利用亚洲开发银行贷款广西环境可持续乡村发展示范项目CS-PM-4 外部社会监 测咨询服务意向书征询函 投标邀请函 发布日期:2024-07-25 招标编号:0773-2420QGFW2019 1. 中国政府已从亚洲开发银行申请了一笔贷款(贷款编号:4373-PRC),用于支付利用亚 洲开发银行贷款广西环境可持续乡村发展示范项目CS-PM-4外部社会监测咨询服务的费 用,并计划将其中的一部分贷款用于支付利用亚洲开发银行贷款广西环境可持续乡村发 展示范项目CS-PM-4外部社会监测咨询服务合同(合同编号:CS-PM-4)项下的合格支 出。 2.广西农业外资项目管理中心现邀请合格的且有资格的投标人就下列递交密封的投标文 件: CS-PM-4外部社会监测咨询服务招标内容和范围:对项目所有产出的社会管理绩效进行 独立监测,确定并评估相关项目活动是否按照 ESMS、《移民安置计划》土地流转、《少 数民族发展计划》《社会发展行动计划》和《性别行动计划》的原则、要求和程序进行; 审查ESMS、《移民安置计划》(尤其是改善或恢复受影响人生活水平的目标)、土地流转、 《少数民族发展计划》《社会发展行动计划》和《性别行动计划》的目标和指标是否得 到充分实施和实现; 审查和监测移民安置《尽职调查报告》中描述的后续行动的实施情况; 审查识别 ESMS、《移民安置计划》(尤其是改善或恢复受影响人生活水平的目标)、土地 流转、《少数民族发展计划》《社会发展行动计划》和《性别行动计划》实施中存在问 题并提出纠正措施,以确保其符合亚行和中国国内的要求; 对相关计划的实施向项目办、金融中介机构和实施业主提出建议,以确保政策和程序得 到遵守; 提供信息和数据、监测结果和观察结果,汇总编制外部监测与评估报告;每半年度向亚 行、项目办提交移民安置和社会外部监测与评估报告,项目完工后提交最终综合监测与 评估报告等。 根据《项目管理手册》,产出二项下金融中介贷款不支持A类非自愿移民子项目。如果 未来的子项目涉及新征地和/或移民安置,应根据亚洲开发银行的《保障政策声明》(2009 年)和ESMS 中所述的中国相关法律法规编制《移民安置计划》。 上述工程的工期为:1890 天 3. 本次招标为国内公告公开招标,凡符合《亚行开发银行借款人采购规定》(2017 版本并 不时更新)规定的合格投标人均可投标。 4. 有兴趣的合格投标人可以从本投标邀请函列明的地址进一步了解有关信息,并在 cms.adb.org查阅招标文件。 5. 潜在投标人应注意本招标文件投标人须知第4条关于合格性和利益冲突的规定。所有存 在利益冲突的投标人均为不合格的投标人。 6. 投标人的资格要求包括(001利用亚洲开发银行贷款广西环境可持续乡村发展示范项目 CS-PM-4 外部社会监测咨询服务意向书征询函)的投标人资格能力要求: 1、外部监测机构应为注册社会组织(研究机构、设计机构、咨询机构和/或公司、大学 或非政府组织),与自治区政府和项目办无直接行政隶属关系。 2、具有良好的业绩记录和声誉,至少有3个为亚洲开发银行、世界银行贷款或其他国 际金融组织贷款项目开展外部社会监测与评估工作的经验,在广西实施过类似项目经验 优先。 3、熟悉亚行的社会保障政策的程序和要求。 4、拥有充足且经验丰富的团队成员,应有至少五名以上合格的专业技术人员,能直接 参与现场考察、监测、分析和报告活动。所有技术人员应具有管理学、经济学、统计学、 社会学、人类学或相关社会科学领域的学历或学位。能与当地社区、承包商和政府机构 进行有效沟通和合作的能力。参加过相关培训课程,具有数据收集、分析和报告编写经 验。身体健康,可以在不同季节访问偏远的项目施工现场;。 详细信息将在招标文件中提供。 7. 有兴趣的合格投标人可将购买招标文件的申请递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址,并支付 人民币0元的不可退还费用。付款方式为现金/支票/汇款。(汇款信息:/)。招标文件 将采用邮寄/现场领取方式提供,如需邮寄须支付O元邮寄费用。 8. 所有投标文件应于2024年08月23日23时59分之前递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址。 迟交的投标文件将被拒绝。开标将在本投标邀请函列明的地址公开进行。投标人可派代 表参加开标。开标时间为2024年08月23日23时59分。 9. 投标文件必须包括按照招标文件中规定的金额和格式开具的投标保证金。 10.上述有关地址如下: 地址一:招标文件查阅地址:cms.adb.org 地址二:招标文件购买地址:cms.adb.org 地址三:投标文件递交地址:cms.adb.org 电子上传文件递交 地址四:开标地址: 地址五:业主联系人及联系方式:侯女士/07712182980 11.联系方式 借款人项目执行机构:广西农业外资项目管理中心 地 址:广西壮族自治区南宁市青秀区七星路135号 联系人:侯女士 电 话:07712182980 电子邮件:gxnywzxmek@163.com 项目代理机构:中金招标有限责任公司 地 址: 联系人: 王先生 北京市海淀区西三环北路21号久凌大厦15层 电 话: 010-68405033 电子邮件: wangd@tenderingcctc.com 借款人项目执行机构或代理机构主要负责人(项目负责人): 彳丛 (签名) 借款人项目执行机构代理机构: (盖章) Asian Development Bank Guangxi Environmentally Sustainable Rural Development Demonstration Project External Social Monitoring & Evaluation Consulting Services Terms of References Contract No.: CS-PM-4 Prepared by:Guangxi Administration Center of Foreign Funded Project for Agriculture Date: July 2024 1 INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission. Contents Asian Development Bank.............................................................................................. 1 Guangxi Environmentally Sustainable Rural Development Demonstration Project.....1 External Social Monitoring & Evaluation Consulting Services......................................1 Terms of References..................................................................................................... 1 Contract No.: CS-PM-4..................................................................................................1 Prepared by : Guangxi Administration Center of Foreign Funded Project for Agriculture......................................................................................................................1 Date: July 2024..............................................................................................................1 I. Project background.....................................................................................................3 (I) Introduction........................................................................................................ 3 (II) Project outputs.................................................................................................. 3 II. Objectives of consulting services.............................................................................. 3 III. Scope of consulting services and contents..............................................................4 (I) Scope of consulting services............................................................................. 4 (II) Contents of services and responsibilities......................................................... 4 IV. Monitoring period......................................................................................................5 V. Implementation arrangement....................................................................................5 VI. Qualification requirements....................................................................................... 6(I) Qualification requirement on consulting firm................................................ 6 (II) Requirements for the key specialists................................................................6 VII. Reporting requirements...........................................................................................8 (I) Requirements of deliverables and timing.......................................................... 8 VIII. Other requirements on consulting firm...................................................................8 IX. Collaboration provided by the Client........................................................................9 X. Payment of consulting fees.......................................................................................9 2 INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission. Project backgroundIntroduction In order to promote the green and high-quality agricultural and rural development in Guangxi, enhance its overall strength in agriculture and rural areas, and foster sustainable rural environmental development, Chinese Government has requested Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide loans and technical assistance for Guangxi Environmentally Sustainable Rural Development Demonstration Project (the Project) for a loan of CNY 1.099275 billion from the ADB’s ordinary capital resources to help finance the Project, with a loan term of 20 years, including a grace period of 6 years. The project will adopt integrated solutions to bring a paradigm shift in rural development by promoting innovative practices, supporting rural green economic development, and delivering rural climate resilience. The Executive Agency is the Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, represented by the Guangxi Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The project implementing agencies of the project are Guangxi Administration Center of Foreign Funded Project for Agriculture (PMO) and Guangxi Beibu Gulf Bank (GBGB).Project outputs The Project includes two components, respectively “Project Loan” (Output 1) and“Financial Intermediary Loan” (FIL, Output 2). The financial intermediary bank is Guangxi Beibu Gulf Bank. Output 1: Capacity building and institutional development. Covering four aspects, respectively: the thematic studies on environmental sustainability and climate resilience; training and knowledge sharing for stakeholders; improving environmental management and project implementation capabilities; project monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Output 2: Establishment of the rural ESG (environment, social and governance) financing facility, to support agricultural enterprises (cooperatives, family farms and other agricultural operating entities) to develop the whole agricultural industry chain through ESG financing mechanism and Financial Intermediary Loan (FIL) mode.Consulting service client This document is an indicative mandate outline for the External Migration and Social Monitoring and Evaluation Agency to ensure that the implementation of the project complies with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the Asian Development Bank's Safeguards Policy Statement (2009) on involuntary migration, Indigenous Peoples and social requirements. The client of the consulting service is Guangxi Administration Center of Foreign Funded Project for Agriculture. II. Objectives of consulting services Recruit a qualified External Monitoring Agency (EMA) to form an expert team to carry out the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the compliance of the Resettlement Plan (RP), Ethnic Minorities Development Plan (EMDP), Resettle Due Diligence Report (RDDR), Land Use Rights Transfer(LURT),Social Development Action Plan (SDAP), Gender Action Plan (GAP) and Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) during the project implementation period, as required by the Loan Agreement, Project Agreement, and Project Administration Manual (PAM). The EMA shall provide the consulting services to ensure that the Project will be implemented in accordance with the ADB relevant guidelines and procedures, that the quality and efficiency of the work at all stages of the project implementation are improved, as to attain the overall project objectives. 3 INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission. III. Scope of consulting services and contents Scope of consulting servicesIndependent monitoring of the social management performance of all project outputs to determine and assess whether the relevant project activities are carried out in accordance with the principles, requirements and procedures of ESMS, Resettlement Plan, Land Use Rights Transfer, National Minority Development Plan, Social Development Action Plan and Gender Action Plan. (ii) Review the full implementation and achievement of the goals and targets of the ESMS, the Resettlement Plan (in particular the goal of improving or restoring the living standards of the affected people), Land Use Rights Transfer, the National Minority Development Plan, the Social Development Action Plan and the Gender Action Plan. (iii) Review and monitor the implementation of the follow-up actions described in the Resettlement Due Diligence Report. (iv) Review and identify problems in the implementation of ESMS, the Resettlement Plan (the goal of improving or restoring the living standards of affected persons), Land Use Rights Transfer, the National Minority Development Plan, the Social Development Action Plan and the Gender Action Plan, and recommend corrective actions to ensure compliance with ADB and China's domestic requirements. (v) Advise PMO, FI and IA on the implementation of relevant plans to ensure that policies and procedures are followed. (vi)Provide information and data, monitoring results and observations, and compile external monitoring and evaluation reports; submit semi-annual monitoring and evaluation reports on resettlement and social external monitoring and evaluation to ADB and PMO, and submit final comprehensive monitoring and evaluation report after the completion of the project. (vii) According to the PAM, the Project is a FIL project which will not support the subprojects under Category A for involuntary resettlement. If future subprojects involve new land acquisition and/or resettlement, a RP will be prepared in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009), and relevant laws and regulations of China as described in the ESMS.Contents of services and responsibilitiesMonitor and inspect the implementation of relevant plans, determine and evaluate whether the related project activities are carried out in accordance with the relevant principles, requirements, and procedures, and whether the objectives and targets are fully implemented and achieved; identify any existing problems and propose recommendations and measures.The monitoring indicators include the relevant monitoring indicators set by ESMS, RP, LURTF, EMDP, SDAP, and GAP. The EMA is required to submit a detailed monitoring indicator plan to the PMO and ADB for review accordingly. 3. The methodologies for monitoring and evaluation include quantitative approach, qualitative approach and on-site inspections. Quantitative approach. The RP monitoring and evaluation (if any) shall be carried out in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and its guidelines (OP2.0). The monitoring of EMDP, SDAP, GAP and ESMS shall include the collection of data relevant to the implementation activities of these plans to assess the achievement of their respective targets. (2) Qualitative approach. This approach shall cover all the social plans of the Project, including: (i) reviewing project documents, ADB-related policies, and relevant domestic laws and regulations ; ( ii ) consulting and discussing with 4 INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission. different stakeholders, including the PMO, GBGB, PIUs, pIus and other organizations through consultation meetings, in-depth interviews, and group discussions; (iii) conducting focus group discussions with the target groups of relevant social plans; (iv) focusing on relocated households (if any), vulnerable groups and women's groups; (v) collecting qualitative information on the progress of the EMDP, SDAP, and GAP. (3) On-site inspection. This approach is to inspect and implementation results of relevant social plans. 4. The M&E frequency includes semi-annual monitoring and evaluation, as well as the monitoring and evaluation upon resettlement completion. Conduct periodic M&E at least twice a year, or at suitable schedules determined by the PMO to collect information. The semi-annual M&E report must be submitted within 30 days after the site investigation.Post resettlement M&E. The post-resettlement M&E will be conducted annually for a period of 2 years after the completion of resettlement, or according to a suitable schedule determined by the PMO to assess the efficiency of land acquisition and house demolition (if any). The final M&E resettlement completion report will be final M&E report. 5. The EMA must be familiar with the project site and monitoring requirements, convene meetings with relevant units, conduct on-site inspections, process and analyze the collected information and data, and thus provide materials for the next round of M&E. 6. Participate in the ADB’s review missions. 7. Provide relevant training on social safeguards, social internal monitoring, etc. to the stakeholders including the PMO, the FI and the PIUs etc. 8. Other tasks related to the external M&E of the Project assigned by the PMO. IV. Monitoring period The duration of the consulting service shall be from the effective date of the contract to June 30, 2030, subject to the actual completion date of the project. V. Implementation arrangement The external social monitoring services during the project implementation period will be carried out by a selected team of consultants through the recruited EMA consulting firm. A total of 40 person-months of national consulting services will be required. The consulting firm can also recommend non-key experts based on their understanding of the Project to facilitate the project implementation. The external M&E will be financed by ADB, and the EMA will be recruited by the PMO according to ADB’s “Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers - Goods, Works, Non-consulting and Consulting Services” (2017, as amended from time to time) through Consultants’ Qualifications Selection (CQS) method. The location for consulting services is in Guangxi. List of key consultants for external social M&E are provided in Table 1. Table 1: List of Key Consultants and Inputs
SL.SpecialistInput (person-month)
1Resettlement specialist / external social monitoring (Team Leader)10
2Social specialist10
3Field surveyor20
5 INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission. VI. Qualification requirements (I) Qualification requirement on consulting firm The EMA should be a registered social organization (research institution, design institute, consulting institution and/or firm, university, or non-government organizations) without direct administrative subordination relations with Guangxi Government and the PMO.The EMA shall have good track record and reputation, with preferably three (3) M&E experiences in the projects that are financed by ADB, the World Bank or other IFIs. Priority will be given to those with similar experiences in Guangxi. 3. The EMA should preferably be familiar with the procedures and requirements of ADB for safeguard policies. 4. The EMA shall have a sufficient, qualified and experienced team members comprising of at least five qualified professionals who can be directly involved in site visits, monitoring, analyses, and reporting activities. All technical personnel shall have a degree or education background in management, economics, statistics, sociology, anthropology, or related social science fields. They shall have the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with local communities, contractors, and government agencies, the experiences in participating in relevant training courses and the experiences in data collection, analysis, and report writing. The specialists shall have good physical health, able to visit remote project construction sites in different seasons. (II) Requirements for the key specialists The specialists should possess: (i) relevant degrees and qualifications; (ii) substantial technical experience in relevant professional fields with sufficient practical experience; (iii) a track record of providing consulting services in China; and (iv) preference will be given to those with experience in providing safeguards consulting services for projects in Guangxi financed by international financial institutions such as ADB and the World Bank.Resettlement Specialist / Team Leader(national, 10 person-months) The specialist shall preferably have a postgraduate degree or above in management, economics, statistics, sociology, anthropology, or related social science fields, and should hold a senior professional title or equivalent qualification with preferably 5 years of experience. The specialist shall preferably have received training from ADB or the World Bank on resettlement and have preferably 10 years of professional experience in resettlement. Preference will be given to those with experience in providing safeguards consulting services for projects financed by the ADB and the World Bank, especially those with experience in projects implemented in Guangxi. The specialist shall have a profound understanding of social development planning in Guangxi, relevant policies in different places of Guangxi, and the challenges faced therein shall be preferred. Preference will be given to the specialist with practice and experience in relevant fields in Guangxi. The specialist shall preferably be familiar with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and relevant gender policy and requirements. The specialist shall have excellent written skill in English and Chinese. The team leader shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks: (1) Organize all the activities of the team. (2) Develop the monitoring methodologies, including the design of baseline and tracer surveys. (3) Work and coordinate with relevant agencies within the project to implement the tasks of the M&E activities. 6 INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission. (4) Conduct on-site surveys, collect written and on-site data and information, analyze and evaluate the extent of impact and the challenges in the implementation process. (5) Prepare resettlement and social M&E reports, covering the aspects of implementation progress, existing problems and proposed solutions and recommendations etc. (6) Discuss survey results with the IAs and the PIUs and provide suggestions and opinions for subsequent work. (7) Evaluate the environmental and social data management module of project management MIS system and put forward opinions and suggestions. (8) Participate in ADB study missions if necessary. B. Social Specialist (national, 10 person-months) The specialist shall preferably have a postgraduate degree or above in management, economics, statistics, sociology, anthropology, or related social science fields, and should preferably hold a deputy senior professional title or equivalent qualification with at least 5 years of experience. The specialist shall preferably have received training from ADB or the World Bank on social development and have preferably 8 years of professional experience in social development. Preference will be given to those with experience in providing safeguards consulting services for projects financed by the ADB and the World Bank. The specialist shall preferably have a profound understanding of social development planning in Guangxi, relevant policies in different places of Guangxi, and the challenges faced therein shall be preferred. Preference will be given to the specialist with practice and experience in relevant fields in Guangxi. The specialist shall preferably be familiar with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and relevant gender policy and requirements. The specialist shall have excellent written skill in English and Chinese. The specialist shall perform but not limited to the following major tasks: (1) Monitor the social activities mentioned in the relevant social plans to ensure they are carried out in compliance with principles, requirements, and procedures, and monitor livelihood restoration of the affected persons as well as social benefits to residents including relevant plans. (2) Provide inputs to the external resettlement and social M&E reports, which would include progress, challenges during implementation, and propose solutions and/or recommendations to address these challenges.Participate in ADB study missions if necessary.Conduct any other tasks assigned by the Team Leader. C. Field Surveyors (national, two positions, 10 person-months each) The field surveyor shall preferably have a bachelor’s degree or above in management, economics, statistics, sociology, anthropology, or a related social science field. They should have preferably 5 years of experience in external social M&E work on similar projects, with preference given to those with experience in Guangxi projects. The specialist shall preferably be familiar with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and relevant gender policy and requirements. The specialist should have good writing skills in English and Chinese. The field surveyor will undertake but not limited to the following tasks: (1) Assist the resettlement and social specialists in carrying out the monitoring on the implementation of the RP and social plans so that their implementation is in compliance with ADB’s requirements. (2) Under the guidance of the resettlement and social specialists, carry out field surveys. (3) Analyze the data collected from the field surveys. (4) Provide assistance to the resettlement and social specialists for the preparation of the external resettlement and social M&E reports; and (5) Conduct any other duties assigned by the Team Leader. 7 INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission. VII. Reporting requirements Requirements of deliverables and timing During the project implementation period, the deliverables to be submitted by the consulting firm shall include but not limited to:
Sl.DeliverablesSubmission Time
1Inception ReportWithin 1 month after site mobilization
2Semi-annual resettlement and external social M&E reportWithin 1 month after site survey
3Final comprehensive M&E reportWithin 1 month after project physical completion
(II) Reporting requirements 1. The EMA is required to prepare and submit an Inception Report to the PMO within one month after site mobilization which includes the agreed methodology and work plan, baseline survey plan, survey tools and questionnaires to be used, approach to sampling of affected households, sample size (minimum of 20% of the affected households), and the outline of the monitoring reports. 2. The semi-annual resettlement and social M&E reports will include but not limited to: summary of findings and conclusion of investigations and evaluation; major problems identified (existing and potential); recommended mitigation or prevention measures which need to be taken; and assessment of previous follow-up actions. 3. The final comprehensive M&E report is required to be submitted within one month after completion of the project. 4. All reports are required to be prepared both in English and Chinese. Each report should provide one soft copy and two hard copies, submitted separately to ADB (in English) and PMO (in both English and Chinese). All the reports to be submitted to ADB are subject to the review the PMO. 5. The EMA will take full responsibility on the content and quality of the reports, and revise reports based on the comments of ADB. Format of the reports will be proposed by the EMA in the technical proposal. The EMA may seek guidance from examples of reports on ADB website. VIII. Other requirements on consulting firm The consulting firm shall preferably have extensive experience in providing consulting services and implementation support for similar projects implemented in China. The consulting firms participating bidding are encouraged to provide suggestions for better project implementation in their technical proposals. The cost implications of these suggestions should be clearly outlined in the financial proposals, and the proposed suggestions will be addressed during the contract negotiation.All relevant data collected, stored and processed by the consulting company in the external monitoring and evaluation process belong to the PMO and shall not be disclosed without the consent of PMO. After the completion the contract performance period, all documents and data shall be handed over to the PMO. (II) Any expenses incurred by the consulting firm during the provision of consulting services, including but not limited to third-party service fees, expenses for purchasing or acquiring data and information related to project implementation, and fees for non-key specialist services, shall be borne by the consulting firm. 8 INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission. IX. Collaboration provided by the Client (I) Designate the social coordinator to collaborate with the EMA. (II) Provide necessary coordination for the EMA to carry out the EMA activities. X. Payment of consulting fees The payment of consulting fees will be made in proportion to the number of qualified M&E reports completed and submitted by the EMA, as well being in conjunction with the project implementation progress. 9 INTERNAL. This information is accessible to ADB Management and staff. It may be shared outside ADB with appropriate permission. 利用亚洲开发银行贷款 广西环境可持续乡村发展示范项目 外部社会监测咨询服务 任务大纲 合同号:CS-PM-4 编制单位:广西农业外资项目管理中心 日期:2024 年 7 月 1 目录 一、项目背景........................................................................................................ 2(一)概述............................................................................................................3(二)项目内容....................................................................................................3(三)咨询服务业主............................................................................................4 二、咨询服务目的.................................................................................................4 三、咨询服务范围及内容..................................................................................... 4(一)咨询服务范围............................................................................................4(二)服务内容和职责........................................................................................6 四、监测期限........................................................................................................ 8 五、实施安排........................................................................................................ 8 六、资格要求........................................................................................................ 8(一)咨询公司资格要求....................................................................................8(二)专家资格要求............................................................................................9 七、报告要求...................................................................................................... 12(一)交付成果及时间要求..............................................................................12(二)报告基本要求..........................................................................................13 八、咨询公司的其他要求....................................................................................14 九、委托方提供的协作....................................................................................... 14 一、项目背景 2 (一)概述 为推动广西农业农村绿色高质量发展,提高广西农业农 村的综合实力,促进广西农村环境可持续发展,中国政府己 要求亚洲开发银行为广西环境可持续乡村发展示范项目(以 下简称“项目”)提供贷款和技术援助,并己经向亚洲开发 银行从普通资本来源申请贷款人民币 10.99275 亿元来建设 广西环境可持续乡村发展示范项目,贷款期限为 20 年,包 括 6 年的宽限期。项目将采用综合措施,通过推广创新实践,支持农村绿色经济发展,提升农村对气候适应能力,转变乡 村发展模式。 项目执行机构为广西壮族自治区人民政府,由广西农业 农村厅作为执行代表。实施机构为广西农业外资项目管理中 心(项目办)和广西北部湾银行。 (二)项目内容 项目包括“项目贷款”(产出一)和“金融中介贷款”(产出二)两部分。金融中介为广西北部湾银行。 产出一:能力提升和机构发展建设,包括开展气候适应 性和环境可持续性的课题研究,面向利益相关方的培训和知 识分享活动,提高环境管理和项目实施能力,项目监测、评 价和报告等四大方面内容。 3 产出二:建立农村环境、社会和治理(ESG)融资机制,主要通过中介银行转贷支持农业企业(合作社、家庭农场等 农业经营主体)发展农业全产业链。 (三)咨询服务业主 本文件是外部移民和社会监测和评估机构的指示性任 务大纲,以确保项目的实施符合中华人民共和国法律法规和 亚洲开发银行《保障政策声明》(2009)关于非自愿移民、原住民以及社会要求。咨询服务的业主为广西农业外资项目 管理中心。 二、咨询服务目的 选聘一家合格的外部监测机构(EMA)组建专家团队,根据《贷款协定》、《项目协议》、《项目管理手册》的要 求,在项目实施期间,对《移民安置计划》、土地流转、《少 数民族发展计划》、《移民安置尽职调查报告》、《社会发 展行动计划》、《性别行动计划》和《环境社会管理系统》(ESMS)涉及的原则、政策和要求的符合性开展监测和评估。咨询公司提供的咨询服务,应确保项目按照亚洲开发银行相 关政策、指南和程序实施,提高项目实施各个阶段的工作质 量和效率,从而实现项目的总体目标。 三、咨询服务范围及内容 (一)咨询服务范围 4 对项目所有产出的社会管理绩效进行独立监测,确定并 评估相关项目活动是否按照 ESMS、《移民安置计划》、土地 流转、《少数民族发展计划》、《社会发展行动计划》和《性 别行动计划》的原则、要求和程序进行; 审查 ESMS、《移民安置计划》(尤其是改善或恢复受影 响人生活水平的目标)、土地流转、《少数民族发展计划》、《社会发展行动计划》和《性别行动计划》的目标和指标是 否得到充分实施和实现; 审查和监测移民安置《尽职调查报告》中描述的后续行 动的实施情况; 审查识别 ESMS、《移民安置计划》(尤其是改善或恢复 受影响人生活水平的目标)、土地流转、《少数民族发展计 划》、《社会发展行动计划》和《性别行动计划》实施中存 在问题并提出纠正措施,以确保其符合亚行和中国国内的要 求; 对相关计划的实施向项目办、金融中介机构和实施业主 提出建议,以确保政策和程序得到遵守; 提供信息和数据、监测结果和观察结果,汇总编制外部 监测与评估报告;每半年度向亚行、项目办提交移民安置和 社会外部监测与评估报告,项目完工后提交最终综合监测与 评估报告等。 5 根据《项目管理手册》,产出二项下金融中介贷款不支 持 A 类非自愿移民子项目。如果未来的子项目涉及新征地和/或 移民安置,应根据亚洲开发银行的《保障政策声明》(2009 年)和 ESMS 中所述的中国相关法律法规编制《移民安置计划》。 (二)服务内容和职责 1、监测检查相关计划的实施情况,确定并评估相关项 目活动是否按照相关原则、要求和程序进行,目标和指标是 否得到充分实施和实现;识别存在问题,提出建议和措施。 2、监测指标包括 ESMS、RP、LURTF、EMDP、SDAP 和 GAP 设定的相关监测指标,外部监测机构需根据上述指标向项目 办和亚行提交详细监测指标计划。 3、监测与评价方法包括定量方法、定性方法和现场考 察: (1)定量方法 《移民安置计划》的监测与评估(如有),应根据亚洲 开发银行《保障政策声明》(2009 年)及其业务导则(OP2.0)开展。《少数民族发展计划》《社会发展行动计划》《性别 行动计划》和《环境社会管理系统》的监测,包括收集计划 中相关活动实施情况的数据,以衡量相关计划中目标的实现 情况。 (2)定性方法(全部社会计划)包括审查项目文件、亚行相关政策和国内相关法律法规;通过咨询会议、深入访 6 谈和小组讨论,与包括项目办、北部湾银行、实施业主和其 他相关单位在内的不同利益相关者进行协商和讨论;对相关 计划中识别的目标群体开展小组访谈;关注搬迁家庭(如有)、弱势家庭和女性群体;收集《少数民族发展计划》、《社会 发展行动计划》、《性别行动计划》实施进度的定性信息。(3)现场考察,检查相关社会计划的实施情况。 4、监测和评估频率,包括半年监测和评估、安置后完 工监测与评估: (1)定期监测和评估每年至少进行两次,或按照项目 办确定的适当时间表进行,以收集相关信息,并在现场调查 完成后 30 天内提交半年监测与评估报告。 (2)安置后监测和评估。安置完成后每年开展一次监 测评估,为期 2 年,或按照项目办确定的适当时间表进行,以评估征地拆迁(如有)安置的效率,提交完工评估报告即 最终监测与评估报告。 5、熟悉项目现场和监测要求,与相关单位召开会议、开展现场考察,处理和分析所收集的信息和数据,以便为下 一次监测与评估提供资料。 6、参加亚行考察团的评估活动。 7、向项目办、金融中介、实施业主等提供社会安全保障、社会内部监测等相关培训。 8、项目办交办的与项目社会外部监测相关的其他工作。 7 四、监测期限 本项目咨询服务期限自合同生效之日起至 2030 年 6 月 30 日,具体以项目实际完工日期为准。 五、实施安排 项目实施阶段的社会外部监测将由选聘的外部监测机 构(EMA)组建专家团队提供。总共需要 40 个人月的国内咨 询服务。咨询公司可以根据非关键专家对项目的理解,推荐 非关键专家,以最大限度地促进项目实施。外部监测与评估 咨询服务费用由亚行贷款资金支付,外部监测机构由项目办 根据《亚洲开发银行采购政策-非咨询 M&E 服务与咨询服务》(2017 年,不时修订)“基于咨询顾问资格选择”(CQS)进行 选聘。服务地点在广西。外部社会监测关键专家需求见表 1。 表 1: 主要专家需求和投入
六、资格要求 (一)咨询公司资格要求 8 1、外部监测机构应为注册社会组织(研究机构、设计 机构、咨询机构和/或公司、大学或非政府组织),与自治 区政府和项目办无直接行政隶属关系。 2、具有良好的业绩记录和声誉,至少有 3 个为亚洲开 发银行、世界银行贷款或其他国际金融组织贷款项目开展外 部社会监测与评估工作的经验,在广西实施过类似项目经验 优先。 3、熟悉亚行的社会保障政策的程序和要求。 4、拥有充足且经验丰富的团队成员,应有至少五名以 上合格的专业技术人员,能直接参与现场考察、监测、分析 和报告活动。所有技术人员应具有管理学、经济学、统计学、社会学、人类学或相关社会科学领域的学历或学位。能与当 地社区、承包商和政府机构进行有效沟通和合作的能力。参 加过相关培训课程,具有数据收集、分析和报告编写经验。 身体健康,可以在不同季节访问偏远的项目施工现场。 (二)专家资格要求 专家应具有:(1)相关学历或学位资格;(2)相关专 业领域丰富的技术经验和足够的实践经验;(3)中国咨询 项目的经验;(4)拥有在广西实施的亚洲开发银行、世界 银行等国际金融组织贷款项目中提供安全保障咨询服务的 优先。 1.关键专家 9 A 移民专家/组长(国内专家,10 人月) 专家应具有管理学、经济学、统计学、社会学、人类学 或相关社会科学领域研究生或以上学历,具有正高及以上职 称或相应执业资格年满 5 年,专家应接受过亚洲开发银行或 世界银行关于移民安置方面的培训,在移民安置方面具有至 少 10 年的专业经验,拥有亚洲开发银行或世界银行贷款项 目的安全保障咨询服务经验、特别是拥有广西实施的亚洲开 发银行或世界银行贷款项目的安全保障咨询服务经验的优 先。对广西社会发展规划、广西各地相关政策以及所面临的 挑战有深刻的理解,在相关领域有广西实践的专家优先。专 家应熟悉亚洲开发银行的《保障政策声明》(2009 年)和相 关性别政策和要求。具有优秀的中英文沟通和书写能力。组 长负责但不限于以下主要任务: (1)组织团队的所有活动; (2)制定监测方法,包括设计基线和跟踪调查;(3)与项目涉及的相关机构合作和协调,开展监测与 评估工作; (4)开展现场调查,收集数书面和现场数据及信息,进行分析、评估影响程度和实施过程中存在的问题;;(5)编制民安置与社会外部监测与评估报告,包括实 际进展、存在问题和解决措施与建议; 10 (6)与实施机构和子项目业主讨论调查结果,并提出 开展后续工作的建议及意见; (7)对项目管理 MIS 系统的环境社会数据管理模块进 行评估,提出意见和建议; (8)必要时参加亚行考察团的活动。 B 社会专家 (国内专家、10 人月) 专家应应具有管理学、经济学、统计学、社会学、人类 学或相关社会科学领域研究生或以上学历,具有副高及以上 职称或相应执业资格年满 5 年,专家应接受过亚洲开发银行 或世界银行关于社会发展方面的培训,在社会发展方面具有 至少 8 年的专业经验,拥有亚洲开发银行或世界银行贷款项 目的安全保障咨询服务经验的优先。对广西社会发展规划、广西各地相关政策以及所面临的挑战有深刻的理解,在相关 领域有广西实践的专家优先。专家应熟悉亚洲开发银行的《保障政策声明》(2009 年)和相关性别政策和要求。具有 优秀的中英文沟通和书写能力。负责但不限于以下主要任 务 : (1)监测相关社会计划中提到的社会活动,确保按照 相关计划的原则、要求和程序进行。监测受影响人的生计恢 复以及居民的社会福利,包括与之相关的其他计划; 11 (2)协助编制移民安置与社会的监测和评估报告,包 括实施过程中的进展、存在问题以及提出解决的办法措施和 意见建议; (3)必要时参加亚行考察团的活动。 (4)完成组长安排的其他任务。 2.非关键专家:现场调查员(国内专家、2 个职位,每 个 10 人月) 现场调查员应具有管理学、经济学、统计学、社会学、人类学或相关社会科学领域本科或以上学历;至少有 5 年类 似项目的外部社会监测与评估工作经验,有广西项目经验的 优先;熟悉亚洲开发银行的《保障政策声明》(2009 年)和 相关性别政策和要求。具有良好的中英文写作能力。现场调 查员将开展但不限于以下任务: (1)协助移民安置和社会专家对移民安置计划和社会 计划的执行情况进行监测,确保其执行符合亚行的要求;(2)在移民安置和社会专家的指导下,开展实地调查;(3)分析实地调查收集的数据; (4)协助移民安置和社会专家编制移民安置和社会监 测与评估报告; (5)完成组长分配的其他任务。 七、报告要求 (一)交付成果及时间要求 12 在项目实施期内,咨询公司提交的可交付成果报告包括 但不限于:
编 号可交付成果提交日期
1启动报告进场后 1 个月内
2半年度移民与社会外部监测 和评估报告现场调查完成后一个月内
3最终综合监测与评估报告项目完工后 1 个月内
(二)报告基本要求 1、外部监测机构在进场后一个月内,应向项目办提交一份《启动报告》,内容包括:确认的方法论和工作计划、基线 调查方案、采用的调查方法、受影响家庭的抽样方法、样本 规模(至少 20%的受影响家庭)以及监测报告大纲。 2、半年度移民安置社和社会外部监测和评估报告:包 括但不限于调查和评估结果摘要、已识别的主要问题(现有 和潜在)、缓解或预防措施的建议、对以往后续行动的跟踪 评价。 3、最终综合监测与评估报告:在项目完工后一个月内 提交。 4、所有报告均需以中英文编写,每份报告应提供一份 软拷贝和两份打印版,分别提交给亚洲开发银行(英文)和 项目办(中英文版)。所有提交亚洲开发银行的报告需经项 目办同意。 13 5、外部监测机构对报告的内容和质量负责,如果需要,应根据亚行的意见进行修改。报告格式由外部监测机构在技 术建议书中提出。为此,外部监测机构可以参考亚洲开发银 行官网公示的案例。 八、咨询公司的其他要求 (一)咨询公司应具备为在中国实施过的类似项目提供 咨询服务及实施支持的丰富经验,鼓励竞标咨询公司在提交 其技术建议时,对更好地实施项目提出建议,建议所涉及到 的费用问题应在财务建议中详细阐明,所提建议也会在咨询 合同磋商阶段得到处理。 (二)咨询公司在外部监测和评估过程,收集并存储处 理的所有相关数据属于项目办,不经项目办同意不得外泄,合同履行期结束后,所有文件及数据需移交给项目办。 (三)咨询公司在提供咨询服务过程中发生的第三方费 用,包括但不限于第三方服务费用、购买或获取与实施项目 相关的资料和数据费用、非关键专家服务费用等,由咨询公 司承担。 九、委托方提供的协作 (一)指定与外部监测机构协作的社会专员。(二)为外部监测开展提供必要的协调工作。 14