招标文件第二册中《第七章合同专用条款Ⅰ国际贸易合同(境外中标人适用)》“第三部分 合同专用条款”的以下内容原文为
Clause内 容
Payments in this bid invitation are as follows: (20.2)
The currency paid is U.S. dollars. After the agent receives the performance guarantee from Supplier, the agent will open an irrevocable Letter of Credit equivalent to one hundred percent (100 %) of the contract amount with a major bank in China to be the beneficiary of Supplier. The Letter of Credit will be valid until the final payment of the Letter of Credit. The financial expenses of banks in China shall be borne by the agent. The financial expenses of banks outside China shall be borne by Supplier.
20.1.2. 80%的合同款项在收到卖方的下述单据并审核无误后支付。
Eighty percent (80 %) of the contract payment will be paid after receiving the following documents from Supplier and reviewing it
(1)清洁海运/空运/联运提单三正三副,注明“运费已付”,空白抬头, 收货人为代理方, 并通知代理方;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of full set of clean on board Bill of lading marked “Freight Prepaid” blank endorsed, and the consignee is the agent, notifying the agent at the port of destination;
One hundred percent (100%) of contract price, application for payment of eighty percent (80 %) of the amount of commercial invoice in three (3) originals and three (3) copies;
Three (3) originals and Three (3) copies of Packing List of Goods;
Three (3) originals and Three (3) copies of Certificate of Quantity and Quality issued by the manufacturer(s) of Goods;
Full set (1 original and 3 copies) of Insurance Certificate covering 110% of the Contract Price covering all risks of Goods;
Three (3) originals and Three (3) copies of Certificate of Country of Origin issued by the Manufacturer's state-owned institutions of Goods;
One (1) copy of Certificate of the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) of Goods;
Fore(4) originals of Certificate of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) signed by the Purchaser of Goods.
20.1.3. 20%的合同款项在收到卖方的下述单据并审核无误后支付:
Twenty percent (20 %) of the contract payment will be paid after receiving the following documents from Supplier and verifying it is correct:
One (1) original and four (4) copies of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) signed by the Purchaser;
Three (3) originals and Three (3) copies of Commercial invoice of 20 % contract price.
The Supplier and the Purchaser have signed the document in duplicate to prove that the engineers dispatched by the Supplier have completed (on-site) instructions for installation, commissioning and training.
One (1) original of Bank Guarantee for quality assurance of 3% total contract price, which is valid until the end of the warranty period.
After the contract is signed and the Buyer notifies the Seller in writing to start the equipment production,(the written notice will be no later than one year after the contract is signed. If the production is not notified for more than one year, both parties will solve the problem through friendly negotiation according to the specific reason), the Agent shall pay the Supplier ten percent (10%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T as Advance Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the Performance Security and the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
One (1) original of irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for the Advance Payment issued by the Supplier's bank with the Agent as the beneficiary, the amount of which is ten percent (10%) of the contract amount. The format of the Letter of Guarantee for the Advance Payment is shown in the template. (Valid until the arrival of system equipment)
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 10% total contract price.
After the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is passed, the Agent shall pay the Supplier forty percent (40%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T within thirty (30) working days after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) signed by the Purchaser.
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 40% total contract price.
Within thirty (30) calendar days after the equipment arrives, the open-box acceptance test is completed and the Certificate of Acceptance Test of the Goods is issued, the Agent shall pay the Supplier thirty percent (30%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T. All bank charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Supplier, and bank charges incurred in China shall be borne by the Agent. The Agent shall make payment to the Supplier after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
(1)清洁海运/空运/联运提单三正三副,注明“运费已付”,空白抬头, 收货人为代理方, 并通知代理方;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of designated full set of clean on-board ocean/air/intermodal bills of lading marked “Freight Prepaid” made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying the Agent;
One (1) copy of Certificate of the IPPC;
(4)Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of total contract price (required to negotiate 30% of the total contract price), showing the description, quantity, unit price and total price of the shipped equipment;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of detailed Packing List of Goods indicating the supply contents under the contract;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Quantity and Quality issued by the manufacturer(s) of Goods;
Full set (1 original and 3 copies) of Insurance Certificate covering 110% of the total contract price covering all risks of Goods;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Country of Origin issued by the Manufacturer's state-owned institutions of Goods;
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Acceptance Test of the Goods signed by the Purchaser.
After the installation and commissioning of the system are completed and the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is passed, twenty percent (20%) of the total contract price shall be paid after the acceptance test document is signed. The Agent shall make payment to the Supplier in the form of T/T within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 20% total contract price.
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) signed by the Purchaser.
One (1) original of Bank Guarantee for quality assurance of 3% total contract price, which is valid until the end of the warranty period.
Clause内 容
20Payment method and conditions shall be as followings:
Payments in this bid invitation are as follows: (20.1)
20.1.1 合同签订后并收到卖方提供的履约保函后,买方收到卖方提交的下列文件和单据并经审核无误后的30个日历日内,买方通过代理方以T/T形式向卖方支付合同额的20%作为预付款:
After the contract is signed and receipt of performance security presented by the Supplier, the Purchaser, through the Agent, shall pay the Supplier 20% of contract value, in the form of T/T as Advance Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the following documents submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
1) 合同额的20%的商业发票正本三份、副本三份
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice with the amount of 20% contract value as the Advance Payment.
20.1.2 买方应在设备发货前 60 天,通过代理方,通过中国境内一家主要的银行,开立一份以卖方为受益人 ( 通知行:XXX, swift Address: XXX),80%合同金额的不可撤销的信用证(开立信用证前需获得卖方对信用证内容的审核和确认)。信用证有效期至最后一笔货款支付时间后 30 天。发生在中国境内的银行手续费由代理方承担,发生在中国境外的银行费用由卖方承担。
60 days before shipping date of the equipment, the Purchaser,
through the Agent, shall open an irrevocable Letter of Credit through a reputable
bank located in PRC in favor of the Supplier, with advising bank to be XXX (swift Address: XXX), with 80% contract value (Before opening the Letter of Credit, the Purchaser shall have the Supplier to review and confirm the contents of Letter of Credit) The Letter of Credit shall be valid thirty (30) days after the last payment under the letter of credit is made. The banking charges incurred in China shall be borne by the Agent, whereas the banking charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Supplier.
20.1.2设备发货后,买方在收到以下文件之后 30 天之内,通过代理方,通过信用证向卖方支付合同金额 60%:
The Purchaser shall, through the Agent, pay 60% contract value to the Supplier through LC within thirty (30) days after shipment being made and the bank has received the following documents in English and found them in order:
1) 注明“运费预付”的全套 3 正 3 副设备的海运提单,空白背书,被通知人为代理方。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of ocean bills of lading for the equipment marked “Freight to Prepaid” made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying the Agent.
2) 3 正 3 副的标明金额为60%合同金额的商业发票;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Commercial Invoice 60% contract value.
3) 由制造商出具的数量和品质证明 3 份正本和 3 份副本。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Quantity & Quality Certificate issued by the manufacturer(s) of Goods.
4) 由制造商所在国有关机构出具的原产地证明 3 份正本和 3 份副本。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Country of Origin issued by the Manufacturer's state-owned institutions of Goods.
5) 装箱单 3 份正本和 3 份副本。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Packing List.
6) 一份发货通知 (通知内容包括:合同号、提单号、货物件数重量、起运地、目的地、预计发货时间和预计到达时间)。
One Copy of Shipping Advice. (including contract number, Bill of Lading number, quantity of goods, weight of goods, Origin, Destination, ETD and ETA)
7) 一份卖方出具的所有木质包装货物均由 IPPC 包装箱运输的证明。
One Certificate which is issued by the Supplier stating that the wood packaging material has been made according to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and that all wooden packages have been sealed with International Plant Protection Convention mark.
8) 合同金额百分之一百一十(110%)投保的运输一切险和战争险保险单正本 1 份,副本 3 份。
Original (1) and Three (3) Copies of Insurance Policy / Certificate covering one
hundred and ten percent (110%) of the Contract value against all risks and war risks.
9) 由买方签字的工厂验收(FAT)证明复印件一份。
One (1) copy of Certificate of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) signed by the
20.1.3 买方在收到以下单据后,通过代理方,通过信用证向卖方支付 20%合同金额作的尾款。发生在中国境内的银行手续费由代理方承担,发生在中国境外的银行费用由卖方承担。
After receiving the following doc., the Purchaser should 20% contract value as the final payment to the Supplier’s account by L/C, through the Agent. The banking charges incurred in China shall be borne by the Agent whereas the banking charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Supplier.
1) 由买方签字的现场验收(SAT)证明三份副本;
Three (3) copies of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) Certificate signed by the
2) 合同金额的 3%质量保证银行保函(有效期至质保期结束后 30 天内完全有效)。
Bank guarantee for quality warranty covering 3% of the contract value (valid until 30 days after the end of warranty period)
3) 20%合同金额的商业发票 3 正 3 副。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies commercial invoice 20% contract value.
The Supplier and the Purchaser have signed the document in duplicate to prove that the engineers dispatched by the Supplier have completed (on-site) instructions for installation, commissioning and training.
After the contract is signed and the Buyer notifies the Seller in writing to start the equipment production,(the written notice will be no later than one year after the contract is signed. If the production is not notified for more than one year, both parties will solve the problem through friendly negotiation according to the specific reason), the Agent shall pay the Supplier ten percent (10%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T as Advance Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the Performance Security and the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
One (1) original of irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for the Advance Payment issued by the Supplier's bank with the Agent as the beneficiary, the amount of which is ten percent (10%) of the contract amount. The format of the Letter of Guarantee for the Advance Payment is shown in the template. (Valid until the arrival of system equipment)
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 10% total contract price.
After the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is passed, the Agent shall pay the Supplier forty percent (40%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T within thirty (30) working days after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) signed by the Purchaser.
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 40% total contract price.
Within thirty (30) calendar days after the equipment arrives, the open-box acceptance test is completed and the Certificate of Acceptance Test of the Goods is issued, the Agent shall pay the Supplier thirty percent (30%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T. All bank charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Supplier, and bank charges incurred in China shall be borne by the Agent. The Agent shall make payment to the Supplier after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
(1)清洁海运/空运/联运提单三正三副,注明“运费已付”,空白抬头, 收货人为代理方, 并通知代理方;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of designated full set of clean on-board ocean/air/intermodal bills of lading marked “Freight Prepaid” made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying the Agent;
One (1) copy of Certificate of the IPPC;
(4)Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of total contract price (required to negotiate 30% of the total contract price), showing the description, quantity, unit price and total price of the shipped equipment;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of detailed Packing List of Goods indicating the supply contents under the contract;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Quantity and Quality issued by the manufacturer(s) of Goods;
Full set (1 original and 3 copies) of Insurance Certificate covering 110% of the total contract price covering all risks of Goods;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Country of Origin issued by the Manufacturer's state-owned institutions of Goods;
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Acceptance Test of the Goods signed by the Purchaser.
After the installation and commissioning of the system are completed and the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is passed, twenty percent (20%) of the total contract price shall be paid after the acceptance test document is signed. The Agent shall make payment to the Supplier in the form of T/T within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 20% total contract price.
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) signed by the Purchaser.
One (1) original of Bank Guarantee for quality assurance of 3% total contract price, which is valid until the end of the warranty period.
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1) 投标人必须是从事相关设备生产与销售十年以上的独立制造厂商、或制造厂商正式直接授权的中国全权总代理(代理商须提供相应的全权总代理授权证明文件,包括英文原件复印件及相应的中文翻译件,而非项目授权,同时应提供导航类产品销售或安装业绩,业绩须提供合同或用户证明复印件) 2) 本项目不允许联合体投标。 3)投标人所投产品型号设备应满足: 3.1)仪表着陆系统必须在中国境内及境外机场均具有应用案例(须提供合同或用户证明复印件) 3.2)测距仪必须在中国境内及境外机场均具有配套仪表着陆系统的应用案例(须提供合同或用户证明复印件) 4)所投产品必须获得有效的中国民用航空局颁发的《民用航空空中交通通信导航监视设备使用许可证》或《民用航空空中交通通信导航监视设备临时使用许可证》,以及中国工业和信息化部颁发的《无线电发射设备型号核准证》。投标人所投产品应为最新型号的设备,设备型号应与使用许可证上载明的设备型号一致。(投标人需提供证书的复印件以作证明,证书须处于有效期内,若证书要求附加其他资料方为继续有效的,须按要求附加其他资料) 5)所投产品不应为已进入淘汰周期设备或已向国内用户公告即将进入淘汰周期的设备,投标人应提供由设备生产方出具的相关承诺(承诺函格式自拟)。
其他说明:本招标文件由招标代理机构发售。有兴趣的投标人可从2022年12月19日至2022年12月26日(节假日除外)每天早上9:00~11:30,下午14:00~16:30(北京时间)到国义招标采购平台(以下简称“国e平台”,网址:new.ebidding.com)线上购买招标文件,招标文件售价为:人民币800元或美元115元;售后不退。 国内邮购招标文件者应在标书发售时间截止前将人民币900元(含100元人民币特快专递费)汇到上述地址的招标代理机构,国外邮购标书者应在标书发售时间截止前以现金、电汇或保兑支票将美元165元(含50美元特快专递费)汇到上述地址的招标代理机构。招标代理机构或招标人将用航空快递及时寄去招标文件,但在任何情况下招标代理机构或招标人对邮寄过程中发生的迟交或遗失都不承担责任。
投标截止时间(开标时间):2023-02-14 09:30
联系方式:(8620) 37860747/37861143/37860740
招标文件第二册中《第七章合同专用条款Ⅰ国际贸易合同(境外中标人适用)》“第三部分 合同专用条款”的以下内容原文为
Clause内 容
Payments in this bid invitation are as follows: (20.2)
The currency paid is U.S. dollars. After the agent receives the performance guarantee from Supplier, the agent will open an irrevocable Letter of Credit equivalent to one hundred percent (100 %) of the contract amount with a major bank in China to be the beneficiary of Supplier. The Letter of Credit will be valid until the final payment of the Letter of Credit. The financial expenses of banks in China shall be borne by the agent. The financial expenses of banks outside China shall be borne by Supplier.
20.1.2. 80%的合同款项在收到卖方的下述单据并审核无误后支付。
Eighty percent (80 %) of the contract payment will be paid after receiving the following documents from Supplier and reviewing it
(1)清洁海运/空运/联运提单三正三副,注明“运费已付”,空白抬头, 收货人为代理方, 并通知代理方;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of full set of clean on board Bill of lading marked “Freight Prepaid” blank endorsed, and the consignee is the agent, notifying the agent at the port of destination;
One hundred percent (100%) of contract price, application for payment of eighty percent (80 %) of the amount of commercial invoice in three (3) originals and three (3) copies;
Three (3) originals and Three (3) copies of Packing List of Goods;
Three (3) originals and Three (3) copies of Certificate of Quantity and Quality issued by the manufacturer(s) of Goods;
Full set (1 original and 3 copies) of Insurance Certificate covering 110% of the Contract Price covering all risks of Goods;
Three (3) originals and Three (3) copies of Certificate of Country of Origin issued by the Manufacturer's state-owned institutions of Goods;
One (1) copy of Certificate of the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) of Goods;
Fore(4) originals of Certificate of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) signed by the Purchaser of Goods.
20.1.3. 20%的合同款项在收到卖方的下述单据并审核无误后支付:
Twenty percent (20 %) of the contract payment will be paid after receiving the following documents from Supplier and verifying it is correct:
One (1) original and four (4) copies of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) signed by the Purchaser;
Three (3) originals and Three (3) copies of Commercial invoice of 20 % contract price.
The Supplier and the Purchaser have signed the document in duplicate to prove that the engineers dispatched by the Supplier have completed (on-site) instructions for installation, commissioning and training.
One (1) original of Bank Guarantee for quality assurance of 3% total contract price, which is valid until the end of the warranty period.
After the contract is signed and the Buyer notifies the Seller in writing to start the equipment production,(the written notice will be no later than one year after the contract is signed. If the production is not notified for more than one year, both parties will solve the problem through friendly negotiation according to the specific reason), the Agent shall pay the Supplier ten percent (10%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T as Advance Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the Performance Security and the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
One (1) original of irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for the Advance Payment issued by the Supplier's bank with the Agent as the beneficiary, the amount of which is ten percent (10%) of the contract amount. The format of the Letter of Guarantee for the Advance Payment is shown in the template. (Valid until the arrival of system equipment)
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 10% total contract price.
After the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is passed, the Agent shall pay the Supplier forty percent (40%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T within thirty (30) working days after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) signed by the Purchaser.
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 40% total contract price.
Within thirty (30) calendar days after the equipment arrives, the open-box acceptance test is completed and the Certificate of Acceptance Test of the Goods is issued, the Agent shall pay the Supplier thirty percent (30%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T. All bank charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Supplier, and bank charges incurred in China shall be borne by the Agent. The Agent shall make payment to the Supplier after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
(1)清洁海运/空运/联运提单三正三副,注明“运费已付”,空白抬头, 收货人为代理方, 并通知代理方;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of designated full set of clean on-board ocean/air/intermodal bills of lading marked “Freight Prepaid” made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying the Agent;
One (1) copy of Certificate of the IPPC;
(4)Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of total contract price (required to negotiate 30% of the total contract price), showing the description, quantity, unit price and total price of the shipped equipment;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of detailed Packing List of Goods indicating the supply contents under the contract;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Quantity and Quality issued by the manufacturer(s) of Goods;
Full set (1 original and 3 copies) of Insurance Certificate covering 110% of the total contract price covering all risks of Goods;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Country of Origin issued by the Manufacturer's state-owned institutions of Goods;
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Acceptance Test of the Goods signed by the Purchaser.
After the installation and commissioning of the system are completed and the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is passed, twenty percent (20%) of the total contract price shall be paid after the acceptance test document is signed. The Agent shall make payment to the Supplier in the form of T/T within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 20% total contract price.
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) signed by the Purchaser.
One (1) original of Bank Guarantee for quality assurance of 3% total contract price, which is valid until the end of the warranty period.
Clause内 容
20Payment method and conditions shall be as followings:
Payments in this bid invitation are as follows: (20.1)
20.1.1 合同签订后并收到卖方提供的履约保函后,买方收到卖方提交的下列文件和单据并经审核无误后的30个日历日内,买方通过代理方以T/T形式向卖方支付合同额的20%作为预付款:
After the contract is signed and receipt of performance security presented by the Supplier, the Purchaser, through the Agent, shall pay the Supplier 20% of contract value, in the form of T/T as Advance Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the following documents submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
1) 合同额的20%的商业发票正本三份、副本三份
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice with the amount of 20% contract value as the Advance Payment.
20.1.2 买方应在设备发货前 60 天,通过代理方,通过中国境内一家主要的银行,开立一份以卖方为受益人 ( 通知行:XXX, swift Address: XXX),80%合同金额的不可撤销的信用证(开立信用证前需获得卖方对信用证内容的审核和确认)。信用证有效期至最后一笔货款支付时间后 30 天。发生在中国境内的银行手续费由代理方承担,发生在中国境外的银行费用由卖方承担。
60 days before shipping date of the equipment, the Purchaser,
through the Agent, shall open an irrevocable Letter of Credit through a reputable
bank located in PRC in favor of the Supplier, with advising bank to be XXX (swift Address: XXX), with 80% contract value (Before opening the Letter of Credit, the Purchaser shall have the Supplier to review and confirm the contents of Letter of Credit) The Letter of Credit shall be valid thirty (30) days after the last payment under the letter of credit is made. The banking charges incurred in China shall be borne by the Agent, whereas the banking charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Supplier.
20.1.2设备发货后,买方在收到以下文件之后 30 天之内,通过代理方,通过信用证向卖方支付合同金额 60%:
The Purchaser shall, through the Agent, pay 60% contract value to the Supplier through LC within thirty (30) days after shipment being made and the bank has received the following documents in English and found them in order:
1) 注明“运费预付”的全套 3 正 3 副设备的海运提单,空白背书,被通知人为代理方。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of ocean bills of lading for the equipment marked “Freight to Prepaid” made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying the Agent.
2) 3 正 3 副的标明金额为60%合同金额的商业发票;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Commercial Invoice 60% contract value.
3) 由制造商出具的数量和品质证明 3 份正本和 3 份副本。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Quantity & Quality Certificate issued by the manufacturer(s) of Goods.
4) 由制造商所在国有关机构出具的原产地证明 3 份正本和 3 份副本。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Country of Origin issued by the Manufacturer's state-owned institutions of Goods.
5) 装箱单 3 份正本和 3 份副本。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Packing List.
6) 一份发货通知 (通知内容包括:合同号、提单号、货物件数重量、起运地、目的地、预计发货时间和预计到达时间)。
One Copy of Shipping Advice. (including contract number, Bill of Lading number, quantity of goods, weight of goods, Origin, Destination, ETD and ETA)
7) 一份卖方出具的所有木质包装货物均由 IPPC 包装箱运输的证明。
One Certificate which is issued by the Supplier stating that the wood packaging material has been made according to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and that all wooden packages have been sealed with International Plant Protection Convention mark.
8) 合同金额百分之一百一十(110%)投保的运输一切险和战争险保险单正本 1 份,副本 3 份。
Original (1) and Three (3) Copies of Insurance Policy / Certificate covering one
hundred and ten percent (110%) of the Contract value against all risks and war risks.
9) 由买方签字的工厂验收(FAT)证明复印件一份。
One (1) copy of Certificate of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) signed by the
20.1.3 买方在收到以下单据后,通过代理方,通过信用证向卖方支付 20%合同金额作的尾款。发生在中国境内的银行手续费由代理方承担,发生在中国境外的银行费用由卖方承担。
After receiving the following doc., the Purchaser should 20% contract value as the final payment to the Supplier’s account by L/C, through the Agent. The banking charges incurred in China shall be borne by the Agent whereas the banking charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Supplier.
1) 由买方签字的现场验收(SAT)证明三份副本;
Three (3) copies of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) Certificate signed by the
2) 合同金额的 3%质量保证银行保函(有效期至质保期结束后 30 天内完全有效)。
Bank guarantee for quality warranty covering 3% of the contract value (valid until 30 days after the end of warranty period)
3) 20%合同金额的商业发票 3 正 3 副。
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies commercial invoice 20% contract value.
The Supplier and the Purchaser have signed the document in duplicate to prove that the engineers dispatched by the Supplier have completed (on-site) instructions for installation, commissioning and training.
After the contract is signed and the Buyer notifies the Seller in writing to start the equipment production,(the written notice will be no later than one year after the contract is signed. If the production is not notified for more than one year, both parties will solve the problem through friendly negotiation according to the specific reason), the Agent shall pay the Supplier ten percent (10%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T as Advance Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the Performance Security and the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
One (1) original of irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for the Advance Payment issued by the Supplier's bank with the Agent as the beneficiary, the amount of which is ten percent (10%) of the contract amount. The format of the Letter of Guarantee for the Advance Payment is shown in the template. (Valid until the arrival of system equipment)
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 10% total contract price.
After the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is passed, the Agent shall pay the Supplier forty percent (40%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T within thirty (30) working days after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) signed by the Purchaser.
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 40% total contract price.
Within thirty (30) calendar days after the equipment arrives, the open-box acceptance test is completed and the Certificate of Acceptance Test of the Goods is issued, the Agent shall pay the Supplier thirty percent (30%) of the total contract price in the form of T/T. All bank charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Supplier, and bank charges incurred in China shall be borne by the Agent. The Agent shall make payment to the Supplier after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
(1)清洁海运/空运/联运提单三正三副,注明“运费已付”,空白抬头, 收货人为代理方, 并通知代理方;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of designated full set of clean on-board ocean/air/intermodal bills of lading marked “Freight Prepaid” made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying the Agent;
One (1) copy of Certificate of the IPPC;
(4)Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of total contract price (required to negotiate 30% of the total contract price), showing the description, quantity, unit price and total price of the shipped equipment;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of detailed Packing List of Goods indicating the supply contents under the contract;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Quantity and Quality issued by the manufacturer(s) of Goods;
Full set (1 original and 3 copies) of Insurance Certificate covering 110% of the total contract price covering all risks of Goods;
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Certificate of Country of Origin issued by the Manufacturer's state-owned institutions of Goods;
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Acceptance Test of the Goods signed by the Purchaser.
After the installation and commissioning of the system are completed and the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is passed, twenty percent (20%) of the total contract price shall be paid after the acceptance test document is signed. The Agent shall make payment to the Supplier in the form of T/T within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the following documents and bills submitted by the Supplier and reviewing them:
Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of commercial invoice of 20% total contract price.
Three (3) originals of Certificate of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) signed by the Purchaser.
One (1) original of Bank Guarantee for quality assurance of 3% total contract price, which is valid until the end of the warranty period.
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1) 投标人必须是从事相关设备生产与销售十年以上的独立制造厂商、或制造厂商正式直接授权的中国全权总代理(代理商须提供相应的全权总代理授权证明文件,包括英文原件复印件及相应的中文翻译件,而非项目授权,同时应提供导航类产品销售或安装业绩,业绩须提供合同或用户证明复印件) 2) 本项目不允许联合体投标。 3)投标人所投产品型号设备应满足: 3.1)仪表着陆系统必须在中国境内及境外机场均具有应用案例(须提供合同或用户证明复印件) 3.2)测距仪必须在中国境内及境外机场均具有配套仪表着陆系统的应用案例(须提供合同或用户证明复印件) 4)所投产品必须获得有效的中国民用航空局颁发的《民用航空空中交通通信导航监视设备使用许可证》或《民用航空空中交通通信导航监视设备临时使用许可证》,以及中国工业和信息化部颁发的《无线电发射设备型号核准证》。投标人所投产品应为最新型号的设备,设备型号应与使用许可证上载明的设备型号一致。(投标人需提供证书的复印件以作证明,证书须处于有效期内,若证书要求附加其他资料方为继续有效的,须按要求附加其他资料) 5)所投产品不应为已进入淘汰周期设备或已向国内用户公告即将进入淘汰周期的设备,投标人应提供由设备生产方出具的相关承诺(承诺函格式自拟)。
其他说明:本招标文件由招标代理机构发售。有兴趣的投标人可从2022年12月19日至2022年12月26日(节假日除外)每天早上9:00~11:30,下午14:00~16:30(北京时间)到国义招标采购平台(以下简称“国e平台”,网址:new.ebidding.com)线上购买招标文件,招标文件售价为:人民币800元或美元115元;售后不退。 国内邮购招标文件者应在标书发售时间截止前将人民币900元(含100元人民币特快专递费)汇到上述地址的招标代理机构,国外邮购标书者应在标书发售时间截止前以现金、电汇或保兑支票将美元165元(含50美元特快专递费)汇到上述地址的招标代理机构。招标代理机构或招标人将用航空快递及时寄去招标文件,但在任何情况下招标代理机构或招标人对邮寄过程中发生的迟交或遗失都不承担责任。
投标截止时间(开标时间):2023-02-14 09:30
联系方式:(8620) 37860747/37861143/37860740