1. 招标条件 Tendering conditions
The procurement for Rubber fender procurement for The EPC Project Of Tanga Multipurpose Port In Tanzania have been fully funded and the procurement of rubber fender is eligible for tender, is now open tender.
2. 项目概况与招标内容 Project overview and tender content
2.1 项目概况Project overview:
已有Tanga港是坦桑尼亚北部港口,靠近肯尼亚蒙巴萨港,老港规模较小,前沿泥面标高在-2至-3m CD之间,船舶无法停靠在码头区域,目前船舶到港后,抛锚在离码头1.5公里的外海区域,用平板驳进行转运货物,后通过拖轮将平板驳移动至码头前沿,完成货物卸载,装卸效率低下。由于政治原因,东非内陆国家(卢旺达等)有强烈的意愿,将Tanga港代替肯尼亚蒙巴萨港作为其出海通道,经两国领导人确定,立即着手对Tanga港进行改扩建,浚深航道并改扩建已有的1&2号泊位(约445m),使得9月份前完成航道疏浚并于1年内交付部分泊位。由于工期极其紧张,且中港及我院在坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆港改扩建工程中非常良好的表现,得到了坦桑港务局的信任与肯定,因此本项目我院配合中港与业主直接进行议标。项目议标已完成,中港已与业主完成合同签署,由于我院前期对设计及施工报价的大力配合及价格优势,中港授予我院勘察设计、施工分包工作。
Tanga port is a port in northern Tanzania, close to Mombasa port in Kenya. The old port has a small scale, and the elevation of the front mud surface is between - 2 and - 3M CD, so the ship can not dock in the wharf area. At present, after arriving at the port, the ship anchors in the open sea area 1.5km away from the wharf, transfers the goods by flat barge, and then moves the flat barge to the wharf front by tugboat to complete the unloading of the goods, The loading and unloading efficiency is low. Due to political reasons, the inland countries of East Africa (Rwanda, etc.) have a strong desire to replace the port of Mombasa in Kenya as their access to the sea. After confirmation by the leaders of the two countries, Tanga port will be reconstructed and expanded immediately, the channel will be dredged and the existing berths 1 & 2 (about 445M) will be reconstructed and expanded, so that the channel dredging will be completed before September and some berths will be delivered within one year. Due to the extremely tight construction period, and the excellent performance of China Hong Kong and our institute in the reconstruction and expansion project of Dar es Salaam port in Tanzania, we have won the trust and affirmation of the Tanzanian port authority. Therefore, our institute will cooperate with China Hong Kong and the owner to negotiate the bid directly. The project negotiation has been completed, and the contract has been signed with the owner. Due to the strong cooperation and price advantage of our institute in the early stage of design and construction quotation, our institute has been awarded the work of survey, design and construction subcontracting.
2.2 招标内容Tender content:
数    量: 详见货物需求一览表
China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd. (CHEC) invites the eligible Bidders by way of International Competitive Bidding to submit their bids for the supply of the following goods and relevant services.
Goods:   Rubber Fender
Quantity: Refer to goods requirements list for details
The detailed scope of supply refers to Chapter 4 Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications.
3. 投标人资格要求 Bidder qualification requirements
Business scope requirements: Bidders shall be registered with the international industrial and commercial and tax authorities where the bidders are located, and conform to the scope of operation of the production license of the tender project, and be able to bear civil liability independently, with independent legal entities.
Production capacity requirements: with sufficient advanced production equipment and testing equipment, with the national key project supply performance (supplying products to China harbour in the similar kind of project take a priority), Manufacturers with good international supply performance are preferred.
Financial capacity requirements: The bidder must have a certain scale and good financial status of capital. The registered supplier outside China must be a legal and effective manufacturer with a certain scale and good financial status.
a. 投标人及制造商须提供近三年经会计师事务所审计过的财务报表,包括资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表等。评标委员会将对投标人的财务状况进行评价,不具备履行本项目合同能力的,将不被接受。
The Bidder and the Manufacturer shall provide the audited financial statements (including balance sheets, profit and loss account and cash flow statement etc.) in recent three years. The bid evaluation committee will assess whether the bidder has the capability to perform the contract for the goods. If not, the bid will be rejected.
b. 投标人及制造商没有处于财产被接管或冻结、被责令停业或破产状态。
The Bidder and the Manufacturer shall not be in either a condition of assets being taken over or frozen, liquidation, or being bankrupt.
(4)质量保证能力要求:中国境内投标人产品须是建立有完整的“三标管理体系”认证,具有ISO9001质量管理体系认证(质量认证证书需含有效英文版)、ISO14001环境管理体系认证和ISO 45001-2018职业健康安全管理体系认证并提供近3年内第三方检验、检测机构出具的投标物资质量检验报告。中国境外注册供应商(提供产品)须满足国际通用行业标准,并提供护舷相关型号国际PIANC证书。
Quality assurance capacity requirements: 1) The products supplied by bidder within the territory China, shall have complete "three standard management system" certification, ISO9001 quality management system certification (quality certification certificate shall include valid English version), ISO14001 environmental management system certification and ISO 45001-2018 occupational health and safety management system certification, and shall provide the quality inspection report of bidding materials which issued by the third party inspection and testing institutions in recent three years. 2) The overseas registered suppliers (products provided) shall meet the international general industry standards and provide the international PIANC certificate of rubber fender’s related models.
Supply performance requirements: the bidder must obtain at least one project in Tanzania within the rubber fender supply performance, and provide the English version of the supporting materials.Successful experiences with the end-user’s proof or contract information shall be regarded as valid experiences. Valid experience proof shall include product name, variety, specification, quantity, user’s name, corresponding person and the phone number.
Performance credit requirements: In the last 3 years, there have been no lawsuits or arbitrations arising from crimes or serious violations related to fraudulent contracts.
The bidder shall be a registered supplier on the website of supply chain management information system of CCCC( http://ec.ccccltd.cn ),the supplier who belongs to "CCCC strategic supplier" is preferred.
5. 招标文件的获取 Acquisition of bidding documents
(1)获取招标文件方式:凡有意参加并通过资格审查的投标者,请于2021年 6 月 19 日至2021年 6 月 25  日在中交集团供应链管理信息系统(http://empm.ccccltd.cn/)下载招标文件。
Access to bidding documents: bidders who are interested in participating and passing the qualification examination are requested to register in the supply chain management information system of CCCC ( http://empm.ccccltd.cn/ )shall download the bidding documents from June19 2021 to June25 2021
The bidding document is free to download.
The bidding documents will not be sold by mail order.
6. 投标文件的递交 Submission of tender documents
(1)本次招标不接受纸质版投标文件,投标文件线上递交时间为:2021年 6 月 19 日19 时00分开始,递交投标文件的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为2021年 6 月 25 日10时00分;开标时间为 2021年 6 月 25  日10时00分。
The paper bidding documents are not accepted in this bidding. The online submission time of bidding documents is: 19:00 on June 19 2021, and the deadline for submission of bidding documents (deadline for bidding, the same below) is 10:00 on June 25 2021; The bid opening time is 10:00, June 25 2021.
(2)投标文件递交平台为中交集团供应链管理信息系统(网址:http://ec.ccccltd.cn)。上传截止时间为:2021年 6 月 25 日10时00分。
The bidding document submission platform is the supply chain management information system of CCCC (website: http://ec.ccccltd.cn )。 The deadline for uploading is: 10:00, June 25  2021.
When bidding online, the bidder shall sign and seal the original bidding document page by page, scan it into PDF format and upload it to the supply chain management information system of CCCC. The bid documents that are not submitted and uploaded on time before the deadline will not be accepted.
7. 发布公告的媒介 Media for announcement
The bidding announcement will be published on the website of supply chain management information system of CCCC (http://ec.ccccltd.cn)
8.联系方式 Contact information
网    址:http://ec.ccccltd.cn 
联 系 人:许小姐 郑先生
电    话:+862032332150  +255 745241792
Address for Bid Submission(Through The Electronic Bidding Platform):
Materials Purchasing Management Information System of CCCC
Website: http://ec.ccccltd.cn
Contact: Ms Xu  Mr Zheng
Tel: +862032332150  +255 745241792物资信息


