威睿电动汽车技术(宁波)有限公司 2025-2026年海外(欧洲)产品售后服务项目招标补充公告 采购类别:服务类(注:新用户时请选择此类别,否则无法报名) 1.项目名称:宁波威睿2025-2026年海外(欧洲)产品售后服务项目 2.项目概况与招标范围 2.1项目概况:针对海外(欧洲)市场威睿产品(包括不限于电池包、电驱及电控、充电桩、储能等)售后服务进行公开招标,包括威睿产品的注册、维修、物,以及零部件的仓储和物流等。欢迎有实力的供应商前来投标。 2.2招标范围:德国、荷兰、奥地利、挪威、瑞典、波兰、捷克、英国、法国、西班牙、意大利、葡萄牙、瑞士、比利时和卢森堡等国家/地区的威睿产品的注册、维修、物流和仓储等服务。 2.3合同有效期:自合同签订之日起至二年。 3.投标人资格要求 3.1本次招标要求投标人满足如下资格条件: 维修服务需要满足VDE\DGUV\ ArbSchG\BGI\GUV要求,或者提供能满足当地同类的资格要求的书面资质证明;仓储服务需要满足VDS\ TRGS要求,或者提供能满足当地同类的资格要求的书面资质证明;物流服务需要具备第9类危险品运输资质,或具备标段地运输:电池组、废机油(运输具有独立(瓶)包装的含铜废物,含镍废物,含铅废物,含铬废物,废弃电池等)等同类危险废物资质并提供相应的资质证明; 3.1.2投标人具有在欧洲正常运营资质的组织机构; 3.1.3投标人提供近三年汽车或电池行业维修服务项目(9类危险品1个成功案例,其它产品2个成功案例)的相关业绩证明及证明材料不少于三例(提供盖章版合同扫描件,涉及机密部分可隐去); 3.1.4运输车辆、仓储场地、维修人员服务等必须满足标段地法律法规,并应具备标段地法律法规要求的相关资质证明; 3.1.5具备独立法人资格和承担民事责任的能力; 3.1.6具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度; 3.2本次招标不接受联合体投标; 3.3本次招标仓储服务、物流服务接受分包,不接受转包,其中分包商必须具备其提供服务的相应资质证明。 3.4本次招标接受代理商投标。 4.投标报名 4.1报名方式 4.1.1 *凡有意参加报名的投标人,请至吉利集团招标采购平台(https://glzb.geely.com)注册报名,可在平台网站首页点击“下载供应商服务手册”查看《吉利电子采购招标平台操作手册(供应商端》,投标人根据手册要求进行注册,认证完成后为注册成功后。供应商根据公告项目名称,按照报名要求上传资料。未按照此方式报名的,视作无效报名。 4.1.2 *报名截止时间:2025年1月23日。 4.1.3如无法在吉利集团招标采购平台完成注册的,请咨询在线客服。 4. 2 报名资料 报名资料于报名截止时间前上传至吉利集团招标采购平台,报名资料包含但不限于以下内容: a、营业执照或标段地当地政府部门出具的公司注册证书; b、资质等级证书; c、企业近三年汽车/电池行业维修服务项目(9类危险品1个成功案例,其它产品2个案例)的相关业绩证明及证明材料(提供盖章版合同扫描件,涉及机密部分可隐去); d、投标人在欧洲的公司/分公司、分包商、代理投标人/机构授权等相关证明资料(注册资料或授权协议),及投标人在欧洲的公司/分公司、分包商、代理投标人/机构的营业执照或当地政府部门出具的公司注册证书及资质证明材料; e、企业概况及履约能力说明; f、近三年财务报表资料; g、针对投标区的资源布局及满足维修服务时效性的说明 5.招标文件的获取 5.1报名截止后,对所有报名单位进行资格初审,初审合格后发放招标文件; 6.发布公告的媒介 本次招标公告只在吉利集团招标采购平台glzb.geely.com上发布,其他媒体转载无效。 7.联系方式 招标人:威睿电动汽车技术(宁波)有限公司 招标人地址:浙江省宁波杭州湾新区银湾东路198号 开标地址:浙江省宁波杭州湾新区银湾东路198号 邮 编:315336 商 务:解良 手机号:13396912266 E-mail :xiel@zeekrlife.com 技 术:李峰玮 手机号:+31638226112 E-mail : Fengwei.Li1@zeekrlife.com  开户户名:威睿电动汽车技术(宁波)有限公司 开户银行:中国银行宁波杭州湾新区支行 开户账号:376673037422 注:无论投标结果如何,投标人自行承担所有与参加投标活动有关的全部费用。 举报邮箱: vspeakup@zeekrlife.com 威睿电动汽车技术(宁波)有限公司 2025年1月20日 Viridi E-Mobility Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. (VREMT) Tender Announcement For Overseas (Europe) Products After-sales Service Project in 2025-2026 Purchasing category: Service category (Note: Please select this category if you are a new user, otherwise you will not be able to register) 1. Project name: Ningbo VREMT Overseas (Europe) Products After-sales Service Project in 2025-2026. 2. Project overview and bidding scope 2.1 Project Overview A public bidding will be conducted for the after-sales service of VREMT company,including but not limited to HV Battery Pack, Electric Drive Motor, Electric Controller, Charging Pile, Stored Energy etc. in the European market, including the register, maintenance, logistics and recycling, as well as the storage and logistics of spare parts. Competent suppliers are welcome to bid. 2.2 Scope of bidding Register, repair, logistics, warehousing and recycling of VREMT product in Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Poland, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg. etc. 2.3 Validity period of the contract: from the date of signing the contract to December 31th, 2026. 3. Bidder qualification requirements 3.1 This bidding requires bidders to meet the following: The maintenance service needs to meet the requirements of VDE\DGUV\ArbSchG\BGI\GUV, or provide a written qualification certificate that can meet the local qualification requirements of the same kind;Warehousing services need to meet the requirements of VDS\TRGS, or provide a written qualification certificate that can meet the local qualification requirements of the same kind;Logistics services need to be qualified for the transportation of Class 9 dangerous goods, or transportation in the bid area: battery packs, waste engine oil (transports copper-containing wastes, nickel-containing wastes, lead-containing wastes, chromium-containing wastes with independent (bottle) packaging, Waste batteries, etc.) and other similar hazardous waste qualifications and provide corresponding qualification certificates; 3.1.2 The bidder has an organization that is qualified to operate normally in Europe. 3.1.3 The bidder has provided no less than three relevant performance certificates and certification materials for maintenance service projects in the automobile or battery industry in the past three years (Class 9 dangerous goods: 1 successful case. And other products: 2 successful cases) (provided a stamped version) A scanned copy of the contract, the confidential part can be concealed). 3.1.4 Transportation vehicles, storage warehouse, maintenance engineer, battery recycling services, etc. must meet the laws and regulations of the bidding area, and shall have relevant qualification certificates required by the laws and regulations of the bidding area. 3.1.5 Possess independent legal personality and the ability to bear civil liabilities. 3.1.6 Have a good business reputation and a complete financial and accounting system. 3.2 Consortium bids are not accepted in this bidding. 3.3 In this bidding, the recycling service, warehousing service, and logistics service accept subcontracting, and the subcontractor must have the corresponding qualification certificate for the service provided. 3.4 This bidding accepts bids from agents. 4. Bid registration 4.1 Registration method 4.1.1 * All bidders who are interested in participating in the registration, please go to the Geely Group Bidding and Procurement Platform (https://glzb.geely.com) to register, and you can click "Download Supplier Service Manual" on the homepage of the platform website to view "Geely Electronics Procurement Tendering Platform Operation Manual (Supplier Side", bidders register according to the requirements of the manual. After the certification is completed, the registration is successful. The supplier uploads the materials according to the announced project name and the registration requirements. Failure to register in this way will be deemed invalid sign up. 4.1.2 *Registration deadline: January 23, 2025. 4.1.3 If you cannot complete the registration on the Geely Group's bidding and procurement platform, please consult online customer service. 4. 2 Application materials The registration information is uploaded to the Geely Group's bidding and procurement platform before the registration deadline. The registration information includes but is not limited to the following: Business license or company registration certificate issued by the local government department of the bidding area;Qualification level certificate;The relevant performance certificates and supporting materials of the company's auto/battery industry maintenance service projects in the past three years (1 successful case of class 9 dangerous goods, 2 cases of other products) (provide a scanned copy of the stamped contract, and the confidential part can be hidden go with);Bidder’s European company/branch, subcontractor, agency bidder/institution authorization and other relevant certification materials (registration information or authorization agreement), and bidder’s European company/branch, subcontractor, agent the business license of the bidder/organization or the company registration certificate and qualification certificate issued by the local government department;Company profile and description of contract performance capabilities;Financial statement data for the past three years;Description of the resource layout of the bidding area and meeting the timeliness of maintenance services 5. Obtaining bidding documents 5.1 After the registration deadline, the qualifications of all registered units will be preliminarily reviewed, and the bidding documents will be released after the preliminary review is passed; 6. The medium of the announcement This bidding announcement is only published on the Geely Group's bidding and procurement platform glzb.geely.com, and other media reprints are invalid. 7. Contact Tenderee: Viridi E-Mobility Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. Tenderee's address: No. 198, Yinwan East Road, Hangzhou Bay New District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province Bid Opening Address: No. 198, Yinwan East Road, Hangzhou Bay New District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province Post Code: 315336 Commercial: Ms. Xie / 13396912266 E-mail /xiel@zeekrlife.com Technology: Ethan Li/+31638226112/ Fengwei.Li1@zeekrlife.com Account name: Viridi E-Mobility Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. Bank of account: Bank of China Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New District Sub-branch. Account number: 376673037422 Note: Regardless of the bidding result, the bidder shall bear all costs related to participating in the bidding activities. Report email: vspeakup@zeekrlife.com Viridi E-Mobility Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. January 20, 2025 In case there is any ambiguity for the translation, please take Chinese version as the standard version.