序号 | 供应商名称 | 货物名称 | 货物品牌 | 货物型号 | 货物数量 | 货物单价(元) |
1 | 堀场(中国)贸易有限公司 | 辉光放电光谱仪 | HORIBA FRANCE SAS/法国 | GD-Profiler2 | 1套 | EUR282000 |
本项目代理费总金额:2.6118000 万元(人民币)
3、本项目的评标结果公示公告和中标结果公告已在中国国际招标网(网址为:http://chinabidding.mofcom.gov.cn )和机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(网址为:http://www.chinabidding.com)进行公告,截至本项目评标结果公示截止日期,无投标人或其他利害关系人对该评标结果提出异议。
名 称:中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所
名 称:上海中招招标有限公司
地 址:上海市静安区共和新路1301号C座110室
电 话: 021-26065279、021-26065290
序号 / No. | 货物名称/ Name of the goods | 数量 /Quantity | 简要技术规格 /Main Technical Data | 交货期 / Delivery schedule |
1 | 辉光放电光谱仪 / Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer | 1 套/1set | 详 见 第 八 章/See Section 8 | 合同签订后六个月/ |
条款号 | 内 容 |
1.2 | 招标人名称: 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 /Name of Tenderee: Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 招标人地址: 上海长宁区定西路1295号 /Address:No.1295,Dingxi Rd,Changning District Shanghai, China 联系人/Contacting Persons: /全慧娟/Quan Huijuan 电话/Tel No.:86-21-69906570 电子信箱/ E-mail Add.: ssy_111@126.com,yaoqz510@163.com 招标机构名称:上海中招招标有限公司 / Name of the Tendering Agent :Shanghai CNTC Tendering Co.,Ltd. 招标机构地址:上海市共和新路1301号C座110室 / Address :110 room,No.1301 Gonghexin Road, Shanghai 邮政编码/ Postcode:200070 联系人/Contacting Persons: /姚庆忠,沈思远 /Yao Qingzhong, Shen Siyuan 电话/Tel No.:13916084195/13918917081/86-21-26065279/26065290 传真/Fax No.:86-21-26065278 电子信箱/ E-mail Add.: ssy_111@126.com,yaoqz510@163.com |
1.3 | 项目概况: 科学研究 。 /Project Over view: scientific research . |
资金性质/Funds:财政资金/Government Funds; | |
6.1 | 潜 在 投 标 人 对 招 标 文 件 如需 要 求 澄 清 , 请 在 2022 年06月15日12时 前 以 书 面 形 式 一 次 性 发 给 招 标 机 构 , 传 真 至 : 021-26065278 , 并 发 E-mai l ( Word 版 ) 至 : ssy_111@126.com,yaoqz510@163.com The Bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notify the Tendering Agent before 2022-06-15 , 12:00 , Fax No. : 021-26065278 ; E-mail ( Word ) : ssy_111@126.com,yaoqz510@163.com |
8.1 | 投标语言:中文和/或英文 / Language of Bid: Chinese and/or English |
*10.3 | 本项目只允许投 标人提供一 个投 标方案 ,否则,其投标将被否决。/This project is only allowed the bidder to provided a bid proposal, otherwise, the bid will be rejected. |
11.2 | 本次招标允许的缺漏项比重为投标总价的5%。如有缺漏项,以其它有效标中该项的最 高价为计算依据。 / The proportion of missing items allowed is 5% of the total bid price. If any missing , the highest price of the same item in other effective tenders wi ll be calculated on the basis. |
*11.4 | 本次招标不接受选择性报价。/Alternative bid is not permitted. 本次招标不接受附加条件的报价。/Bid price with additional condition will not be accepted. |
11.5 | 本次招标设最高投标限价(预算金额): 203万元人民币/ This tender set a maximum bid limit: RMB2,030,000.00 注、以开标当日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价进行投标货币对人 民币的转换。 |
11.6.1 | 从中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物 /for goods offered within customs territory of PRC: 1)关境内制造的货物/ for manufactured Goods of the customs territory of PRC ① 出厂价(包括主机和标准附件及质保期内的备品备件价格)/ EXW(Including the cost of the Basic Machine and Standard Accessories, spare parts during the warranty period.) ② 提供货物运至最终目的地的关境内运输、保险和伴随货物交运的有关费用;请单独报 价 并 计 入 投 标 总 价 ; / The Bidder shall provide the price of inland transportation, insurance, and other local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination. This price shall be included in the Total Bid Price. |
③ 其他伴随服务费用:包括专用工具费、培训费、技术服务费及其他与执行本合同相关 的伴随服务费。/ The price of other incidental services: including the cost of cost of special tools, cost of training, cost of technical ser vice; other costs of incidental services related to implement the contract. 2)投标截止时间前已经进口的货物/The goods has been imported before the dead line for submission of bids ① 仓库交货价(包括主机和标准附件及质保期内的备品备件价格) / EX-Warehouse(Including the cost of the Basic Machine and Standard Accessories, spare parts during the warranty period.) ② 提供货物运至最终目的地的关境内运输、保险和伴随货物交运的有关费用;请单独报 价 并 计 入 投 标 总 价 ; / The Bidder shall provide the price of inland transportation, insurance, and other local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination. This price shall be included in the Total Bid Price. ③ 其他伴随服务费用:包括专用工具费、培训费、技术服务费及其他与执行本合同相关 的伴随服务费。/ The price of other incidental services: including the cost of cost of special tools, cost of training, cost of technical ser vice; other costs of incidental services related to implement the contract. | |
*11.6.2 | 从中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物/ for goods offered from abroad : 1)CIP 用户指定地点(买方现场上海嘉定和硕路585号) 2)其他伴随服务费用:包括专用工具费、培训费、技术服务费及其他与执行本合同相关 的伴随服务费。/ The price of other incidental services: including the cost of cost of special tools, cost of training, cost of technical ser vice; other costs of incidental services related to implement the contract. |
*12.1 | 投标货币(从中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物和服务):人民币 /Bid Currencies (for goods and services from within PRC) :RMB |
*12.2 | 投标货币(从中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物和服务):美元或其他国际通用货币 / Bid Currencies (for goods and ser vices from abroad) : USD or other international circulation currencies |
*13.1 | 本次招标不允许联合体投标。/ Joint Bids NOT Avai lable. |
*13.3 | 投标人资格标准:/Standard of bidder qualification: 1)如果投标人所投的货物不是投标人自己制造的,投标人应得到制造商的同意其在本次投 标中提供该货物的正式授权书; 1)If the goods of bidders for the bidder didn't made, the bidder shall be the manufacturer or its domestic distributor agrees to its official authorization in this bid to provide the goods; 2) 投标人开户银行在开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明原件或复印件; 2) Bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy; 3)业绩:货物制造商从 2020 年起在中国境内有不少于 2 个同类货物销售业绩,证明文 件主要包括:(1)用户清单:用户名称、设备名称、联系方式;(2)合同复印件至少 2 份。 3)Performance: The goods manufacturer has sold at least 2 similar goods in China since 2020, and the supporting documents mainly include: (1) List of users: user name, equipment name and contact information; (2) At least two copies of the contract. |
14.3 | 2) 货物从招标人验收后开始使用至质保期结束内正常、连续地使用所必须的备件和专用 工具清单,包括备件和专用工具的货源及现行价格; / a list, giving full particulars, including available sources and current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc., necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the goods for the warranty period, following commencement of the use of the goods by the Tenderee; 4)技术支持资料的其他形式: 制造商网站最新发布的资料打印件 或 。 /Other Form of the supporting technical information:Data printouts latest released by the Manufacturer's website. or . |
*15.1 | 投 标 保 证 金 金 额 / Bid Security : 人 民 币3 0000 元 或美 元 4400 。 / RMB30,000.00 or USD4,400.00. |
*15.3 | 投标保证金货币、形式和有效期/Form and validity of the bid: (1)投标保证金可用投标货币或人民币。/ The Bid Security shall be denominated in the |
currency of the bid or in RMB. (2) 可 以 采 用 银 行 保 函 、 现 金 、 支 票 、 银 行 汇 票 、 银 行 本 票 、 贷 记 凭 证 、 电 汇 或 网 上 支付形式中的任何一种,但不接受承兑汇票。境内投标人如以现金、支票、银行汇 票、银行本票、贷记凭证、电汇或网上支付形式提交的,应当从投标人的基本账户 转出。投标人需在投标文件中提供基本账户的开户许可证复印件并加盖公章。 A bank guarantee, cash, check, bank drafts, cashier's check, certificate of credit, wire transfers, or online payment form; But does not accept the acceptances. The Bidder within PRC submitted in the form of cash, check, bank drafts, cashier's check, certificate of credit, wire transfers, or online payment; should be transferred from the basic account of the Bidder. The Bidder needs to provide the basic account opening permit a copy of the tender documents and official seal. (3)投标保证金的有效期与投标有效期一致。/ The validity of the Bid Security consistent of the Period of Validity of Bids. | |
16.1 | 投标有效期/Period of Validity of Bids: 投标应自提交投标文件的截止之日起 90 日内保持有效。 / Bids shall remain valid for the period of 90 days from the Deadline for Submitting Bids. |
17.1 | 投标文件的份数/ Number of Bid:正本 1 份,副本 4 份/ One original and four copies.。 投标人应提供投标文件全部内容的电子文档 1 份(其中:制造商资格申明、制造商授权 函、分项报价表及报价清单文件须为单独的扫描件),并密封在投标文件的正本内。/ The bidder shall prepare an electronic document sealed within the original bid, involving all contents of the bid(The Manufacturer's Qualification Statement, Letter of Authority from Manufacturer, Bid Schedule of Prices and list of Price must be Separate pieces of scanning). |
*17.2 | *投标文件的每一页都应由法定代表人或其授权代表用姓或首字母签字。/ Each page of the bid shall be initialed by the legal representative or a person or persons duly authoreized to bind the bidder. |
18.2 | 1)递交的地址/ Delivery Address:中国上海市共和新路1301号C座111会议室 /C 111 Room, No.1301 Gonghexin Road,Shanghai,PRC。 |
18.2 | 2)项目名称、投标邀请的标题、编号/Project Name, The Invitation for Bids(IFB) title and |
Supplier of any warranty obligations under this Contract; and 4. training on-site, in assembly, start-up, operation, maintenance, and/or repair of the supplied Goods. | |
17.2 | 要求提供的备件: 1)质保期内的备品备件。 /Spare parts to provide: spare parts during the warranty period. 2)提供质保期满后运行 1 年所需的备品备件的清单和价格,请单独报价但不计入投标 总价,并承诺该价格在质保期满后 5 年内不变。/ The bidder shall provide a list with price of the spare parts during 1 year after the warranty period according to Ex Works standard. This price shall not be included in the Total Bid Price. The bidder shall commit that this price of the spare parts shall not change within 5 years after the warranty period. |
18.4 | 免费维修或更换有缺陷货物或部件的响应时间: 详见第八章。 |
*18.2 | 质量保证期:详见第八章技术要求 |
20 | *付款方法和条件: 1. 从中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物: 1.1 合同生效后预付合同总额的30%预付款; 1.2 设备制作完毕预验收后,发货前买受人再支付合同总额的40%款; 1.3 设备调试合格后再支付合同总额的20%款; 1.4 设备调试合格后壹年内付清余款10%; 1.5 买方在银行发生的费用由买方承担,卖方在银行发生的费用由卖方承担。 2. 从中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物: |
20 | 2.1 合同签定后,由买方开立以卖方为收益人的 100%不可撤销信用证(L/C); |
20 | 2.2 合同总价的 90%,凭货物发运单据议付; |
20 | 2.3 余下合同金额的 10%凭以下单据在验收合格后支付: |
20 | 2.3.1 发票一式 3 份 |
20 | 2.3.2 买方和卖方签字的最终验收证书一式 2 份 |
2.4 在买方国内发生的银行费用由买方承担,在买方国家以外发生的银行费用由卖方承担。 | |
2. goods offered from abroad: | |
2.1 After contract is signed, the Purchaser shall issue 100% irrevocable letter of credit (L/C) | |
receivable to the Supplier; | |
2.2 After contract is signed, the Purchaser shall issue 90% irrevocable letter of credit | |
(L/C) receivable to the Supplier; | |
2.3. 10% of the contract value to be paid against the following certificate after the | |
acceptance. | |
2.3.1 Commercial Invoice in 3 copies. | |
2.3.2 The final acceptance Signed by both parties in 2 copies. | |
2.4. The banking service charge that occur in the buyer’s country are afforded by the buyer, or the other banking service charge that occur outside the buyer’s country are afforded by the seller. | |
*32.2 | 仲裁的地点和仲裁的官方语言: 仲裁应由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC)上海分会按其仲裁规则和程序在上海 进行,仲裁的官方语言应为中文。 /Location and official language of Arbitration: Any dispute shall finally be settled by arbitration in Shanghai, under the Shanghai Branch of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) in accordance with its arbitration rules / procedures. Unless otherwise agreed, the official language of Arbitration shall be Chinese. |
37.3 | * 附件7 对于合同签署及履行方式的说明 |
内容 | 投标情况说明 | 备注 |
投标人名称 | ||
供货方式 | 填写境内供货或境外供货。 境内供货包括关境内制造的货物和投标截止前已 经进口至关境内的货物。境外供货指从关境外提供 的货物。保税区提供的货物为境外供货。 | |
中标合同形式 | 对于境内供货,属于内贸合同;对于境外供货,属 于外贸合同。 | |
价格条件 | 对于境内供货,应为 DDP 项目现场价;对于境外 供货,应为 CIP 上海价。 | |
投标货币 | 对于境内供货,应为人民币;对于境外供货,应为 国际流通货币。 投标货币即为中标合同项下的支付货币,请确认合 同签署主体能否收取相应货币。 | |
中标合同拟签署方名 称 | 指中标后,作为卖方或乙方签署合同的单位: 1、 投标人为境外货物制造商,合同签订方为投标 人; 2、 投标人为境外代理公司,合同签订方为投标 人; 3、 投标人为境外代理公司,合同签订方为货物制 造商,须提供《合同签署说明》。如未提供《合 同签署说明》的,合同签订方只能是投标人。 4、 投标人为境内公司,投标货物为境外供货,报 价为 CIP 上海,须签订外贸合同: *4.1、由货物制造商直接签订合同的,必须提 供《合同签署说明》,若不提供,则视为不具 有履约能力,取消中标资格。 *4.2、若投标人需另行委托境外注册公司作为 其代理签署外贸合同的,则必须在投标文件中 提供相应的《授权委托书》及该被授权公司的 合法注册文件,同时该被授权公司也必须获得 投标货物制造商的有效授权。若不提供,则视 为不具有履约能力,取消中标资格。 |
序号 | 描述 | 数量 |
1 | 4mm 铜阳极的完整全套组件(包括:铜阳极,陶瓷片,O 型圈和清洁 工具) | 3 |
2 | DIP 4mm 组件(铜阳极/陶瓷片/ O 型圈) | 3 |
3 | 4mm 组件(铜阳极/陶瓷片/黑色 O 型圈/红色 O 型圈) | 3 |
4 | 2mm 阳极的完整全套组件 (包含阳极、与阳极对应的陶瓷片、用于陶 瓷片的红色 O 型圈,用于阳极与陶瓷片之间的黑色 O 型圈,中心校准 工具,清洁工具) | 3 |
5 | 泵浦油 | 3 |
邮 箱:bd@datauseful.com