutant indicators of the section and the watershed, and realize the automatic analysis and dynamic evaluation of the treatment effect of the meso-level. Dynamic evaluation of the governance effect of the micro-level (engineering measure point) in the Shouchang River Basin
The micro-level governance effect evaluation is mainly to monitor and evaluate engineering measures in various fields. The system accesses the information of various existing engineering governance projects, and evaluates the status effect of the existing engineering projects; at the same time, it reserves the interface for the new projects in the future, and conducts iterative effect evaluation for the construction of watershed engineering projects. Dynamic assessment of water quality monitoring in flood season based on meteorological data
A flood season monitoring and evaluation module will be built. When the flood season comes, the system could combine water quality, hydrological automatic station, and meteorological data to analyze the relationship between various data changes and intelligently analyze the source of pollution. Through long-term data accumulation, to obtain the long-term change law of water quality during flood period in the basin. Using satellite remote sensing and data inversion technology to evaluate and visualize the seasonal ecological changes in the Shouchang River Basin
Once a quarter, using satellite remote sensing and data inversion technology to monitor and analyze vegetation changes (vegetation index, vegetation coverage, vegetation area) and land use (cultivated land, forest land, grassland, construction land) around the basin. The results will be visualization display in the system.
At the same time, it is necessary to invert the changes of remote sensing and data through on-site survey and verification. The results of on-site survey will be compared, corrected, and analyzed showing in the system. Dynamic analysis and evaluation combined with meteorological data, water quality and hydrological data
Combined with changes in meteorological parameters, it can automatically capture and intelligently analyze and evaluate the changes in water quality and hydrology during and before and after rainfall, and can combine historical data to intelligently compare and analyze, and simultaneously display relevant content visually. Automatically generating monthly, semi-annual, and annual analysis reports on the water ecological environment of the Shouchang River Basin
Automatically generating monthly, semi-annual, and annual Shouchang River Basin water ecological environment analysis reports, including: water quality, hydrology, meteorological monitoring data and analysis results, macro-level, meso-level, micro-level evaluation, flood season monitoring and evaluation content, virtual River patrol, ecological remote sensing, model analysis and prediction data and analysis results, etc. Intelligent optimization of governance engineering and measures
According to the governance effect after the implementation of the actual engineering measures in the basin, intelligently optimize the schemes in the intelligent scheme library of basin governance to form a closed loop of evaluation.
2.2.4 Providing situational awareness services for water ecological environment elements Virtual River patrol Video coverage of unmanned boats patrolling rivers
The main stream of Shouchang River (from the intersection of Xin\'an River and the main stream of Shouchang River to the intersection of Laocun River and the main stream of Shouchang River, except when it is impossible to cruise due to actual terrain or water level) adopts unmanned boat cruises every quarter and the watershed is continuously obtained during the cruise. Unmanned boats patrolling could solve the problem of limited number of river bank video points and limited monitoring range. Virtual River patrol AI
Through the combination of artificial intelligence technologies (such as computer vision computing) and images from river bank cameras, the system can intelligently identify pollution conditions such as sudden changes in surface color, garbage, floating objects, and intrusion of people/livestock in the Shouchang River Basin. There will be automatic alarm when pollution occurs. The system will assist government departments to discover and manage water environment-related problems in the Shouchang River, create a new water ecological governance model, find problems in time, and effectively improve the efficiency of problem handling.
The specific construction contents include two parts: one is to build a water environment AI algorithm model library, and the other is to build an AI development platform. The first part is to use mature algorithm models trained with massive data sets to quickly deploy applications, cover the necessary scenarios for water ecological governance, and generate effective production early warning data to support applications; the other one is an algorithm incubation platform for innovative or customized scenarios. AI computing is required for implementation. Through the tool capabilities of the platform, AI algorithms for use scenarios can be quickly produced for technical personnel at different development levels. At the same time, the algorithms are continuously updated and iterated through the continuous enrichment of data sets to enhance usability. The specific functional requirements of the two modules are as follows:
1) Water environment AI algorithm model library:
The construction requirements of the water environment AI algorithm model library are to access cameras and unmanned boat monitoring images to monitor and warn the Shouchang River Basin. The prefabricated models of the model library include: identification of floating objects in the river, identification of intrusion of people/livestock, water color identification and garbage in the river.
2) The AI development platform must meet the following requirements:
AI development platform | model training | Supporting general computing frameworks such as: TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, XGBoost, SparkM-Llib and domestic self-controllable open-source frameworks such as paddlepaddle (Provide product screenshot interface, and affix the official seal of the original product manufacturer) |
Deep Learning Computation: 1. The deep learning parameter server supports hundreds of billions of levels 2. Supporting training tasks to allocate GPU memory proportionally | ||
Machine Learning Computation: 1. Providing a stand-alone Pandas high-performance data analysis library with leading performance and leading data volume; 2. Providing the machine learning library of stand-alone Scikit learn with leading performance and leading data processing volume; 3. Providing GPU-accelerated data analysis library and machine learning library. | ||
Supporting interactive (Notebook) modeling, visual (drag-and-drop) modeling, automated data table modeling, and production line modeling | ||
Visual drag-and-drop modeling method: supports the visualization of nodes in the modeling process, and supports a large number of commonly used machine learning and deep learning operators, including binary classification, multi-classification, regression, clustering and other operators, such as DNN, DecisionTree, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, GBDT, SVM, XGBoost, LR and other algorithms, no code is required, each node error can be traced, and intermediate data can be viewed | ||
Automated modeling: Supporting the AutoML modeling method of data tables to accelerate the efficiency of business exploration and modeling | ||
Production line modeling: supporting image and text intelligent production lines, in which the image production line supports image classification, target detection, and image segmentation production lines, built-in pre-training models with mature advantages, and enhance modeling efficiency (provide product screenshot interface, and stamp the official seal of the original manufacturer of the product) | ||
Providing visual data preprocessing functions | ||
Supporting distributed training mechanism to provide visual modeling experiment management | ||
Supporting feature engineering, statistical analysis components | ||
Providing a shared file system, which can be connected to HDFS, AWS S3-like and other underlying file systems | ||
Sample library | Data processing: Supports the management of in-cluster and third-party storage, currently supports Hive, MySQL, Oracle, Dameng, HDFS, GlusterFS and other systems; (provide product screenshot interface, and stamp the official seal of the original manufacturer of the product) | |
Providing visual data preprocessing functions | ||
It has the functions of data statistics and data exploration, which helps to understand the characteristics of the data, select the appropriate algorithm to provide the visual data preprocessing function | ||
model library | With good model compatibility, third-party models can be imported into the model warehouse for unified management, and published as an online prediction service for operation | |
The model supports one-click deployment as an online prediction service, generates online service APIs for business system calls, and deploys services to support resource selection to ensure stable provision of resources | ||
The service supports multiple copies and A/B tests, supports dynamic non-stop service updates under HA, and ensures stable and high availability of services | ||
Cloud Edge Collaboration | Supporting cloud-edge collaboration mechanism, AI platform can flexibly and dynamically deliver edge-side models | |
Support common edge AI gateways include NVIDIA Jetson series, Huawei Atlas series, BD\'s Edgeboard series | ||
Authorized Manufacturer | Authorized manufacturers need to have a deep learning framework with independent intellectual property rights, and the deep learning framework is compatible with domestic computing hardware, such as Feiteng certification | |
Authorized manufacturers need to have self-developed AI acceleration chips to ensure independent security and controllability, and provide corresponding performance description materials stamped with the official seal of the original manufacturer of the product | ||
system compatibility | Does not depend on third-party specific cloud environments and software dependencies, and can be integrated with third-party cloud platforms | |
Supporting and is compatible with common CPU and GPU hardware types, does not depend on specific brand hardware | ||
The original manufacturer takes the lead in building a national-level artificial intelligence laboratory, such as a deep learning laboratory, and provides proof materials |
①Survey and map the underwater topography and shoreline of the Shouchang River (the distance between the surveying and mapping sections is less than 200 meters, and each section has at least 3 points. The scope of surveying and mapping: the intersection of the Xin\'an River and the main stream of the Shouchang River to the intersection of the Laocun River and the main stream of the Shouchang River ) to investigate and collect relevant data on the watershed;
② Based on the survey of pollution sources, underwater topography and shoreline mapping, data collection of hydrology, water quality, and water ecological status in the Shouchang River Basin, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the open source hydrodynamic model ECOM will be constructed. Using the open-source water quality model RCA as the development platform, a high-precision three-dimensional water quality numerical model suitable for typical areas of the Shouchang River Basin will be constructed, and the temporal and spatial distribution laws of the flow field, water level field, and nutrients of the key rivers in the Shouchang River Basin will be simulated and inverted. The platform will provide stable data processing core modules for Shouchang River Basin Monitoring System Platform. Providing operational water quality forecasting
Relying on model simulation, it can realize the operational forecast of changes in water quality (including but not limited to: total phosphorus, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, permanganate index) in a certain area or section in the future, and visualize the relevant situation. Intelligent prediction and early warning of water environment
Intelligent prediction and early warning of abnormal conditions of water environment and online equipment, including early warning of abnormal conditions, excessive criticality, and excessive water quality. The model could predict the time and concentration of pollutants that may reach a section or area, and issue an alarm. Realizing pollution source traceability
When pollution occurs, the system could intelligently investigate and trace out the polluted area that affects the water quality at the point where the early warning occurs, realize pollution traceability, and narrow the scope of fine investigation. Providing emergency decision support
To build a scenario database of pollution incident handling measures, and intelligently provide the best emergency monitoring, disposal measures and surrounding emergency resource information when a pollution incident occurs. At the same time, the database can be continuously revised, iteratively updated, and optimized.
2.3 Results Submission
(1) Submit each module and explanatory documents of the Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System [including: digitization of water ecological information archiving in the basin and intelligent planning of the governance scheme (submission time: within 3 months after the receipt of the Notification of Award), application of ecological environment management in the basin (Submission time: within 5 months after confirmation of receipt of the bid-winning notice), situational awareness of water ecological environment elements (submission time: within 7 months after confirmation of receipt of the bid-winning notice), digital integration and visualization of watershed information (submission time: confirmation of receipt within 9 months after the Notification of Award)].
(2) Submit the trial operation report of the Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System within 15 months after confirming receipt of the bid winning notice.
(3) Submit the operation and maintenance records of the whole process and the completion report of system construction and application.
(4) All the results submitted above need to be reviewed and confirmed by the owner unit and the overall design of the water ecological monitoring system in the Shouchang River Basin and the whole process consultant.
Ⅲ. Institutional staffing and timing (advisory institution qualification requirements, key expert assignments and qualifications)
3.1 Consultant Requirements
The consulting unit needs to have ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 certification;"Deep Learning Technology and Application National Engineering Laboratory" and self-developed AI acceleration chips, or the authorization documents issued by the "Deep Learning Technology and Application National Engineering Laboratory" and the AI acceleration chip research and development unit (official seals for certification materials and official seals for authorization documents are required).
3.2 Expert Requirements
According to the overall task of the project, rationally allocate managers and professionals required for project research and system construction.
Specialist jobs | Domestic/person-months |
Key experts | |
Team Leader/Environmental Science and Engineering Specialist | 21 |
Estuary and other related majors, experts who undertake research projects of estuarine and coastal dynamics or hydrodynamic numerical simulation | 16 |
Major in cartography or geographic information, with rich experience in meteorological oceanography, remote sensing, geographic information and other fields | 14 |
Experts in Aquatic Biodiversity Research | 10 |
Professionals who have been engaged in basic information collection and pollution source surveys in river basins | 14 |
Professionals who have been engaged in the navigation of unmanned ships, underwater terrain mapping or research and development of maritime vessels | 14 |
Hydrology (Water Conservancy) Assessment Professionals | 12 |
Relevant professionals in the study of watershed environmental governance effect evaluation system | 14 |
Relevant professionals in the research of intelligent planning system for water pollution control scheme in river basin | 14 |
Relevant professionals in the research on situational awareness system of water environment elements in the basin | 14 |
System Platform Development Leader/Senior Software Engineer | 21 |
Subtotal | 164 |
Non-key experts | |
Member of the basic information collection and pollution source investigation team of the basin | 14 |
Unmanned ship navigation and underwater terrain mapping team members | 28 |
Hydrodynamic Numerical Simulation Research Team Member | 16 |
Geographic Information and Satellite Remote Sensing Team Member | 14 |
System development and construction team members | 54 |
Subtotal | 126 |
Total | 290 |
3.2.1 Detailed tasks and qualifications of key experts
(1) Team Leader/Environmental Science and Engineering Expert (Domestic, 21 person-months)
① Specific tasks:
1)The team leader is responsible for coordinating the work of the implementation team and controlling the overall implementation service quality;
2)Responsible for the full performance of the contract, responsible for the implementation of the entire project, to ensure the smooth progress of the entire project, and to coordinate the work between the various subordinate project teams;
3)Responsible for project planning, design and construction;
4)Responsible for the guidance and supervision of the overall work of the project, the overall management and progress management of the project; cooperate with the person in charge of the system platform development to make technical decisions and conduct technical risk assessments;
5)Organize the acceptance of the project.
② Qualification requirements:
Engaged in environmental related work for 5 years or more, with a doctoral degree or above in environmental science and engineering.
(2) Estuary and other related majors, experts who undertake research projects on estuarine and coastal dynamics or hydrodynamic numerical simulation (Domestic, 16 person-months)
① Specific tasks:
1)Responsible for taking the lead in building the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the open source hydrodynamic model ECOM and a high-precision three-dimensional water quality numerical model suitable for typical areas of the Shouchang River Basin; Simulating and inverting the temporal and spatial distribution laws of the flow field, water level field, and nutrients of key channels in the Shouchang River Basin.; providing operational water quality forecasting.
2)Continuously checking and correcting the model.
② Qualification requirements:
Have a doctoral degree or above in estuarine and coastal science and a senior engineer; have been engaged in estuarine and coastal dynamics and hydrodynamic numerical simulation research for more than 10 years; have relevant national, provincial and municipal coastal dynamic or hydrodynamic numerical simulation research or consulting project experience .
(3) Majors in cartography or geographic information, with rich experience in meteorological oceanography, remote sensing, geographic information and other fields (Domestic, 14 person-months)
① Specific tasks:
Leading the construction of satellite remote sensing and data inversion functional modules to monitor and analyze vegetation changes (vegetation index, vegetation coverage, vegetation area) and land use (cultivated land, forest land, grassland, construction land) around the Shouchang River Basin, and take the lead Drawing visualization. The remote sensing and data inversion changes are carried out on-site survey and verification, and the results will be entered into the system for correction and analysis.
② Qualification requirements:
1)Have a master\'s or above degree in cartography and geographic information systems, and are an intermediate engineer.
2)Engaged in the design and development of software systems related to meteorological and marine environment, remote sensing and 3DGIS for more than 5 years, with experience in scientific research or consulting projects in the fields of meteorology and oceanography, remote sensing, and geographic information.
(4) Experts related to aquatic biodiversity research (Domestic, 10 person-months)
① Specific tasks:
Based on the Shouchang River water ecological survey, leading the construction of a visual display of the Shouchang River water ecological situation. Analyzing and evaluating the current situation, the trophic level and ecosystem stability of the Shouchang River, and the water ecology of the Shouchang River Basin.
② Qualification requirements:
Possess a graduate degree or above in environmental science related majors and engineer qualifications, and have undertaken related projects such as water biodiversity index, water biodiversity survey and assessment.
(5) Professionals who have been engaged in basic information collection and pollution source investigation in the basin (Domestic, 14 person-months)
① Specific tasks:
Leading the collection of basic information and the investigation of pollution sources around the typical Shouchang River Basin for system platform construction and pollution load analysis.
② Qualification requirements:
Have a master\'s degree or above in environmental engineering and senior engineer qualifications, and have undertaken watershed information collection or pollution source investigation projects.
(6) Professionals who have been engaged in the navigation of unmanned ships, underwater terrain mapping or research and development of maritime vessels (Domestic, 14 person-months)
① Specific tasks:
Responsible for the unmanned ship cruise and mapping team. Using the unmanned ship to cruise the watershed, conducting simultaneous surveying and mapping, and taking monitoring pictures to provide support for the construction of the watershed model and the application of AI video images.
② Qualification requirements:
Have a bachelor\'s or above degree in ship engineering related majors, and the qualification of a ship engineering engineer. Have experience on unmanned ship navigation, underwater terrain mapping or research and development of maritime ships.
(7) Hydrology (water conservancy) evaluation professionals (Domestic, 12 person-months)
① Specific tasks:
Responsible for the analysis, application and evaluation of hydrological automatic monitoring station and manual monitoring hydrological data, and being responsible for the visualization display of system platform analysis and application.
② Qualification requirements:
Have a bachelor\'s degree or above in hydrology and water resources engineering, and the qualification of assistant engineer or above. Engaged in hydrological research related work.
(8) Relevant professionals in the research of river basin environmental governance effect evaluation system, relevant professionals in the research of intelligent planning system of river basin water pollution control scheme, and relevant professionals in the research of situational awareness system of water environment elements in the basin (Domestic, 14 person-months each)
① Specific tasks:
As a system platform construction professional, provide technical support for the whole process of professional direction of basin environmental governance effect assessment, basin water pollution control scheme intelligent planning, basin water environment element situational awareness system research.
② Qualification requirements:
Have a primary or above professional title certificate, and have relevant system research experience.
(9) Head of system platform development/senior software engineer (Domestic, 21 person-months)
① Specific tasks:
As the general person in charge of system platform development and construction, control the overall progress of system development, provide technical guidance for the whole process of system software development, and coordinate and follow up the related work of various system construction and developers.
② Qualification requirements:
Possess a master\'s degree or above in software engineering related majors, have senior software engineer qualifications, and have been engaged in software development for more than 3 years.
3.3.2 Detailed tasks for non-key experts
Under the organization and guidance of key experts, tasks to be completed include:
① Specific tasks:
1)To collect basic information of the watershed and to investigate the pollution sources;
2)Navigation of unmanned ships and underwater terrain mapping work;
3)Conducting hydrodynamic numerical simulation research;
4)Construction of geographic information and satellite remote sensing;
5)Conduct system development and construction, including: software product design (front-end, back-end), system operation and maintenance, software UI design, and software testing.
② Qualification requirements:
1)Relevant personnel who carry out basic information collection of watersheds and pollution source surveys, conduct unmanned ship navigation and underwater terrain mapping work, conduct hydrodynamic numerical simulation research, and conduct geographic information and satellite remote sensing research must be environmental engineering or science, marine geology, Unmanned ship navigation or surveying and mapping, geographic information or remote sensing, model research and other related professionals and have relevant working experience.
2)The team members who carry out system development and construction must be professionals in computer, internet of things engineering, software engineering or other related professionals and have relevant working experience.
Ⅳ. Results Submission and Timeline
The consulting unit needs to complete the relevant work and submit the results according to the schedule agreed upon by the scope and duration of the work. The specific requirements are shown in Table 4-1 below:
Table 4-1 Time and Outcome Tables
Outcomes | Deadline |
Submit Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System - Basin Water Ecological Information Archiving Digitalization and Governance Program Intelligent Planning Module and Instruction Documents | 3 months after confirming receipt of the Notification of Award |
Submit Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System - Basin Ecological Environment Governance Application Module and Documentation | 5 months after the receipt of the Notification of Award |
Submit Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System-Water Ecological Environment Element Situational Awareness Module and Documentation | 7 months after the receipt of the Notification of Award |
Submit Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System - Basin Information Digital Integration and Visualization Module and Documentation | 9 months after the receipt of the Notification of Award |
Submit the trial operation report of the monitoring and evaluation system of the Shouchang River Basin, and complete the phased acceptance of the system | 15 months of receipt of the Notification of Award |
Submit the whole process operation and maintenance records and system construction application completion report | April 30, 2024 |
Other relevant results output | According to the relevant requirements of the World Bank and the client |
Ⅴ. Training
Consulting unit needs to conduct training on the use and operation of each module of the Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System Platform. The training fee is included in the total contract cost and is not billed separately. To carry out each training work, it is necessary to invite the supervision of the overall design of the water ecological monitoring system in the Shouchang River Basin and the supervision of the whole process consultants to participate, and to accept the supervision of the supervision unit.
Table 5-1 Training content and requirements
NO. | Training content | Trainees | Number of trainees and training time | Training form |
1 | Application of digital integration and visualization module of watershed information | The person who will use the system in JianDe Ctiy | 5 people/2 days | offline or online |
2 | Application of the intelligent planning module for the digitization of water ecological information archives in the river basin and the management plan | The person who will use the system in JianDe Ctiy | 5 people/2 days | offline or online |
3 | Application of Watershed Ecological Environment Governance Module | The person who will use the system in JianDe Ctiy | 5 people/2 days | offline or online |
4 | Application of Situational Awareness Module of Water Ecological Environment Elements | The person who will use the system in JianDe Ctiy | 5 people/2 days | offline or online |
5 | Other training deemed necessary by the intended unit | / | / | / |
Ⅵ. Other instructions
6.1 Contract fee
This is a lump-sum contract. All content in the contract is collected, sorted and completed by the consulting company, and the consulting company is responsible for and bears the expenses related to expert consultation, transportation, catering, accommodation and other related expenses incurred due to the contract implementation.
6.2 Contract service period
The contract service period ends on April 30, 2024, and the services will be carried out according to the contract after the contract is signed.
6.3 Contract Management and Requirements
According to the requirements of the Terms of Reference , the consultant is responsible for formulating the overall plan, determining the chief person in charge, setting up a contract team, and formulating a specific implementation plan;
During the implementation of the contract, regular discussions should be organized to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the consultant expert group, the consultants from the overall design and the whole-process consultant of the water ecological monitoring system in the Shouchang River Basin, owners and other experts on the implementation of the work;
During the implementation of the contract, it shall fully cooperate with the supervision and guidance from consulting expert group, the owner, experts from the World Bank, and the consultants from overall design and the whole-process consultant of the water ecological monitoring system in the Shouchang River Basin;
To submit the work results on time, the final acceptance shall be carried out according to the supervision report issued by the overall design and the whole-process consultant of the water ecological monitoring system in the Shouchang River Basin.
6.4 Payment Schedule
NO. | Results Submission | Payment amount | Payment time |
1 | Submit Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System - Basin Water Ecological Information Archiving Digitalization and Governance Program Intelligent Planning Module and Instruction Documents | 15% of the total contract price will be paid by virtue of the modules and documentation, the overall design of the Shouchang River Basin Water Ecological Monitoring System and the supervision report issued by the whole-process consultant | Within 3 months after confirming receipt of the Notification of Award |
2 | Submit Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System - Basin Ecological Environment Governance Application Module and Documentation | 15% of the total contract price will be paid by virtue of the modules and documentation, the overall design of the Shouchang River Basin Water Ecological Monitoring System and the supervision report issued by the whole-process consultant | Within 5 months after the receipt of the Notification of Award |
3 | Submit Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System-Water Ecological Environment Element Situational Awareness Module and Documentation | 15% of the total contract price will be paid by virtue of the modules and documentation, the overall design of the Shouchang River Basin Water Ecological Monitoring System and the supervision report issued by the whole-process consultant | Within 7 months after the receipt of the Notification of Award |
4 | Submit Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System - Basin Information Digital Integration and Visualization Module and Documentation | 15% of the total contract price will be paid by virtue of the modules and documentation, the overall design of the Shouchang River Basin Water Ecological Monitoring System and the supervision report issued by the whole-process consultant | Within 9 months after the receipt of the Notification of Award |
5 | Submit the trial operation report of the Shouchang River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation System and the overall design of the Shouchang River Basin Water Ecological Monitoring System and the supervision report issued by the consultant for the whole process | 20% of the total contract price will be paid based on the trial operation report and the overall design of the Shouchang River Basin Water Ecological Monitoring System and the supervision report issued by the whole process consultant | Within 15 months after the receipt of the Notification of Award |
6 | Submit the whole process operation and maintenance records and system construction application completion report | 20% of the total contract price will be paid based on the operation and maintenance records, the completion report, the overall design of the water ecological monitoring system in the Shouchang River Basin and the supervision report issued by the whole-process consultant | Before April 30, 2024 |
Ⅶ.Opinions and suggestions
Consulting companies and relevant experts can give reasonable opinions and suggestions on the relevant contents of the Terms of Reference (TOR). If there are financial changes or effects in these opinions and suggestions, they need to be explained first.