1. 中国政府已从亚洲开发银行申请了一笔贷款(贷款编号:4140-PRC),用于支付利用亚
2. 贺州市世界银行贷款项目管理办公室现邀请合格的且有资格的投标人就下列递交密封
3. 本次招标为国际公告公开招标,凡符合《亚行开发银行借款人采购规定》(2017 版本并
4. 有兴趣的合格投标人可以从本投标邀请函列明的地址进一步了解有关信息,并在
cms.adb.org 查阅招标文件。
5. 潜在投标人应注意本招标文件投标人须知第4条关于合格性和利益冲突的规定。所有存
6. 投标人的资格要求包括:(003移民安置和少数民族发展计划外部监测咨询服务)的投标
7. 有兴趣的合格投标人可将购买招标文件的申请递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址,并支付
8. 所有投标文件应于2023年08月19日18时00分之前递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址。
9. 投标文件必须包括按照招标文件中规定的金额和格式开具的投标保证金。
地址三:投标文件递交地址:cms.adb.org 电子上传文件递交或其他方式递交((以电
至邮箱 hzsfgwxmb@163.com))
地 址:贺州市八步区建设东路3号
电 话:/
地 址:
联系人: 王达
电 话: 010-68405009
电子邮件: wangd@tenderingcctc.com
{ 享(签名)
借款人项目执行机构代理机构: (盖章)
利用亚洲开发银行贷款广西贺州可达山矿区 生态修复及可持续发展项目移民安置
日期:2023 年 月
一、项目背景..................................................................................... 1 二、项目产出..................................................................................... 2 三、咨询服务目的及要求.................................................................4 四、咨询服务内容.............................................................................5 五、咨询服务单位资质要求及服务时间.......................................10 六、成果交付的时间及要求...........................................................14 七、其他事项...................................................................................15
贺州市是广西壮族自治区内最不发达的城市之一,过去的工 业生产和采矿活动严重破坏了矿区自然环境,采矿业的衰退也对 社会服务和就业产生了巨大的负面影响。同时,随着经济增长,人们对高质量卫生健康系统的需求也在增加,但贺州市医疗资源 分布不平衡,基层医疗卫生服务相对不足。为改善可达山矿区的 自然环境,满足平桂区的医疗卫生需求,贺州市决定与亚洲开发 银行合作,申请一笔贷款,用于实施广西贺州可达山矿区生态修 复及可持续发展项目。
项目以贺州矿区的可持续发展为目标,从生态修复、公共服 务等领域进行投资建设,并探索相关领域的政策研究、能力建设、创新与发展等,由可达山和平桂 2 个子项目组成。项目执行机构 为贺州市人民政府,项目实施机构为平桂区人民政府和广西贺州 市矿业投资集团有限公司,项目业主为广西贺州市矿业投资集团 有限公司、贺州市平桂城市建设投资有限公司。贺州市人民政府 成立了贺州市项目办,对项目的准备和实施提供全面的指导、监 督、协调和管理。项目建设期为 2023 年至 2028 年。项目总投资 估算为 151245.73 万元人民币,其中申请亚洲开发银行贷款 8424.6 万欧元(折合人民币约 64869.42 万元)。项目贷款已于 2022 年 3 月 29 日生效。
本项目属于非自愿移民保障和原住民(少数民族)发展 B 类项目。
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在项目准备期间,针对可达山子项目,贺州市矿投集团于 2021 年 7 月编制了《土地使用权流转框架》。同时由于平桂区 子项目征地移民工作正在实施过程中,并已部分完成,平桂区政 府于 2021 年 4 月已为完成的征地拆迁和移民安置工作编制移民 安置尽职调查报告,并确认在未来实施的征地过程和补偿标准符 合亚洲开发银行的社会安全保障政策。在项目实施期间,外部监 测机构将依据亚行同意的更新移民安置计划,尽责调查报告以及 土地使用权流转计划等,对项目内容下的所有涉及征地和移民安 置的子项目开展监测评估工作。
少数民族发展计划已向项目区内的少数民族公布,并于2021 年 7 月 29 日在亚洲开发银行网站上公示。
现需聘请外部监测机构对上述行动计划和更新的实施情况 进行监测和评估,并提出相应的意见和建议,确保项目顺利实施。
产出 1:实施自然友好型措施,减少可达山原矿区的污染。作为可达山子项目的产出,将支持采取自然友好型措施,改善可 达山原矿区的环境,并发展长期监测环境和污染的能力。该产出 包括拆除废弃的污染性采矿设施、废物和尾矿;恢复受损或裸露 的地表,包括种植树木和植被;建设现场处理和稳定场以及填埋 场,以处理移除的采矿废物和尾矿,并在处理后关闭处理场和填 埋场;利用基于自然的解决方案处理受污染的地表水;在可达山
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建立长期的环境和污染监测系统,并开始监测;为应用基于自然 的方法改善贺州山区环境制定实用指南。
产出 2:加强卫生和养老的体制机制、技能能力和设施。作 为平桂子项目的一部分,将加强贺州市县级机构、工作机制和相 关人员在提供高质量卫生和养老服务方面的能力。在医疗卫生方 面,该产出将支持设计一个实用的机构工作机制和系统,以实现“医疗共同体”,通过县级平桂区工人医院提供协调支持,加强乡 镇和村级基层医疗卫生的质量和能力;在平桂区工人医院建立“医共体信息平台”,连接平桂区的乡镇和村级公立医疗机构;建 设平桂区工人医院,规格为县级二级甲等综合公立医院;发展平 桂区工人医院管理人员的行政管理能力和医生、护士、护理人员 及工作人员的业务能力,以提供高质量的服务;更新 9 家乡镇级 医院的设备,以提高基层医疗保健服务的供给和质量;提供培训,以建设乡镇卫生院和村级卫生室工作人员的业务能力,提高基层 医疗卫生服务质量。在养老方面,该产出将支持平桂区医养结合 示范基地的建设;在平桂区医养结合示范基地建立工作机制,实 现医养结合,包括对基地行政人员和管理人员提供行政管理和运 营能力方面的培训;对与平桂区医院结合示范基地合作的医护人 员(医生、护士、护理人员)进行业务能力发展,以提供高质量 的服务。建成后的项目设施将是绿色(运营后获得中国绿色建筑 标准二星级认证)和包容性的,考虑到女性、残疾人、老年人和
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少数民族的需求。这些设施还将采用建筑信息模型来实现精细化 的建筑施工和运营维护,包括绿色采购。
产出 3:发展绿色和健康护理相关的技能发展机构。产出 3 同时也是平桂子项目的一部分,将支持贺州为平桂居民提供非学 历职业技能发展机会,以满足最新的市场需求,包括绿色和健康 护理相关的技能。为了提供所需的非学历培训,政府将建设绿色(运营后获得中国绿色建筑标准二星级认证)和包容性的知识技 能共享中心,考虑妇女、残疾人、老年人和少数民族的需求。产 出将支持运营研究,根据需求优化知识技能培训中心的培训质 量,包括技能认证机制、人力资源发展计划和与当地私营企业合 作的课程设置;为知识技能培训中心的管理人员和教师编制培训 计划;提供课程和实施培训所需的设备。
监测和评估土地使用权流转、土地征用、补偿和安置措施等 的有效性、影响和可持续性;
监测和评估少数民族发展计划的实施和实现情况,;反映这 些活动是否符合项目保障政策的要求;并根据监测和评估结果提 出补救建议和措施,以确保实施效果。
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国内的有关要求,每半年或每年对土地使用权流转计划、移民安 置计划和尽职调查报告,以及少数民族发展计划的实施进行监 测,并就实施情况及合规问题向项目执行机构、实施机构和项目 业主提供建议。
根据亚洲开发银行的社会安全保障政策和国内有关要求,咨 询服务内容包括但不限于:
· 监测和评估土地使用权流转计划、移民安置计划、移民安 置尽职调查报告、少数民族发展计划实施的合规性;
· 按照项目进展情况,填写移民监测信息表,并按亚洲开发 银行要求提交外部监测报告;
· 对从事相关工作的人员提供技术培训;
· 协助亚洲开发银行检查团开展现场检查工作;
· 回答亚洲开发银行关于上述外部监测计划的所有问题;· 协助实施机构、项目业主解决亚洲开发银行检查团发现的 问题;以及
· 协助贺州市项目办建立一套行之有效的内部监测机制,针 对可能出现的相关问题提供专业意见和支持。
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· 参与白沙社区、茶青村与项目业主的土地使用权流转协
· 审查协议条款是否符合土地使用权流转计划、国家相关法
· 确认所有地面附着物(包括树木、棚屋和其他构筑物)的
· 将基线监测报告纳入第一份外部监测报告。
· 与受影响社区和家庭进行协商,确认土地使用权流转费用
· 监督项目业主的土地使用权流转组织安排;
· 评估土地使用权流转对社区造成的影响;
· 监督项目业主就土地使用权流转协议与公众进行磋商,并
· 监测项目业主的土地使用权流转租赁情况;以及
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· 确保申诉处理机制的运行。
3.参与公众磋商咨询:在项目实施过程中通过参与公众咨 询,外部监测机构将评估公众参与和土地使用权流转实施的有效 性。同时,外部监测机构还将监测、评估和报告关键咨询会议(包 括土地使用权流转谈判中的咨询会议),以评估是否符合土地使 用权流转计划要求。
4.报告:按照贺州市项目办和亚洲开发银行的要求,根据监 测和现场调查获得的信息,外部监测机构应编制外部监测报告,并定期按时提交给贺州市项目办和亚洲开发银行。
(二)平桂子项目移民安置计划监测及尽职调查报告 外部监测机构将针对平桂子项目移民安置计划和移民安置 尽职调查报告的实施情况进行以下咨询服务工作:
1.基线监测:在平桂子项目工程启动土建工程之前,外部监 测工作将包括以下内容:
· 对项目征地拆迁影响区进行基线调查,收集所有受影响人 群的详细情况(包括家庭人口情况、房屋建筑情况、收入与支出 结构、生计模式、家庭居住环境等)和基线数据(包括受影响土 地、房屋、构筑物和地面附着物的现状和补偿费用);
· 编制基线调查报告,作为评估移民安置工作的基础,并将 基线监测报告纳入第一份外部监测报告。
2.半年度或年度监测:外部监测机构将对移民安置计划和移 民安置尽职调查报告行动的实施进行半年度或年度监测。监测将
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根据受影响区调查情况(调查样本量按照亚洲开发银行要求进行 抽样),通过现场观察、跟踪调查和与受影响人进行访谈等方式 进行。监测内容将包括受影响拆迁户安置、移民生产安置、受影 响企业和事业单位安置、弱势群体、受影响人口生活水平恢复情 况以及移民安置机构运行情况等,具体应包括以下方面:补偿金 的支付、技术技能培训的实施、受影响人口的生计恢复状况、安 置现场房屋施工进度和设施、安置现场新建房屋搬迁、安置组织 结构和能力、补偿金的使用、受影响人群是否从项目中受益、与 征地拆迁安置有关的申诉处理情况等。
3.参加公众咨询会议:外部监测机构将在移民安置计划实施 和尽职调查期间参加一些公众咨询会议,以评估公众参与和咨询 的结果和有效性。
4.跟踪调查并提出纠正措施:外部监测机构需在移民安置实 施过程中每半年进行一次跟踪调查,定期访问受影响的村庄(社 区),跟进相关政府和实施机构处理申诉的工作进度,评价移民 安置的实施效果。如果在监测和评估过程中发现任何问题,应向 贺州市项目办和亚洲开发银行提出纠正措施,以确保移民安置有 效实施。
5.报告:按照贺州市项目办和亚洲开发银行的要求,外部监 测报告应在实施期间根据监测和现场调查获得的信息每半年编 制一次,并定期及时提交给贺州市项目办和亚洲开发银行,年度 报告应在移民安置工作完成后两年内提交。
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外部监测机构将针对少数民族发展计划的实施情况进行以 下咨询服务工作:
1.基线监测:外部监测机构将在签订合同后一个月内,开展 以下外部监测工作:
· 对项目区进行基线调查,以收集项目区少数民族人口、妇 女、低收入人群及残障人士的详细情况和基线数据;
· 编制基线调查报告,作为评估少数民族发展实施情况监测 工作的基础,并将基线监测报告纳入第一份外部监测报告。
2.半年度监测:外部监测机构将对少数民族发展计划的实施 进行半年度或年度监测。监测将通过跟踪调查、与利益相关方进 行访谈等方式进行。监测内容将包括生活生产环境、就业情况、健康养老设施和服务水平、技术和技能培训情况、项目设施对女 性职工和访客的适用性和舒适度、女性工作配额、关键的性别目 标、相关组织结构和能力建设、项目中少数民族的利益、与少数 民族发展计划有关的申诉处理情况等。
3.参加公众咨询会议:外部监测机构将在少数民族发展计划 实施期间参加公众咨询会议,以评估公众参与和实施少数民族发 展计划的结果和有效性。
4.跟踪调查并提出纠正措施:外部监测机构需每半年对项目 区域进行一次跟踪调查,定期访问社区和利益相关方,跟进相关 政府和执行机构处理申诉的工作进度,并评估实施是否符合少数
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民族发展计划。如果在监测过程中发现任何问题,应向贺州市项 目办和亚洲开发银行提出纠正措施,以确保少数民族发展计划的 有效实施。
5.报告:根据少数民族发展计划的实施情况和内部监测报告 和调查,外部监测机构应按照贺州市项目办和亚洲开发银行的要 求编制外部监测报告和完成报告,并定期按时提交给贺州市项目 办和亚洲开发银行。
1.在项目开工前,外部监测机构应对项目实施机构、项目业 主和承包商从事相关工作的人员提供技术培训,内容包括移民安 置法律法规、土地使用权流转计划、移民安置尽职调查报告、少 数民族发展计划等;
2.在项目实施过程中,外部监测机构应针对发现的移民安置 和少数民族发展计划问题,与项目实施机构代表、项目业主代表 和承包商代表进行专题讨论、培训等。
具有至少 5 年的国际金融组织贷款项目类似经验和业绩,已完成或正在实施至少 3 个国际金融组织贷款项目的相关监测 工作,有亚洲开发银行或世界银行在中国类似经验者优先,非常 熟悉亚洲开发银行对移民安置、少数民族发展计划的实施和监测 要求。
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监测机构应至少配备 4 名符合资质要求的专家,具有社会科 学、经济学、统计学等相关专业学位,其中 2 名以上应具备硕士 或以上学历。监测机构还应确保咨询专家的稳定性。这 4 名专家 预计需提供总计 28 人月的咨询服务。为保证咨询团队高质量完 成咨询任务,现场投入人月原则上不低于专家总人月的 40%。专 家的具体资质要求和主要职责包括但不限于:
1. 移民安置及少数民族专家/项目组长
项目组长应:(i)具有社会科学或类似领域的硕士或以上学 历;(ii)在社会发展和社会保障方面具有至少 10 年的工作经验;(iii) 熟悉亚行项目和亚行移民安置保障政策和程序;(iv)熟悉亚行性 别政策的相关要求;(v)熟练掌握英语口语和书面表达,包括按 照亚行要求撰写英文报告。
(2)组织和建立监测方法,包括基线调查和跟踪调查的设 计;
(3)与项目内的相关机构和/或单位协作,实施监测和评价 活动的任务;
(4)组织和实施监测活动和必要的调查,以收集办公室和 项目现场的数据和信息,并分析调查结果;
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(6)为外部移民安置和少数民族发展计划监测和评估报告 提供信息,包括实施过程中的进展、挑战或瓶颈;并提出解决方
2. 移民安置专家
移民安置专家应:(i)具有社会科学或类似领域的硕士或以上 学历;(ii)在社会发展和社会保障方面具有至少具有 10 年的工作 经验;(iii)熟悉亚行移民安置保障政策和实施程序;(iv)熟练的英 语口语和写作能力,包括按照亚行的要求编写英文报告。
(1)进行监测和评价活动和必要的调查,以收集办公室和 项目现场的数据和信息,并分析调查结果;
(2)监测土地使用权流转计划、移民安置计划/移民安置尽 职调查报告中提到的活动,以确保其按照各自的计划和政府法律
法规的原则、要求和程序进行;监测受影响人员的赔偿支付和生 计恢复情况;
(3)准备外部移民安置监测和评价报告,其中包括结论和 建议;
(4)与贺州市项目办和实施机构讨论调查结果,就后续行 动达成一致;
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3. 监测专家(2 人)
监测专家应具备:(i)社会科学或类似领域本科或以上学历;(ii) 5 年实地调查和数据分析工作经验。
(1)协助项目组长、移民安置专家监测移民安置计划、少 数民族发展计划的实施情况,以确保实施符合相关计划;
(4)协助项目组长和移民专家编写外部移民安置及少数民 族发展计划外部监测和评价报告; 以及
专家投入 | |
专家 | 人月 |
移民安置及少数民族专家(项目组长,1 人) | 10 |
移民安置专家(1 人) | 8 |
少数民族发展计划监测专家(1 人) | 5 |
移民安置监测专家(1 人) | 5 |
小计 | 28 |
本项目建设期为 2023 年至 2028 年,咨询服务实施时间预计 从合同签订之日起到 2028 年 3 月 30 日。半年度监测将持续到土 地使用权流转计划、移民安置计划、移民安置尽职调查报告、少
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评估上述计划的实施情况和实施的总体有效性,评估与项目实施 前相比,受影响者的生计是否得到改善,或至少恢复到原有水平。
咨询服务单位需根按照贺州市项目办和亚洲开发银行的要 求,根据土地使用权流转计划、移民安置尽职调查报告、移民安 置计划、少数民族发展计划的实施情况和内部监测报告,每半年 或每年向亚洲开发银行和贺州市项目办提交一份外部监测报告(含基线调查报告,监测报告与完工报告)。
移民安置监测报告与少数民族发展监测报告是两个独立的 报告,需分别提交。同时,少数民族发展监测报告需每半年提交 一次直至项目完工。报告以满足亚洲开发银行要求并获得其不反 对意见为准。所有报告均须提交中英文电子版各 1 份、中英文彩 印盖章版各 5 份,具体交付时间如下表:
编号 | 报告 | 时间 | 备注 |
1 | 基线调查和监测报告(1 号) | 2023 年 7 月 | 包括基线调查报告 |
2 | 监测报告(2 号) | 2024 年 1 月 | 半年度报告 |
3 | 监测报告(3 号) | 2024 年 7 月 | 半年度报告 |
4 | 监测报告(4 号) | 2025 年 1 月 | 半年度报告 |
5 | 监测报告(5 号) | 2025 年 7 月 | 半年度报告 |
6 | 监测报告(6 号) | 2026 年 1 月 | 半年度报告 |
7 | 监测报告(7 号) | 2026 年 7 月 | 半年度报告 |
8 | 监测报告(8 号) | 2027 年 1 月 | 年度报告 |
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编号 | 报告 | 时间 | 备注 |
9 | 监测报告(9 号) | 2027 年 1 月 | 少数民族发展计划半年度报告 |
10 | 监测报告(9/10 号) | 2028 年 1 月 | 年度报告 |
11 | 完成报告(10/11 号) | 2028 年 7 月 | 完成报告(分别于土地使用权 流转计划、移民安置尽职调查、移民安置计划、少数民族发展 计划实施完成一年后提交) |
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Guangxi Hezhou Environment Restoration and Sustainable Development Project Consulting
Services for
CS-03:External Resettlement and EMDP Monitoring
Terms of Reference
Executing Agency: Hezhou Project Management Office
Date: XX, 2023
Project Background.........................................................................- 1 -2. Project Outputs............................................................................... - 2 -3. Purpose and Requirements of Consulting Services...................... - 3 -4. Contents of Consulting Services.........................................................4 5. Qualifications and Service Period of Consultants.............................. 8 6. Specific Time and Requirements for Deliverables............................10 7. Others............................................................................................- 11 -Project Background
Hezhou city is one of the least developed cities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In the past, industrial production and mining activities have caused severe damage to the environment of Hezhou mining area, and the declining mining industry took a toll on social services and employment. At the same time, Hezhou city has witnessed its economic growth, followed by its people's increasing demands for high-quality health systems. However, Hezhou city has been troubled by unevenly distributed medical resources and limited primary medical care and health services. To improve the natural environment of Hezhou Kedashan Ming Area and meet the medical and health needs of Pinggui District, Hezhou city decided to cooperate with Asian Development Bank (ADB), applying for a loan, which will be used for the implementation of Guangxi Hezhou Environment Restoration and Sustainable Development Project.
The project aims to achieve the sustainable development of Hezhou Mining Area, carry out investment and construction in ecological restoration and public service, and explore policy research, capacity building, and innovation and development in related fields. This project includes two sub-projects. They are Hezhou Kedashan sub-project and Pinggui sub-project. The project executing agency (EA) is Hezhou People's Government. The implementing agencies (IAs) are Pinggui District People's Government and Guangxi Hezhou Mining Investment Group Co., Ltd. The project implementation units (PIU) are Guangxi Hezhou Mining Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Hezhou Pinggui Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd. Hezhou Municipal People's Government has established the Hezhou Municipal Project Management Office (PMO) to provide comprehensive guidance, supervision, coordination and management for the preparation and implementation of the project.
The project construction period is from 2023 to 2028. The total investment of the project is expected to be RMB 1512.4573 million, of which the ADB loan is 84.246 million euros (equivalent to RMB 648.6942 million). The project loan became effective on March 29, 2022.
Both involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples (Ethnic minority) safeguards of the Project are categorized B.
During the preparation of the project, Hezhou Mining Investment Group Co., Ltd. prepared the “Land Use Rights Transfer Framework” in July 2021 for Kedashan Subproject. Meanwhile, as the land acquisition and resettlement work of the Pinggui District sub-project is in the process of implementation and has been partially completed, the Pinggui District government has prepared the resettlement due
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diligence report for the completed land acquisition and resettlement in April 2021, and confirmed that the land acquisition process and compensation standards implemented in the future are in line with ADB’s Social Safeguard Policies. During the implementation of the project, the external monitoring agency will monitor and evaluate all sub-projects involving land acquisition and resettlement under the project in accordance with the updated resettlement Plan, due diligence report and land use right transfer plan agreed by ADB.
The Ethnic Minority Development Plan (EMDP) was announced to Ethnic minorities in the project area and published on the ADB’s official website on July 29, 2021.
It’s required to hire an external monitoring agency to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the above-mentioned action plans and their updates, and put forward corresponding opinions and suggestions to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.Project Outputs
Output 1: Nature-friendly measures to reduce pollution in the Kedashan former mineral mining area implemented. Output 1, comprising the Kedashan subproject, will support nature-friendly measures to improve the environment of the Kedashan former mineral mining area, and develop the capacity to monitor the environment and pollution in the long-term. The output includes removal of abandoned polluting mining facilities, wastes, and tailings; restoration of damaged or exposed ground surface, including planting of trees and vegetation; construction of onsite treatment and stabilization of a plant and landfill to treat the removed mining wastes and tailings, and closure of the plant and landfill after treatment; nature-based treatment of polluted surface water; development of a long-term environment and pollution monitoring system in Kedashan, and commencement of monitoring; and formulation of practical guidance for nature-based improvement of Hezhou’s mountain areas’ environment.
Output 2: Institutional mechanisms, skills capacities, and facilities in health and elderly care strengthened. The output, part of the Pinggui subproject, will strengthen Hezhou’s county-level institutions, working mechanisms, and stakeholders’ capacities to deliver high-quality health and elderly care. For health care, the output will support the design of a practical institutional working mechanism and system to build a medical community, through which the Pinggui Workers’ Hospital (PWH) will coordinate support to strengthen the quality and capacity of township and village-level primary health care; establishment of a medical community information platform at PWH, connected with Pinggui’s township and village-level public medical institutions; construction of PWH, a county-level Second Class A general public hospital; development of administration
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capacity of managers and technical capacity of doctors, nurses, health-care workers, and staff of PWH to deliver high-quality services; upgrade of equipment of nine township-level hospitals to improve primary care service delivery and quality; and provision of training to build the technical capacity of township and village-level rural hospital staff to improve primary care service quality. For elderly care, the output will support the construction of PIHECC; establishment of working mechanisms and integration of medical and elderly care at PIHECC, including administration and operation capacity training for the center’s administrators and managers; and development of technical capacity of PIHECC health-care staff (doctors, nurses, caregivers) to deliver high-quality services. The constructed project facilities will be green (certified as Chinese Green Building Standard
Output 3: Green and health care-related skills development institutions established. As part of the Pinggui subproject, the output 3 will help Hezhou provide Pinggui residents with nondegree vocational skills development opportunities to match the latest market needs, including green and health care-related skills. To offer the required nondegree training, the government will construct the KSSC, which will be green (certified as CGBS Star-2 after operation) and inclusive (considering the needs of women, PWDs, the elderly, and ethnic minorities). The output will support an operational study to optimize training quality at the KSSC based on demand, including skills certification mechanisms, a human resource development plan, and course setting in potential collaboration with local private companies; preparation of a training plan for KSSC managers and teachers; and provision of equipment required for course and training delivery.Purpose and Requirements of Consulting Services
(I) Purpose
External monitoring and evaluation aims:
•to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness, influence and sustainability of land use right transfer, land acquisition, compensation and resettlement measures, among others;
•to monitor and evaluate the implementation and the achievement of the purpose of the EMDP; reflect whether these activities meet the requirements of project safeguard policies; and put forward remedial suggestions and measures based on monitoring and evaluation results to ensure the implementation effect.
(II) Requirements
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The external monitoring agency is required to monitor the implementation of the Land Use Rights Transfer Plan, Resettlement Plan and Due Diligence Report, and the EMDP semiannually or annually per ADB’s Social Safeguard Policies and domestic-related requirements, and to provide suggestions to the executing agency, the implementing agencies and the PIUs according to their implementation and compliance issues.Contents of Consulting Services
In accordance with ADB’s Social Safeguard Policies and domestic-related requirements, the external monitoring agency should ( but not limited to):
•Monitor and evaluation the implementation compliance of the Land Use Rights Transfer Plan, resettlement plan, resettlement due diligence report, and Ethnic Minority Development Plan;
•Fill in resettlement monitoring information form and submit the external monitoring report as required by ADB according to the project progress;
•Provide technical training to personnel engaged in related work;
•assist ADB review mission to conduct on-site inspections,
•respond all questions from the ADB on the external monitoring of the above-mentioned plans;
•assist IAs, PIUs to address the problems found by ADB review mission; and,
•assist Hezhou Project Management Office (PMO) in establishing an effective internal monitoring mechanism and providing professional advice and support for possible related problems.
Specific tasks of external monitoring on Kedashan subproject’s Land Use Rights Transfer Plan, Pingui subproject’s resettlement plan and the EMDP, include but not limited to the following:
4.1 Monitoring on Kedashan Subproject’s Land Use Rights Transfer Plan
The consulting services conducted by the external monitoring agency according to the implementation of Kedanshan subproject’s Land Use Rights Transfer Plan are as follows:
(i) Baseline Monitoring: Before the start of civil engineering works of the Kedashan subproject, the external monitoring works are as follows:
•to participate in the negotiation of land use rights transfer among the Baisha Community, Chaqing Village and the PIU, and promote the conclusion of the land use rights transfer agreements;
•to review whether the terms of agreements comply with the Land Use Right Transfer Plan, relevant national laws and regulations, and ADB’s related practices;
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•to confirm that the ground attachment (including trees, shed and other constructions) compensation conform to compensation standards agreed upon in the Land Use Right Transfer Plan. If there is any gap, it should be confirmed with the PIU before the project’s implementation, and the solution should be submitted to the PMO and ADB;
•to incorporate the baseline monitoring report into the first external monitoring report.
(ii) Semi-annual or annual Monitoring: In the project implementation process, the external monitoring agency will use the way of on-site inspections to carry out semi-annual or annual monitoring of the implementation of the Land Use Rights Transfer Plan. Monitoring works are as follows:
•to negotiate with affected communities and households and confirm the amount of fees of the land use rights transfer and verify the payments of compensation;
•to supervise the PIU’s organization arrangement of the land use rights transfer;
•to evaluate the influence of the land use right transfer on communities;
•to supervise the PIU to negotiate with the public on the land use rights transfer, and evaluate the public’s satisfaction;
•to monitor the transfer and lease of the land use rights of the PIU; and,
•to ensure the functioning of the grievance redress mechanism (GRM).
(iii) Participate in the Public Consultation: Through participation in the public consultation in the project implementation process, the external monitoring agency will evaluate the effectiveness of the public participation and the implementation of the land use rights transfer. At the same time, the external monitoring agency will also monitor, evaluate and report key consultation meetings (including consultation meetings in the negotiations on land use right transfer agreements) to evaluate whether the land use rights transfer plan is complied with.
(iv) Reporting: According to the requirements of the PMO and the ADB, based on the information obtained from the monitoring and on-site surveys, the external monitoring agency shall prepare external monitoring reports, and submit the report to the PMO and the ADB in a regular and timely manner.
4.2 Monitoring on Pinggui Subproject’s Resettlement Plan and Due Diligence Report
The consulting services conducted by the external monitoring agency according to the implementation of Pinggui subproject’s Resettlement Plan and Resettlement Due Diligence Report are as follows:
(i) Baseline Monitoring: Before the start of the civil engineering works for the Pinggui subproject, the external monitoring works are as follows:
•to conduct a baseline survey on the affected areas of land acquisition and
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demolition, and collect detailed information of all affected people (including family population, housing construction, the income and expenses structure, means of livelihood and family living environment, etc.) and baseline data (including the current situation and compensation expense of affected land, buildings, structures and ground attachments);
•to prepare baseline survey reports, as the basis of resettlement work assessment and incorporate it into the first external monitoring report.
(ii) Semi-annual or annual Monitoring: The external monitoring agency will carry out semiannual or annual monitoring on implementing resettlement plan and resettlement due diligence report. The monitoring will be conducted through on-site observation, follow-up survey, and interviews with the affected people in line with the survey situation in affected areas (the survey sample size will be sampled according to ADB’s requirements). The contents of monitoring will include monitoring the resettlement of affected households, the resettlement of production, the resettlement of affected enterprises and public sectors, the vulnerable groups, affected people’s recovery of living standards, the operation of resettlement agencies and so on. Specific contents include the following aspects: the payment of compensation, the implementation of technical skills training, the restoration of affected people’s livelihood, on-site housing construction process and facilities, on-site relocation of newly-built houses, resettlement organization structure and capabilities, the usage of compensation, the benefits of affected people from the project, the redressing of grievances about land acquisition resettlement, etc.
(iii) Participation in Public Consultation Meetings: The external monitoring agency will participate in some public consultation meetings during the implementation of resettlement plan and due diligence to evaluate the results and effectiveness of public participation and consultation.
(iv) Follow-up Surveys and Propose Remedial Measures: The external monitoring agency needs to conduct follow-up surveys semi-annually during resettlement implementation, visit the affected villages (communities) regularly, follow up on the process of the relevant governments and implementing agencies in redressing grievances, and evaluate the implementation effect of resettlement. If any problems are found in the monitoring and evaluation, remedial measures should be proposed to the PMO and the ADB to guarantee the effective implementation of resettlement.
(v) Reporting: According to the requirements of the PMO and the ADB, the external monitoring report shall be prepared semiannually during the implementation period based on the information obtained from the monitoring and on-site surveys, and submitted to the PMO and the ADB in a regular and timely manner, and the annual report shall be submitted in two years after the completion of the resettlement work.
4.3 Monitoring on the Ethnic Minority Development Plan
The consulting services conducted by the external monitoring agency according to the implementation of the EMDP are as follows:
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(i) Baseline Monitoring: Within one month after signing the contract, the external monitoring works conducted by external monitoring agency are as follows:
•to conduct a baseline survey on the project to collect the detailed information and baseline data on Ethnic minority populations, women, low-income groups and people with disabilities;
•to prepare baseline survey reports to assess the implementation of the EMDP, and incorporate it into the first external monitoring report.
(ii) Semi-annual Monitoring: The external monitoring agency will carry out semiannual or annual monitoring of the implementation of the EMDP. The monitoring will be conducted in the way of follow-up surveys, interview with relevant stakeholders, etc. The contents of the monitoring will include living and production environment, employment situation, health care facilities and service level, technical skills training, the feasibility and comfort of project facilities for female workers and visitors, female work quota, critical gender targets, related organizational structure and capability developing, benefits of the ethnic minorities from the project, the grievance handling related to the EMDP, etc.
(iii) Participate in Public Consultation Meetings: The external monitoring agency will participate in public consultation meetings during the implementation of EMDP to evaluate the results and effectiveness of public participation and implementation of EMDP.
(iv) Follow-up Surveys and Proposal on Remedial Measures: The external monitoring agency needs to conduct follow-up surveys semi-annually in project area, visit the communities and stakeholders regularly, follow up on the process of the relevant governments and implementing agencies in redressing grievances, and evaluate whether the implementation is complied with EMDP. If any problems are found in the monitoring process, remedial measures should be proposed to the PMO and the ADB to guarantee the effective implementation of EMDP.
(v) Reporting: Based on the implementation of the EMDP, and the internal monitoring report and surveys, the external monitoring agency should prepare external monitoring reports and the completion report in accordance with the requirements of the PMO and the ADB, and submit the report to the PMO and ADB in a regular and timely manner.
4.4 Trainings and Capacity buildings
(i) Before the project construction starts, the external monitoring agency shall provide technical training to the IAs, PIUs and Contractors engaged in relevant work, including laws and regulations on resettlement, land use right transfer plan, resettlement due diligence report, EMDP, etc.;
(ii) During the implementation of the project, the external monitoring agency shall conduct thematic discussion and training with the representatives of IAs, PIUs and Contractors for the problems of resettlement and EMDP.
- 7 -Qualifications and Service Period of Consultants
5.1 Consultants’ Qualifications Requirement
At least 5 years of similar experience and performance in loan projects of international financial organizations; completed or is implementing at least 3 monitoring works of international financial loan projects; those with similar experience with ADB’s or the World Bank’s projects in China are preferred; familiar with ADB’s implementation and monitoring requirements for Resettlement Plan and EMDP.
5.2 Qualification Requirements and Responsibilities for Specialists
The monitoring consultant shall have at least 4 qualified specialists with degrees in social sciences, economics, statistics and other related majors, among whom 2 or more shall have master's degrees or above. The Monitoring consultant shall also ensure the stability of the specialists. The four specialists are expected to provide a total of 28 person-months of consulting services. In order to ensure that the consulting team can complete the consulting task with high quality, the on-site person-month inputs shall not be less than 40% of the total person-month of the specialists in principle. The specific qualification requirements and main responsibilities of specialists include but not limited to:
Resettlement and Ethnic minority expert/ Project Leader
The project leader shall have (i) with a master's degree or above in social science or similar fields; (ii) have at least 10 years of work experience in social development and social safeguards; (iii) be familiar with ADB projects and ADB resettlement safeguard policies and procedures; (iv) Familiar with the relevant requirements of ADB’s gender policy; (v) Proficiency in spoken and written English, including writing English reports in accordance with ADB’s requirements.
The project leader will undertake the following tasks:
a) lead all the activities of the consulting team;
b) lead and set up the monitoring methodology, including design of baseline and tracer surveys;
c) work and coordinate with relevant agencies and/or bodies within the project to implement the task of M&E activities;
d) lead and conduct the M&E activities and required surveys to collect data and information at office and project sites, and then analyze the findings;
e) monitor the activities mentioned in the RP and EMDP to ensure that they are being carried out in compliance with principles, requirements, and procedures according to the respective plans and the governments’ laws and/or regulations;
f) provide inputs to the external resettlement and EMDP M&E reports, which
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would include progress, challenges and/or bottlenecks during implementation; and propose solutions and/or recommendations to address these issues; and
g) participate in ADB review missions, if requiredResettlement expert
Resettlement experts shall: (i) have a master's degree or above in sociology or similar fields; (ii) have at least 10 years of work experience in social development and social safeguards; (iii) be familiar with ADB resettlement safeguard policies and implementation procedures; (iv) proficient English speaking and writing skills, including writing English reports in accordance with ADB’s requirements.
The specialist will undertake the following tasks:conduct the M&E activities and required surveys to collect data and information at office and project sites, and then analyze the findings;
b) monitor the activities mentioned in the LURTF and RP/DDR to ensure that they are being carried out in compliance with principles, requirements, and procedures according to the respective plans and the governments’ laws and/or regulations; and monitor the compensation payments and livelihood restoration of the affected persons;
c) prepare external resettlement M&E reports which include conclusions and recommendations;
d) discuss findings with the PMO and IAs to reach agreement on follow-up actions;
e) participate in ADB review missions, if required; and
f) conduct any other duties assigned by the team leader.Monitoring expert (2 persons)
Monitoring experts should have: (i) a bachelor's degree or higher in social sciences or related fields; (ii) 5 years of work experience in field investigation and data analysis.
The monitoring experts will:
a) assist project team leader and resettlement experts in carrying out the monitoring on the implementation of the RP and EMDP to ensure that their implementation is in accordance with the relevant plans;
b) under the guidance of the project team leader and resettlement expert, carry out field surveys;
c) analyze the data collected from the field surveys;
d) provide assistance to the project team leader and resettlement expert for
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the preparation of the external resettlement and EMDP M&E reports; and
e) conduct any other duties assigned by the social and project team leader and resettlement expert.
Input of experts
Expert / Position | Person-month |
Resettlement and Ethnic Minority expert (Project Leader (1) | 10 |
Resettlement expert (1) | 8 |
Monitoring expert (EMDP) (1) | 5 |
Monitoring expert (Resettlement (1) | 5 |
Total | 28 |
(iii) Service Period
The project construction period is from 2023 to 2028. It is estimated that this service will start from the date of signing up the contract up to March 30, 2028. The semiannual monitoring will continue until one year after implementing the Land Use Rights Transfer Plan, the Resettlement Plan, the Resettlement Due Diligence Report, and the Ethnic Minority Development Plan. At that time, a completion report will be submitted to assess the implementation and overall effectiveness of the above plans and evaluate whether the affected people's livelihoods have improved or at least returned to their original level.
6. Specific Time and Requirements for Deliverables
According to the requirements of PMO and ADB, the consultant should submit an external monitoring report (including baseline survey reports, monitoring reports and completion reports) to ADB and PMO semiannually or annually, on the basis of implementation and internal monitoring reports of the Land Use Rights Transfer Plan, the Resettlement Due Diligence Report, the Resettlement Plan and the Ethnic Minority Development Plan.
The Resettlement Monitoring Report and the Ethnic Minority Development Monitoring Report are two independent reports that need to be submitted separately. At the same time, the Ethnic Minority Development Monitoring Reports are required every six months until the project is completed. The reports are subject to the ADB’s requirements and receiving it’s no objection from ADB. All reports must be submitted in 1 Chinese and English electronic edition, and 5 Chinese and English color printing and stamped editions. The specific delivery time can be seen in the following table:
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No. | Report | Time | Note |
1 | Baseline Survey and Monitoring Report (No.1) | July, 2023 | Including baseline survey report |
2 | Monitoring Report (No.2) | January, 2024 | Semiannual report |
3 | Monitoring Report (No.3) | July, 2024 | Semiannual report |
4 | Monitoring Report (No.4) | January, 2025 | Semiannual report |
5 | Monitoring Report (No.5) | July, 2025 | Semiannual report |
6 | Monitoring Report (No.6) | January, 2026 | Semiannual report |
7 | Monitoring Report (No.7) | July, 2026 | Semiannual report |
8 | Monitoring Report (No.8) | January, 2027 | Annual report |
9 | Monitoring Report (No.9) | January, 2027 | EMDP semiannual report |
10 | Monitoring Report (No.9/10) | January, 2028 | Annual report |
11 | Monitoring Report (No.10/11) | July, 2028 | Completion report (submitted one year after the implementation of the Land Use Rights Transfer Plan, the Resettlement Due Diligence, the Resettlement Plan, and the Ethnic Minority Development Plan) |
7. Others
7.1 For client information shared with the consultant, such as design documents, etc., of which the Chinese version could be provided only, if the translation is required, the consultant shall be responsible for the relevant translation costs.
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