I、Project overview
Item number:XJCG22110917245509
Project name:各分厂建筑材料采购单
project type:Directional procurement
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.
II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.
III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.
IV、quotation deadline:2022-12-12 11:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.
V、attachment information
Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment
Title Relevant documents

、Target information
material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
30205130602004009 腻子粉(外墙) 20kg/袋 千克 1000 ???烧结厂??? 注明品牌包装规格
30205130601004006 腻子粉 (内墙)20kg/袋,北京凯利莱装饰有限公司生产 千克 100 Equipment dept. 注明品牌包装规格
30205130305001019 单面带胶橡胶压条 4mm*10mm 2200 ???炼铁厂???
30205120301001001 平板玻璃 3mm 平方米 170 Coking plant 运输部30设备部40
30205120301001002 平板玻璃 5mm 平方米 100 Coking plant
30205120301002021 耐高温防爆玻璃 660*510*5 150 ???炼铁厂??? 200°
30205080404008009 冷补胶片 170*170(10片/盒) 10 Production service center 汽车补胎
30205080404008010 冷补胶片 100*100(10片/盒) 10 Production service center 汽车补胎
30205080404008011 冷补胶片 50*50(10片/盒) 60 Production service center 汽车补胎
30205110605001269 碳化硅喷头 1.2寸,外丝 40 ???烧结厂??? 有图
30205120601001001 油毡 a 20 ???动力厂???
30205130207006020 木方 50mm*70mm*4m 120 650 special steel 崇岗
30205120202003014 落叶松跳板 4000*250*50mm 20 ???烧结厂???
30205130502001002 蹲便器 不带踏板 6 Equipment dept.
30205120801001032 波浪形花池砖 长40cm高25cm 500 Tianjin Iron Works Co. LTD 热轧
30205130207006019 木方 100mm*100mm*600mm 600 Tianjin Iron Works Co. LTD 中厚板
30205080401100011 安全挂锁 BD-G01 20 Tianjin Iron Works Co. LTD 50m/不锈钢锁梁 (1把钥匙通开20把锁)
30205120301001005 有机玻璃 3mm 平方米 36 ???炼铁厂???
30205111001004006 热水器上水金属软管 DN15 长80cm 40 Tianjin Iron Works Co. LTD
