- 采购项目子包编号:
- 1
- 公告标题:
- 2024年新场镇农田基础设施管护的竞争性磋商公告
- 公告内容:
2024年新场镇农田基础设施管护采购项目的潜在供应商应在上海市政府采购网获取采购文件,并于2024年12月16日 13:30(北京时间)前提交响应文件。
Potential Suppliers forManagement and maintenance of farmland infrastructure in Xinchang Town in 2024should obtain the procurement documents from (Shanghai Government Procurement Network ) and submit response documents before16th 12 2024 at 13.30pm(Beijing time).
一、项目基本情况1. Basic Information项目编号:310115133241025140405-15164874
Project No.:310115133241025140405-15164874
Project Name:Management and maintenance of farmland infrastructure in Xinchang Town in 2024
Budget No.:1524-W133138442
Procurement method : competitive consultation
Budget Amount(Yuan):2600000(National Treasury Funds: 0 Yuan; Self-raised Funds: 2600000 Yuan)
Maximum Price(Yuan):Package No.1 for 2600000.00 Yuan,
Procurement Requirements:
Package Name:Management and maintenance of farmland infrastructure in Xinchang Town in 2024
Budget Amount(Yuan):2600000.00
Brief Specification Description:Fully implement the strategy of "storing grain in the ground and storing grain in technology", ensure food security, focus on the overall goal of "intact facilities, standardized management, stable operation, and production guarantee", improve the management and protection system, and implement management and protection responsibilities; Strengthen performance evaluation and supervision assessment, effectively implement the management and maintenance of agricultural infrastructure, and ensure the stable operation of agricultural infrastructure
The Contract Period:January 1, 2025- December 31, 2025
Joint Bids: (NO)Available.
二、申请人的资格要求2. Qualification Requirements for Suppliers(a)满足《中华人民共和国政府采购法》第二十二条规定;
(a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China";
(2)扶持残疾人福利性单位,并将其视同小微型企业;(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies:(1) Implement measures to reserve quotas, increase the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in government procurement, and support policies for small and medium-sized enterprises: This project( ☑ Yes □ No) Specifically targeting small and medium-sized enterprises for procurement, small and micro enterprises are offered a price discount of 10% to 20% during the evaluation process.
(2) Support welfare units for people with disabilities and treat them as small and micro enterprises(c)本项目的特定资格要求:3、参加此项磋商活动前三年内,在政府经营的采购活动中没有因违反有关法律法规受到刑事处罚。
5、本次招标不接受联合投标。(c)Specific qualification requirements for this program:(iii) Within the three years prior to participating in this negotiation activity, there have been no criminal penalties for violating relevant laws and regulations in government operated procurement activities.
(iv) The same person in charge of the unit or different suppliers with direct controlling or management relationships shall not participate in government procurement activities under the same contract.
(v) This tender does not accept joint bidding.(i)符合《中华人民共和国政府采购法》第二十二条的规定;
(i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China";
(ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (www.creditchina.gov.cn), China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn);
三、获取采购文件3. Acquisition of Procurement Documents时间:2024年12月02日至2024年12月09日,每天上午00:00:00-12:00:00,下午12:00:00-23:59:59(北京时间,法定节假日除外)
Time: Tender documents may be obtained between00:00:00am to 23:59:59pmfrom02th 12 2024until09th 12 2024.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays)
Place:Shanghai Government Procurement Network
To Obtain:Obtain online
Price of Tender Documents(Yuan):0
四、响应文件提交4. Submission of Response Documents截止时间:2024年12月16日 13:30(北京时间)
Deadline date submission:16th 12 2024 at 13.30pm(Beijing Time)
Place:2nd Floor, Building 6, No. 198 Xietu East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai(Please refer to the signage for the specific meeting room on that day)
五、响应文件开启5. Opening of Response Documents开启时间:2024年12月16日 13:30(北京时间)
Time of Response Documents Opening:16th 12 2024 at 13.30pm(Beijing Time)
Place:2nd Floor, Building 6, No. 198 Xietu East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai(Please refer to the signage for the specific meeting room on that day)
六、公告期限6. Notice Period自本公告发布之日起3个工作日。
3 business days from the date of publication of this notice.
七、其他补充事宜7. Other Supplementary Matters/
This project is a reserved procurement share procurement project, and the reserved procurement share measure is overall reservation
八、凡对本次招标提出询问,请按以下方式联系8. Contact Details(a)采购人信息
名 称:上海市浦东新区新场镇人民政府
Name:People's Government of Xinchang Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
地 址:上海市浦东新区新场镇牌楼东路285号
Address:No. 285 Pailou East Road, Xinchang Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact Information:021-68172683
(b)Procurement Agency
名 称:上海宁信建设工程咨询有限公司
Name:Shanghai Ningxin Construction Engineering Consulting CoLtd
地 址:上海市黄浦区斜土东路198号6号楼2楼
Address:Shanghai Ningxin Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd
Contact Information:13764030040
(c)Project Contact
Contact:Xu Jun
电 话:13764030040
本公告信息如有中、英文不一致,以中文为准。The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of dispute.
- 公告发布时间:
- 2024-12-02
- 公告发布媒体:
- 上海市政府采购网
- 公告源URL:
- 投标(提交响应文件)截止时间:
- 2024-12-16 13:30:00