I、Project overview
Item number:ZBCG22111815547903
Project name:2022年11月各分厂减速机
project type:Directional bidding
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.
II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.
III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.
IV、Bid bond payment information
2、Account name:
3、account opening bank:
4、Account number:
5、Row number:
6、As it takes one to two days to confirm the receipt of the company`s financial account, bidders are requested to pay the bid bond as soon as possible, so as not to delay your normal participation of bidding.
7、In case of any conflict between the above contents and the contents of bidding documents, the contents of bidding documents shall prevail.
V、Bid deadline and opening time
1、Bid deadline:
2022-11-23 18:00:00
2、bid opening time:
2022-11-24 08:00:00
3、Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.
VI、attachment information
Title Relevant documents

VII、Clarification attachment
Title Relevant documents

、Target information
material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
30204610601020020 电机减速机 DSZR107-70/YGP160L1-4-1-M17.5KW,AC380,70r/min,带编码器 5 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
30204610104001015 柱齿减速机 ZQA500-20.49-2Z(¢95) 1 ???炼铁厂???
30204610601020023 电机减速机 DSZR107-86/YGP160L1-4-IIM1,7.5KW,86r/min,AC380,带编码器 5 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
30204610601020024 电机减速机 DSZR137-90-M1/YGP160L2-6,7.5KW,90r/min,AC380,带编码器 5 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
30204610601020026 电机减速机 Z148M180LB4EPTC/GDVP180L-4,22KW,AC380,带编码器 5 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
30204610601020029 电机减速机 DSZR97-109-M1/YGP160L2-6-I,7.5KW,109r/min,带编码器 5 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
30204610601020033 电机减速机 DSZR87-81.3-M1/YGP160S2-6,4KW,带编码器 6 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
30204610601020035 电机减速机 DSZR87-81.3-M1/YGP160S2-6-I,4KW,带编码器 3 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
30204610601020036 电机减速机 DSZR87-61-M1/YGP160S2-6,4KW,带编码器 5 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
30204610601020038 电机减速机 DSZR87-63-M1/YGP160S2-6,4KW,带编码器 5 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
30204611001001050 申克称减速机 SBD85-J-B-φ60 速比46(新建混喷) 1 ???炼铁厂???
30204611001001051 申克称减速机 SBD85-J-B-φ60 速比56(新建混喷) 1 ???炼铁厂???
30204611001007114 给煤机减速机 ESAT77-YEB4-4P-36.22-M4-0°-φ50(新建混喷) 1 ???炼铁厂???
30204611001007115 清扫减速机 ESAT67-YEB0.75-4P-190.11-M1-0°-φ45(新建混喷) 1 ???炼铁厂???
30204610106007014 柱齿减速机 ZQ650-31.5-1Z 1 ???炼铁厂???
30204610503002044 摆线针轮减速机 XLED63-595 YO.55-ZP-WB 2 ???烧结厂???
30204610504070182 电磁除铁器减速机 XWD4-5-23 1 ???河北物华循环资源有限公司???
30204610504070180 电除尘器阳极振打减速机 XWEDA-8145A(带增安型电机) 2 ???炼钢厂(热轧)???
30204610504070181 连铸泵站搅拌机用减速机 BLD13-35-4 2 ???炼钢厂(热轧)??? 需要带配套电机
30204611001008016 摆线针轮减速机 SXBW3-59 1 ???烧结厂???
30204611108001010 减速机超越离合器 CKF-A40125 1 ???石灰石矿???
30204611108001009 减速机辅传 DTZ224S-45-IV-S(国茂) 1 ???石灰石矿???
30204610104001014 柱齿减速机 ZQA500-20.49-1Z(¢95) 1 ???炼铁厂???
30204610601020021 电机减速机 DSZR107-86/YGP160S2-4-1-M1,5.5KW,86r/min,AC380,带编码器 5 ???中厚板??? 留编码器接口即可,编码器不用带
