1. 中国政府已从亚洲开发银行申请了一笔贷款(贷款编号:4140-PRC),用于支付利用亚
的一部分贷款用于支付 CS-01:项目管理和实施支持合同(合同编号:CS-01)项下的合
2. 贺州市世界银行贷款项目管理办公室现邀请合格的且有资格的投标人就下列递交密封
3. 本次招标为国际公告公开招标,凡符合《亚行开发银行借款人采购规定》(2017 版本并
4. 有兴趣的合格投标人可以从本投标邀请函列明的地址进一步了解有关信息,并在
5. 潜在投标人应注意本招标文件投标人须知第4条关于合格性和利益冲突的规定。所有存
6. 投标人的资格要求包括:(001项目管理和实施支持)的投标人资格能力要求具有至少5
7. 有兴趣的合格投标人可将购买招标文件的申请递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址,并支付
8. 所有投标文件应于2023年08月19日18时00分之前递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址。
9. 投标文件必须包括按照招标文件中规定的金额和格式开具的投标保证金。
地址三:投标文件递交地址:cms.adb.org 电子上传文件递交或其他方式递交(以电子
邮箱 hzsfgwxmb@163.com))
地 址:贺州市八步区建设东路3号
电 话:/
地 址: 北京市海淀区西三环北路21号久凌大厦15层
联系人: 王达
电 话: 010-68405009
电子邮件: wangd@tenderingcctc.com
日期:2023 年 月
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appropriate permission.
一、项目背景 ................................................. 1 二、任务目的 ................................................. 3 三、咨询服务的时间和地点 ..................................... 3 四、咨询服务范围和内容 ....................................... 4 五、咨询公司相关资格及人员投入 .............................. 11 六、可交付成果 .............................................. 38 七、为咨询公司提供所需设备和服务 ............................ 39 八、其他事项 ................................................ 40
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appropriate permission.
贺州市是广西壮族自治区内最不发达的城市之一,过去的工 业生产和采矿活动严重破坏了矿区自然环境,采矿业的衰退也对 社会服务和就业产生了巨大的负面影响。同时,随着经济增长,人们对高质量卫生健康系统的需求也在增加,但贺州市医疗资源 分布不平衡,基层医疗卫生服务相对不足。为改善可达山矿区的 自然环境,满足平桂区的医疗卫生需求,贺州市决定与亚洲开发 银行合作,申请一笔贷款,用于实施广西贺州可达山矿区生态修 复及可持续发展项目。
项目以贺州矿区的可持续发展为目标,从生态修复、公共服 务等领域进行投资建设,并探索相关领域的政策研究、能力建设、创新与发展等,由可达山子项目和平桂子项目组成。项目执行机 构为贺州市人民政府,项目实施机构为平桂区人民政府和广西贺 州市矿业投资集团有限公司,项目业主为广西贺州市矿业投资集 团有限公司、贺州市平桂城市建设投资有限公司。贺州市人民政 府成立了项目管理办公室,对项目的准备和实施提供全面的指导、监督、协调和管理。该项目计划于 2022 年 1 月至 2028 年 6 月底 实施。该项目预计耗资 19887.2 万欧元,其中亚行将出资 8424.6 万欧元,广西贺州矿业投资集团有限公司(HMIGC)和贺州平贵城 市建设投资公司(PUCIC)将分别出资1701.5万欧元和9761.1万欧 元。
产出 1:实施自然友好型措施,减少可达山原矿区的污染。
作为可达山子项目的产出,将支持采取自然友好型措施,改善可 达山原矿区的环境,并发展长期监测环境和污染的能力。该产出 1
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包括拆除废弃的污染性采矿设施、废物和尾矿;恢复受损或裸露 的地表,包括种植树木和植被;建设现场处理和稳定场以及填埋 场,以处理移除的采矿废物和尾矿,并在处理后关闭处理场和填 埋场;利用基于自然的解决方案处理受污染的地表水;在可达山 建立长期的环境和污染监测系统,并开始监测;为应用基于自然 的方法改善贺州山区环境制定实用指南。
产出 2:加强卫生和养老的体制机制、技能能力和设施。作 为平桂子项目的一部分,将加强贺州市县级机构、工作机制和相 关人员在提供高质量卫生和养老服务方面的能力。在医疗卫生方 面,该产出将支持设计一个实用的机构工作机制和系统,以实现“医疗共同体”,通过县级平桂区工人医院提供协调支持,加强 乡镇和村级基层医疗卫生的质量和能力;在平桂区工人医院建立“医共体信息平台”,连接平桂区的乡镇和村级公立医疗机构;建设平桂区工人医院,规格为县级二级甲等综合公立医院;发展 平桂区工人医院管理人员的行政管理能力和医生、护士、护理人 员及工作人员的业务能力,以提供高质量的服务;更新 9 家乡镇 级医院的设备,以提高基层医疗保健服务的供给和质量;提供培 训,以建设乡镇卫生院和村级卫生室工作人员的业务能力,提高 基层医疗卫生服务质量。在养老方面,该产出将支持平桂区医养 结合示范基地的建设;在平桂区医养结合示范基地建立工作机制,实现医养结合,包括对基地行政人员和管理人员提供行政管理和 运营能力方面的培训;对与平桂区医院结合示范基地合作的医护 人员(医生、护士、护理人员)进行业务能力发展,以提供高质 量的服务。建成后的项目设施将是绿色(运营后获得中国绿色建 筑标准二星级认证)和包容性的,考虑到女性、残疾人、老年人
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和少数民族的需求。这些设施还将采用建筑信息模型来实现精细 化的建筑施工和运营维护,包括绿色采购。
产出 3:发展绿色和健康护理相关的技能发展机构。产出 3 同时也是平桂子项目的一部分,将支持贺州为平桂居民提供非学 历职业技能发展机会,以满足最新的市场需求,包括绿色和健康 护理相关的技能。为了提供所需的非学历培训,政府将建设绿色(运营后获得中国绿色建筑标准二星级认证)和包容性的知识技 能共享中心,考虑妇女、残疾人、老年人和少数民族的需求。产 出将支持运营研究,根据需求优化知识技能培训中心的培训质量,包括技能认证机制、人力资源发展计划和与当地私营企业合作的 课程设置;为知识技能培训中心的管理人员和教师编制培训计划;提供课程和实施培训所需的设备。
协助贺州市项目办和项目实施机构,管理和支持项目的实施、监测、汇报(根据亚洲开发银行项目实施政策和程序)以及制订 项目实施文件。
咨询服务将由一个顾问团队通过一家公司进行,由亚洲开发 银行贷款资助,顾问将根据《亚洲开发银行采购政策:货物、工 程、非咨询服务和咨询服务(2017 年,不时修订)》和亚洲开发 银行(ADB)借款人采购规定:货物、工程、非咨询服务和咨询 服务(2017 年,不时修订)招聘。咨询公司将通过邀请完整技术 建议书(FTP),采用基于质量和费用的选择(QCBS),质量成 本比为 90:10。
从合同签订之日(预计 2023 年 9 月 30 日)到 2028 年 6 月 30 日贷款截止日,预计为期 58 个月,估计投入 267 人月,其中
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包括 20 人月的国际专家和 247 人月的国内专家。在此期间,团 队将提供必要的间歇性投入,服务地点在贺州市。
项目管理和实施支持咨询公司在整个项目实施期间提供项 目实施管理支持,包括:总体项目管理和协调;设计审查和改进;招标文件审核和采购支持;施工管理和监督;合同管理;项目进 度和投资掌控;财务管理和支出;保障管理和行动计划;环境管 理计划、土地使用权流转计划、移民安置计划、少数民族发展计 划、社会和性别行动计划、项目绩效管理系统、磋商和参与计划、能力发展计划等计划的实施和监测;项目技术援助、能力发展和 培训活动的协调与管理。工作的具体范围可包括但不限于:(一)项目管理和协调。在整个项目过程中,需向贺州市提 供全面的项目管理和协调支持。具体任务包括但不限于:
2.评估项目的体制安排,细化项目业主的职责,并提出加强 机构建设的建议;
3.确定相关责任方、执行任务的方式方法,制定项目实施程 序,确定完成任务的期限;
4.开发所需的管理工具及模板,执行已制定的实施程序;5.制定一套项目报告系统,对项目的管理、推进及监测列出 每项指定任务;
6.为亚洲开发银行项目管理团队、相关政府机构、与项目实 施相关的承包商、咨询专家、监测员等提供项目协调支持;7.配合亚洲开发银行代表团的项目检查,并回复和解答亚洲 开发银行检查团的所有问题。
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(二)设计审查和设计改进。在项目初步设计和施工文件编 制过程中,对所有项目组成部分进行设计审查和设计改进。设计 的审查(改进)应侧重于养老建筑和工人医院的功能、详细设计 及可达山原矿区的环境修复设计。具体任务包括但不限于:1.审查(改进)贺州市平桂区工人医院工程设计,包括总体 平面设计、医院建筑功能设计、建筑设计、平面布置、结构、机 械、水电、管道、绿色建筑设计及其他相关项目;
2.审查(改进)平桂区医养结合示范基地工程设计,包括总 体平面设计、医院建筑功能设计、建筑设计、平面布置、结构、机械、水电、管道、绿色建筑设计及其他相关项目;
3.对平桂区乡村医疗能力提升工程医疗设备的设计选型进 行评审和细化,包括设备选型、功能要求、关键控制参数、市场 调查、采购考量等方面;
4.审查和完善贺州市平桂区工人医院工程的医院信息系统 设计,包括信息系统结构、功能设计、服务平台、接口、云数据 安全等;
5.审查(改进)贺州可达山矿区生态修复工程设计,特别是 通过应用以自然为本的解决方法和相关技术,进行开发和改进;6.审查各子项的相关设计,包括知识技能共享中心和项目组 成部分。
(三)招标文件评审和采购支持。在招标文件评审、招标过 程、评标、合同授予等工作中提供技术支持和协助。具体任务包 括但不限于:
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1.投标文件评审包括商务部分、技术部分、工程量清单、技 术规范及其他采购文件;
3.参与评标、审查评标报告、合同授予、合同谈判、合同签 订等;
4.为亚洲开发银行项目管理团队、其他采购单位和机构的协 调沟通提供协助;
2.审核承包商编制的施工组织计划、施工进度计划、施工顺 序等;
9.协调承包商和监理公司编制并提交月度进度报告和月度 监理报告;
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12.为执行机构和项目业主提供建筑信息模型使用方面的协 助。
1.制定施工实施进度表,包括计划与实际进度对比,确保与 项目整体实施进度表保持一致;
3.根据实际进度和项目整体实施进度,定期更新、调整施工 进度计划和投资进度计划。
1.为贺州市提供财务管理协助,包括项目资金管理、会计系 统建立和支付系统建立等;
2.协助完善合同支付材料,包括提款申请的编制和提交,付 款处理和支出;
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5.提供财务管理、项目核算、提款申请、支出等方面的培训 和相关能力建设。
2.实施环境管理计划,并根据环境管理计划制定缓解措施;3.进行环境管理计划内部监测,并编制贺州市项目办环境监 测报告;
4.协助外部监测人员实施外部环境监测,并协助编制外部环 境监测报告;
5.向贺州市相关项目管理人员,提供关于亚洲开发银行环境 保障政策和程序的培训和能力建设。
(九)移民安置计划的实施和监测。具体任务包括但不限于:1.在征地拆迁和移民安置工作开始前,更新移民安置计划;2.协助执行机构和项目业主根据更新后的移民安置计划进 行土地使用权流转、征地拆迁和移民安置工作;
3.协助项目实施机构和项目业主进行移民安置计划内部监 测,并编制贺州市项目办的移民安置计划监测报告;
4.协调外部监测人员实施移民安置计划的外部监测,并协助 编制移民安置计划外部监测报告;
5.向贺州市相关项目管理人员,提供亚洲开发银行土征地拆 迁保障政策和程序的培训和能力建设。
1.协助执行机构和项目业主实施少数民族发展计划,并在必 要时采取缓解措施;
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2.协助项目实施机构和项目业主进行少数民族发展计划内 部监测,并编制贺州市项目办的少数民族发展计划监测报告;3.协助外部监测人员实施少数民族发展计划外部监测,并协 助编制少数民族发展计划外部监测报告;
4.向贺州市相关项目管理人员提供关于亚洲开发银行原住 居民保障政策、程序的培训和能力建设。
1.在项目实施前,根据需要更新社会和性别行动计划;2.协助执行机构和项目业主实施社会和性别行动计划,包括 制定缓解措施;
3.协助项目实施机构和项目业主进行社会和性别行动计划 内部监测,并编制社会和性别行动计划监测报告;
4.向贺州市相关项目管理人员,提供关于亚洲开发银行社会 和性别发展政策和程序的培训和能力建设。
(十二)项目绩效管理系统监测。具体任务包括但不限于:1.在项目实施前,根据需要对项目绩效管理系统进行审查和 更新。项目绩效监测系统任何指标的更新和修订都需获得亚洲开 发银行的批准;
2.制定和建立项目绩效管理系统的监测系统,收集数据并制 定监测方法;
3.每半年进行项目绩效管理系统监测,并将监测结果纳入项 目进度报告;
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5.向贺州市相关项目管理人员提供关于亚洲开发银行项目 绩效管理系统、监测政策和程序的培训和能力建设。
(十三)协调、管理项目技术援助及能力发展包。协助贺州 市协调、管理项目技术援助及能力发展合同包,包括初步报告的 提交、必要的专家审查和批准、启动最终产出的审查和验收、最 终的专家评审及产出结果的传播和宣传活动。
(十四)项目中期调整报告。根据项目实施进度和竣工情况,协助贺州市编制项目中期调整报告,并对必要的项目调整提出建 议,以满足项目发展目标,提高利用亚洲开发银行贷款资金的使 用效率。
(十五)项目竣工报告。在项目竣工前,根据亚洲开发银行 指南协助贺州市编写项目竣工报告,项目竣工报告应包括项目总 体实施和竣工状况,评价项目筹备和实施的效果与效能,为实现 项目设计目标而设定的项目绩效,以及项目绩效监测指标的目标 值等。
2.向贺州市相关项目管理人员,提供关于亚洲开发银行项目 开发、实施政策和程序的培训;
3.与咨询专家提供技术援助,指导能力发展计划包的实施,对人力资源发展和人员培训有关的项目提供培训和能力建设; 4.协助贺州市组织国内或国外考察,并为每次考察编制培训 报告;
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5.协调和组织研习会、研讨会、专题论坛和会议,宣传知识 和项目成果;编写并发布技术和管理论文,以宣传和推广有价值 的项目成果。
具有至少 5 年的国际金融组织贷款项目类似经验和业绩,已 完成或正在实施至少 3 个国际金融组织贷款项目的相关项目管 理和实施支持工作,有亚洲开发银行或世界银行在中国类似经验 者优先,非常熟悉亚洲开发银行对项目管理和实施支持要求。项 目管理和实施支持咨询专家团队由具备项目管理和项目实施技 术支持所需专门知识的专家组成。项目管理和实施支持咨询专家 团队和所需人月数见下表:
编号 | 职务 | 国际 (人月数) | 国内 (人月数) |
K-1 | 项目管理专家(组长) | 12 | |
K-2 | 施工管理专家(副组长) | 40 | |
K-3 | 土建与低影响开发专家 | 1 | |
K-4 | 土建与低影响开发专家 | 9 | |
K-5 | 健康护理和医疗服务专家 | 12 | |
K-6 | 老年护理、健康或老年护理专家 | 12 | |
K-7 | 医疗、健康(老年)护理设施建 筑师 | 2 | |
K-8 | 医疗、健康(老年)护理设施建 筑师 | 10 | |
K-9 | 医疗、健康(老年)护理建筑工 | 12 |
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
编号 | 职务 | 国际 (人月数) | 国内 (人月数) |
程师 | |||
K-10 | 医疗设施施工管理专家 | 12 | |
K-11 | 医疗保健设备专家 | 1 | |
K-12 | 医疗保健设备专家 | 3 | |
K-13 | 职业技术教育与培训课程发展专 家 | 6 | |
K-14 | 医疗保健信息系统专家 | 1 | |
K-15 | 医疗保健信息系统专家 | 3 | |
K-16 | 采购和合同管理专家 | 12 | |
K-17 | 财务专家 | 11 | |
K-18 | 环境专家 | 3 | |
K-19 | 环境专家 | 10 | |
K-20 | 少数民族、社会和性别专家 | 13 | |
K-21 | 移民安置专家 | 6 | |
K-22 | 项目绩效管理系统专家 | 8 | |
K-23 | 人力资源开发和培训专家 | 6 | |
K-24 | 建筑信息模型工程师 | 4 | |
N-1 | 项目管理助理 | 58 | |
小计 | 20 | 247 | |
合计 | 267 |
域硕士及以上学位,最好有 15 年在中国或其他发达国家的工作
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经验,在医疗和养老设施开发和建设、土建和环境保护及生态修 复方面具有良好的项目管理经验,最好有 3 次国际金融组织贷款 土建和环境项目团队领导经验,英语流利,必须具备良好的沟通 能力,扎实的项目管理技能和能力。
项目管理专家(组长,国际专家)的任务和职责包括但不限 于以下内容:
(1)制定详细的工作计划,包括项目实施的专家投入进度 计划,并根据项目实施进度定期更新工作计划;
(2)制定并建立项目管理体系,对项目实施进度进行管理 和监控;
(4)制定并建立合同管理体系,对采购过程和合同执行情 况进行管理和监控;
(6)与财务专家协调,制定和建立财务管理和支付管理体 系;
(8)协调团队专家,根据项目实施进度和项目开发需要组 织专家投入;
(9)协调团队专家、亚洲开发银行、执行机构、实施机构 和其他利益相关者,促进项目实施;
(10)全面负责协调所有可交付成果的准备和提交,包括进 度报告、监测报告、半年度和年度报告、项目竣工报告等;(11)制定能力发展和培训计划,协调和开展能力发展和培 训;
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(12)通过项目绩效管理系统监测项目的整体进度、合同管 理、与保障措施相关的问题和计划、与社会和性别问题相关的目
(13)协助执行机构按照亚洲开发银行的政策和程序及时聘 请合格的外部监测公司;
2.施工管理专家(副组长,国内专家):具备土木、环境或相 关领域本科或以上学历,最好有 10 年的土建、环境保护和生态 修复项目施工管理经验,最好有 3 次国际金融组织贷款项目组长、副组长或者其他关键岗位的项目经验,英语流利,必须具备良好
施工管理专家(副组长,国内专家)的任务和职责包括但不限 于以下内容:
(1)配合组长发挥领导作用,为项目的实施提供全面的项 目管理和协调;
(3)全面指导项目施工监督、合同管理、财务管理、支出 管理;
(4)定期与承包商进行现场检查和讨论,协助实施机构和 业主进行施工监督;
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(6)协助执行机构、实施机构和业主进行合同管理,保存 好已授予合同和拟议的采购包记录,分析合同变更需求,以及土 建工程建设和货物分期付款产生的问题,控制总体支付和剩余贷 款进度;
(7)根据项目实施进度和项目开发需求,协助组长协调团 队专家投入;
(8)协调团队专家、亚洲开发银行、执行机构、实施机构 和其他利益相关者,促进项目的实施;
(9)与组长一起协调所有可交付成果的准备和提交,包括 进度报告、监测报告、半年度和年度报告、项目竣工报告等;(10)通过项目绩效管理系统监测项目整体进度、合同管理、与保障措施相关的问题和计划、社会和性别问题、相关目标和活 动、以及项目发展的影响;
3.土建与低影响开发专家(国际专家):具备土木、水资源或 相关领域的硕士及以上学位、最好有 8 年在雨水管理、低影响开 发和海绵城市开发领域的经验,有国际金融组织贷款项目经验者 优先。
土建和低影响开发专家(国际专家)的任务和职责包括但不 限于以下内容:
(1)审查和改进贺州可达山矿区生态修复工程设计,特别 是通过应用以自然为本的解决方法和相关技术,进行开发和改进;
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(2)通过考虑国内各机构提出的各种低影响开发方案以及 亚洲开发银行指导文件中记录的国际最佳实践,审查设计院在详
(3)评估设计院在详细工程设计报告中提出的低影响开发 应用的技术可行性和成本效益;
(4)准备一份总结报告:低影响开发应用的实施以及操作 和维护实践;
(5)准备一份评估报告,包括低影响开发应用的结论、差 距分析和建议;
(6)协调国内利益相关方,确保将低影响开发应用纳入项 目设计;
(7)审查各子项的相关设计,包括知识技能共享中心和项 目组成部分。
(9)咨询服务期间,该专家的产出中将提供至少一项有望 在国际出版物上出版的知识产品。
4.土建与低影响开发专家(国内专家):具备土木、水资源或 相关领域学士或以上学位,最好有 8 年在雨水管理、低影响开发 和海绵城市开发领域的经验,有国际金融组织贷款项目经验者优
(1)审查和改进贺州可达山矿区生态修复工程设计,特别 是通过应用以自然为本的解决方法和相关技术,进行开发和改进;
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(2)通过考虑国内各机构提出的各种低影响开发方案以及 亚洲开发银行指导文件中记录的国际最佳实践,审查设计院在详
(3)评估设计院在详细工程设计报告中提出的低影响开发 应用的技术可行性和成本效益;
(4)准备一份总结报告:低影响开发应用的实施以及操作 和维护实践;
(5)准备一份评估报告,包括低影响开发应用的结论、差 距分析和建议;
(6)协调国内利益相关方,确保将低影响开发应用纳入项 目设计;
(7)审查各子项的相关设计,包括知识技能共享中心和项 目组成部分。
5.健康护理和医疗服务专家(国内专家):具备医疗和健康护 理或相关领域学士或以上学位,最好有 8 年在健康护理和医疗服 务行业的经验,有医院运营、管理和行政经验,熟悉中国二甲级
(1)审查和完善设计,确保平桂区医养结合示范基地和平 桂区工人医院各自功能的技术适宜性;
(2)编制健康护理和医疗服务方案,确保平桂区医养结合 示范基地、平桂区工人医院的技术适宜性;
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6.老年护理和健康(老年)护理专家(国内专家):具备医 疗和健康护理或相关专业学士或以上学位,最好有 8 年老年护理 和综合健康或老年护理服务行业的经验,综合健康或老年护理方 面经验丰富者优先,具有综合健康、老年护理或老年护理设施运 行、管理和行政的经验。
(1)为平桂区医养结合示范基地、平桂区工人医院设计适 当的服务计划;
(3)将老年护理和健康(老年)护理的特点充分纳入设施 设计中。
7.医疗、健康(老年)护理设施建筑师(国际专家):具备 建筑工程的硕士及以上学位,最好有 15 年在健康护理及健康、老年护理设施设计和开发方面的经验,具备在中国或其他国家的 健康设施设计经验。
医疗、健康(老年)护理设施建筑师(国际专家)的服务对 象为平桂子项目,其任务和职责包括但不限于以下内容:
(1)审查和改进平桂区医养结合示范基地、平桂区工人医 院工程设计,包括总体平面设计、医院建筑功能设计、建筑设计、平面布置、结构、机械、水电、管道、绿色建筑设计及其他相关 项目;
(2)制定每个房间临床需求的全面检查表,并具有工程意 义的家具和设备;
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(4)为医院制定足够的功能需求,为下游建筑、工程和建 筑服务提供足够的细节;
(5)与其他医疗和保健、老年护理专家合作,完成共同任 务;
(6)在咨询服务期间,专家应提供至少一种有望在国际出 版物上出版的知识产品;
(7)与其他医疗设施专家合作: 开发楼层到楼层、房间到 房间的数据表,并准备详细的工程设计、施工、监督和设备采购 和安装的任务大纲;监督建筑和工程设计公司的可交付成果。
8.医疗、健康(老年)护理设施建筑师(国内专家):具备 建筑工程的学士及以上学位,最好有 8 年在健康护理及健康、老 年护理设施设计和开发方面的经验,具备在中国或其他国家的健 康设施设计经验。
医疗、健康(老年)护理设施建筑师(国内专家)的服务对 象为平桂子项目,其任务和职责包括但不限于以下内容:
(1)审查和改进平桂区医养结合示范基地、平桂区工人医 院工程设计,包括总体平面设计、医院建筑功能设计、建筑设计、平面布置、结构、机械、水电、管道、绿色建筑设计及其他相关 项目;
(2)制定每个房间临床需求的全面检查表,并具有工程意 义的家具和设备;
(3)编制道路方案并确定车辆和行人交通的流通路线;(4)为医院制定足够的功能需求,为下游建筑、工程和建 筑服务提供足够的细节;
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(5)与其他医疗和健康(老年)护理专家合作,完成共同 任务;
(6)与其他医疗设施专家合作:开发楼层到楼层和房间到 房间的数据表,并准备详细的工程设计、施工、监督和设备采购
9.医疗、健康(老年)护理建筑工程师(国内专家):具有 结构或建筑相关领域的学士或以上学位,最好有 8 年在医疗、健 康(老年)护理建筑和设施设计、开发方面的经验,具有设计和
(1)审查和改进平桂区医养结合示范基地、平桂区工人医 院工程设计,包括总体平面设计、医院建筑功能设计、建筑及平
(4)检查建筑材料供应项目的规格要求,确保材料达到要 求标准;
(8)与其他医疗设施专家合作:开发楼层到楼层、房间到 房间的数据表,并准备详细的工程设计、施工、监督和设备采购
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
10.健康护理设施建造管理专家(国内专家):具备建筑管 理或建筑相关专业学士或以上学位,最好有 8 年在医院、健康护 理建筑和设施建造管理方面的经验,具备在建筑管理和工程监管
(2)审查承包商编制的施工组织计划、施工进度计划、施 工顺序等;
(8)与承包商和监理公司协调编制并提交月度进度报告和 月度监理报告;
(11)与其他医疗设施专家合作:开发楼层到楼层、房间到 房间的数据表,准备详细的工程设计、施工、监督和设备采购和
11.医疗和健康护理设备专家(国际专家):具备医疗、医 疗器械和相关专业的硕士及以上学位,最好有 15 年在医疗器械 设计和开发方面的经验,熟悉最新的医疗器械技术发展;最好有
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
3 次在医疗器械开发和设计方面的类似项目经验;需具备在中国 和发达国家的医疗器械开发经验。
(1)对平桂区乡村医疗能力提升工程医疗设备的设计选型 进行评审和细化,包括设备选型、功能要求、关键控制参数、市
(3)编制医疗设备采购和安装进度表,包括医疗和非医疗 设备清单及位置;
(5)与建筑、工程服务部门协调,编制医疗和非医疗设备 的招标文件和采购计划(遵循亚洲开发银行采购指南);(6)与其他医疗和保健、老年护理专家合作,完成共同任 务;
(7)在咨询服务期间,专家应提供至少一种有望在国际出 版物上出版的知识产品;
(8)与其他医疗设施专家合作:开发楼层到楼层、房间到 房间的数据表,准备详细的工程设计、施工、监督和设备采购和
12.医疗和健康护理设备专家(国内专家):具备医疗、医 疗器械和相关专业学士及以上学位,最好有 8 年在医疗器械设计 和开发方面的经验,熟悉最新的医疗器械的技术发展;最好有 3 次在医疗器械开发和设计方面的类似项目经验。
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(3)编制医疗设备采购和安装进度表,包括医疗和非医疗 设备清单及位置;
(5)与建筑、工程服务部门协调,编制医疗和非医疗设备 的招标文件和采购计划(遵循亚洲开发银行采购指南);(6)与其他医疗和保健、老年护理专家合作,完成共同任 务;
(7)与其他医疗设施专家合作:开发楼层到楼层、房间到 房间的数据表,准备详细的工程设计、施工、监督和设备采购和
13.职业技术教育与培训课程发展专家(国内专家):具备 职业技术教育与培训、教育或相关专业学士及以上学位,最好有 8 年职业教育和培训服务行业经验;拥有职业技术教育与培训学 校和设施运营、管理、行政方面的经验;拥有职业培训课程发展
(1)与知识技能共享中心的课程工作组协商,开展技术职 业教育与培训需求评估,并制定技术职业教育与培训课程开发策
(2)在新兴制造业、园艺学、农学、儿童保育和卫生保健 等优先领域建立课程体系和相关的课程;
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(3)建立并审查知识技能共享中心的课程工作组的能力,开发一种基于能力的方法,在指定的优先领域开发课程体系;(4)为课程工作组提供以下培训:课程模式、试点课程所 需考虑的技术和就业技能、创业精神、核心(就业能力)技能、
(7)与主要利益相关者进行课程文件和支持策略的咨询和 实地测试;
(8)为知识技能共享中心员工举办讲习班,内容包括:能 力本位方法;应用到课程体系、资格开发、认证和评估(即验证
(9)提供成人教育(农民工)课程的样本,基于试点项目 的相同方法(但强调成人学习风格);
14.医疗和健康护理信息系统专家(国际专家):具备电脑、信息系统或相关专业硕士及以上学位,最好有 10 年医疗护理行 业信息系统设计和开发经验,具有开发“智能医院”信息系统的
(1)负责与“智能医院”有关的产出,特别侧重于有效解 决各方面问题,如成本、生产力、人力资源利用、库存管理、临
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(2)就在项目相关活动中使用智能情况进行智能尽职调查;(3)评估可在中国采用的适当技术和良好做法,包括移动 技术、基于网络技术和基于地理信息系统的技术;
(5)编写智能相关采购和咨询包的任务大纲和规范,并在 技术上进行评标;
(8)在咨询服务期间,专家应提供至少一种预计将在国际 出版物上出版的知识产品。
15.医疗和健康护理信息系统专家(国内专家):具备电脑、信息系统或相关专业学士及以上学位,最好有 8 年医疗护理行业 信息系统设计和开发经验,具有开发“智能医院”信息系统的经
(1)负责与“智能医院”有关的产出,特别侧重于有效解 决各方面问题,如成本、生产力、人力资源利用、库存管理、临
(2)就在项目相关活动中使用智能情况进行智能尽职调查;(3)评估可在中国采用的适当技术和良好做法,包括移动 技术、基于网络技术和基于地理信息系统的技术;
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(5)编写智能相关采购和咨询包的任务大纲和规范,并在 技术上进行评标;
(6)对“智能医院”设计的医院信息系统进行审查和改进,包括信息系统结构、功能设计、服务平台、接口、云、数据安全 等;
16.采购和合同管理专家(国内专家):具备土木工程、环 境或相关专业学士或以上学位,最好有 8 年土木工程和环境保护 及生态修复项目采购和合同管理经验,最好有 3 个国际金融组织 贷款项目的采购经验,具备英语沟通能力和良好的沟通技巧。
采购和合同管理专家的任务和职责包括但不限于以下内容:(1)协助准备和推进项目实施,包括项目管理、合同管理 和其他与亚洲开发银行项目推进要求相关的项目管理任务;(2)协助执行机构和实施机构按照中国和亚洲开发银行的 政策和程序要求进行土建工程、设备、咨询服务等合同的采购;(3)对设计、工程量清单、招标文件、技术规范等采购文 件的评审提供技术支持;提供招标、采购过程协助;协调招标公
(4)协助采购过程,包括审查招标文件、评标报告、合同 等与招标程序相关的文件;
(5)提供合同管理协助,如发生合同变更,进行详细评估,并协助贺州市项目办准备文件和理由,以便与亚洲开发银行沟通;(6)提供亚洲开发银行项目采购和合同管理方面的培训和 能力发展;
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
17.财务和经济专家(国内专家):具备金融、经济、会计 或相关专业学士及以上学位;最好有 8 年在金融管理和经济评估 方面的经验;在环境保护和基础设施发展方面,最好有 3 次国际 金融组织贷款项目经验;熟悉亚洲开发银行的金融和经济分析要
财务和经济专家的任务和职责包括但不限于以下内容:(1)负责根据亚洲开发银行和国内关于财务管理、财务和 经济分析、支出、其他财务和经济任务的要求,为项目的实施提
(2)协助执行机构和实施机构制定财务管理体系、财务管 理计划、支付计划和预测;与组长一起编制并提交项目财务管理
要求;协助会计管理、支付处理和年度审计等财务相关任务;(4)协助审查执行机构和实施机构的财务报表,并提供意 见,以满足亚洲开发银行要求;
(5)为中期调整和项目竣工报告提供最新的经济评估和分 析报告,并为亚洲开发银行提供最新的经济分析结果;
(6)为进度报告、中期调整报告、项目竣工报告和其他必 需文件提供财务和经济方面的投入;
(7)协助贺州市项目办准备亚洲开发银行定期或特别的财 务相关调查信息,如支付和贷款利用或储蓄事项;
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(8)协助组长协调团队专家,为技术评审提供项目实施支 持,提供采购文件、合同变更请求、尽职调查报告、承包商索赔
(9)为开展能力建设培训提供支持,并为能力发展活动提 供管理支持;制定培训计划并提供培训(内容包括):亚洲开发
18.环境专家(国际专家):具备环境或相关专业硕士及以 上学位、最好有 10 年在环境管理和监测方面的经验,在环境保 护和基础设施发展方面最好有 3 次国际金融组织贷款项目经验,熟悉亚洲开发银行对环境管理规划的实施和监测要求,具备用英
(1)提供技术和管理支持,以确保在项目实施过程符合初 步环境审查和环境管理计划;
(3)协助项目管理办公室和业主根据详细的工程设计更新 环境管理计划,包括其中的缓解措施和环境监测方案,并提交给
(4)根据国内和亚洲开发银行政策和程序的要求,协助业 主与环境监测机构协调所有监测活动;
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(5)审查承包商编制的现场应急方案;协助贺州市项目办 和业主建立申诉补救机制,包括项目公共投诉单位,并为公共投
(6)定期进行环境管理计划符合性评估,根据需要进行实 地考察,确定任何与环境相关的实施问题,提出必要的纠正措施,
(7)协助业主和贺州市项目办向亚洲开发银行编制年度环 境监测和进度报告;
(8)根据环境管理计划中定义的培训计划,向贺州市项目 办和业主提供有关环境法律、法规和政策、亚洲开发银行保障政 策(2009 年)、环境管理计划实施和申诉补救机制的培训;(9)帮助贺州市项目办制定适应预期气候变化的战略;该 战略应结合每 10 年对水文和气候变化知识状况进行定期评估和 审查,逐步升级防洪设施以恢复预期标准,并严格依赖非结构性 措施(如洪水监测和加强预警系统、应急准备和响应计划等);(10)在中期审查任务之前,向贺州市项目办和业主提供支 持,在项目城市和县区组织公开会议,提出和讨论环境管理计划
实施进展,征求社区意见和关注,并就所需的纠正措施达成一致;(11)在项目完成前,在项目城市和县组织调查,评估社区 对项目实施、项目产出和环境管理计划实施绩效的满意度,并将
(12)向进度报告、中期调整报告、项目竣工报告和其他项 目所需文件提供环境保护的投入;
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(13)协助组长协调团队专家,就技术评审、采购文件评审、合同变更请求、尽职调查报告、承包商索赔等方面提供项目实施 和管理支持;
(15)在咨询服务期间,专家应提供至少一种预计将在国际 出版物上出版的知识产品。
19.环境专家(国内专家):具备环境或相关专业学士及以 上学位(国内专家),最好有 8 年在环境管理和监测方面的经验,在环境保护和基础设施发展方面最好 3 次国际金融组织贷款项 目经验,熟悉亚洲开发银行对环境管理规划的实施和监测要求,具备用英语与亚洲开发银行项目管理团队进行良好沟通的能力。
(1)提供技术和管理支持,以确保在项目实施过程符合初 步环境审查和环境管理计划;
(3)协助项目管理办公室和业主根据详细的工程设计更新 环境管理计划,包括其中的缓解措施和环境监测方案,并提交给 执行机构和亚洲开发银行的批准和披露;
(4)根据国内和亚洲开发银行政策和程序的要求,协助业 主与环境监测机构协调所有监测活动;
(5)审查承包商编制的现场应急方案;协助贺州市项目办 和业主建立申诉补救机制,包括项目公共投诉单位,并为公共投 诉单位和申诉补救机制接入点提供培训;
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(6)定期进行环境管理计划符合性评估,根据需要进行实 地考察,确定任何与环境相关的实施问题,提出必要的纠正措施,
(7)协助业主和贺州市项目办向亚洲开发银行编制年度环 境监测和进度报告;
(8)根据环境管理计划中定义的培训计划,向贺州市项目 办和业主提供有关环境法律、法规和政策、亚洲开发银行保障政 策(2009 年)、环境管理计划实施和申诉补救机制的培训;(9)在中期审查任务之前,向贺州市项目办和业主提供支 持,在项目城市和县区组织公开会议,提出和讨论环境管理计划
实施进展,征求社区意见和关注,并就所需的纠正措施达成一致;(10)在项目完成前,在项目城市和县组织调查,评估社区 对项目实施、项目产出和环境管理计划实施绩效的满意度,并将
(11)向进度报告、中期调整报告、项目竣工报告和其他项 目所需文件提供环境保护的投入;
20.少数民族、社会和性别专家(国内专家):具备社会或 相关专业硕士及以上学位,最好有 8 年在少数民族、社会和性别 项目管理和监测方面的经验,在环境保护和基础设施发展方面最 好有 3 个国际金融组织贷款项目经验,熟悉亚洲开发银行在实施
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
和监测社会和性别行动计划及少数民族发展计划方面的要求,具 备用英语与亚洲开发银行项目管理团队进行良好沟通能力。
少数民族、社会和性别专家的任务和职责包括但不限于以下 内容:
(1)负责按照亚洲开发银行保障政策和程序,为项目的实 施提供社会发展和社会保障方面的支持,包括实施少数民族发展 计划、社会和性别行动计划、磋商和参与计划,并协调内部、外 部监测和其他保障相关任务;
(2)就亚洲开发银行和国内政策框架内少数民族发展计划、社会和性别行动计划的实施向执行机构和实施机构提供切实的 建议;
(3)根据需要审查和更新少数民族发展计划、社会和性别 行动计划、磋商和参与计划;
(4)确保在少数民族发展计划、社会和性别行动计划、磋 商和参与计划得到正确实施;
(5)协助执行机构、实施机构、业主、移民安置专家进行 监测和协调,确保按照政府和亚洲开发银行的政策和程序执行;(6)协助执行机构和实施机构,设计并开展根据少数民族 发展计划、社会和性别行动计划和磋商参与计划确定的公众意识 活动;
(7)与项目管理办公室和业主,以及社区办公室任命工作 人员的密切合作;
(8)提供项目进度报告、半年度监测报告、项目竣工报告 和其他项目要求文件的相关投入;每半年向亚洲开发银行报告少 数民族发展、社会和性别行动计划实施情况;
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(9)为开展能力建设培训提供支持,并为能力发展活动提 供管理支持;
(10)提供少数民族发展计划、社会和性别行动计划、磋商 和参与计划相关培训;
21.移民安置专家(国内专家):在移民安置、社会或相关 领域具有学士及以上学位;精通英语;在亚洲开发银行或其他国 际金融组织贷款项目的移民安置领域中最好有 10 年的经验;熟 悉非自愿移民和土地使用权转让相关的中国法律法规、亚洲开发
移民安置专家的任务和职责包括但不限于以下内容:(1)按照亚洲开发银行保障政策和程序为土地使用权流转 计划的实施提供支持,并协调内部、外部监测和其他保障相关任
(3)根据详细工程设计、详细测量调查验证和更新土地使 用权流转计划,提交执行机构批准,并提交亚洲开发银行审查和
(4)必要时审查和修订土地使用权流转计划,直至获亚洲 开发银行不反对意见;
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(5)在开始征地和重新安置活动之前,确保更新的土地使 用权流转计划获亚洲开发银行不反对意见,确保实际实践与计划
(6)就亚洲开发银行和国内政策框架内相关计划的实施情 况,向贺州市项目办或业主提供切实可行的咨询意见;
(8)协助执行机构和实施机构制定土地使用权流转计划的 计划,协助实施土地使用权流转执行安排,进行监测,确保按照
(10)协助贺州市项目办及时编制监测报告并提交亚洲开发 银行;
(11)为开展能力建设培训提供支持,并为能力发展活动提 供管理支持;
(12)提供有关正确实施土地使用权流转计划、申诉纠正和 其他亚洲开发银行政策要求的培训;
22.项目绩效管理系统专家(国内专家):项目管理、工程 或相关专业学士及以上学位,8 年以上土木工程,环境保护和生 态修复等项目的项目绩效管理系统监测和项目管理经验;在国际 金融组织贷款项目中担任过 3 年以上项目绩效管理专家;具备用 英语与亚洲开发银行项目管理团队进行良好沟通的能力。
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
项目绩效管理系统专家的任务和职责包括但不限于以下内 容:
(1)按照亚洲开发银行项目绩效管理系统政策和程序要求,提供项目绩效管理系统监测服务,协助执行机构和实施机构,按 照国内要求完成项目绩效监测;
(2)根据项目编制过程中开发的项目绩效管理系统系统,与执行机构和实施机构协商,制定详细的项目绩效管理系统框架 和实施计划,包括总体监测系统、指标、目标的细化、监测数据 来源、报告系统等;
(3)根据项目设计和监测框架更新绩效指标,设计项目绩 效管理系统表;所选指标应衡量关键项目影响、成果、产出和成 果;指定目标应是可衡量和可实现的;
(6)根据设计的项目绩效管理系统,定期进行项目绩效管 理系统监测和数据收集,每半年按照亚洲开发银行要求编制并提 交项目绩效管理系统报告;监测报告应包括:主要指标的监测数 据摘要;存在和潜在的重大问题;建议的缓解或预防措施(应纳 入更新的项目绩效管理系统实施计划);以及后续行动的评估;结论和建议;
(7)为进度报告、项目中期调整报告和竣工报告以及项目 需要的其他报告提供项目绩效管理方面的投入;
INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
(8)为培训和能力发展提供投入;与组长和其他团队专家 协调开展项目绩效管理系统发展和实施培训计划,为能力发展活
(9)向执行机构和实施机构提供协助和支持,按照中国的 审计、监督政策和要求完成项目绩效监督任务;
23.人力资源开发和培训专家(国内专家):具备项目管理 或相关专业学士及以上学位;最好有 8 年在人力资源发展、能力 建设、培训协调方面的经验,以及与土木、环境保护及生态恢复 项目相关的项目管理经验;最好有 3 次亚洲开发银行项目经验;熟悉亚洲开发银行在能力建设和培训方面的政策与流程;具备英
(1)对平桂区医养结合示范基地和知识技能共享中心进行 初步组织评估,包括当前的组织结构图、报告线、评估程序、推
(2)审查平桂区医养结合示范基地和知识技能共享中心的 组织体系和实践,并在必要时提出变更建议;
(3)进行培训需求分析,编制培训和能力发展计划;(4)协调技术援助和能力发展合同包顾问,为项目与人力 资源开发和培训有关方面提供培训和能力建设;
(5)协助贺州贺州市项目办、执行机构和业主组织学习考 察,包括可能的国内外考察,准备培训报告;
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24.建筑信息模型工程师(国内专家):具备项目管理、土 木工程或相关专业学士及以上学位,最好有 2 次建筑信息模型项 目的工作经验,并获得建筑信息模型认证。
(1)为贺州市平桂区工人医院工程、平桂区医养结合示范 基地工程、知识技能共享中心工程的实施机构和业主在建筑信息
(2)编制平桂区工人医院项目作为自治区建筑信息建模试 点项目的申请方案,以获得省级更多的支持;
(4)进行详细的市场分析,决定采用哪个建筑信息建模平 台;
(5)在所要求的统一建筑信息建模平台编制招标文件的技 术规范;
(6)协助实施机构和业主建立各组间建筑信息建模管理和 数据共享的工作机制。
25.项目管理助理1:具有管理或工程相关的学士及以上学位,至少有 2 年以上项目管理经验,并具备熟练、顺畅的中英文口译 能力,良好的计算机技能和常用应用软件如 MS-Word 和 Excel
1 该职位必须在贺州现场工作,不允许从现场工作调整到居家办公。
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58 人月。
主要可交付成果如下(包含但不限于以下材料,亚洲开发银 行及贺州市项目办要求提供的其他材料):
编号 | 可交付成果 | 提交日期 |
1 | 启动报告(包括项目概要、最新进展、项目管理的实施方法和途径,以及工 作计划) | 进场后 1 个月 |
2 | 项目管理流程(概述管理、采购、财 务管理以及其他项目实施任务的项目 办内部管理系统) | 进场后 3 个月 |
3 | 能力发展和培训计划 | 进场后半个月 |
4 | 半年度项目进度报告(每半年度 1 次,内容包括环境监测报告、土地使用权 流转计划和移民安置计划监测报告、少数民族发展计划监测报告、社会和 性别行动计划监测报告、项目管理实 施、采购工作进度、培训记录、问题 及解决方法等) | 在每年的 7 月 31 日(上 半年进度报告)和 1 月 31 日(下半年进度报告)提 交至贺州市项目办审查,10 天内修改完善,并提交 给亚洲开发银行。 |
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6 | 项目绩效管理系统监测报告(年度) | 1 月底 |
7 | 项目财务报表(每半年 1 次) | 7 月底和 1 月底 |
8 | 项目中期调整报告 | 在项目实施过程中预计 更改的时间 |
9 | 项目竣工报告初稿 | 项目关账前 3 个月内 |
10 | 项目竣工报告 | 项目关账前 |
注:以上提交至贺州市项目办的交付成果应为中英文版纸质本各五 份,并提交电子 PDF 和 Word 版本。 |
启动报告、项目进度报告和项目竣工报告初稿将由亚洲开发 银行、项目管理办公室进行审查。报告应提供中英文版纸质本各 五份,并提交电子 PDF 和 Word 版本。报告的格式和内容需满足 亚行要求。
启动报告将提出咨询服务的方法,包括工作计划和实施时间 表。项目进度报告将介绍咨询顾问开展的活动、咨询服务的影响、所遇到的问题以及改善项目管理的建议。项目竣工报告初稿和终 稿将包括项目实施的总结和评估;财务管理行动计划、环境管理 计划、少数民族发展计划, 社会和性别行动计划、土地使用权流 转计划、磋商和参与计划、能力发展计划的实施情况;遵守贷款 和项目契约;项目影响、成果和产出;以及项目实施和建议的后 续行动计划。
相关背景信息或材料可以从行长报告和建议及相关附件获 得, 。
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INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission.
Guangxi Hezhou Environment Restoration and
Sustainable Development Project
CS-01: Project Management and Implementation Support
Terms of Reference
Executing Agency: Hezhou Project Management Office Date: June, 2023
Project Background...............................................................................................................1Purpose of the Assignment.................................................................................................... 2Duration and Location of the Services....................................................................................2Scope of Services and Tasks..................................................................................................2Team Composition and Qualification Requirements for the Key Experts.................................. 7Detailed Outputs of the Assignment..................................................................................... 24Client’s Input and Counterpart Personnel..............................................................................25Others................................................................................................................................ 25Project Background
1.1 Overview
Hezhou is among the least developed cities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (GZAR). The historical industrial and mining activities polluted and severely damaged the environment of the mining area, the downturn of the mineral mining industry resulted in dramatic adverse effects on provision of social services and employment. As the economy grows, so does demand for a high-quality health-care system. However, the distribution of medical resources in Hezhou is unbalanced, primary health-care service at local hospitals is inadequate. To improve the natural environment of Hezhou Kedashan Ming Area and meet the medical and health needs of Pinggui District, Hezhou city decided to cooperate with Asian Development Bank (ADB), applying for a loan, which will be used for the implementation of Guangxi Hezhou Environment Restoration and Sustainable Development Project.
The project aims to achieve the sustainable development of Hezhou Mining Area, carry out investment and construction in ecological restoration and public service, and explore policies research, capacity building, and innovation and development in related fields. This project is composed of Kedashan sub-project and Pinggui sub-project The project executing agency (EA) is Hezhou Municipal Government. The implementing agencies (IAs) are Pinggui District People's Government and Guangxi Hezhou Mining Investment Group Co., Ltd. The project implementation units (PIU) are Guangxi Hezhou Mining Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Hezhou Pinggui Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd. Hezhou Municipal Government has established a project management office to provide comprehensive guidance, supervision, coordination and management for the preparation and implementation of the project. The project is planned to be implemented from January 2022 to the end of June 2028. The project is estimated to cost 198.872 million, of which ADB will finance 84.246 million, and Guangxi Hezhou Mining Investment Group Company Limited (HMIGC) and Hezhou Pinggui Urban Construction Investment Company (PUCIC) will finance 17.015 million
and 97.611 million of the project cost, respectively.
1.2 Outputs
Output 1: Nature-friendly measures to reduce pollution in the Kedashan former mineral mining area implemented. Output 1, comprising the Kedashan subproject, will support nature-friendly measures to improve the environment of the Kedashan former mineral mining area, and develop the capacity to monitor the environment and pollution in the long-term. The output includes removal of abandoned polluting mining facilities, wastes, and tailings; restoration of damaged or exposed ground surface, including planting of trees and vegetation; construction of onsite treatment and stabilization of a plant and landfill to treat the removed mining wastes and tailings, and closure of the plant and landfill after treatment; nature-based treatment of polluted surface water; development of a long-term environment- and pollution-monitoring system in Kedashan, and commencement of monitoring; and formulation of practical guidance for nature-based improvement of Hezhou’s mountain areas’environment.
Output 2: Institutional mechanisms, skills capacities, and facilities in health and elderly care strengthened. The output, part of the Pinggui subproject, will strengthen Hezhou’s county-level institutions, working mechanisms, and stakeholders’ capacities to deliver high-quality health and elderly care. For health care, the output will support the design of a practical institutional working mechanism and system to build a medical community, through which the Pinggui Workers’ Hospital (PWH) will coordinate support to strengthen the quality and capacity of township and village-level primary health care; establishment of a medical community information platform at PWH, connected with Pinggui’s township and village-level public medical institutions; construction of PWH, a county-level IIA general public hospital; development of administration capacity of managers and technical capacity of doctors, nurses, health-care workers, and staff of PWH to deliver high-quality services; upgrade of equipment of nine township-level hospitals to improve primary care service delivery and quality; and provision of training to build the technical capacity of township and village-level rural hospital staff to improve primary care service quality. For elderly care, the output will support the
construction of Pinggui Integrated Health and Elderly Care Center (PIHECC); establishment of working mechanisms and integration of medical and elderly care at PIHECC, including administration and operation capacity training for the center’s administrators and managers; and development of technical capacity of PIHECC health-care staff (doctors, nurses, caregivers) to deliver high-quality services. The constructed project facilities will be green (certified as Chinese Green Building Standard
Output 3: Green and health care-related skills development institutions established. As part of the Pinggui subproject, the output will help Hezhou provide Pinggui residents with nondegree vocational skills development opportunities to match the latest market needs, including green and health care-related skills. To offer the required nondegree training, the government will construct the KSSC, which will be green (certified as CGBS Star-2 after operation) and inclusive (considering the needs of women, PWDs, the elderly, and ethnic minorities). The output will support an operational study to optimize training quality at the KSSC based on demand, including skills certification mechanisms, a human resource development plan, and course setting in potential collaboration with local private companies; preparation of a training plan for KSSC managers and teachers; and provision of equipment required for course and training delivery.Purpose of the Assignment
The objective of the assignment is to assist the Hezhou project management office (HPMO) and project implementing agencies with management and support of the project implementation, monitoring, and reporting (in accordance with the Asian Development Bank (ADB project implementation policies and procedures) as well as project implementation documentation.
The consulting services will be carried out by a team of consultants through a firm and financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) loan and the consultants will be recruited by the PMO according to ADB’s Procurement Policy: Goods, Works, Nonconsulting and Consulting Services (2017, as amended from time to time) and Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers: Goods, Works, Nonconsulting and Consulting Services (2017, as amended from time to time). A consulting firm will be selected by (i) inviting full technical proposal (FTP); and (ii) using the quality- and cost-based selection method (QCBS), with a quality–cost ratio of 90:10.Duration and Location of the Services
The consulting services, starting from the date of signing the contract (expected in 30 September 2023) to the loan closing deadline of 30 June 2028, are estimated to have a duration of 58 months, with an estimated input of 267 person-months, including 20 person-months international experts and 247 person-months national experts. During the period, the team will be expected to provide necessary intermittent input. The service locations are in Hezhou city.Scope of Services and Tasks
The project management and implementation support consultant (PMISC) shall provide project implementation management support for all major aspects during the entire project implementation period, which may include general project management and coordination, design review and design improvement, bidding documentation review and procurement support, construction management and construction supervision, contract management, project progress and investment control, financial management and disbursement, safeguard management and action plans, implementation and monitoring for environmental management plan (EMP), resettlement DDR, LURTP, ethnic minority development plan (EMDP), social and gender action plan (SGAP), project performance management system (PPMS), consultation and participation plan (CPP), capacity development plan, coordination and management of the project technical assistance, and capacity development and training activities.
The detailed scope of work may include but is not limited to:
Project Management and Coordination. During the entire duration of the project, the
PMISC shall provide overall project management and coordination support for the HPMO and project implanting agencies. The specific tasks may include but are not limited to:Develop and establish the project management system covering all major project implementation aspects;Evaluate the project’s institutional arrangement, refine the duties and responsibilities of each relevant project implementation unit, and provide recommendations on institutional strengthening;Develop the project implementation procedures by defining the responsible parties, approaches, and methods for carrying out the tasks, and establishing deadlines for completing the tasks;Develop the management tools and templates needed for carrying out the developed implementation procedures;Develop a project reporting system for management, progress, monitoring associated with each of the specified tasks listed below;Provide project coordination support for communication and liaison with the ADB project management team, relevant government agencies, and project implementation-related contractors, consultants, monitors, etc. andCooperate with the project inspection of the ADB mission and reply and answer all questions of the ADB mission.Design Review and Design Improvement. The design review and design improvements are required for all project components during both project preliminary design and construction document development. The design review and improvement shall focus on the functional and detailed designs for the integrated health/elderly-care building, the Pinggui Workers’ Hospital, and the environmental restoration of the Kedashan mining area. The specific tasks may include but are not limited to:Review (improve) the engineering design of PWH, including overall layout design, hospital building functional design, architectural design and floor layout, structural, MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing), green building design, and other relevant items;Review (improve) the engineering design of PIHECC, including overall layout design,, hospital building functional design, architectural design and floor layouts, structural, MEP, green building design, and other relevant items;Review and refine the design and selection of medical equipment for Pinggui District Rural Medical Capacity Enhancement, including equipment selections, function requirements, key control parameters, market investigation and procurement considerations, and other aspects;Review and improve the design of hospital information system of Pinggui Worker’s Hospital, including information system structure, functional design, service platforms, interfaces, cloud and data security, etc.;Review(improve) the engineering design for the environmental restoration for the Kedashan component, especially through development and improvement by applying an NBS approach and relevant technologies; andDesign review for other project-related components, including the Knowledge and Skills Sharing Center, and other sub-projects.Bidding Document Review and Procurement Support. The consultants shall provide technical support and assistance in bidding document review, bidding process, bid evaluation, and contract awards. The specific tasks may include but are not limited to:Review bidding documents including both commercial and technical parts, bills of quantities (BOQ), technical specifications, and other procurement submittals;
3Coordinate with the tendering company to assist the bidding and tendering related
works, including the preparation of the bidding package, advertisement, response to inquiries,
bidding document revising and updating, etc.;Participate in bid evaluation, bid evaluation report review, contract awards, contract
negotiation, and contract signing;Provide assistance in coordinating and communicating with the ADB project
management team and other procurement entities and agencies;Develop a green procurement specification for this project, and make sure it is followed
during the procurement process; andConduct training to HPMO, implementing agencies, and PIUs on procurement
regulations and green procurement concepts.Construction Management and Inspection. The consultants shall provide construction
management and shall oversee the construction supervision during the entire period of the
construction phase. The specific tasks may include but are not limited to:Construction planning and plan development implementation;
(b) Review contractor prepared construction organization planning, construction
schedule, construction sequence, etc.
(c) Review the contractor’s EMP implementation and monitoring plan;
(d) Review the contractor’s quality control and quality assurance plan;
(e) Review the contractor’s safety and risk management plan;
(f) Construction schedule control;
(g) Construction investment control;
(h) Check and oversight construction supervision work for accuracy and completeness;
Coordinate with contractors and supervision companies to prepare and submit monthly
progress reports and monthly supervision reports;
(j) Prepare and submit (on a quarterly basis) consultant progress reports;
(k) Provide training on construction management and construction techniques; and
(l) Provide assistance to implementing agencies and PIUs on the utilization of building
information modeling (BIM).
(v) Contract Management. The consultant shall provide assistance in contract management for
each contract package. The specific tasks may include but are not limited to:
Contract execution and management;Contract construction promotion and contract payment;Review and assistance in contract variations, application, and approval;Review and assist in contract extension application and approval; andContract completion, final acceptance, and contract closeout.
(vi) Project Progress and Investment Control. The consultant shall provide assistance in contract
progress and investment planning. The specific tasks may include but are not limited to:
Develop a construction implementation schedule, including the planned and actual
progress comparison, to be consistent with the overall project implementation schedule;Develop the construction investment plan and the ADB loan disbursement plan; andUpdate and adjust the construction schedule and investment schedule periodically based
on the actual progress and overall project implementation schedule.
(vii) Financial Management, Payment and Disbursement. Financial management, contract
payment and disbursement assistance shall be provided for each contract execution. The specific tasks
may include but are not limited to:
Financial management assistance for EA, implementing agencies, and PIUs in project
funding management, accounting system establishment, and payment and disbursement system
set-up. etc.;Assistance in contract payment, including preparation and submission of withdrawing
applications, payment processing and disbursement;Assistance in preparing and submitting project financial statements;Assistance in project auditing and coordinating to submit an auditing report; andProvide training and capacity development for financial management, project
accounting, withdrawal application, disbursement, and other aspects.
(viii) EMP Implementation and Monitoring. The specific tasks may include but are not limited to:
Update the EMP before the construction of the project;EMP implementation and place mitigation measures according to the EMP;Carry out EMP internal monitoring and prepare HPMO’s environmental monitoring
report;Coordinate with external monitor(s) to conduct external environmental monitoring and
prepare external environmental monitoring reports; andProvide training and capacity building for ADB environmental safeguard policies and
procedures for project management staff from PIUs/implementing agencies/HPMO.
(ix) Resettlement Implementation and Monitoring. The specific tasks may include but are not
limited to:
Update the resettlement plan before carry out the land acquisition and resettlement work;Assist implementing agencies and PIUs to carry out land use rights transfer (LURT),
land acquisition and resettlement according to the resettlement DDR;
(c) Assist implementing agencies and PIUs to conduct internal monitoring of
implementation of resettlement DDR, and support HPMOs preparation of resettlement
monitoring report;
(d) Coordinate with the external resettlement monitor to conduct external resettlement
monitoring and prepare the external monitoring reports; and
(e) Provide training and capacity building on ADB involuntary resettlement safeguard
policies and procedures for relevant project management staff from HPMO, implementing
agencies, and PIUs.
(x) EMDP implementation and Monitoring. The specific tasks may include but are not limited
Assist implementing agencies and PIUs to implement EMDP and introduce mitigation
measures, where necessary;Assist implementing agencies and PIUs to conduct EMDP internal monitoring and
prepare HPMO’s EMDP monitoring report;Support HPMO to engage the external EMDP monitor and ensure that the external
EMDP monitoring and preparation of the semiannual external monitoring reports are
conducted; and
5Provide training and capacity building on ADB indigenous people safeguard policies
and procedures for relevant project management staffs from HPMO, implementing agencies
and PIUs.
(xi) SGAP implementation and monitoring. The specific tasks may include but are not limited to:
Update the SGAP, as needed, before the start of project implementation;Assist implementing agencies and PIUs to implement SGAP, including mitigation
measures;Assist implementing agencies and PIUs to conduct SGAP internal monitoring and
prepare an internal SGAP monitoring report; andProvide training and capacity building on ADB’s social development and gender
development policies and procedures for project management staff at the HPMO,
implementing agencies, and PIUs.
(xii) Project Performance Management System (PPMS) Monitoring. The specific tasks may
include but are not limited to:
Review and update the project PPMS system as needed before the start of project
implementation. Any update and revision of the PPMS indicators shall be approved by the
ADB;Develop and establish a project PPMS monitoring system and define the data collection
and monitoring methodology;Conduct PPMS monitoring semiannually and incorporate the monitoring results into the
project progress report;Prepare and submit PPMS monitoring report annually; andProvide training and capacity building on ADB PPMS and monitoring policies and
procedures for relevant project management staff from HPMO, implementing agencies, and
(xiii) Coordination and Management of Project Technical Assistance and Capacity
Development Packages. The PMISC shall assist the HPMO, implementing agencies, and PIUs in
coordinating and carrying out the technical assistance and capacity development packages, including
preliminary report submission, expert review and approval as needed, final output review and
acceptance, final expert review, and output results dissemination and publicity activities.
(xiv) Project Midterm Adjustment Report. The PMISC shall assist the HPMO, implementing
agencies, and PIUs in preparing the project midterm adjustment report based on the project
implementation progress and completion status, and provide suggestions on the necessary project
adjustment to meet the project development objective and to utilize the ADB loan proceed effectively.
(xv) Project Completion Report. The PMISC shall assist HPMO, implementing agencies, and
PIUs in preparing the project completion report before project completion, according to ADB
guidelines. The project completion report shall include the overall project implementation and
completion status, evaluation of the project preparation and implementation effectiveness and
efficiency, and the project performance required to achieve the project design objectives, and target
values for the project performance monitoring indicators.
(xvi) Capacity Development and Training. The specific tasks may include but are not limited to:
Conduct training demand analysis and prepare the training and capacity development
plan;Provide training on ADB project development and implementation policies and
procedures from the HPMO, implementing agencies, PIUs’ relevant project management staff;Coordinate with consultants regarding technical assistance and capacity development
packages to provide training and capacity building for the project related to studies, human resource developments, and staff training;
(d) Coordinate with the HPMO, implementing agencies, and PIUs in organizing the study tours, both domestics and overseas, and preparing training report for each study tour;
(e) Coordinate and organize workshops, seminars, special forums and conferences as appropriate for knowledge dissemination and project outcome publicity; and
(f) Prepare and publish technical and managerial papers to publicize and promote valuable project outcomes.
5. Team Composition and Qualification Requirements for the Key Experts
5.1 Team Composition
at least 5 years of similar experience and performance in loan projects of international financial organizations; completed or is implementing at least 3 international financial loan projects relevant project management and implementation support works; those with similar experience with ADB or the World Bank in China are preferred; very familiar with ADB’s project management and implementation support requirements.The PMISC team consists of specialists with the expertise required for project management and technical support for the project implementation. The summary of the PMISC team and required person-months are shown in the following table:
No. | Position | Indicative inputs in person-months | |
International | National | ||
K-1 | Project Management Specialist/Team Leader | 12 | |
K-2 | Construction Management Specialist/Deputy Team Leader | 40 | |
K-3 | Civil and Low Impact Development Specialist | 1 | |
K-4 | Civil and Low Impact Development Specialist | 9 | |
K-5 | Health-care and Medical Service Specialist | 12 | |
K-6 | Elderly care and Health/Elderly-Care Specialist | 12 | |
K-7 | Medical and Health/Elderly-Care Facility Architect | 2 | |
K-8 | Medical and Health/Elderly-Care Facility Architect | 10 | |
K-9 | Medical and Health/Elderly-Care Building Engineer | 12 | |
K-10 | Health-care Facility Construction Management Specialist | 12 | |
K-11 | Medical and Health-care Equipment Specialist | 1 | |
K-12 | Medical and Health-care Equipment Specialist | 3 | |
K-13 | TVET Curriculum Development Specialist | 6 | |
K-14 | Medical and Health-care Information System Specialist | 1 | |
K-15 | Medical and Health-care Information System Specialist | 3 | |
K-16 | Procurement and Contract Management Specialist | 12 | |
K-17 | Financial and Economic Specialist | 11 | |
K-18 | Environmental Specialist | 3 | |
K-19 | Environmental Specialist | 10 | |
K-20 | Indigenous People, Social and Gender Specialist | 13 | |
K-21 | Resettlement Specialist | 6 | |
K-22 | Project Performance Management System Specialist | 8 | |
K-23 | Human Resource Development and Training Specialist | 6 | |
K-24 | BIM Engineer | 4 | |
N-1 | Project Management Assistant | 58 | |
Subtotal | 20 | 247 | |
Total | 267 |
5.2 Qualification Requirements for the Key Experts
K-1 Project Management Specialist (Team Leader, International)
He/she shall have a master’s degree or above in civil engineering or related fields, preferably 15 years of experience both in the PRC and other developed countries, demonstrated project management experience in the development and construction of health-care and elderly-care facilities, civil engineering and environmental protection and ecological restoration, preferably three international financial organization financed project experiences as a team leader in civil engineering and environmental projects, fluent in English and good communication skills, demonstrated project management skills and capacity.
Tasks and responsibilities of the project management specialist (Team Leader, International) include but not limited to the following:
(i)Develop detailed work plan, including the specialist input schedule for the project implementation and update the work plan periodically based on the project implementation progress;
(ii)Develop and establish the project management system to manage and monitor the project implementation progress;
(iii)Prepare and submit a project management manual for approval;
(iv)Develop and establish a contract management system to manage and monitor the procurement process and the implementation of the contracts;
(v)Prepare and submit a project contract management manual;
(vi)Coordinate with the financial specialists to develop and establish a financial management and disbursement management system;
(vii)Prepare and submit a project financial management manual;
Coordinate with team specialists to organize specialist inputs based on the project(viii)
implementation progress and project development needs;
(ix)Provide coordination among team specialists, ADB, executing agency, implementing agencies, and other stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of the project;(x)Take overall responsibility to coordinate preparation and submission of all deliverables, including progress reports, monitoring reports, semiannual and annual reports, project completion report etc.;
Develop a capacity development and training plan, coordinate and carry out capacity development and training;
(xii)Monitor overall project progress, contract management, safeguard-related issues and plans, social and gender issues related targets and activities, and the project’s development impacts through the PPMS;
(xiii)Assist the executing agency to engage qualified external monitors timely in accordance with ADB policies and procedures; and
(xiv)Undertake other relevant tasks as assigned by the executing agency.
K-2 Construction Management Specialist (Deputy Team Leader, National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in civil engineering, environmental, or related fields, preferably 10 years of experience in construction management of civil works and environmental protection and ecological restoration projects, preferably three international financial organization financed project experiences as a team leader, deputy team leader or other key positions, fluent in English and good communication skills. As the project coordinator, cooperate with the project inspection of the ADB delegation, reply and answer all the questions of the ADB inspection team,
provide interpreting capacity for the meeting between ADB and HPMO.
Tasks and responsibilities of construction management specialist (Deputy Team Leader, National)
include but not limited to the following:
(i)Take a leading role to work with the team leader to provide overall project management
and coordination for the project implementation;
(ii)Work with the team leader to provide day-to-day project management and coordination
for the project implementation including communication among the executing agency,
implementing agencies, and project implementation units (PIUs,) contractors, and other
project entities;
(iii)Provide overall guidance to project construction supervision, contract management,
financial and disbursement management;
(iv)Conduct regular site inspections and discussions with contractors to assist the
implementing agencies and PIUs for construction supervision;
(v)Assist the team leader to coordinate among the team specialists to supervise the
tendering and contracting process;
(vi)Assist the executing agency, implementing agencies and PIUs for contract management
by keeping good records of awarded contracts as well as proposed procurement
packages, analyzing needs of contract variations, and issues arising from civil works
construction and goods installment, and controlling overall disbursement and residual
loan progress;
(vii)Assist the team leader to coordinate with team specialists for their inputs based on the
project implementation progress and project development needs;
(viii)Provide coordination among team specialists, ADB, the executing agency,
implementing agencies, and other stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of the
(ix)Work with the team leader to coordinate preparation and submission of all deliverables
including progress reports, monitoring reports, semiannual and annual reports, project
completion report etc.;
(x)Monitor overall project progress, contract management, safeguard-related issues and
plans, social and gender issues, related targets and activities, and the project’s
development impacts through the PPMS;
(xi)Prepare the plans for training and seminars in both Chinese and English; and
(xii)Undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the team leader.
K-3 Civil and Low Impact Development Specialist (International)
He/she shall have a master’s degree or above in civil engineering, water resource, or a related field
with a preferably 8 years of experience, respectively, in stormwater management, low impact
development, and sponge city development. experience is preferred.
International financial organization financed project
Tasks and responsibilities of civil and low impact development specialist (international) include but not limited to the following:
(i)Review and improve the engineering design of the environmental restoration for the Kedashan component, especially through development and improvement by applying an NBS approach and relevant technologies;
(ii)Review inputs of design institutes (DIs) for the low impact development (LID) applications presented in the detailed engineering design (DED) reports by considering
LID programs proposed by the National Agencies, and international best practices as documented in ADB guidance documents;
(iii)Assess technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the proposed LID applications presented in the DIs DED reports;
(iv)Prepare a summary report to advice implementation and operation and maintenance (O&M) practices for LID applications;
(v)Prepare an evaluation report with conclusions, recommendations, and gap analysis of LID applications;
(vi)Coordinate with national stakeholders on the finalization of the design for LID applications to be integrated into the project design;
(vii)Design review for other project-related components, including the Knowledge and Skills Sharing Center, and other structures;
(viii)Coordinate and manage project technical assistance and capacity development packages; and
(ix)During the consultation service, the specialist shall deliver at least one knowledge product expected to be published in international publication.
K-4 Civil and Low Impact Development Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in civil engineering, water resource, or a related field with a preferably 8 years of experience, respectively, in stormwater management, low impact development, and sponge city development. International financial organization financed project experience is preferred.
Tasks and responsibilities of civil and low impact development specialist (national) include but not limited to the following:
(i)Review and improve the engineering design of the environmental restoration for the Kedashan component, especially through development and improvement by applying an NBS approach and relevant technologies;
(ii)Review inputs of design institutes (DIs) for the low impact development (LID) applications presented in the detailed engineering design (DED) reports by considering LID programs proposed by the National Agencies, and international best practices as documented in ADB guidance documents;
Assess technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the proposed LID applications(iii)
presented in the DIs DED reports;
(iv)Prepare a summary report to advice implementation and operation and maintenance (O&M) practices for LID applications;
(v)Prepare an evaluation report with conclusions, recommendations, and gap analysis of LID applications;
(vi)Coordinate with national stakeholders on the finalization of the design for LID applications to be integrated into the project design;
Coordinate and manage project technical assistance and capacity development packages; and
(viii)Design review for other project-related components, including the Knowledge and Skills Sharing Center, and other structures.
K-5 Health-care and Medical Service Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in medical and health care, or related fields, preferably
8 years of experience in the health-care and medical service sector, demonstrated experience in hospital operation, management and administration, familiar with services and functions of the PRC’s Class II A hospitals.
Tasks and responsibilities of health-care and medical service specialist are for Pinggui subproject and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Review and improve the designs to ensure technical appropriateness of respective functionality of Pinggui Integrated Health and Elderly Care Center (PIHECC) and Pinggui Workers’ Hospital;
(ii)Prepare service programs to ensure the technical appropriateness of Pinggui Integrated Health and Elderly Care Center and Pinggui Workers’ Hospital; and
Prepare the needed human resources and training plans.
(iii)K-6 Elderly Care and Health/Elderly-Care Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in medical and health care, or a related field,
preferably 8 years of experience in elderly care and integrated health/elderly-care service sectors, strong experience in integrated health/elderly-care services is preferred, demonstrated experience in integrated health/elderly care or elderly-care facility operation, management and administration. Tasks and responsibilities of the elderly care and health/elderly-care specialist are for Pinggui subproject and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Design appropriate service plan for PIHECC and Pinggui Workers’ Hospital;
(ii)Develop needed human resource and training plan; and
(iii)Incorporate adequate features of elderly care and health/elderly-care in its facility design.
K-7 Medical and Health/Elderly-Care Facility Architect (International)
He/she shall have a master’s degree or above in architectural engineering, preferably 15 years of experience, respectively, in the design and development of health care and health/elderly-care facilities. The international facility architect shall have health facility design experience in both PRC and other countries.
Tasks and responsibilities of medical and health/elderly-care facility architects (international) are for Pinggui subproject and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Review and improve the engineering design for PIHECC and Pinggui Workers’Hospital, including overall layout design, hospital building functional design, architectural design and floor layout, structural, MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing), green building design, and other relevant items;
Develop a comprehensive checklist of clinical requirements in each room with identification of furniture and equipment which have engineering implication;(iii)Prepare way finding and defined circulation routes for vehicles and pedestrian traffic;(iv)Develop functional requirements for the hospital with sufficient detail for downstream architecture, engineering and constructions services;
Work in collaboration with other medical and health/elderly-care consultants for common tasks;
(vi)During the consultation service, the specialist shall deliver at least one knowledge product expected to be published in international publication; and
(vii)Collaborate with other medical facility specialists to: develop the floor-to-floor and room-to-room data sheets and prepare terms of reference of the detailed engineering
design, construction, supervision, and equipment procurement and installation; and supervise the architecture and engineering design firms’ deliverables.
K-8 Medical and Health/Elderly-Care Facility Architect (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in architectural engineering, preferably 8 years of experience, respectively, in the design and development of health care and health/elderly-care facilities. The international facility architect shall have health facility design experience in PRC or other countries.
Tasks and responsibilities of medical and health/elderly-care facility architects (national) are for Pinggui subproject and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Review and improve the engineering design for PIHECC and Pinggui Workers’Hospital, including overall layout design, hospital building functional design, architectural design and floor layout, structural, MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing), green building design, and other relevant items;
Develop a comprehensive checklist of clinical requirements in each room with identification of furniture and equipment which have engineering implication;(iii)Prepare way finding and defined circulation routes for vehicles and pedestrian traffic;(iv)Develop functional requirements for the hospital with sufficient detail for downstream architecture, engineering and constructions services;
Work in collaboration with other medical and health/elderly-care consultants for common tasks; and
(vi)Collaborate with other medical facility specialists to: develop the floor-to-floor and room-to-room data sheets and prepare terms of reference of the detailed engineering design, construction, supervision, and equipment procurement and installation; and supervise the architecture and engineering design firms’ deliverables.
K-9 Medical and Health/Elderly-Care Building Engineer (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in structural, or building-related fields, preferably 8 years of experience in design and development of medical and health/elderly-care buildings and facilities, demonstrated experience in technical and management skills in the design and construction of hospital and health/elderly-care buildings.
Tasks and responsibilities of the medical and health/elderly-care building engineer are for Pinggui subproject and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Review and improve the engineering design for PIHECC and Pinggui Workers’Hospital, including overall layout design, hospital building functional design, architectural design and floor layout, structural, electrical, plumbing, energy conservation, green building, etc.;
Inspect the Lay-out plan and setting out details as prepared by Contractor;(iii)Witness the tests conducted by Contractor on building materials;
(iv)Inspect the specifications of building materials and ensure the materials are of the desired standard;
(v)Assist the team leader and construction management specialist in all matter related to construction;
(vi)Keep a constant vigil on supply chain arrangements of materials;
(vii)Assist team leader and construction management specialist to make decisions on construction site; and
(viii)Collaborate with other medical facility specialists to: develop the floor-to-floor and
room-to-room data sheets and prepare terms of reference of the detailed engineering
design, construction, supervision, and equipment procurement and installation; and
supervise the architecture and engineering design firms’ deliverables.
K-10 Health-care Facility Construction Management Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in construction management, or building-related field,
preferably 8 years of experience in construction management of hospitals and health-care buildings
and facilities, demonstrated experience in construction management skills in construction
management and construction supervision, and good communication skills.
Tasks and responsibilities of the health-care facility construction management specialist are for
Pinggui subproject and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Construction planning and plan development implementation;
(ii)Review contractor prepared construction organization planning, construction
schedule, construction sequence, etc.
(iii)Review the contractor’s quality control and quality assurance plan;
(iv)Review the contractor’s safety and risk management plan;
(v)Construction schedule control;
(vi)Construction investment control;
(vii)Check and oversight construction supervision work for accuracy and completeness;
(viii)Coordinate with contractors and supervision companies to prepare and submit monthly
progress reports and monthly supervision reports;
(ix)Prepare and submit (on a quarterly basis) consultant progress reports;
(x)Provide training on construction management and construction techniques; and
(xi)Collaborate with other medical facility specialists to: develop the floor-to-floor and
room-to-room data sheets and prepare terms of reference of the detailed engineering
design, construction, supervision, and equipment procurement and installation; and
supervise the architecture and engineering design firms’ deliverables.
K-11 Medical and Health-care Equipment Specialist (International)
He/she shall have a master’s degree or above in medical, medical equipment, and related fields,
preferably 15 years of experience, respectively, in the development and design of medical equipment,
familiar with the latest technology development in medical equipment. A preferably three similar
project experiences in medical equipment development and design. The international medical and
health-care equipment specialist shall have medical equipment development experience in both PRC
and developed countries.
Tasks and responsibilities of medical and health-care equipment specialists (international) are for
Pinggui subproject and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Review and refine the design and selection of medical equipment for the Pinggui
Workers’ Hospital, including aspects pertaining to equipment selections, functional
requirements, key control parameters, market investigation and procurement
considerations, etc.;
(ii)Identify new and emerging health technologies to consider in advancing geriatric care;
(iii)Prepare the medical equipment procurement and installation schedule, with list of
medical and non-medical equipment and location;
(iv)Develop the technical specifications for equipment (medical, non-medical);
(v)Prepare bidding documents and the procurement plan (that follow ADB procurement
guidelines) for the medical and non-medical equipment in coordination with the
architecture/engineering services departments;
(vi)Work in collaboration with other medical and health/elderly care consultants for
common tasks;
(vii)During the consultation service period, the specialist shall deliver at least one
knowledge product expected to be published in international publications; and
(viii)Collaborate with other medical facility specialists to: develop the floor-to-floor and
room-to-room data sheets and prepare terms of reference of the detailed engineering
design, construction, supervision, and equipment procurement and installation; and
supervise the architecture and engineering design firms’ deliverables.
K-12 Medical and Health-care Equipment Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in medical, medical equipment, and related fields,
preferably 8 years of experience, respectively, in the development and design of medical equipment,
familiar with the latest technology development in medical equipment. A preferably three similar
project experiences in medical equipment development and design.
Tasks and responsibilities of medical and health-care equipment specialists (national) are for Pinggui
subproject and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Identify emerging healthcare technologies to consider in promoting elderly care;
(ii)Prepare the medical equipment procurement and installation schedule, with list of
medical and non-medical equipment and location;
(iii)Develop the technical specifications for equipment (medical, non-medical);
(iv)Prepare bidding documents and the procurement plan (that follow ADB procurement
guidelines) for the medical and non-medical equipment in coordination with the
architecture/engineering services;
(v)Work in collaboration with other medical and health/elderly care specialists for
common tasks; and
(vi)Collaborate with other medical facility specialists to: develop the floor-to-floor and
room-to-room data sheets and prepare terms of reference of the detailed engineering
design, construction, supervision, and equipment procurement and installation; and
supervise the architecture and engineering design firms’ deliverables.
K-13 TVET Curriculum Development Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in TVET, education, or related fields, preferably 8
years of experience in vocational education and training service sectors, demonstrated experience in
TVET school and facility operation, management and administration, experience in vocational
training curriculum development.
Tasks and responsibilities of the TVET curriculum development specialist are for Pinggui subproject
and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Carry out a TVET needs assessment and develop a TVET curriculum development
strategy/framework in consultation with the curriculum working groups of KSSC;
(ii)Establish curriculum and related courses in such priority areas as emerging
manufacturing, horticulture, agronomy, childcare and health care;
(iii)Establish and review the capacity of the curriculum working group(s) at KSSC to
develop a competency-based approach (CBA) to designing and documenting
curriculum in the designated priority areas;
(iv)Provide training for the curriculum working groups in the curriculum model and the technical and core (employability) skills, entrepreneurship, green skills, and gender sensitivity required for inclusion in pilot courses;
(v)Develop modular courses in priority areas;
(vi)Devise teaching and learning support strategies and materials for teachers and students;(vii)Undertake consultation and field testing of curriculum documents and support strategies with key stakeholders;
(viii)Conduct workshops for staff at KSSC in (a) CBA, and (b) quality assurance as it applies to curriculum, qualifications development, certification, and assessment (i.e., verification processes);
Provide exemplars of courses for use in adult education (migrant worker) based on the(ix)same approach used for the pilot programs (but emphasizing adult learning styles);(x)Coordinate and manage project technical assistance and capacity development packages; and
(xi)Perform other tasks as may be assigned by the team leader.
K-14 Medical and Health-care Information System Specialist (International)
He/she shall have a master’s degree or above in computer, information system, or related fields, preferably 10 years of experience, respectively, in the development and design of information systems in the health-care sector, demonstrated experience in developing “smart hospital” information systems.
The international medical and health-care information system specialist shall have health-care information system development experience in both PRC and other countries.
Tasks and responsibilities of medical and health-care information system specialist (international) are for Pinggui subproject and include but not limited to the following:
Be responsible for outputs produced pertaining to “smart hospital”, specifically(i)
focusing on efficiently addressing various aspects such as cost, productivity, human resources utilization, inventory management, clinical processes, infrastructure and management systems interconnected with digitized networking systems, etc.;
Conduct of IT due diligence with respect to use of IT in project related activities;(iii)Assess appropriate technologies and good practices that can be adopted in PRC, including mobile technology, web-based and geographic information system-based technologies;
(iv)Develop guidelines for implementing the project smart hospital;
Write terms of reference and specifications for IT-related procurement and consulting packages, and technically evaluate bids;
Review and improve the hospital information system for a “Smart Hospital” design,(vi)
including information system structure, functional design, service platforms, interfaces, cloud and data security, etc.;
(vii)Evaluate computer demonstration system provided by the system developer; and(viii)During the consultation service, the specialist shall deliver at least one knowledge product expected to be published in international publication.
K-15 Medical and Health-care Information System Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in computer, information system, or related fields, preferably 8 years of experience, respectively, in the development and design of information systems in the health-care sector, demonstrated experience in developing “smart hospital” information systems.
Tasks and responsibilities of the medical and health-care information system specialist (National) are for Pinggui subproject and include but not limited to the following:
(i)Be responsible for outputs produced pertaining to “smart hospital”, specifically focusing on efficiently addressing various aspects such as cost, productivity, human resources utilization, inventory management, clinical processes, infrastructure and management systems interconnected with digitized networking systems, etc.;
Conduct of IT due diligence with respect to use of IT in project related activities;(ii)(iii)Assess appropriate technologies and good practices that can be adopted in PRC, including mobile technology, web-based and geographic information system-based technologies;
(iv)Develop guidelines for implementing the project smart hospital;
Write terms of reference and specifications for IT-related procurement and consulting(v)packages, and technically evaluate bids;
(vi)Review and improve the hospital information system for a “Smart Hospital” design, including information system structure, functional design, service platforms, interfaces, cloud and data security, etc.; and
(vii)Evaluate computer demonstration system provided by the system developer.
K-16 Procurement and Contract Management Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in civil engineering, environmental, or related field, preferably 8 years of experience in procurement and contract management of civil engineering and environmental protection and ecological restoration projects, preferably three International financial organization financed project experiences as a procurement specialist, possess English communication capacity and good communication skills.
Tasks and responsibilities of the procurement and contract management specialist include but not limited to the following:
(i)Provide assistance in preparing and processing ADB project implementation including project management, contract management, and other project management tasks related to ADB project processing requirements;
(ii)Assist the executing agency and implementing agencies to carry out procurement on civil works, equipment, consulting services, and other contracts in accordance with the PRC and ADB policies and procedure requirements;
(iii)Provide technical support in the review of design, bills of quantities, bidding documents, technical specification, and other procurement documents; Provide bidding and procurement process assistance; coordinate with the tendering company and other involved agencies; provide assistance in bid review, bid evaluation, bid evaluation report preparation, and other bidding related tasks;
(iv)Provide assistance in procurement processing including review of the bidding documents, bidding evaluation reports, contracts, and other related documents to bidding procedures;
(v)Provide contract management assistance, conduct detailed evaluations in case of contract variation, and assist HPMO in preparing documents and reasons for communication with ADB;
(vi)Provide training and capacity development on ADB project procurement and contract management;
(vii)Develop a green procurement specification for this project, and make sure it is followed during the procurement process; and
(viii)Undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the team leader.
K-17 Financial and Economic Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in finance, economic, accounting, or related fields, preferably 8 years of experience, respectively, in financial management and economic assessment, preferably three International financial organization loaned project experiences in environmental protection and infrastructure development, and must be very familiar with ADB requirements on financial and economic analysis.
Tasks and responsibilities of the financial and economic specialist include but not limited to the following:
(i)Provide financial and economic technical support for project implementation in compliance of ADB and domestic requirements on financial management, financial and economic analysis, disbursement, and other financial and economic tasks;
(ii)Assist the executing agency and implementing agencies to develop a financial management system, financial management plan, disbursement plan and projection;
(iii)Prepare and submit the project financial management manual together with the team leader;
(iv)Assist the executing agency and implementing agencies to establish a project accounting and disbursement system to comply with ADB disbursement requirements and domestic financial management and financial annual auditing requirements; provide assistance in accounting management and disbursement processing, annual auditing and other financial related tasks;
(v)Provide assistance to review the executing agency and implementing agencies financial statements and provide comments to meet ADB’s requirements;
(vi)Provide the updated economic assessment and analysis for the midterm review and project completion report and to provide the updated economic analysis results for ADB;
(vii)Provide input of financial and economic aspects to progress reports, midterm reports, project completion report, and other required documents;
(viii)Assist HPMO prepare information for regular or special financial-related investigation information inquiries from ADB such as disbursement and loan utilization/savings matters;
(ix)Assist the team leader to coordinate among the team specialists to provide project implementation support on technical review, and review of procurement documents, contract variation requests, due diligence reports, contractors’ claims, and other project management supports;
(x)Provide support for carrying out capacity building training, and provide management support for capacity development activities; develop a training program and conduct training (including): ADB’s disbursement procedures and financial management (including financial audit) and project financial management; organize financial management and financial audit system; and public financial management;
(xi)Review the withdrawal applications and assist in disbursement application and process; and
(xii)Undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the team leader.
K-18 Environmental Specialist (International)
He/she shall have a master’s degree or above in environmental, or related fields, preferably 10 years of experience, respectively, in environmental management and monitoring, preferably three
International financial organization financed project experiences in environmental protection and infrastructure development, and must be very familiar with ADB requirements on EMP
implementation and monitoring, and good communication capacity in English with the ADB project management team.
Tasks and responsibilities of the environmental specialist (international) include but not limited to the following:
(i)The environmental specialist will be responsible for providing technical and management support to ensure compliance during project implementation with the initial environmental examination (IEE) and environmental management plan (EMP);
(ii)Assist establishment of the environmental management system, consisting of relevant staffing, inspection, monitoring, and grievance redress mechanism, reporting, and initiating corrective actions or measures;
(iii)Assist PMOs and PIUs to update the EMP including the mitigation measures and environmental monitoring program therein, based on the detailed engineering design and submit it for the executing agency and ADB’s clearance and disclosure;
(iv)Assist PIUs coordinate with environment monitoring agency on all monitoring activities as required by domestic and ADB policies and procedures;
(v)Review the site-specific EMPs prepared by contractors; Assist the PMOs and PIUs to establish a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), including project public complaint units (PPCU), and provide training for the PPCU and GRM access points;
(vi)Conduct regular EMP compliance assessments, undertake site visits as required, identify any environment-related implementation issues, propose necessary corrective actions, and reflect these in a corrective action plan;
(vii)Assist the PIUs and PMOs to prepare annual environmental monitoring and progress reports to ADB;
(viii)Provide training to PMO, and PIUs on environmental laws, regulations, and policies, ADB Safeguard Policy (2009), EMP implementation, and GRM in accordance with the training plan defined in the EMP;
(ix)To assist the PMO in developing strategies to adapt to expected climate change; The strategy should be combined with regular assessments and reviews of the state of hydrological and climate change knowledge every 10 years, progressively upgrade flood control to restore expected standards, and rely heavily on non-structural measures (such as flood monitoring and strengthening early warning systems, emergency preparedness and response plans, etc.);
(x)Prior to the midterm review mission, provide support to HPMO and PIUs in organizing public meetings in the project city and/or counties to present and discuss EMP implementation progress, solicit community opinions and concerns, and agree on required corrective actions;
(xi)Prior to project completion, organize surveys in the project city and/or counties to assess community satisfaction with project implementation, project outputs, and EMP implementation performance, and document the results in the project completion report (PCR);
(xii)Provide input of environmental protection to progress reports, midterm reports, project completion report, and other project required documents;
(xiii)Assist the team leader to coordinate among the team specialists to provide project implementation support on technical review, review of procurement documents, contract variation requests, due diligence reports, and contractors’ claims, and other
project management support;
(xiv)Undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the team leader; and
(xv)During the consultation service period, the specialist shall deliver at least one knowledge product expected to be published in international publication.
K-19 Environmental Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in environmental, or related fields, preferably 8 years of experience, respectively, in environmental management and monitoring, preferably three international financial organization loan project experiences in environmental protection and infrastructure development, and must be very familiar with ADB requirements on EMP
implementation and monitoring, and good communication capacity in English with the ADB project management team.
Tasks and responsibilities of the environmental specialist (national) include but not limited to the following:
(i)The environmental specialist will be responsible for providing technical and management support to ensure compliance during project implementation with the initial environmental examination (IEE) and environmental management plan (EMP); Assist establishment of the environmental management system, consisting of relevant(ii)
staffing, inspection, monitoring, and grievance redress mechanism, reporting, and initiating corrective actions or measures;
(iii)Assist PMOs and PIUs to update the EMP including the mitigation measures and environmental monitoring program therein, based on the detailed engineering design and submit it for the executing agency and ADB’s clearance and disclosure;
Assist PIUs coordinate with environment monitoring agency on all monitoring(iv)
activities as required by domestic and ADB policies and procedures;
(v)Review the site-specific EMPs prepared by contractors; Assist the PMOs and PIUs to establish a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), including project public complaint units (PPCU), and provide training for the PPCU and GRM access points;
(vi)Conduct regular EMP compliance assessments, undertake site visits as required, identify any environment-related implementation issues, propose necessary corrective actions, and reflect these in a corrective action plan;
(vii)Assist the PIUs and PMOs to prepare annual environmental monitoring and progress reports to ADB;
(viii)Provide training to PMO, and PIUs on environmental laws, regulations, and policies, ADB Safeguard Policy (2009), EMP implementation, and GRM in accordance with the training plan defined in the EMP;
(ix)Prior to the midterm review mission, provide support to PMO and PIUs in organizing public meetings in the project city and/or counties to present and discuss EMP implementation progress, solicit community opinions and concerns, and agree on required corrective actions;
(x)Prior to project completion, organize surveys in the project city and/or counties to assess community satisfaction with project implementation, project outputs, and EMP implementation performance, and document the results in the project completion report (PCR);
(xi)Provide input of environmental protection to progress reports, midterm report, project completion report, and other project required documents;
(xii)Assist the team leader to coordinate among the team specialists to provide project
implementation support on technical review, review of procurement documents, contract variation requests, due diligence reports, and contractors’ claims, and other project management support; and
(xiii)Undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the team leader.
K-20 Indigenous People, Social and Gender Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a master’s degree or above in social, or related fields, preferably 8 years of experience, respectively, in indigenous people, social and gender project management and monitoring, preferably three international financial organization loan project experiences in environmental protection and infrastructure development, and familiar with ADB requirements on SGAP, and EMDP implementation and monitoring, and good communication skills in English and the ability to work with the ADB project management team.
Tasks and responsibilities of the indigenous people, social and gender specialist include but not limited to the following:
(i)Provide social development and social safeguard support to project implementation in accordance with ADB safeguard policies and procedures, including the implementation of EMDP, SGAP and CPP, and coordinating the internal and external monitoring and other safeguard related tasks;
(ii)Provide practical advice for the executing agency and implementing agencies on the implementation of the EMDP and SGAP within both ADB and domestic policies frameworks;
(iii)Ensure that the EMDP, SGAP and CPP are reviewed and updated, as needed;
(iv)Make sure that the EMDP, SGAP and CPP are properly implemented;
(v)Assist the executing agency and implementing agencies, PIU and resettlement specialists to conduct monitoring and coordinating, to ensure the implementation is carried out in accordance with the government and ADB policies and procedures;
(vi)Assist the executing agency and implementing agencies to design and conduct public awareness campaigns identified under the EMDP, SGAP and CPP;
(vii)Work in close collaboration with the PMOs and PIUs and the staff appointed in the community offices;
(viii)Provide relevant inputs for project progress reports, semiannual monitoring reports, project completion report, and other project required documents; The monitoring of EMDP and SGAP implementation should be reported semiannually to ADB;
(ix)Provide support for carrying out capacity building training, and provide management support to the capacity development activities;
(x)Provide relevant training on EMDP, SGAP and CPP;
(xi)Assist the team leader to coordinate among the team specialists to provide project implementation and management support on technical review, review of procurement documents, contract variation requests, due diligence reports, and contractors’ claims, etc.; and
(xii)Undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the team leader.
K-21 Resettlement Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in resettlement, social, or related fields. The specialist is expected to be proficient in English and preferably 10 years of experience in resettlement on international financial organization financed project, and be familiar with migration safeguard policies and procedures of Chinese laws and regulations, ADB or other international financial organizations
related to involuntary resettlement and land use rights transfer.
Tasks and responsibilities of the resettlement specialist include but not limited to the following:(i)The resettlement specialist will be responsible for providing support for LURTP implementation in compliance of ADB safeguard policies and procedures, and coordinating the internal and external monitoring and other safeguard related tasks;(ii)Develop a framework for implementing and monitoring the LURTP implementation;(iii)
Verify and update the LURTP based on the detailed engineering design and detailed measurement survey (DMS) and submit them to the executing agency for endorsement and submission to ADB for review and concurrence;
(iv)Review and revise the LURTP as necessary until ADB send its concurrence;
(v)Ensure that the updated LURTP are satisfactory to ADB prior to start of any land acquisition and resettlement activities to ensure actual practices are in accordance with the plans;
(vi)Provide practical advice to the HPMO or PIUs on the implementation of relevant plans within both ADB and domestic policies frameworks;
(vii)Carry out consultations with the affected households, especially the poor and vulnerable households during resettlement updating, implementation, and monitoring and ensure that the concerns, suggestions, and special needs are incorporated in the updated LURTP and monitoring reports;
(viii)Assist the executing agency and implementing agencies to develop a plan to carry out the LURTP, provide assistance in implementing the LURTP, conduct monitoring to ensure the implementation is carried out in accordance with the government and ADB policies and procedures;
Assist PIUs to collect information and prepare quarterly monitoring reports;(ix)
(x)Assist HPMO in the timely preparation and submission of monitoring reports to ADB;(xi)Provide support for carrying out capacity building training, and provide management support to the capacity development activities;
(xii)Provide training on proper implementation of LURTP, grievance redress, and other ADB policies required;
(xiii)Assist PIUs with preparation of Progress Reports and Resettlement Completion Reports; and
(xiv)Undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the team leader.
K-22 Project Performance Management System Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in project management, engineering, or related fields, preferably 8 years of experience in PPMS monitoring and project management of civil engineering and environmental protection and ecological restoration project, preferably three international financial organization financed project experiences as a project performance management specialist, and good communication capacity in English with ADB project management team.
Tasks and responsibilities of the project performance management system specialist include but not limited to the following:
(i)The specialist will be responsible for PPMS monitoring services meeting ADB PPMS policies and procedure requirements, and provide assistance to the executing agency and implementing agencies to complete project performance monitoring requirements per PRC government requirements;
(ii)Based on the PPMS system developed during the project preparation and in consultation with the executing agency and implementation agencies, develop a detailed PPMS framework and implementation plan, including the overall monitoring system, refinement of indicators, targets and goals, sources for monitoring data, reporting system etc.;
(iii)Update indicators and design a PPMS sheet according to the project design and monitoring framework; The selected indicators should provide a practical and meaningful measure of key Project impacts, outcomes, outputs, and achievements; Specified targets and goals should be measurable and achievable;
(iv)Collection, analysis and reporting of gender disaggregate data wherever relevant;
(v)Coordinate with the executing agency and implementing agencies to conduct baseline value survey at the beginning of the project implementation, and prepare the initial PPMS report;
(vi)Based on the designed PPMS, conduct periodic PPMS monitoring and data collection, prepare and submit PPMS reports in accordance with ADB requirements semiannually; The monitoring reports should include: (i) summary of monitoring data for major indicators; (ii) major existing and potential problems; (iii) recommended mitigation or prevention measures, which shall be incorporated in the updated PPMS implementation plan; (iv) assessment of previous follow-up actions; and (v) conclusions and recommendations;
(vii)Provide input for contract management and procurement to progress reports, project midterm and completion reports, and other project required reports;
(viii)Provide input for the training and capacity development; coordinate with the team leader and other team specialists to carry out a training program for PPMS development and implementation, and provide support to the capacity development activities;
(ix)Provide assistance and support to the executing agency and implementing agencies to complete the project performance monitoring tasks in compliance of PRC auditing and monitoring policies and requirements; and
(x)Undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the team leader.
K-23 Human Resource Development and Training Specialist (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in project management, or related fields, preferably 8 years of experience in human resource development, capacity building, training coordination, and related project management experience for civil engineering and environmental protection and ecological restoration projects, preferably three ADB project experiences and familiar with ADB policies and procedures in capacity building and training, English communication capacity and good communication skills.
Tasks and responsibilities of the human resource development and training specialist include but not limited to the following:
(i)Conduct an initial organizational assessment of the Pinggui Integrated Health and Elderly Care Center (PIHECC) and Knowledge and Skills Sharing Center (KSSC) including current organogram, reporting lines, appraisal procedures, promotion systems, human resource management system, gender balance, etc. to ensure its adaptation to a demand-driven approach;
(ii)Review the organizational systems and practices of the PIHECC and KSSC and recommend changes if necessary;
(iii)Conduct training demand analysis and prepare the training and capacity development plan;
(iv)Coordinate with consultants regarding technical assistance and capacity development packages to provide training and capacity building for the project related to studies, human resource developments, and staff training;
(v)Coordinate with the HPMO, implementing agencies, and PIUs in organizing the study tours, both domestics and overseas if applicable, and preparing training report for each study tour;
(xi)Coordinate and organize workshops, seminars, special forums and conferences as appropriate for knowledge dissemination and project outcome publicity; and
(vi)Undertake other relevant tasks assigned by the team leader.
K-24 BIM Engineer (National)
He/she shall have a bachelor’s degree or above in project management, civil engineering or related fields, preferably have 2 working project experience with BIM, have BIM certification.
Tasks and responsibilities of the BIM engineer include but not limited to the following:
(i)Provide assistance to implementing agencies and PIUs on the utilization of building information modeling (BIM) in Pinggui Workers’ Hospital project, Pinggui Integrated Health and Elderly Care Center (PIHECC) and Knowledge and Skills Sharing Center (KSSC);
(ii)Prepare application proposal of Pinggui Workers’ Hospital project as a BIM pilot project in GAZR to receive more assistance from provincial level;
(iii)Provide training on BIM application before the project implementation;
(iv)Conduct a detailed market analysis to decide which BIM platform shall be applied;
(v)Prepare BD specifications on a unified BIM platform requested; and
(vi)Assist IAs and PIUs to establish a working mechanism between each group on BIM management and data sharing.
K-25 Project Management Assistant1
He/she shall have Bachelor's degree or above in management or engineering, at least 2 years of project management experience, proficient, smooth Chinese and English interpretation skills, good computer skills and good knowledge of common applications such as MS-Word and Excel. During the implementation period of the project, will reside in Hezhou and expect to work continuously for 58 person months.
Tasks and responsibilities of the Project Management Assistant include but not limited to the following:
(i)Provide support for coordinating project activities between consultants and project agencies;
(ii)Communicate with experts on the input delivery issues;
(iii)Cooperate with the group leader and members to provide support for the editing and finalizing various reports;
(iv)Provide support for the interpretation and document translation of the seminar as required by the project team;
(v)Provide support for collecting local information as requested by international experts;
(vi)Provide support for international experts and communicate with the project agencies;
1 This position must work on site in Hezhou, not allowed to adjust from on-site work to home office.
(vii)Ensure that the latest documents are stored in the shared file storage space;
(viii)Coordinate the task planning and logistics arrangement; and
(ix)Undertake other related tasks assigned by the team leader and HPMO.
6. Detailed Outputs of the Assignment
The major deliverables are summarized in the following table (including but not limited to the following reports, other reports required by ADB and HPMO shall be provided unconditionally):
No | Deliverables | Submission Date |
1 | Inception Report (to outline the project overview, latest development, implementation methods and approaches of project management, and work plan) | 1 month after mobilization |
2 | Project Management Process (An internal management system of the PMO that includes overview of management, procurement, financial management, and other project implementation tasks) | 3 months after mobilization |
3 | Capacity Development and Training Plan | Half a month after mobilization |
4 | Semiannual Project Progress Report (Semiannually, including environmental monitoring report, land-use rights transfer plan and resettlement plan monitoring report, ethnic minority development plan monitoring report, social and gender action plan monitoring report, project management implementation, progress of procurement work, training records, issues and solutions etc.) | Submit to HPMO by 31 July (for the 1st half year), 31 January (for the 2nd half year) for HPMO to review and request improvement within 10 days and submit to ADB. |
5 | PPMS Monitoring Report (annually) | End of January |
6 | Project Financial Statement (semiannually) | End of July and January |
7 | Midterm Project Adjustment Report | Anytime when the changes are anticipated during the project implementation |
8 | Draft Project Completion Report | Within 3 months of project closing |
9 | Final Project Completion Report | Before project closing |
Note: The above deliverables submitted to the HPMO should be five hard copies in both Chinese and English, and electronic PDF and Word versions should be submitted. |
The Inception Report and Project Progress Report and draft PCR will be subject to tripartite reviews by ADB, and PMO. Reports should be five hard copies in both Chinese and English, and electronic PDF and Word versions should be submitted. The format and content of the report shall be acceptable to ADB.
The Inception Report will present an approach for the consulting services, including a work plan and an implementation schedule. The Project Progress Reports will present activities conducted by the consultants, effects of the consulting services, issues encountered, and recommendations to improve project management. The draft and final PCRs will include summary and evaluation of project implementation; Implementation of the Financial Management Action Plan (FMAP), Environmental
Management Plan (EMP), Ethnic Minority Development Plan (EMDP), Social and Gender Action Plan (SGAP), Land Use Right Transfer Plan (LURT), Consultation and Participation Plan (CPP), Capacity Development Plan (CDP); compliance to the loan and project covenants; and the project impact, outcome, and outputs; as well as the follow-up action plan for the project implementation and recommendation.
The relevant background information or materials for the assignment are available from The Report and Recommendation of the President and related attachments, website:
7. Client’s Input and Counterpart Personnel
Services, facilities, and property to be made available to the Consultant by the Client:
(i)Provide design, procurement and technical documents of the project, and information on the areas around the project site, etc.; and
(ii)Reimburse or purchase a certain amount of necessary equipment related to the assignment for non-critical experts who must work on-site in Hezhou. When the consulting contract is completed, the consultant shall timely transfer the purchased equipment to the project implementation units (PIUs) or the Hezhou project management office(HPMO).
8. Others
The project information shared with the Consultant are in Chinese version only. If the translation is required, the Consultant shall bear the translation costs.