亚洲开发银行贷款黄河流域绿色农田建设和高质量发展项目宁夏回族自治区项 目管理技术支持的项目实施顾问意向书征询函更正公告
发布日期:2024-12-06(亚行贷款编号:54027-002 PRC 合同编号:NX-PPMO-CS01 招标编号:0733-24084606)
一、 更正内容:
二、 监督部门
三、 联系方式
业主名称:宁夏回族自治区农业综合开发中心 地 址:宁夏银川市金凤区北京中路 159 号 联 系 人:吴老师
电 话:15009683197
地 址: 北京市朝阳区东三环中路 59 号楼 18 层 1811 室 联 系 人: 隋宏超、辛祺、杨利军
电 话: 010-87945198-506
电子邮件: suihc@ck.citic.com
项目贷款号:54027-002 PRC
宁夏回族自治区农业综合开发中心获得亚洲开发银行贷款以开展亚洲开发银行贷款 宜昌乡村绿色发展项目,并计划将部分贷款用于咨询服务。
这些咨询服务包括但不限于以下内容:1.采用 NPMO 建立的项目绩效管理体系;2. 审查和评估设计文件与招标文件;3.合同管理及工程质量监督;4.财务管理支持;5.绩效 监控、评估、报告和沟通;6.能力建设和培训等。具体内容详见任务大纲。
本专题服务预计开始的时间为 2025 年 1 月,结束时间为 2028 年 9 月,共计 45 个月。本合同预计投入的总人月数为 43 人/月,其中,预计关键专家投入的总人月数为 43 人/月。
宁夏回族自治区农业综合开发中心现邀请合格的咨询公司(“顾问”)表明其对提 供此项咨询服务的兴趣。 有兴趣的顾问应提供信息,证明他们具有执行服务所需的资格和 相关经验。
2)在过去十年(2010-2023 年)中,咨询顾问公司至少拥有五个国际金融组织贷款项 目的实施管理咨询服务经验,且 3 个项目已完成;
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4)咨询公司应非常熟悉亚行的程序和要求,包括但不限于项目管理和报告、采购、支 付、施工管理、合同管理、环境和社会保障、社会层面—性别、经济和财务管理分析等。
5)咨询公司需充分发挥对专家投入的管理协调作用,对提交报告、开展能力建设服务 活动进行质量把控,并具有明确的工作机制以保证咨询服务的总体质量。
有意向的顾问应注意采购规定》)(2017 年 版)第 1.19、1.20 和 1.21 条款中的规定,其中阐明了世界银行的利益冲突政策。
咨询公司可以与其他公司合作组成联合体。咨询公司应提供其组织结构图。如果入 围,最终将根据《采购规则》中规定的 QCBS(基于质量和成本的选择采购模式)选择咨 询公司。
关于报名及其他信息,可以在 2025 年 1 月 13 日前联系中信国际招标有限公司。 任 何疑问均应以书面形式发送至以下地址(纸质或电子邮件形式) :
联系人:辛 祺、隋宏超、杨利军
北京市朝阳区东三环中路 59 号楼 18 层 1811 室
电子邮箱:, suihc@ck.citic.com
意向书必须在北京时间 2025 年 1 月 13 日上午 9:30(开标时间)之前以电子形式上传
至亚洲开发银行 CMS 平台(https://cms.adb.org)。咨询公司必须在提交文件前在亚行的 CMS
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2024 年 12 月 6 日
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The People's Republic of China
Asian Development Bank Loan Yellow River Basin Green Farmland and High-Quality Agriculture Development Project
Loan No.: 54027-002 PRC
Bidding No.: 0733-24084606
Assignment Title: Project Implementation Consultant for Project Management and Technical Support in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): NX-PPMO-CS01
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Agricultural Comprehensive Development Center has received financing from the Asian Development Bank toward the cost of the Asian Development Bank Loan Yellow River Basin Green Farmland and High-Quality Agriculture Development Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The main contents of these consulting services are as follows (but not limited to).
1.Adopting the project performance management system established by NPMO; 2.Review and evaluation of design documents and bidding documents;
3.Contract Management and Engineering Quality Supervision;
4.Financial Management Support;
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5.Performance monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and communication;
6.Capacity building and training
Refer to the TOR for more information.
The services are expected to start from January, 2025 to August, 2028, 34 months in total. The total estimated person-months under this contract is 43, out of which 43 for the key experts.
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Agricultural Comprehensive Development Center now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The Consultant shall meet the following minimum qualification requirements to meet the shortlist requirements:
1) Consulting firms must be entities or consortia from member countries of the ADB with legal personality;
2)In the past decade (2010-2023), Consultants has provided implementation management consulting services for at least five international financial organization loan projects, and three projects have been completed;
3)The consulting team/company should ensure a complete understanding of the project, be able to deliver results in a timely manner according to the agreed schedule, and effectively organize a team of qualified experts to carry out the tasks to be completed.
4) Consultants should be very familiar with the procedures and requirements of the ADB, including but not limited to project management and reporting, procurement, payment, construction management, contract management, environmental and social security, social aspects - gender, economic and financial management analysis, etc.
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5) Consultants need to fully leverage their role in managing and coordinating expert inputs, ensuring quality control over report submissions and capacity building services, and having clear working mechanisms to ensure the overall quality of consulting services.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Clause 1.19, 1.20, and 1.21 of the Asian Development Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers” 2017 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the Asian Development Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
The consulting firm may form a joint venture with other companies. The consulting firm shall provide its organizational chart. If short-listed, the consulting firm will ultimately be selected in accordance with the QCBS (quality and cost-based selection) method as set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained from CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd. Before January 13, 2025. Any query should be addressed in writing at the following address (in hard copy or electronic format by email)
Attn: Qi Xin, Hongchao Sui, Lijun Yang
Room 1811, 18th floor, Building 59, E. 3rd Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Tel: 010-87945198-506
Fax: 010-87945235
Email: , suihc@ck.citic.com
Expressions of Interest must be submitted electronically under the ADB CMS platform
(https://cms.adb.org) by 9:30 am on January 13, 2025 (Beijing Time). All applicants shall register in ADB's CMS system prior to making their submission. To facilitate the evaluation, in addition to the English version of the Expression of Interest (EoI), the Consultants are encouraged to include a
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a pdf copy of their EoIs in Chinese. In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese version, the English original version shall prevail.
December 6, 2024
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- 9 -背景
1. 黄河流域面临生态系统和水资源的生态区脆弱的特点,若要想解决黄河流域的生 态系统服务和社会经济改善问题,需要采取综合的、基于自然的方法。在努力满足 其可持续发展潜力的同时,在平衡经济、生态和社区方面面临着越来越多的限制。农业仍然是农村生计的一个重要行业,但是传统、小规模的农业系统,面临着土地 退化、生产力不断下降的问题。为了应对这些问题,中国政府已经在黄河流域推进 实现新的生态保护和高质量发展目标,以平衡人类基本需求和社会经济利益。这些 发展目标也会作为流域范围内可持续、高质量发展和公平增长的切入点。为了应对 这些挑战,亚洲开发银行(以下简称“亚行”)对黄河流域生态保护的支持采用了系 统性的方案,支持中国政府实施《黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展规划(2021-2035)》,该规划旨在优先考虑生态保护和促进高质量的绿色发展。1该项目将为 中国和亚行区域伙伴实现兼顾粮食安全和环境健康优先事项的、更具变革性的高质 量发展发挥示范作用。
2. 为落实黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展战略的重大部署,确保粮食安全,学习借 鉴国际现代农业发展经验和先进项目管理方法。2022 年底,中国政府向亚行申请 贷款 1.57 亿欧元,旨在支持甘肃、河南、青海、山西、山东、陕西和宁夏 7 个省(自治区)开展黄河流域绿色农田建设和农业高质量发展项目(以下简称“项 目”)。
3. 项目将具有以下影响:实现黄河流域的韧性生态保护和粮食安全。该项目将取得 以下成果:改善项目参与自治区绿色农业生产系统的可持续性。主要包括三个产出:
3.1 产出 1:机构、技术和管理能力和协调得到提升。这一产出将解决机构能力和 协调不足的问题,以及在农田层面平衡生产和环境保护优先事项和增加农业生产价 值的激励措施。该产出包括:(1)在县级层面建立环境可持续性和气候适应性的 绩效监测、评估和政策目标等能力建设;(2)提高意识,并推广新技术和集体行 动,以支持可持续和气候智慧农业实践,包括为农业专业合作社进行能力建设;(3)在县级建立融资和政策机制,以弥补对可持续和气候智慧型农业实践激励不 足的问题;(4)改善绿色农产品质量监测和可追溯体系,以及绿色农产品的认证 系统;(5)支持各部门之间的合作和跨省合作与协调机制;(6)建立可持续和气 候适应性农业生产知识共享平台。通过这一产出,增强的能力和协调机制将为农业 行业、环境保护和农村发展提供更加统一和可持续的发展途径。
3.2 产出 2:建设绿色、气候适应性强的农业生产基地。这一产出将解决制约生产 效率和限制农民收入潜力的陈旧和低效的农业生产体系问题。该产出将对现有农业 生产体系进行改造,确保其更加高效并且对环境产生积极影响。升级和使用更绿色 的农业生产系统,减少碳密集型化肥和农药的使用,将对缓解气候变化产生积极影 响。同时,由于更有效地使用这些对环境敏感的生产投入品而减少负面环境外部性 问题,减少了面源污染。(1)该产出将进行中高质量农田的开发;(2)为实施可 持续和现代农业实践提供设备和设施;(3)建立塑料薄膜、化肥和农药包装以及
1 中华人民共和国政府,2021. 黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展规划纲要。中共中央和国务院,北京。
有机废弃物(秸秆和畜禽粪污)的废弃物回收管理体系;(4)开展农田生态保护 和水土保持。
3.3 产出 3:农业产品价值链提升。这一产出将解决农业企业面临的制约因素,因 其阻碍了农业企业通过加工、储存和产品营销、为食品和农产品增加价值的能力。这一产出将有助于:(1)加强农民与农业企业之间的合作联系,以确保高质量农 产品原料的稳定供应;(2)农业企业基础设施和设备升级,如仓库、冷藏设施和 营销设施来增加附加值;(3)改进系统和程序提高生产效率,并与农业行业其他 供应链区块进行协调;(4)示范使用先进技术以促进业务发展,包括数字化和电 子商务;(5)为农村企业和农业企业(特别是妇女经营的企业)的孵化器建立有 利环境。这一产出将强化农业企业成为支持当地生计、促进粮食安全和增加农村就 业的行业经济发展领导者。
4. 农业农村部是项目的执行机构,在农业农村部设立了国家项目管理办公室(NPMO),负责项目实施的总体协调,并就战略问题和机构间协调提供指导。宁 夏回族自治区农业农村厅是项目实施机构,宁夏回族自治区农业综合开发中心为自 治区项目管理办公室(PPMO),负责计划制定、组织实施、日常进度跟踪控制、自治区活动情况汇报等工作。青铜峡市青铜峡市农田建设服务中心、银川市兴庆区 农业农村和水务局、彭阳县农业综合开发服务中心作为县级项目管理办公室(CPMO),全面负责本项目在各自县的实施工作。PPMO 为顾问提供政策指导,协调相关部门的协助。CPMO 配合、协助完成收集相关报告材料并进行实地考察,其他条件由顾问独立解决。
5. 宁夏利用亚洲开发银行贷款黄河流域绿色农田建设和农业高质量发展项目(以下 简称“宁夏项目”)总投资约 3.1572 亿元人民币,其中亚行贷款 2421.7 万欧元,自治区内配套资金 1.46 亿人民币。宁夏项目计划建设绿色高标准农田 9.60 万亩,生态流域治理面积 39.56 万亩,涉及青铜峡市、兴庆区和彭阳县 3 个县 6 个乡镇 18 个村,受益区农村人口约 50625 人。能够有效促进宁夏项目地区绿色农田建设、生 态环境保护、农村产业发展和巩固脱贫攻坚成果。
6. 宁夏项目包括建设绿色、气候韧性农业生产基地,提升农业产业价值链,加强机 构、技术和管理能力及协调。主要产出包括:
6.1 产出 1:机构、技术和管理能力及协调:包括机构能力建设、监测体系建设、办公设备支持以及项目咨询服务。
6.2 产出 2:建设绿色、气候韧性农业生产基地:包括农田基础设施建设、农田保 护和生态环境改善工程、水土保持工程。
6.3 产出 3:提升农业产业价值链:包括设施农业(温室大棚)、产地保鲜冷链物 流、农产品初加工等。简介
宁夏回族自治区将使用亚行贷款资金,依据亚洲开发银行采购政策(2017 年,
不时修订),采用基于质量和成本的选择方法(QCBS),以 90:10 的质量和成本 比,以及完整的技术建议书,选聘一家咨询顾问(公司、机构)或联合体(以下简 称“咨询顾问”)。咨询服务公司合同类型为基于时间和投入合同,在项目实施期 内为项目管理办公室(以下简称“项目办”)提供项目管理和实施支持咨询服务。总体服务范围
1. 咨询顾问配合项目办做好项目管理工作,服务内容包括但不限于以下方面:1.1 采用 NPMO 建立的项目绩效管理体系。
1) 建立项目的组织结构、操作程序、文件管理、设计监督和合同管理体系,并 编制工作计划。
2) 使用 NPMO 制定的项目绩效管理系统(PPMS),开展宁夏项目管理、宁夏 项目系统数据录入、更新、分析、报告等工作。
3) 与 NPMO 及其项目经理(PIC)保持密切沟通,协助 PPMO 解决项目有关 问题。
4) 主要咨询专家应与咨询公司签订固定的服务期内合同,确保项目执行期内为 项目正常服务,如项目组长、绩效监测专家、环境专家、社会专家、财务专家、气候适应性、农业灌溉、农业资源利用专家等。
1.2 审查和评估设计文件与招标文件
在招标准备阶段对采购文件提出建议以增强招标的广泛性,如审查和协助澄清 招标文件;为子项目实施单位进行必要培训,使其了解亚行评标程序,审查评标报 告并为提高评标报告质量提供必要的建议;
1) 按照设计规范和标准,对详细的工程设计进行技术评审,并提供专家参考意 见。
2) 审查设计、图纸和招标文件(施工图纸、技术规范和工程量清单),并对设 计院编制的工作提出详细意见,包括审查与招标文件有关的施工图、工程量清 单和技术规范的一致性;审查详细设计的技术参数,确保其符合国际公约、现 行国家标准规范、亚行禁止材料名单和项目可行性研究报告等文件的规定和要 求;查明潜在的技术问题并提出解决这些问题的办法,在适当情况下将其纳入 环境缓解措施等。
3) 协助项目办处理亚行对招标文件的反馈意见。
4) 进行评标的技术、财务和程序审查,并支持合同谈判。
1.3 合同管理及工程质量监督
在合同执行阶段对协助更新采购管理手册,采购计划;协助项目实施单位进行 合同管理,包括监测施工进度,编制半年度进度报告。
1) 协助项目办开展采购合同和工程建设项目合同的实施和管理。
2) 审查施工合同变更文件,并向项目办提供详细的书面意见,必要时根据政府
3) 审查施工监理单位提交的施工进度报告、施工监理报告等有关文件,并提供 书面审查意见。
4) 在施工现场进行定期和随机的施工检查,确认施工进度和质量,并就检查结 果提供详细的书面审查意见。
5) 就工程量、施工进度、监理质量、支付凭证相关的提款和报销文件,协助项 目办进行技术审查。
1.4 财务管理支持
编制项目财务计划、协助子项目实施单位办理提款、支付、报账、完善项目财 务和会计体系、加强项目工程支出和成本管理、加强监督并支持亚行项目的审计工 作,解决财务管理方面出现的问题,编写财务管理手册,审查承包商的支付申请;1) 为项目建立高效的财务管理体系,该体系应符合亚洲开发银行的政策和程序,以及国家项目办为项目制定的财务管理手册,并协助资金提取,包括审查提款 申请和报销收据,定期向亚洲开发银行提交付款请求,对接财政部门开展提款 报账。
2) 更新项目财务信息,包括项目成本和融资计划。
3) 协助项目办审查年度财务报表,协助审计和提交财务报告,并对亚行的意见 提供反馈。
1.5 绩效监控、评估、报告和沟通
使执行机构、实施机构、子项目实施单位和亚行及时而详细地了解环境和社会 等计划措施的实际进展、存在的问题和解决问题的措施,以及相关措施的效果和目 标实现的程度,保障项目的执行符合亚行环境与社会管理的要求;
1) 协助项目办对项目实施进行档案管理,收集所有必要的信息,及时编辑、起 草和提交贷款和项目合同所需的报告,特别是帮助项目办编制年度项目报告、审计和报告,并帮助解决亚行的意见。
2) 配合国家项目办制定环境、社会等监测计划,设计并建立这些监测的数据库,用来收集和存储项目相关数据。
3) 根据上述所有计划的要求,协助项目办开展项目环境、社会等方面的监测、更新和评估工作,包括监测和实施社会发展行动计划、性别行动计划、少数民 族发展框架、土地转让和农村公共基础设施土地框架以及环境管理计划。
4) 开展包括但不限于采集和分析项目建设过程中空气质量、噪音、水质等亚行 环境管理计划要求的数据,并提供完整、符合亚行环境管理计划要求并带有签 章的环境监测报告。如咨询顾问不具备完成上述工作的条件和能力,应委托一 家有合格环境监测资质的机构开展上述工作。
5) 按照亚行要求的格式和《贷款协定》、《项目协议》及《项目管理手册》等 文件的要求,编制项目的每半年度的进度报告、环境监测报告、社会监测报告、审计整改报告、中期报告、竣工报告、其他相关关报告和汇报材料(所有报告 应为中英文)。
6) 为亚行的贷款管理任务准备必要的信息,包括贷款审查、中期审查和项目完
7) 更新项目的财务状况、项目成本表、财务计划和财务经济分析,以及安保政 策实施情况。
8) 如果需要,帮助项目办完成其他相关工作。
1.6 能力建设和培训
建设机构能力,提供与项目管理和执行有关的培训服务;为执行机构、实施机 构和子项目实施单位及其他相关人员提供会议服务,培训并组织相关考察学习活动 1) 咨询服务团队培训
i. 为项目办提供与亚行政策、程序和项目管理(项目实施和管理体系、采购、财务管理、合同管理、财务与支付、保障和反腐败措施等)有关的各个方面的 培训和充足的知识和技能,以确保项目能按时顺利完成。
ii. 组织承包商和监理公司,提供亚行要求的关于施工监理、项目管理和社会保 障措施实施所需的技能培训,包括 a)职业健康和安全培训以及相关疫情的预 防和控制、传染病的预防和控制,包括艾滋病毒和对社区的干扰;(b) 组织 活动,向当地社区宣传药物管制和贩运情况。(c)组织项目环境、社会、健 康、安全培训。
iii. 总结宁夏在该项目下的成功经验和示范模式,编写知识共享和项目传播的知 识产品,制作项目视频、宣传画册等,主要涉及气候变化及农业灌溉、环境、农业面源污染、少数民族、低收入人群等方面的变化及改善情况,组织专家编 写工作总结报告,总结相关经验提出工作建议。
iv. 定期向亚行、国家项目办、宁夏财政厅和宁夏项目办汇报工作进展,确保及 时解决项目阶段性出现的各种问题。
2) 本地专家能力建设培训
由咨询专家组织邀请当地专家或者自治区外有经验专家,对自治区、县项 目办提供能力建设培训,具体包括亚行项目流程、主要事项、竣工验收、其他 项目经验总结等知识。
3) 外出考察培训
i. 为项目办提供外地学习考察提供帮助,帮助项目管理人员,开展实践、实例 教学,以便直观的了解代表性项目谋划、操作、项目绩效。
ii. 协助自治区项目办安排国家项目办要求的一系列考察、研讨会和其他相关培 训,以加强项目办的机构能力。
2. 咨询服务预计从 2025 年 1 月开始,到 2028 年 9 月结束,共计 45 个月。服务范围和专家的投入
1. 咨询顾问资质要求咨询顾问公司必须来自亚洲开发银行成员国,且具有法人资格的实体或者联合 体;
5在过去十年(2010-2023 年)中,咨询顾问公司至少拥有五个国际金融组织贷 款项目的实施管理咨询服务经验,且 3 个项目已完成;咨询顾问团队/公司应确保完全理解项目,可以按照约定的时间表及时交付成 果,可以有效的组织具备相应资质的专家团队来执行所要完成的工作任务。
4) 咨询公司应非常熟悉亚行的程序和要求,包括但不限于项目管理和报告、采购、
5) 咨询公司需充分发挥对专家投入的管理协调作用,对提交报告、开展能力建设
2. 咨询团队组成及专家资质要求
咨询服务将由一个顾问团队/公司团队通过一家公司提供。本咨询服务团队由 6 名 国内关键专家组成,共投如 43 个人月。本项目的咨询服务预计将持续到宁夏亚洲 开发银行贷款黄河流域绿色农田建设和农业高质量发展项目结束。主要专家名单 见表 1。
表 1: 专家清单和投入清单
除非另有说明,对于每个专家职位,他/她应具备以下条件:(i)拥有相关的 学位、资质、相关学术团体的会员资质,或参加过相关的培训课程;(ii)有 10 年的项目或技术援助的类似职位经验;(iii)有与国际组织和专家合作的经验,将 会被优先考虑;(iv)能够分析数据和编写技术报告;(v)愿意并能够定期访问 子项目现场;(vi)熟练掌握英语口语和写作。
2.1 项目管理专家/农业专家/组长(国内,关键专家,非连续),
1) 资质:组长应具有(i)农业资源或相关领域的博士;(ii)丰富的外资贷 款项目实施期管理经验,熟悉亚洲开发银行(亚行)/亚行关于项目管理方面 的政策和指南;(iii)在项目实施管理(包括世行/亚行/农发基金等贷款项 目)方面有 15 年相关经验;在国内/国际项目中,有至少 10 年作为组长或关 键专家的经验。(iv)英语流利,具备优秀的英语阅读和写作沟通技能。
i. 作为组长负责所有的项目管理支持活动;
ii. 确定项目管理和支持的方法;
iii. 负责协助相关单位在国家项目办制定的项目总体绩效监测框架下在第一个报 告期之前开发细化适用宁夏项目区的项目绩效监测系统;
iv. 负责编写宁夏项目启动报告、中期报告、半年度进度报告、项目完工报告初 稿和最终项目完工报告;
v. 协助宁夏自治区项目办和国家项目办实施全部项目。负责项目全过程监测和 评估工作。
vi. 协助宁夏自治区项目办准备项目年度实施计划;
vii. 开展宁夏项目监测和评估方面的培训;
viii. 参与亚洲开发银行的项目审查会议,并报告宁夏项目的总体进展情况;ix. 监测贷款协定和项目协议中贷款条件的遵守情况,评估关键执行问题,并提 出改进建议;
x. 负责项目实施过程中农业灌溉、农业资源利用、农业效益等方面的监测和评 估,并提出改进建议;
xi. 总结绿色农田建设和农业高质量发展方面的项目经验和成绩。
xii. 负责项目中的任何其他必要工作。
2.2 采购和合同管理专家/副组长(国内,关键专家,非连续)
1) 资质:该专家应具有(i)工程、管理类硕士以及以上学位;(ii)拥有至 少 10 年的国际金融组织贷款项目实施期的采购与合同管理经验;(iii)熟悉 亚洲开发银行新的采购框架和规定、招标采购程序和合同管理,同时熟悉国内 招标和合同管理的法律法规;(iv)具备优秀的英语写作和口头沟通技能。
2) 该专家的任务和职责包括但不限于以下内容:
i.在项目实施的早期阶段,负责宁夏自治区项目办招聘咨询服务的招聘工作;ii. 负责宁夏自治区项目办货物、咨询服务的合同管理;
iii. 指导自治区项目办和县项目办对土建工程、货物、咨询服务和非咨询服务的 合同进行管理,包括但不限于监督和检查合同规定的活动;审核宁夏项目 提款报账资料,协调财务管理和经济专家开展项目提款报账和贷款资金回 补;具体开展合同变更工作;
iv. 监测项目的采购活动,协助自治区项目办更新和执行采购计划;
v. 审查招标文件及合同,包括技术规范、工程量清单和图纸以及合同内容;vi. 为组长提供支持,以评估能力发展的需求,并规划、设计、组织和实施研讨
vii. 从采购和合同管理的角度,协助组长监测贷款协定和项目协议中贷款条件的 遵守情况,评估关键实施问题并提出改进意见;
viii. 为项目管理专家/组长提供支持,具体包括编写启动报告、半年度进度报告、中期报告、项目完工报告初稿和项目完工报告终稿;
ix. 常驻宁夏,负责联系、协调和处理宁夏项目办与亚行、国家项目办的项目日 常工作;
x. 进行组长指定的采购和合同管理的任何其他必要工作。
2.3 财务管理和经济专家(国内,关键专家,非连续),
1) 资质:具有(i)财务管理、会计、经济等相关专业硕士以及以上学位,同 时具备注册会计师证书,英语良好。(ii)在亚洲开发银行/亚行贷款项目的 实施方面有至少 10 年财务管理工作经验,尤其是项目财务报表的编制、财务 管理、财务可持续性分析、项目完工阶段的经济收益率再评价;(iii)该专 家将负责根据亚行和国内在财务管理、财务和经济分析、支付和其他财务和经 济任务方面的要求,为项目执行提供支持。
2) 该专家的任务和职责包括但不限于以下内容:
iii.科学测算并提交自治区项目办年度资金使用计划和三年资金使用计划,具体 负责宁夏项目提款报账和资金回补工作;
iv.按照亚行认可的会计核算办法,熟练运用项目管理信息系统,负责自治区项 目办日常收支会计核算、记账工作,编制自治区项目办年度财务报表和项 目合并财务报表,完善财务报表和会计科目,维护财务数据;
v.项目实施过程中,负责自治区项目办的会计核算、财务管理、账户管理等工 作,动态监测提款报账情况、财务管理制度执行情况、合同支付情况等;并对县级项目办的上述工作进行指导。
vi.向组长提供支持,以评估能力建设的需要,并在必要时规划、设计、组织和 实施研讨会、讲习班或培训;
vii.在项目实施中期和项目实际完成时进行财务分析,包括(a)财务可持续性 分析,评估财政可持续性债务偿还能力;(b)评估有收益部分的财务可 行性;
viii.协助自治区项目办和县级项目办完成项目年度审计工作,提交自治区项目办 和县级项目办财务报表,回应审计部门关切问题,为采取适当措施处理意 见提供指导;
xii.支持组长编写启动报告、半年度进度报告、中期报告、项目完工报告初稿和 最终项目完工报告;
2.4 环境专家(国内,关键专家,非连续)
1) 资质。该专家将具备以下条件(i)拥有环境管理或相关领域的硕士及以上 学位;(ii)在环境管理、监测或影响评估方面至少有 10 年的经验;(iii)熟 悉亚行项目管理要求和国内环境管理程序;(iv)能够与当地社区、承包商和 政府机构有效沟通和工作;(v) 能够分析数据和编写技术报告;(vi)愿意 并能够定期访问子项目现场;(vii)熟练掌握英语口语和写作。
i.负责自治区项目办实施申诉处理机制,包括:(i)建立和宣传申诉处理机 制;(ii)核查收到的申诉;
iv.与国家项目办实施专家协同制定流程以(a)监测环境管理计划的实施进度;(b)整理和评估在环境管理计划环境监测项目中收集的数据;(c)编写 并向亚行提交半年期环境监测报告 (持续到项目完工报告)。这些报告将
侧重于环境管理计划的实施进展、与环境相关的项目保证的遵守情况以及 水监测的结果;(d)为环境安保方面提供必要的投入;(e)开展环境正 效益和环境成果指标设计和总结提升。
v.按照环境管理计划中培训计划的要求,对宁夏各级项目机构进行培训;vi.联系协调宁夏子项目施工和运营阶段的现场监测和评估工作,包括但不限于 指导采集和并分析项目建设和运营过程中空气质量、噪音、水质等亚行环
2.5 社会、性别专家(国内,关键专家,非连续)
1) 资质。该专家将具备以下条件(i)拥有社会科学或相关领域的硕士以及以 上学位;(ii)在社会发展和保障方面至少有 10 年的经验;(iii)熟悉亚行项 目管理要求和国内环境管理程序;(iv)熟悉中国的相关法律法规;(v)熟 练掌握英语口语和写作,包括能够编写符合亚行要求的报告,包括编写符合亚
2) 该专家的任务和职责包括但不限于以下内容:
i. 负责编制宁夏项目的社会发展行动计划、性别行动计划、少数民族发展计
ii. 负责宁夏项目社会发展行动计划、性别行动计划、少数民族发展计划和少 数民族发展框架的实施;
iii. 根据对相关人员的调查和社会调查,监测社会发展行动计划、性别行动计 划和少数民族发展计划,并完成相关工作;
iv. 负责社会发展行动计划、性别行动计划和少数民族发展计划的实施,并确 保遵守亚行的社会发展和性别政策,并为宁夏项目提供性别主流化培训;v. 负责国家项目办制定的按性别分类数据收集方法框架,以实施和监测社会 发展行动计划、性别行动计划和少数民族发展计划;
vi. 协同国家项目办的项目实施专家基于社会发展行动计划、性别行动计划、少数民族发展计划和少数民族发展框架开发项目管理系统;
viii. 负责宁夏项目随机对土建工程承包商进行抽样监督,以确保遵守社会发展 行动计划、性别行动计划、少数民族发展计划、相应法律法规和亚行政策 的要求;
ix. 负责编制半年期社会监测进度报告,评估实施的有效性和关键问题,向国 家项目办、自治区项目办和县级项目办解释,并协助他们采取必要的后续 行动,以解决关键问题;
x. 每年为自治区项目办和所有相关人员提供2-3次培训,指导他们实施社会发 展行动计划、性别行动计划和少数民族发展计划,并遵守亚行的相关要求;xi. 承担宁夏项目中与社会、性别有关的任何其他必要工作。
2.6 土地利用专家(国内,关键专家,非连续)
1) 资质:该专家将具备以下条件(i)拥有农业经济或相关领域的硕士以及以 上学位;(ii)在农业经济、农村土地利用方面至少有 10 年的经验;(iii)熟 悉亚行项目管理要求和国内环境管理程序;(iv)熟悉中国的相关法律法规;(v)熟练掌握英语口语和写作,包括能够编写符合亚行要求的报告,包括编 写符合亚行要求的报告的能力。
i. 为自治区和县级项目办提供外部援助(培训等),通过文件审查、实地考察 和会议,保持关于土地流转协议、农村基础设施用地,或其他相关土地利用 形式的实施情况的最新信息和数据库。
ii. 具体负责宁夏项目土地流转协议、农村基础设施用地或其他相关土地利用形 式制定详细的监测安排等工作。
iii. 具体负责自治区和县级项目办土地利用方面的人员培训,开展监测项目的农 村基础设施用地和土地流转协议等工作。
iv. 负责宁夏项目保持土地流转协议和农村基础设施用地的整体协调和记录等工 作。
具体负责宁夏项目土地利用方面申诉机制的建立,并负责解决项目实施过程 v.
vi. 负责宁夏项目土地利用定期监测,并就土地使用权流转合同、农村公共基础 设施用地或其他形式的土地使用(如相关)的执行情况编制半年度监测报告(报告质量良好,符合亚行标准);向自治区项目办、国家项目办和亚行提 交半年期监测报告,并处理亚行提出的任何意见。
vii. 开展土地利用监测,确保申诉补救机制运作良好,监测期间发现的问题得到 及时解决;
viii. 确认并记录与相关实体的磋商,并遵守有意义的磋商/真诚谈判的原则—尽 早、及时、可及、无恐吓和包容。
ix. 承担宁夏项目中与土地利用有关的任何其他必要工作。
i. 指导以确保按照双方签署的协议执行,并确保任何可能出现的不满得到快速 和有效的解决。
ii. 对于宁夏任何子项目的土地流转合同,审查和验证以确保所有合同符合该项 目的土地流转标准。
指导以确保持有土地流转协议的所有各方充分理解所签署的土地流转协议的 iii.
iv. 在项目技术援助调查期间,如果证明土地流转协议只是部分符合要求,则应 指导以确保在实施涉及相关地块的子项目之前,土地流转协议得到改正。v. 为项目办提供外部定期培训,以促进土地流转协议所有各方的社会包容性协 商,并记录协商情况,包括协商过程中提出的问题的性别分类情况。
vi. 当项目实施单位或其他相关方每年或定期以现金或实物支付款项时,监督确 保所有农户按照土地流转协议以现金或实物支付其相应份额;
vii. 向自治区和县级项目办提供定期的外部指导,以促进申诉机制的实施,包括 确保他们:(i)建立和宣传申诉机制;(ii)整理和评估收到的申诉。为项目办 准备关于申诉机制的报告和监测表,并确保该信息纳入半年度监测报告。如果土地使用协议被租赁双方中的任何一方违反,则外部指导项目中制定的 viii.
i. 指导以确保协议按照双方签署的协议执行,并确保可能产生的任何不满得到 迅速有效的解决;
ii. 对于任何土地使用的农村基础设施用地合同和批准,审查和验证以确保所有 合同和批准符合项目的农村基础设施用地标准。
指导以确保持有用地协议的各方充分了解已签署的用地协议的后果,并重申 iii.
iv. 在涉及各地块的子项目实施之前,监测租赁是否得到纠正。如果发现差距,应提出纠正措施,并考虑安排项目实施单位和其他相关方的培训;v. 当项目实施单位以现金或实物支付年度或定期款项时,指导确保所有农户按 照农村基础设施用地协议由县项目办以现金或实物支付其相应份额;
vi. 向自治区和县级项目办提供外部定期指导,以促进申诉机制的实施,包括确 保他们:(i)建立并宣传;以及整理和评估收到的申诉。准备自治区项目 办申诉机制的报告和监测表,并确保该信息包含在半年度监测报告中;vii. 如果用地协议由用地协议的任何一方签署,指导项目根据农村基础设施用地 中的争议解决条款或相关法规解决争议。培训和机构能力建设
咨询顾问应按年度为自治区项目办、县项目办提供培训和机构能力建设,具体 内容包括但不限于:
表 2:咨询团队专家培训安排
咨询团队顾问/公司将负责安排上述活动的场所和培训所需资料的印刷、装订。咨询团队顾问/公司团队中的各个专家应作为培训师分别负责上述培训活动的开展;咨询团队顾问/公司承担的培训费用包含场地费、培训师的人工费、印刷,以及装 订成本费。参加培训学员的交通费、食宿费由学员自行承担。报告和可交付成果
专家团队将(i)在咨询服务开始后的 4 周内编写一份启动报告;(ii)编写自 治区项目办 2025-2028 年的每半年一份半年期进度报告、一份半年期环境监测报告 和一份半年期社会监测报告(其中环境监测报告应包含符合亚行要求的耕地质量、水土保持、农业污染源排放、防灾减灾、农业“四情”、灌溉用水质量等监测内和 附件表格;社会监测报告应包含符合亚行要求的社会发展行动、性别行动、少数民 族发展、土地使用和农村公共基础设施用地等监测内容和附件表格),以及(iii)
项目年度审计整改报告;(iv)项目中期报告;(v)服务结束时的项目完工报告;(vi)亚行和国家项目办所要求的其他报告;(vii)制作并提交项目宣传视频不少 于 5 个;(viii)制作并提交项目宣传彩页(不少于 100 份);(ix)项目总结画 册(不少于 60 本);(x)其他需提交至亚行和国家项目办的项目相关报告和资料。
如有明确要求,报告(i)至(vi)都将接受亚行和国家项目办的审阅,并用 英文撰写,并翻译成中文。每份报告提交一份电子版和三份纸质版给亚行(英文版 本)、国家项目办(中文和英文版本)、宁夏回族自治区财政厅(中文和英文版本)和宁夏回族自治区项目办(中文和英文版本)。
表 3:报告交付时间表
未经项目管理办公室许可,咨询专家不得将上述报告提交任何单位或个人。形 成的知识成果和所有权归宁夏回族自治区农业综合开发中心所有。
报告应首先准备草稿,在收到项目办修改意见两周后准备好报告终稿。应提交 电子版的报告和 3 份纸质版的报告终稿。
除另有要求外,所有报告需准备份数相同的中英文版本。咨询公司应协助项目 办向亚行提交中英文版本的报告。客户的支持
1. 对咨询专家所要求的签证、居住证和其他许可证提供帮助;2. 必要的项目文件,包括可行性研究报告、全部设计文件等;3. 准许咨询专家进入相关的办公室和施工现场以便开展工作。考察和会务接待
咨询公司应组织每年不少于 120 人天的国内考察,主要学习外地先进做法和优 秀项目管理经验,并负责考察期间的相关费用,包括但不限于翻译费、证照办理费
Asian Development Bank Loan Yellow River Basin Green Farmland and High-Quality Agriculture Development Project
Project Implementation Consultant for Project Management and Technical Support in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
(Contract Package No.: NX-PPMO-CS01)
Consulting Services Terms of Reference
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Agricultural Comprehensive Development Center
(Ningxia Project Management Office)
October 2024
A. Project background and objectives B. Introduction
C. Overall service scope
D. Service scope and expert input
E. Training and institutional capacity building
F. Reports and deliverables
G. Client’s support
H. Inspection and conference reception
A. Project background and objectives
1. The Yellow River Basin is facing the fragile characteristics of ecological systems and water resources. To solve the problems of ecosystem services and social-economic improvement in the Yellow River Basin, a comprehensive and nature based approach is needed. While striving to meet its sustainable development potential, it faces increasing limitations in balancing economy, ecology, and community. Agriculture remains an important industry for rural livelihoods, but traditional, small-scale agricultural systems
face problems of land degradation and declining productivity. In order to address these issues, the Chinese government has advanced new ecological protection and high-quality development goals in the Yellow River Basin to balance basic human needs and social-economic interests. These development goals will also serve as entry points for sustainable, high-quality development and equitable growth within the watershed. To address these challenges, the Asian Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as "ADB") has adopted a systematic approach to support the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin, supporting the Chinese government in implementing the "Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and High Quality Development Plan (2021-2035)", which aims to prioritize ecological protection and promote high-quality green development2. This project will serve as a demonstration for China and regional partners of the Asian Development Bank to achieve a more revolutionary and high-quality development that balances food security and environmental health priorities.
2.To implement the major deployment of ecological protection and high-quality development strategy in the Yellow River Basin, ensure food security, and learn from international modern agricultural development experience and advanced project management methods, the Chinese government applied for a loan of 157 million euros from the ADB at the end of 2022, aiming at supporting seven provinces (autonomous regions) including Gansu, Henan, Qinghai, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, and Ningxia to carry out green farmland construction and high-quality agricultural development projects in the Yellow River Basin (hereinafter referred to as the "Project").
3.The project will have the following impacts: achieving resilient ecological protection and food security in the Yellow River Basin. The project will achieve the following outcomes: improving the sustainability of the project as part of the autonomous region's green agriculture production system. It mainly includes three outputs:
3.1 Output 1: Improved institutional, technical, and managerial capabilities and coordination. This output will address the issues of insufficient institutional capacity and coordination, as well as provide incentives to balance production and environmental protection priorities at the farmland level and increase agricultural production value. This output includes: (ⅰ) building capacity for performance monitoring, evaluation, and policy objectives related to environmental sustainability and climate adaptation at the county level; (ⅱ) Raise awareness and promote new technologies and collective action to support sustainable and climate smart agricultural practices, including capacity building for
2 Government of the People's Republic of China, 2021 Outline of Ecological Protection and High Quality Development Plan for the Yellow River Basin The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, Beijing
agricultural professional cooperatives; (ⅲ) Establish financing and policy mechanisms at the county level to address the issue of insufficient incentives for sustainable and climate smart agricultural practices; (ⅳ) Improve the quality monitoring and traceability system for green agricultural products, as well as the certification system for green agricultural products; (ⅴ)Support cooperation between departments and inter provincial cooperation and coordination mechanisms; (ⅵ) Establish a knowledge-sharing platform for sustainable and climate adaptive agricultural production. Through this output, enhanced capabilities and coordination mechanisms will provide a more unified and sustainable development path for the agricultural industry, environmental protection, and rural development.
3.2 Output 2: Build green and climate-resilient agricultural production bases. This output will solve the problem of outdated and inefficient agricultural production systems that constrain production efficiency and limit farmers' income potential. This output will transform the existing agricultural production system to ensure it is more efficient and has a positive impact on the environment. Upgrading and using greener agricultural production systems and reducing the use of carbon-intensive fertilizers and pesticides will have a positive impact on mitigating climate change. Meanwhile, by utilizing these environmentally sensitive production inputs more effectively and reducing negative environmental externalities, non-point source pollution has been minimized. (ⅰ) This output will be used for the development of medium to high-quality farmland; (ⅱ) Provide equipment and facilities for implementing sustainable and modern agricultural practices; (ⅲ) Establish a waste recycling management system for plastic film, fertilizer and pesticide packaging, as well as organic waste (straw and livestock manure); (ⅳ) Carry out ecological protection and soil and water conservation in farmland.
3.3 Output 3: Enhancing the value chain of agricultural products. This output will address the constraints faced by agricultural enterprises, as it hinders their ability to add value to food and agricultural products through processing, storage, and product marketing. This output will help: (ⅰ) strengthen the cooperation and connection between farmers and agricultural enterprises to ensure a stable supply of high-quality agricultural raw materials; (ⅱ) Upgrading agricultural enterprise infrastructure and equipment, such as warehouses, refrigeration facilities, and marketing facilities, to increase added value; (ⅲ) Improve systems and programs to enhance production efficiency, and coordinate with other supply chain blocks in the agricultural industry; (ⅳ) Demonstrate the use of advanced technologies to promote business development, including digitization and e-commerce; (ⅴ) Establish a favorable environment for incubators of rural and agricultural enterprises, especially those run by women. This output will strengthen agricultural enterprises as industry leaders in supporting local livelihoods, promoting food security,
and increasing rural employment.
4. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is the executing agency for the project, and a National Project Management Office (NPMO) has been established within the Ministry to supervise the overall coordination of project implementation and provide guidance on strategic issues and inter-agency coordination. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is the project implementation agency, and the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Agricultural Comprehensive Development Center is the Project Management Office (PPMO) of the autonomous region, responsible for planning, organizing and implementing, daily progress tracking and control, and reporting on activities in the autonomous region. As county-level project management offices (CPMO), Qingtongxia Farmland Construction Service Center, Xingqing District Agriculture, Rural Affairs and Water Affairs Bureau of Yinchuan City, and Pengyang County Agricultural Comprehensive Development Service Center are fully responsible for the implementation of this project in their respective counties. PPMO provides policy guidance to consultants and coordinates assistance from relevant departments. CPMO cooperates and assists in collecting relevant report materials and conducting on-site inspections, while other conditions are independently resolved by the consultant.
5. Asian Development Bank Loan Yellow River Basin Green Farmland and High-Quality Agriculture Development Project in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (hereinafter referred to as the "Ningxia Project"), with a total investment of approximately CNY 315.72 million, including a loan of EUR 24.217 million from the ADB and supporting funds of CNY 146 million from the autonomous region. The Ningxia project plans to construct 96,000 mu (relatively 15,800 acres) of green high standard farmland, with an ecological watershed management area of 395600 acres, involving 6 townships and 18 villages in Qingtongxia City, Xingqing District, and Pengyang County, benefiting approximately 50,625 rural residents. It can effectively promote the construction of green farmland, ecological environment protection, rural industrial development, and consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation in the Ningxia project area.
6. The Ningxia project contains the construction of green and climate resilient agricultural production bases, the enhancement of the agricultural industry value chain, and the strengthening of institutional, technological, and management capabilities and coordination. The main outputs include:
6.1 Output 1: Institutional, technical, and management capabilities and coordination: including institutional capacity building, monitoring system construction, office
equipment support, and project consulting services.
6.2 Output 2: Building green and climate-resilient agricultural production bases, including farmland infrastructure construction, farmland protection and ecological environment improvement projects, and soil and water conservation projects.
6.3 Output 3: Enhance the value chain of the agricultural industry, including facility agriculture (greenhouse), cold chain logistics for freshness preservation in production areas, and initial processing of agricultural products.
B. Introduction
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region will use ADB loan funds to select a consultant (company, institution) or consortium (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant") based on the ADB procurement policy (2017, revised from time to time), using the Quality- and Cost-Based Selection method (QCBS), with a quality-to-cost ratio of 90:10 and a complete technical proposal. The contract type of the consulting service a Time-Based Contract, providing project management and implementation support consulting services to the project management office (hereinafter referred to as the "PMO") during the project implementation period.
C. Overall service scope
The Consultant cooperates with the PMO to do a good job in project management, and the service content includes but is not limited to the following aspects:
1.1 Adopting the project performance management system established by NPMO.
Provide comprehensive technical support during project implementation and maintain coordination and consistency with the Supervisors of various sub-projects; Review the contractor's payment application; Monitor construction progress and prepare progress reports.Establish the organizational structure, operating procedures, document management, design supervision, and contract management system for the project, and prepare a work plan.
2) Use the Project Performance Management System (PPMS) developed by NPMO to carry out project management, data entry, updating, analysis, reporting, and other tasks
in Ningxia.
3) Maintain close communication with NPMO and its Person in Charge (PIC) to assist PPMO in resolving project related issues.
4) Key consulting experts should sign a contract of fixed service period with the Consultant to ensure normal project services during the project execution period, such as project leaders, performance monitoring experts, environmental experts, social experts, financial experts, climate adaptability, agricultural irrigation, agricultural resource utilization experts, etc.
1.2 Review and evaluation of design documents and bidding documents
Provide suggestions on the procurement documents during the bidding preparation stage to ensure that relevant parties can be involved in the bidding process, such as reviewing and assisting in clarifying the bidding documents; Provide necessary training for sub-project implementation units to understand the ADB evaluation procedures, review evaluation reports, and provide necessary suggestions for improving the quality of evaluation reports;
1) Conduct technical review of detailed engineering design in accordance with design specifications and standards, and provide expert opinions for reference.
2) Review the design, drawings, and bidding documents (construction drawings, technical specifications, and bill of quantities), and provide detailed opinions on the work prepared by the design institute, including reviewing the consistency of construction drawings, bill of quantities, and technical specifications related to the bidding documents; Review the technical parameters of the detailed design to ensure compliance with international conventions, current national standards and specifications, the list of prohibited materials by the ADB, and the feasibility study report of the project; Identify potential technical issues and propose solutions to address them, incorporating them into environmental mitigation measures where appropriate.
3) Assist the PMO in handling the feedback from the ADB on the bidding documents.
4) Conduct technical, financial, and procedural reviews for bid evaluation, and support contract negotiations.
1.3 Contract Management and Engineering Quality Supervision
Assist in updating the procurement management manual and procurement plan during the contract execution phase; Assist the project implementation unit in contract management, including monitoring construction progress and preparing semi-annual progress reports.
1) Assist the PMO in implementing and managing procurement contracts and engineering construction project contracts.
2) Review the construction contract change documents and provide detailed written opinions to the PMO. If necessary, prepare relevant documents according to the requirements of the government and the ADB.
3) Review the construction progress report, construction supervision report and other relevant documents submitted by the construction supervisor , and provide written review opinions.
4) Conduct regular and random construction inspections at the construction site to confirm construction progress and quality, and provide detailed written review opinions on the inspection results.
5) Assist the PMO in conducting technical reviews of withdrawal and reimbursement documents related to engineering quantity, construction progress, supervision quality, and payment vouchers.
1.4 Financial Management Support
Prepare project financial plans, assist sub project implementation units in handling withdrawals, payments, reimbursements, improve project financial and accounting systems, strengthen project engineering expenditure and cost management, enhance supervision and support for ADB project audit work, solve financial management problems, prepare financial management manuals, and review contractor payment applications;
1) Establish an efficient financial management system for the project, which should comply with the policies and procedures of the ADB, as well as the financial management manual developed by the national PMO for the project, and assist in fund withdrawal, including reviewing withdrawal applications and reimbursement receipts, regularly submitting payment requests to the ADB, and coordinating with the finance department to carry out withdrawal reimbursement.
2) Update project financial information, including project costs and financing plans.
3) Assist the PMO in reviewing annual financial statements, assist in auditing and submitting financial reports, and provide feedback on the opinions of the ADB.
1.5 Performance monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and communication
Enable executing agencies, implementing agencies, sub project implementing units, and the ADB to timely and thoroughly understand the actual progress, existing problems, and measures to solve environmental and social planning measures, as well as the effectiveness and degree of achievement of related measures, to ensure that project execution meets the requirements of the ADB's environmental and social management:
1) Assist the PMO in archive management of project implementation, collect all necessary information, timely formulating, drafting and submitting reports required for loans and project contracts, especially assist the PMO in preparing annual project reports, audits and reports, and help resolve opinions from the ADB.
2) Collaborate with the national PMO to develop environmental, social, and other monitoring plans, design and establish databases for these monitoring activities, and use them to collect and save project-related data.
3) According to the requirements of all the above plans, assist the PMO in carrying out monitoring, updating, and evaluation on project environment, society, and other aspects, including monitoring and implementing social development action plans, gender action plans, ethnic minority development frameworks, land transfer and rural public infrastructure land frameworks, and environmental management plans.
4) Carry out data collection and analysis, including but not limited to air quality, noise, water quality, and other requirements of the ADB's environmental management plan during the project construction process, and provide a complete and signed environmental monitoring report that meets the requirements of the ADB's environmental management plan. If the consultant does not have the conditions and ability to complete the above work, they should entrust a qualified environmental monitoring institution to carry out the above work.
5) According to the format required by the ADB and the requirements of documents such as the Loan Agreement, Project Agreement, and Project Management Manual, prepare semi annual progress reports, environmental monitoring reports, social monitoring reports, audit rectification reports, mid-term reports, completion reports, and
other relevant reports and reporting materials for the project (all reports should be in both Chinese and English).
6) Prepare necessary information for the loan management tasks of the ADB, including loan review, mid-term review, and project completion inspection meetings.
7) Update the financial status, project cost table, financial plan, and financial economic analysis of the project, as well as the implementation of security policies.
8) If necessary, assist the PMO in completing other related tasks.
1.6 Capacity building and training
Building institutional capacity and providing training services related to project management and execution; Provide conference services, training, and organize relevant inspection and learning activities for executing agencies, implementing agencies, sub project implementing units, and other relevant personnel
1) Consulting service team training
i. Provide training and sufficient knowledge and skills related to various aspects of ADB policies, procedures, and project management (project implementation and management system, procurement,financial management, contract management, finance and payment, security, and anti-corruption measures, etc.) to the PMO to ensure the timely and smooth completion of the project.
ii. Organize contractors and supervision companies to provide skills training required by ADB on construction supervision, project management and implementation of social security measures, including (a) occupational health and safety training, prevention and control of related epidemic diseases, prevention and control of infectious diseases, including HIV and interference to communities; (b) Organize activities to promote drug control and trafficking to local communities. (c) Organize project environmental, social, health, and safety training.
iii. Summarize the successful experience and demonstration model of Ningxia under this project, develop knowledge sharing and project dissemination products, produce project videos, promotional brochures, etc., mainly involving changes and improvements in climate change, agricultural irrigation, environment, agricultural non-point source pollution, ethnic minorities, low-income populations, etc. Organize experts to write a work summary report, summarize relevant experience and propose work suggestions.
iv. Regularly report work progress to the ADB, the National PMO, the Ningxia Department of Finance, and the Ningxia PMO to ensure timely resolution of various issues that arise during project phases.
2) Local expert capacity building training
Local experts or experienced experts from outside the autonomous region will be invited by consulting experts to provide capacity building training to the PMOs of autonomous regions and counties, including knowledge of ADB project processes, key issues, completion acceptance, and other project experience summaries.
3) Outward inspection and training
i. Provide assistance to the PMO for out of town study tours, assist project management personnel in conducting practical and case-based teaching, in order to intuitively understand representative project planning, operation, and project performance.
ii. Assist the PMO of the autonomous region in arranging a series of inspections, seminars, and other relevant training required by the national PMO to strengthen its institutional capacity.
The consulting service is expected to start in January 2025 and end in September 2028, for a total of 45 months.
D. Service scope and expert input
1. Qualification requirements for Consultants
1) Consulting firms must be entities or consortia from member countries of the ADB with legal personality;
2)In the past decade (2010-2023), Consultants has provided implementation management consulting services for at least five international financial organization loan projects, and three projects have been completed;
3)The consulting team/company should ensure a complete understanding of the project, be able to deliver results in a timely manner according to the agreed schedule, and effectively organize a team of qualified experts to carry out the tasks to be completed.
4) Consultants should be very familiar with the procedures and requirements of the ADB, including but not limited to project management and reporting, procurement, payment, construction management, contract management, environmental and social security, social aspects - gender, economic and financial management analysis, etc.
5) Consultants need to fully leverage their role in managing and coordinating expert
inputs, ensuring quality control over report submissions and capacity building services,
and having clear working mechanisms to ensure the overall quality of consulting services.
2. Composition of the consulting team and requirements for expert
The consulting services will be provided by a consultant team/company team
through a company. This consulting service team is composed of 6 key domestic experts,
with a total of 43 person months of investment. The consulting services for this project
are expected to continue until the completion of the Ningxia ADB loan for the
construction of green farmland and high-quality agricultural development projects in the
Yellow River Basin. The list of main experts is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Expert List and Input List
Unless otherwise specified, for each expert position, he/she should meet the
following conditions: (i) possess relevant degrees, qualifications, membership in relevant
academic organizations, or have participated in relevant training courses; (ii) have 10
years of experience in similar positions related to projects or technical assistance; (iii)
experts having experience in collaborating with international organizations will be given
priority consideration; (iv) able to analyze data and write technical reports; (v) willing and able to regularly visit sub project sites; (vi) proficient in spoken and written English.
2.1 Project Management/Agricultural Expert/Team Leader (Domestic, Key expert, Non continuous)
1) Qualifications: The team leader should have (i) a PhD in agricultural resources or related fields; (ii) Rich experience in managing the implementation period of foreign loan projects, familiar with the policies and guidelines of ADB/ADB on project management; (iii) 15 years of relevant experience in project implementation management (including loan projects from the World Bank/Asian Development Bank/International Fund for Agricultural Development, etc.); At least 10 years of experience as a team leader or key expert in domestic/international projects. (iv) Fluent in English, possessing excellent English reading and writing communication skills.The tasks and responsibilities of the expert include but are not limited to the following:
i. As the team leader, responsible for all project management support activities;
ii. Determine the methods for project management and support;
iii. Responsible for assisting relevant units in developing and refining a project performance monitoring system applicable to the Ningxia project area before the first reporting period under the overall project performance monitoring framework formulated by the National PMO;
iv. Responsible for writing the Ningxia project initiation report, mid-term report, semi annual progress report, initial draft of project completion report, and final project completion report;
v. Assist the Ningxia Autonomous Region PMO and the National PMO in implementing all projects. Responsible for monitoring and evaluating the entire project process.
Assist the Ningxia Autonomous Region PMO in preparing the annual implementation plan for the project;
vii. Conduct training on monitoring and evaluation of projects in Ningxia;
viii.. Participate in the project review meeting of the ADB and report on the overall progress of the Ningxia project;
ix. Monitor compliance with loan conditions in loan agreements and project
agreements, assess key implementation issues, and propose improvement suggestions;
x. Responsible for monitoring and evaluating agricultural irrigation, agricultural resource utilization, agricultural benefits, and other aspects during the project implementation process, and proposing improvement suggestions;
xi. Summarize the project experience and achievements in green farmland construction and high-quality agricultural development.
xii. Responsible for any other necessary work in the project.
2.2 Procurement and Contract Management Expert/Deputy Team Leader (Domestic, Key Expert, Non Continuous)Qualifications: The expert should have (i) a master's degree or above in engineering or management; (ii) Have at least 10 years of procurement and contract management experience in the implementation period of international financial organization loan projects; (iii) Familiar with the new procurement framework and regulations, bidding and procurement procedures, and contract management of the ADB, as well as familiar with domestic laws and regulations on bidding and contract management; (iv) Possess excellent English writing and oral communication skills.
2) The tasks and responsibilities of the expert include but are not limited to the following:
i. In the early stages of project implementation, responsible for the recruitment and consulting services of the Ningxia Autonomous Region PMO;
ii. Responsible for contract management of goods and consulting services for project management in Ningxia Autonomous Region;
iii. Guide the autonomous region PMO and county PMO to manage contracts for civil engineering, goods, consulting services, and non consulting services, including but not limited to supervising and inspecting activities specified in the contracts; Review the withdrawal and reimbursement materials of the Ningxia project, coordinate with financial management and economic experts to carry out project withdrawal and reimbursement, and loan fund replenishment; Carry out specific contract modification work;
iv. Monitor the procurement activities of the project, assist the autonomous region PMO in updating and executing the procurement plan;
v. Review bidding documents and contracts, including technical specifications, bill of quantities, drawings, and contract content;
vi. Provide support to team leaders to assess the needs for capacity development, and plan, design, organize, and implement seminars, workshops, or procurement training;
From the perspective of procurement and contract management, assist the team leader in monitoring compliance with loan conditions in loan agreements and project agreements, evaluating key implementation issues, and proposing improvement suggestions;
Provide support to project management experts/team leaders, including writing initiation reports, semi annual progress reports, midterm reports, initial and final project completion reports;
ix. Resident in Ningxia, responsible for contacting, coordinating, and handling daily project work between Ningxia PMO, ADB, and National PMO;
x. Perform any other necessary work for procurement and contract management as designated by the team leader.
2.3 Financial Management and Economics Expert (Domestic, Key Expert, Non Continuous)
1) Qualifications: Possess a master's degree or above in financial management, accounting, economics, or related fields, as well as a certified public accountant certificate and good English proficiency. (ii) Have at least 10 years of financial management experience in the implementation of ADB/ADB loan projects, especially in the preparation of project financial statements, financial management, financial sustainability analysis, and re evaluation of economic returns during project completion stages; (iii) The expert will be responsible for providing support for project execution in accordance with the requirements of ADB and domestic financial management, financial and economic analysis, payment, and other financial and economic tasks.
2) The tasks and responsibilities of the expert include but are not limited to the following:
i. Review background documents, including project financial and economic analysis conducted during project preparation;
ii. Responsible for preparing and completing the financial documents required to be submitted to the ADB and the National PMO for the Ningxia project;
iii. Scientifically calculate and submit the annual fund utilization plan and three-year
fund utilization plan of the autonomous region PMO, specifically responsible for the withdrawal and reimbursement of Ningxia project funds and fund replenishment work;
iv. According to the accounting methods recognized by the ADB, proficiently use the project management information system, responsible for daily income and expenditure accounting and bookkeeping work of the autonomous region PMO, prepare annual financial statements and project consolidated financial statements of the autonomous region PMO, improve financial statements and accounting subjects, and maintain financial data;
v. During the project implementation process, responsible for accounting, financial management, account management and other work of the autonomous region PMO, dynamically monitoring the withdrawal and reimbursement situation, financial management system implementation, contract payment situation, etc; And provide guidance for the above-mentioned work of county-level PMOs.
vi. Provide support to the team leader to assess the need for capacity building and plan, design, organize, and implement seminars, workshops, or training as necessary;
vii. Conduct financial analysis during the mid-term of project implementation and actual project completion, including (a) financial sustainability analysis to evaluate the debt repayment ability of financial sustainability; (b) Assess the financial feasibility of the profitable portion;
viii. Assist the Autonomous Region PMO and the County PMO in completing the annual project audit work, submit financial statements to the Autonomous Region PMO and the County PMO, respond to audit department concerns, and provide guidance for taking appropriate measures to handle opinions;
ix. Responsible for merging the audit and rectification reports of the autonomous region PMO and the county-level PMO, and submitting them to the national PMO;
x. Responsible for updating the total project cost, including ADB loan funds, domestic matching funds, and other financing sources, and updating the financing plan;
xi. Responsible for mid-term project review and financial and economic analysis during the project completion phase;
xii. Support the team leader in writing the initiation report, semi annual progress report, midterm report, initial draft of project completion report, and final project completion report;
xiii.Undertake any other necessary financial work related to the Ningxia project.
2.4 Environmental Expert (Domestic, Key Expert, Non Continuous)
1) Qualifications: The expert will meet the following requirements: (i) hold a master's degree or above in environmental management or related fields; (ii) Have at least 10 years of experience in environmental management, monitoring, or impact assessment; (iii) Familiar with ADB project management requirements and domestic environmental management procedures; (iv) Able to effectively communicate and work with local communities, contractors, and government agencies; (v) Ability to analyze data and write technical reports; (vi) Willing and able to regularly visit the sub project site; (vii) Proficient in spoken and written English.
2) The tasks and responsibilities of the expert include but are not limited to the following:
The loan execution environment experts will work closely with project implementation experts from the National PMO, Ningxia Autonomous Region PMO, and County PMO, as well as other staff and institutions, to carry out the following tasks:
i. Responsible for implementing the appeal handling mechanism in the autonomous region PMO, including: (i) establishing and promoting the appeal handling mechanism; (ii) Verify the received appeals;
ii. Responsible for implementing the environmental assessment and review framework for the Ningxia project and updating the project environmental management plan as needed;
iii. Responsible for updating the initial environmental review requirements for the mid-term review of the Ningxia project;
iv. Collaborate with experts from the national PMO to develop a process for (a) monitoring the progress of the implementation of the environmental management plan; (b) Organize and evaluate the data collected in the environmental monitoring project of the environmental management plan; (c) Write and submit a semi annual environmental monitoring report to the ADB (to be continued until the project completion report). These reports will focus on the progress of implementing the environmental management plan, compliance with environmental related project guarantees, and the results of water monitoring; (d) Provide necessary investment for environmental security; (e) Carry out the design and summary improvement of environmental positive benefits and environmental achievement indicators.
v. According to the training plan requirements in the environmental management plan, provide training to project organizations at all levels in Ningxia;
vi. Contact and coordinate the on-site monitoring and evaluation work during the construction and operation phases of the Ningxia sub project, including but not limited to guiding the collection and analysis of data required by the ADB's environmental management plan, such as air quality, noise, water quality, etc., during the project construction and operation process, and issuing a complete and signed environmental monitoring report that meets the requirements of the ADB's environmental management plan.
Assist in the ongoing public consultation process as described in the initial environmental review of the project;
Carry out and monitor project compliance in accordance with the environmental management plan and all relevant guarantees and contracts in the environmental protection loan agreement and project agreement; Identify any implementation issues related to the environment; And propose necessary responses in the corrective action plan;
ix. Undertake any other necessary work related to the environment in the Ningxia project.
2.5 Ethnic Minorities, Society, and Gender Expert (Domestic, Key Expert, Non Continuous)
1) Qualifications. The expert will meet the following conditions: (i) hold a master's degree or above in social sciences or related fields; (ii) At least 10 years of experience in social development and security; (iii) Familiar with ADB project management requirements and domestic environmental management procedures; (iv) Familiar with relevant laws and regulations in China; (v) Proficient in spoken and written English, including the ability to write reports that meet the requirements of the ADB.
2) The tasks and responsibilities of the expert include but are not limited to the following:
i. Responsible for preparing the social development action plan, gender action plan, ethnic minority development plan, and ethnic minority development framework for the Ningxia project.
ii. Responsible for the implementation of the Ningxia project's social development action plan, gender action plan, minority development plan, and minority development framework;
iii. Monitor social development action plans, gender action plans, and minority development plans based on surveys of relevant personnel and social surveys, and
complete related work;
iv. Responsible for implementing the Social Development Action Plan, Gender Action Plan, and Ethnic Minority Development Plan, ensuring compliance with ADB's social development and gender policies, and providing gender mainstreaming training for the Ningxia project;
v. Responsible for the development of a gender based data collection methodology framework by the National PMO to implement and monitor social development action plans, gender action plans, and minority development plans;
vi. Collaborate with project implementation experts from the National PMO to develop a project management system based on the Social Development Action Plan, Gender Action Plan, Ethnic Minority Development Plan, and Ethnic Minority Development Framework;
vii.Responsible for establishing an appropriate appeal compensation mechanism for the Ningxia project and ensuring its normal operation;
viii.. Responsible for randomly sampling and supervising civil engineering contractors for the Ningxia project to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Social Development Action Plan, Gender Action Plan, Ethnic Minority Development Plan, relevant laws and regulations, and ADB policies;
ix. Responsible for preparing a semi annual social monitoring progress report, evaluating the effectiveness and key issues of implementation, explaining to the national PMO, autonomous region PMO, and county-level PMO, and assisting them in taking necessary follow-up actions to solve key issues;
x. Provide 2-3 training sessions annually for the PMO and all relevant personnel in the autonomous region, guiding them in implementing social development action plans, gender action plans, and ethnic minority development plans, and complying with relevant requirements of the ADB;
xi. Undertake any other necessary work related to society and gender in the Ningxia project.
2.6 Land Use Expert (Domestic, Key experts, Non Continuous)
1) Qualifications: The expert will meet the following requirements: (i) hold a master's degree or above in agricultural economics or related fields; (ii) Have at least 10 years of experience in agricultural economy and rural land use; (iii) Familiar with ADB project management requirements and domestic environmental management procedures;
(iv) Familiar with relevant laws and regulations in China; (v) Proficient in spoken and written English, including the ability to write reports that meet the requirements of the ADB.
(Routine tasks)
i. Provide external assistance (training, etc.) to the autonomous region and county-level PMOs, maintain the latest information and database on the implementation of land transfer agreements, rural infrastructure land, or other related land use forms through document review, on-site inspections, and meetings.
ii. Specifically responsible for developing detailed monitoring arrangements for land transfer agreements, rural infrastructure land, or other related land use forms for Ningxia projects.
iii. Specifically responsible for training personnel in land use for autonomous region and county-level PMOs, conducting monitoring of rural infrastructure land use and land transfer agreements for projects.
iv. Responsible for maintaining the overall coordination and recording of land transfer agreements and rural infrastructure land for the Ningxia project.
v. Specifically responsible for establishing an appeal mechanism for land use in the Ningxia project, and resolving any issues or appeals that may arise during the project implementation process.
vi. Responsible for regular monitoring of land use in the Ningxia project, and preparing a semi annual monitoring report on the implementation of land use rights transfer contracts, rural public infrastructure land, or other forms of land use (if relevant) (the report quality is good and meets ADB standards); Submit semi annual monitoring reports to the Autonomous Region PMO, the National PMO, and the ADB, and handle any comments raised by the ADB.
vii. Carry out land use monitoring to ensure the smooth operation of the appeal and remedy mechanism, and promptly resolve any issues discovered during the monitoring period;
viii. Confirm and record consultations with relevant entities, and adhere to the principles of meaningful consultation/sincere negotiation - early, timely, accessible, non intimidating, and inclusive.
Undertake any other necessary work related to land use in the Ningxia project.
(Land Transfer - Specific Tasks)
i. Provide guidance to ensure compliance with the agreement signed by both parties and to ensure that any potential dissatisfaction is resolved quickly and effectively.
ii. For any sub project land transfer contracts in Ningxia, review and verify to ensure that all contracts comply with the land transfer standards of the project.
iii. Provide guidance to ensure that all parties involved in the land transfer agreement fully understand the consequences of the signed agreement and reiterate their willingness to comply with the specific terms of the lease.
iv. During the project technical assistance investigation, if it is proven that the land transfer agreement only partially meets the requirements, guidance should be provided to ensure that the land transfer agreement is corrected before implementing sub projects involving relevant land parcels.
v. Provide regular external training for the PMO to promote inclusive social negotiation among all parties involved in the land transfer agreement, and record the negotiation process, including gender classification of issues raised during the negotiation process.
vi. When the project implementation unit or other relevant parties make annual or regular payments in cash or in kind, supervise and ensure that all farmers pay their corresponding shares in cash or in kind in accordance with the land transfer agreement;
vii.Provide regular external guidance to the autonomous region and county-level PMOs to promote the implementation of the appeal mechanism, including ensuring that they: (i) establish and promote the appeal mechanism; (ii) Organize and evaluate the appeals received. Prepare a report and monitoring table on the appeal mechanism for the PMO, and ensure that this information is included in the semi annual monitoring report.
Viii.If either party violates the land use agreement, the dispute shall be resolved through the appeal mechanism established in the external guidance project.
(Rural Public Infrastructure Land - Specific Tasks)
i. Provide guidance to ensure that the agreement is executed in accordance with the agreement signed by both parties, and to ensure that any potential dissatisfaction is promptly and effectively resolved;
ii. For any rural infrastructure land contracts and approvals related to land use, review and verify to ensure that all contracts and approvals comply with the project's
rural infrastructure land standards.
iii. Provide guidance to ensure that all parties involved in the land use agreement fully understand the consequences of the signed agreement and reiterate their willingness to comply with the specific terms of the lease;
iv. Monitor whether the lease has been corrected before implementing sub projects involving various plots. If any gaps are found, corrective measures should be proposed and consideration should be given to arranging training for the project implementation unit and other relevant parties;
v. When the project implementation unit makes annual or periodic payments in cash or in kind, guidance should be provided to ensure that all farmers are paid their corresponding shares in cash or in kind by the county PMO in accordance with the rural infrastructure land agreement;
vi. Provide regular external guidance to the autonomous region and county-level PMOs to facilitate the implementation of the appeal mechanism, including ensuring that they: (i) establish and promote it; And organize and evaluate the appeals received. Prepare a report and monitoring form for the appeal mechanism of the autonomous region PMO, and ensure that this information is included in the semi annual monitoring report;
vii.If the land use agreement is signed by either party, guide the project to resolve disputes in accordance with the dispute resolution clauses or relevant regulations in rural infrastructure land use.
E. Training and institutional capacity building
Consultants should provide training and institutional capacity building for autonomous region PMOs and county PMOs on an annual basis, including but not limited to:
Table 2: Training Arrangements for Consulting Team Experts
The consulting team advisor/company will be responsible for arranging the venue for the aforementioned activities and printing and binding the necessary training materials. Each expert in the consulting team/company team should serve as a trainer and be responsible for conducting the aforementioned training activities; The training costs borne by the consulting team/company include venue fees, trainer labor costs, printing, and binding costs. The transportation and accommodation expenses of the trainees participating in the training shall be borne by the trainees themselves.
F. Reports and Deliverables
The expert team will (i) prepare a kickoff report within 4 weeks after the start of the consulting service; (ii) Prepare a semi annual progress report, a semi annual environmental monitoring report, and a semi annual social monitoring report for the autonomous region PMO from 2025 to 2028 (the environmental monitoring report should include monitoring contents and attachment tables that meet the requirements of the ADB, such as farmland quality, soil and water conservation, agricultural pollution source emissions, disaster prevention and reduction, agricultural "four situations", irrigation water quality, etc.; the social monitoring report should include monitoring contents and attachment tables that meet the requirements of the ADB, such as social development actions, gender actions, ethnic minority development, land use, and rural public infrastructure land), and (iii) the annual audit and rectification report of the project; (iv) Mid term project report; (v) Project completion report at the end of service; (vi) Other reports required by the ADB and the National PMO; (vii) Produce and submit no less than 5 project promotional videos; (VIII) Produce and submit project promotional brochures (no less than 100 copies); (ix) Project summary brochure (no less than 60 copies); (x) Other project related reports and materials that need to be submitted to the ADB and the National PMO.
If there are specific requirements, reports (i) to (vi) will be reviewed by the ADB
and the National PMO, written in English, and translated into Chinese. Submit one electronic version and three paper versions of each report to the ADB (English version), the National PMO (Chinese and English versions), the Finance Department of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Chinese and English versions), and the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region PMO (Chinese and English versions).
Table 3: Report Delivery Schedule
Without the permission of the PMO, consulting experts are not allowed to submit the above report to any unit or individual. The knowledge achievements and ownership formed belong to the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Agricultural Comprehensive Development Center.
The draft of the report should be prepared first, and the final draft of the report should be prepared two weeks after receiving the PMO's revision comments. The electronic version of the report and three final paper versions of the report should be submitted.
Unless otherwise required, all reports must have the same number of backup versions in both Chinese and English. Consultants should assist the PMO in submitting
the report in both Chinese and English versions to the ADB.
G. Client’s support
During the contract execution period, the Autonomous Region PMO will provide the following conditions for consulting experts:
1. Provide assistance in obtaining visas, residence permits, and other permits required by consulting experts;
2. Necessary project documents, including feasibility study report, all design documents, etc;Allow consulting experts to enter relevant offices and construction sites for work purposes.
H. Inspection and conference reception
The consulting company should organize a domestic inspection of no less than 120 person days per year, mainly to learn advanced practices and excellent project management experience from other regions, and be responsible for related expenses during the inspection period, including but not limited to translation fees, license processing fees, training venue and teaching fees, accommodation and on-site transportation expenses during the training period, training material fees, etc.
All inspection and conference expenses are budgeted using provisional funds.
招标 文件 条款 号 | 原内容 | 更正后内容 |
提交 意向 书的 截止 日期: | 2024 年 12 月 13 日 09 时 30 分 | 2025 年 1 月 13 日 09 时 30 分 |
意向 表达 递交 日期 | 意向书必须在北京时间 2024 年 12 月 13 日上午 9:30(开标时间)之前以电子 形式上传至亚洲开发银行 CMS 平台 (https://cms.adb.org)。咨询公司必须在提 交文件前在亚行的 CMS 系统完成注册。为便文件评审,除英文版的意向书外, 咨询公司还应上传中文版意向书。中英 文版本如有歧义,应以英文正本为准。 | 意向书必须在北京时间 2025 年 1 月 13 日上午 9:30(开标时间)之前以电子 形式上传至亚洲开发银行 CMS 平台 (https://cms.adb.org)。咨询公司必须在提 交文件前在亚行的 CMS 系统完成注册。为便文件评审,除英文版的意向书外, 咨询公司还应上传中文版意向书。中英 文版本如有歧义,应以英文正本为准。 |
序 号 | 职位 | 数量(人/ 月) | 现场投入人月 |
国内专家(关键专家) | |||
1. | 项目管理/农业专家/组长 | 5 | 1 |
2. | 采购和合同管理专家/副组长/ 项目协调人 | 18 | 12 |
3. | 财务管理和经济专家 | 5 | 1 |
4. | 环境专家 | 7 | 2 |
5. | 少数民族、社会、性别专家 | 5 | 1 |
6. | 土地利用专家 | 3 | 1 |
国内专家(非关键专家) | |||
—— | |||
总计 | 43 | 18 |
序号 | 培训内容 | 地点 |
1 | 采购与合同管理培训 | 国内或者线上 |
2 | 财务管理培训 | 国内或者线上 |
3 | 环境管理培训 | 国内或者线上 |
4 | 社会、环境、性别、民族、移民安置 培训 | 国内或者线上 |
5 | 农业面源污染防治培训 | 国内或者线上 |
6 | 农业绩效监测培训 | 国内或者线上 |
7 | 气候适应性与农业灌溉培训 | 国内或者线上 |
序号 | 报告 | 时间 |
1 | 启动报告 | 合同签订后 4 周内 |
2 | 半年度项目进度报告 | 2025-2028 年的每半年结束后 30 天内 |
3 | 半年期环境监测报告 | 2025-2028 年的每半年结束后 30 天内 |
4 | 半年期社会监测报告 | 2025-2028 年的每半年结束后 30 天内 |
5 | 年度审计整改报告 | 审计结束后 45 天内 |
6 | 项目中期报告 | 中期审查后 60 天内 |
7 | 项目完工报告 | 按照亚行规定 |
8 | 亚行和国家项目办所要求的其 他报告 | 按照亚行和国家项目办规定 |
9 | 制作并提交项目宣传彩页(不 少于 100 份 | |
10 | 宣传视频 5 个 | 关账前 3 个月完成 |
11 | 项目总结画册(不少于 60 本) | 关账前 3 个月完成 |
12 | 其他需提交的项目相关报告和 资料 | 按照亚行和国家项目办规定 |
No. | Position | Number (person/month) | On-site input (person/month) |
Domestic experts (key experts) | |||
6. | Project Management/Agricultu ral Expert/Team Leader | 5 | 1 |
7. | Procurement and Contract Management Expert/Deputy Team Leader/Project Coordinator | 18 | 12 |
8. | Financial Management and Economics Expert | 5 | 1 |
9. | Environment Expert | 7 | 2 |
10. | Ethnic Minorities, Society, and Gender Expert | 5 | 1 |
6. | Land Use Expert | 3 | 1 |
Domestic experts ( non key experts) | |||
—— | |||
Total | 43 | 18 |
No. | Training content | Site |
1 | Procurement and Contract Management Training | Domestic or online |
2 | Financial management training | Domestic or online |
3 | Environmental management training | Domestic or online |
4 | Social, environmental, gender, ethnicity, and immigration resettlement training | Domestic or online |
5 | Agricultural non-point source pollution prevention and control training | Domestic or online |
6 | Agricultural performance monitoring training | Domestic or online |
7 | Climate adaptability and agricultural irrigation training | Domestic or online |
No. | Report | Time |
1 | Start report | Within 4 weeks after signing the contract |
2 | Half year project progress report | Within 30 days after the end of each six-month period from 2025 to 2028 |
3 | Half year Environmental Monitoring Report | Within 30 days after the end of each six-month period from 2025 to 2028 |
4 | Half year Social Monitoring Report | Within 30 days after the end of each six-month period from 2025 to 2028 |
5 | Annual Audit Rectification Report | Within 45 days after the audit is completed |
6 | Mid term project report | Within 60 days after the midterm review |
7 | Project completion report | According to the regulations of the ADB |
8 | Other reports required by the ADB and the National PMO | According to the regulations of the ADB and the National PMO |
9 | Produce and submit project promotional brochures (no less than 100 copies) | |
10 | 5 promotional videos | Completed 3 months before checkout |
11 | Project summary brochure (no less than 60 copies) | Completed 3 months before checkout |
12 | Other project related reports and materials that need to be submitted | According to the regulations of the ADB and the National PMO |