项目编号: ECTP2-MT-CT-014 | 项目名称: 斯里兰卡东码头项目钢筋采购方案 |
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公告 |
公告标题:斯里兰卡科伦坡港东码头二期土建工程项目钢筋采购公告 公告内容: 斯里兰卡科伦坡港东码头二期土建项目 East Container Terminal of Port of Colombo Phase II- Civil Work Contract 钢筋采购公告 Rebar purchase notice 招标编号:ECTP2-MT-CT-014(钢筋Rebar) Tender No.: ECTP2-MT-CT-014(钢筋Rebar) 斯里兰卡科伦坡港东码头二期土建项目根据施工需要并结合现场实际,由中国港湾工程有限公司作为招标人,采用公开招标的方式组织此工程所用钢材的招标。有意向的单位根据本邀请书第四条规定的投标人资格要求的条件,参与本次招标,并按招标文件规定的内容,参加投标。 East Container Terminal of Port of Colombo Phase II- Civil Work Contract in Sri Lanka was organized by China harbour engineering co., ltd. as the tenderee according to the construction needs and the site conditions. Interested parties shall participate in the bid in accordance with the requirements for qualifications of bidders set forth in article 4 of this invitation letter and shall participate in the bid in accordance with the contents specified in the bid invitation document. 一,招标内容 The tender content 详见招标文件 Please refer to the bidding document for details. 二、投标人资格要求: 1,营业范围要求:投标人必须在斯里兰卡合法注册,具有独立法人资格,具有增值税一般纳税人资格,投标人的注册资本不低于2000万斯里兰卡卢比;投标卖方的注册资本不得低于2000万斯里兰卡卢比,并持有制造商授权代理人的有效证件,从事类似工作3年以上. Business scope requirements: the bidder must be legally registered in Sri Lanka, have the qualification of independent legal person, have the qualification of general VAT taxpayer, the registered capital of the bidder is not less than 20 million Sri Lanka rupees; The registered capital of the seller of the bid shall not be less than 20 million Sri Lanka rupees, with valid documents of the manufacturer's authorized agent, and have been engaged in similar work for more than 3 years 2、生产能力要求:投标人为生产商的,其主要生产设备型号、台套数或生产线条数满足供货需求。投标人为销售商应具备相应的仓储条件。 Production capacity requirements: If the bidder is a manufacturer, the main production equipment model, the number of sets or the number of production lines meet the supply requirements. The bidder shall have the corresponding storage conditions for the seller. 3、财务能力要求:良好的财政状况,年度综合销售收入的制造商和卖方的年度综合销售收入已经达到超过5000万斯里兰卡卢比在过去的三年里,和卖方的年度综合销售收入达到了5000万斯里兰卡卢比。投标人中标后,应充分了解材料付款过程中办理手续所需的时间,充分了解财务紧张阶段的付款时间;投标人应当有能力支付中标金额60%以上现金流的企业; Financial ability: in good financial condition, the annual comprehensive sales revenue of the manufacturer and the annual comprehensive sales revenue of the seller have reached over 50 million Sri Lanka rupees in the past three years, and the annual comprehensive sales revenue of the seller has reached over 50 million Sri Lanka rupees. If the bidder wins the bid, he/she shall fully understand the time required to complete the procedures in the process of payment for materials, and fully understand the payment time in the stage of financial strain; The bidder shall have the enterprise with the ability to pay at least 60% cash flow for the bid winning amount; 4、质量保证能力要求:生产商具有质量管理体系、环境管理、职业健康安全管理三大体系,具有符合国安规定的配套生产设备,拥有省、部级以上部门颁发的高新技术企业、省级以上名牌产品;投标人为代理商的提供所代理产品生产企业上述相关资料; Quality assurance capability requirements: The manufacturer has three major systems: quality management system, environmental management, occupational health and safety management, and has supporting production equipment in line with national security regulations. It has high-tech enterprises issued by provincial and ministerial level departments and above-class brand-name products. The bidder provides the above-mentioned relevant materials for the agent's product manufacturing enterprise; 5、履约信用要求:具备企业开户银行出具的信贷证明、至少三家同类投标物资以买方或使用单位出具的履约情况证明。供货信誉良好,无不良记录、无不良评价、供货过程中未发生以次充好、违反招标文件和供货合同条款的要求,未受过市级以上行政部门的处罚,未和招标人发生过纠纷、诉讼、仲裁案件等。如有必要,招标人有权对投标文件中有关内容进行调查核实,投标人应给予配合。招标人有权忽略未对投标人履行合同能力构成实质性影响的微小偏差。如果在投标有效期内,对于受到通报批评或被列入黑名单的,招标人有权取消其投标资格;已经中标者,招标人有权取消其中标资格; Performance credit requirement: It has the credit certificate issued by the bank that the enterprise has opened, and the certificate of performance of at least three similar bidding materials issued by the buyer or the user. The supply is in good standing, no bad records, no bad evaluation, no shoddy in the process of supply, violation of the requirements of the bidding documents and the terms of the supply contract, and has not been punished by the administrative department at or above the municipal level, and has not occurred with the tenderee. Have disputes, litigation, arbitration cases, etc. If necessary, the tenderee has the right to investigate and verify the relevant contents of the tender documents, and the bidder shall cooperate. The tenderee has the right to ignore minor deviations that do not materially affect the bidder's ability to perform the contract. If during the validity period of the bid, the bidder has the right to cancel the bidding qualification if it is criticized or blacklisted; if the bidder has already won the bid, the bid inviting party has the right to cancel the bidding qualification; 6、其他要求:投标人必须保证中标后直接供应,否则视为中标人违约,扣除全部履约保证金。投标人应确保提供的相关资料齐全并且真实有效,否则承担一切法律责任。 Other requirements: The bidder must guarantee the direct supply after winning the bid, otherwise it will be deemed that the winning bidder will default and deduct all the performance bond. The bidder shall ensure that the relevant information provided is complete and true and effective, otherwise it shall bear all legal responsibilities. 7、满足投标条件的供应商 。 Suppliers who meet the tender conditions. 三,开标地点:中国交建装备采购管理信息平台: Bid Open:Material Purchasing management information system of CCCC 四、招标主要日程安排、地点 Main schedule and location of bidding 1、招标文件的获取: Acquisition of bidding documents 2、投标人可在中国交建物资采购管理信息平台点击参与此次招标下载招标文件,或于2023年4月6日19:00时至 2023年4月13日19:00时 ,与招标联系人联系,获取电子版的招标文件。本次招标文件不收取标书费。 Bidders can download the bidding documents by clicking the "participate in the bidding" on the Material Purchasing management information system of CCCC, or contact the bidding contact person from 19:00 on April 6th, 2023 to 19:00 on April 13th, 2023 to obtain the electronic version of the bidding documents. No bidding fee will be charged for this bidding document. 3、招标文件的澄清: Clarification of bidding documents 仔细阅读文件后,若还有需招标人澄清的问题,必须以书面形式签字盖章后,在2023年4月13日18时前以书面形式送交或传真、扫描件电子邮件给招标人,或在中国交建设备物资采购管理信息平台中提出质疑,逾期将不受理。 After carefully reading the documents, if there are any questions that need to be clarified by the tenderee, they must be signed and sealed in written form and sent to the tenderee in written form, fax, scanned copy or email before 18:00 on April 13th, 2023, or put forward questions in the Material Purchasing management information system of CCCC.Requirements of bidding documents 招标文件的要求: Requirements of bidding documents 投标报价为:投标报价为钢材到科伦坡港东码头二期土建项目或其他指定加工场地。(斯里兰卡卢比报价) The tender price is: East Container Terminal of Port of Colombo Phase II- Civil Work Contract or other designated processing sites. (quoted in Sri Lanka rupee). 五,投标文件递交的时间、地点 Time and place of submission of bidding documents 1、本次招标将在中国交建物资采购管理信息平台:http://ec.ccccltd.cn 线上公开招标,请于2023年4月6日19:00时至 2023年4月13日19:00时点击参与并下载招标文件,并在2023年月4日13时至2023年4月20日23时 线上投标并上传投标文件。 The tendering delivered in Material Purchasing Management Information System of CCCC.: http://ec.ccccltd.cn online invite tender, Please click to participate and download the tender documents from 19:00 April 6th, 2023 to 19:00 April 13th, 2023, and submit the tender documents online From 13:00 on April 4th, 2023 to 23:00 on April 20th, 2023 2、开标时间、地点 Bid opening time and place 3、开标时间:2023年4月21日10时 · Bid opening time: 10:00 onApril 21th, 2023 · 4、开标地点:中国交建物资采购管理信息平台 Bid opening location: Material Purchasing management information system of CCCC 5、确认: confirmation: 6、贵单位有意向投标后,请于2023年4月13日18:30时前以传真或电话送达方式予以确认,同时在投标开始前在中国交建物资采购管理信息平台点击招标公示参与,此次投标无投标保证金(或投标保函)。 After your company intends to bid, please confirm by fax or telephone service before 18:30 onApril 13th, 2023,and click on the tender to participate in the Material Purchasing Management Information System of CCCC before the bidding begins.and without tender bond (or tender guarantee). 六,招标方式 Tender method 公开招标。综合评标法进行评标 Public tenders. Comprehensive bid evaluation method for bid evaluation 招标人信息 Tenderee information 招标人:中国港湾工程有限公司 Tenderee: China harbour engineering co., LTD 注册地址:科伦坡一区世贸中心东塔32层 Registered address: Level 32, East Tower, World Trade Center, Echelon Square, Colombo-I 联系人:韦城基 Contact person: Wei 电话:0094769914251 Tel:0094769914251 七,说明 以上所有说明的时间点均为系统时间,即北京时间,请注意时差问题,避免因此影响正常投标。 All the above time dates are system time, namely Beijing time. Please pay attention to the time difference, so as to avoid affecting the normal bidding. 招标人:中国港湾工程有限责任公司 Tenderee: China harbour engineering co., LTD 2023/4/6 |
附件列表 供应商投标操作流程(请点击查看) |
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