Negotiation announcement
Project name: Overseas "manufacturing + service" partner service framework agreement for Baoji Oilfield Machinery Co., Ltd
Project Number: 0720-2440zbzx0090TP
1.谈判条件Bargaining terms
The sales company of Baoji Oilfield Machinery Co., Ltd. has performed the relevant procedures of approval and filing as required, and the funds have been implemented. Now the negotiation method is selected. Subcontracting or subcontracting is not allowed for this project, and a total of 1 supplier is required.
Negotiation method: competitive negotiation
2.项目基本情况Basic information of the project
2.1项目概况:宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司销售公司在中东地区有300余台钻机,客户对于钻机及设备大修、有偿技术服务、设备升级改造等有持续的需求。其中在阿联酋阿布扎比,ADNOC DRILLING 公司采购了公司50台沙漠快速移运钻机,为满足其钻机大修需求,与公司签订了多个设备大修合同。为保障阿联酋大修工作的顺利进行,公司需在阿联酋阿布扎比设立专业维保共享中心。
2.1 Project Overview: The sales company of Baoji Oilfield Machinery Co., Ltd. has more than 300 drilling RIGS in the Middle East, and customers have continuous demands for drilling RIGS and equipment overhaul, chargeable technical services, equipment upgrading and so on. In ABU Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, ADNOC DRILLING purchased 50 of the company"s desert fast moving drilling RIGS, and signed multiple equipment overhaul contracts with the company to meet its rig overhaul needs. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the overhaul work in the UAE, the company needs to set up a professional maintenance sharing center in ABU Dhabi, UAE.
2.2 Procurement scope: maintenance of drilling rig components, maintenance of fracturing equipment and solid control equipment, maintenance of wellhead equipment and tree, maintenance of blowout preventer and manifold, installation and commissioning of drilling and production equipment, production of non-critical structural parts, flaw detection, sand painting, accessories and material storage and distribution, etc.
2.3 Term of Service: Two years from the date of signing the contract.
2.4 Service location: ABU Dhabi, UAE, Middle East.
2.5服务与技术要求:详见第五章 技术标准及要求。
2.5 Service and Technical Requirements: See Section 5 Technical Standards and Requirements.
2.6 Maximum Price: See Negotiation, Final Offer and Commitment.
2.7 Number of recommended candidate suppliers: 1.
3.资格要求Qualification requirements
3.1. Joint Bidding will not be accepted for negotiation under this project.
3.2. The bidder is required to be an independent legal person or other organization in the UAE with the ability to assume civil liability in the host country. Provide a copy of the valid business license and VAT registration certificate registered in the country of residence.
3.3 Financial requirements: Bidders shall provide 2022 and 2023 valid financial audit reports audited by accounting firms or audit institutions (valid means: audit reports shall have the signature and seal of local accountants, the name, address and seal of accounting firms, and financial statements shall include: The balance sheet, income statement or profit and loss statement, cash flow statement and notes to the statement), is in good financial condition and is not insolvent. (If 2023 has not yet been issued, the financial audit report for 2021 and 2022 can be provided.)
3.4 Performance requirements: The work performance of the business related to equipment maintenance in the bidding section from 2021 to the deadline for submission of negotiation documents, and the performance certification materials are attached.
3.5信誉要求: 1)供应商未被纳入集团公司“三商”黑名单,集团公司“三商”黑名单可在电子招标平台http://bid.energyahead.cnpc/#/blacklist查询。2)供应商被纳入《中国石油天然气集团有限公司采购产品质量监督抽查情况通报》中被处罚的,投标将被否决(复查合格的除外)。3)供应商或其法定代表人、拟委任的项目负责人近三年无行贿犯罪行为。4)单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位不得同时参加同一标段谈判项目。5)供应商近三年无严重违法、违规事项,无骗取中标情况,无重大质量、安全问题,无相关管理部门处罚。
3.5 credit requirements: 1) the supplier is not included in group co., LTD., "three" blacklist group co., LTD. "three" blacklist can inquire on the electronic bidding platform http://bid.energyahead.cnpc/#/blacklist. 2) If the supplier is included in the Notice of Quality Supervision and Random Inspection of Purchased Products of China National Petroleum Corporation Limited and is punished, the bid will be rejected (except for those who pass the review). 3) The supplier or its legal representative and the project leader to be appointed have not committed any bribery crimes in the past three years. 4) The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units with holding and management relations shall not participate in the same bid section negotiation project at the same time. 5) The supplier has no serious violations or violations in the past three years, no fraudulent bid, no major quality and safety problems, and no punishment from relevant management departments.
1)人员要求:电工至少1人、电焊工至少2人、服务工至少9人,总服务人数不少于12人(提供人员花名册、当地身份证件、用工合同等);2)设备设施必须具有10T以上(含10T) 行吊、车床、钻床(每种设备至少1台/套、需提供设备各照片证明,所有设备需提供购置合同及对应发票,如租赁设备,需提供租赁合同、租赁发票设备铭牌彩色照片及设备清单);3) 厂房要求:在所投标标段要求区域有维修厂房,厂房面积不得小于2000平米(需提供厂房产权证,如是租赁的应提供租赁合同和租赁发票,并提供厂房使用照片以及厂房尺寸图)。
3.6 Requirements for personnel, Equipment and facilities:
1) Personnel requirements: 1 electrician, at least 2 welders, at least 8 mechanical engineers, the total number of service is not less than 12 people (provide personnel roster, ID card copy, employment contract, etc.); 2) Equipment and facilities must have more than 10T (including 10T) crane, lathe, drilling machine (at least 1 / set of each equipment, need to provide photo proof, all equipment need to provide the purchase contract and corresponding invoice, such as leasing equipment, need to provide the lease contract, the lessor purchase invoice equipment nameplate color photos and equipment list); 3) Plant requirements: There shall be a maintenance plant in the required area of the bid section, and the plant area shall not be less than 2000 square meters (the property certificate of the plant shall be provided, if the lease is required, the lease contract shall be provided, and the use photos and size drawings of the plant shall be provided).
4.谈判文件的获取Access to negotiating documents
本谈判文件每份售价为200元人民币(只接受人民币),售后不退。有兴趣的合格供应商可从2024年5月11日至2024年5月20日,每天(节假日除外)上午9:00 至11:00, 下午1:30至5:00(北京时间)线上办理谈判文件购买事宜。具体购买流程分以下3个步骤:①供应商应先联系标书售卖人:梁爽010-62065512,并将单位授权书(如为代理商投标,还须提供制造商对本次投标的唯一授权书)发至邮箱cpmczb1@cnpc.com.cn,②按要求填写购买谈判文件登记表,并发至邮箱cpmczb1@cnpc.com.cn由工作人员确认;③完成以上两步后,请登录谈判文件自助购买系统(网址:http://www2.cnpcbidding.com/#/wel/index)完成标书费付款,账号密码与中国石油电子招标投标交易平台一致【未在中国石油电子招标投标交易平台上注册过的潜在供应商,需要先注册并通过平台审核,登录中国石油电子招标投标交易平台(网址:https://ebidmanage.cnpcbidding.com/bidder/ebid/base/login.html),具体操作请参考中国石油招标投标网操作指南中“供应商用户手册”相关章节,有关注册等交易平台的操作问题请咨询技术支持团队相关人员,咨询电话:4008800114。为方便供应商后续操作,购买标书建议以国内公司进行注册代付标书费】。注意:标书费售后不退,建议先联系工作人员(如电话不通,邮件保持畅通)完成步骤1和2后再付款。本次标书只发售电子版。
This negotiation document is sold at RMB 200 per copy (RMB only) and is non-refundable after sale. Interested and qualified suppliers can purchase negotiation documents online from 2024-5-11 to 2024-5-20, from 9:00 am to 11:00 AM and 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM (Beijing time) every day (except holidays). The specific purchase process is div ided into the following three steps: ① The supplier should first contact the seller of the bid: Liang Shuang 010-62065512, and send the company"s letter of authorization (if bidding as an agent, the manufacturer"s unique letter of authorization for this bid must also be provided) to email cpmczb1@cnpc.com.cn, ② fill in the registration form of purchase negotiation documents as required. Send it to cpmczb1@cnpc.com.cn for confirmation by the staff; ③ After completing the above two steps, please log in to the negotiation document self-service purchase system (website: http://www2.cnpcbidding.com/#/wel/index) to complete the tender fee payment, account password consistent with China"s oil tendering electronic trading platform (not oil tendering electronic trading platforms in China registered potential suppliers, need to register first and through the platform review, Login to CNPC Electronic Bidding and Bidding Trading platform (website: https://ebidmanage.cnpcbidding.com/bidder/ebid/base/login.html), specific operation please refer to the Chinese oil tendering and bidding network operational guidelines for school official cites use of the section "supplier user manual", Regarding the operation of the trading platform such as registration, please consult the relevant personnel of the technical support team, the consulting phone :4008800114. In order to facilitate the subsequent operation of the supplier, it is recommended to register the bid with a domestic company to pay the bid fee. Note: The bid fee is not refundable, it is recommended to contact the staff first (if the phone is not available, keep the email open) to complete steps 1 and 2 before payment. This tender is available electronically only.
5.响应文件的递交Submission of response documents
5.1 When submitting the response document, the potential supplier shall submit a negotiation deposit of 200,000.00 RMB or 28,000.00 USD. The form of negotiation deposit (choose one of the two) : telegraphic transfer and bank guarantee, detailed in the supplier notice before the table.
5.2 响应文件递交截止时间:2024年5月30日9时30分(请供应商在谈判文件递交截止时间前亲自送达或邮寄响应文件至指定地点)
5.2 Deadline for submission of response documents: 9:30am, 2024-5-30 (Suppliers are requested to personally deliver or mail the response documents to the designated place before the deadline for submission of negotiation documents)
5.3 响应性文件递交地点:北京市西城区鼓楼外大街5号中国石油物资有限公司三楼303会议室。
5.3 Submission of responsive documents: Conference Room 303, 3rd Floor, China Petroleum Materials Co., LTD., No. 5 Gulouwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.
5.4 逾期送达的或者未送达指定地点的响应性文件,不予受理。
5.4 Responsive documents delivered late or not delivered to the designated place will not be accepted.
5.5 未按谈判公告“4.谈判文件的获取”要求获取谈判文件的供应商,其响应文件不予受理。
5.5 Suppliers that fail to obtain negotiation documents in accordance with the requirements of the negotiation announcement "4. Access to Negotiation Documents" shall not accept the response documents.
6.谈判时间及地址Negotiating time and address
Time of negotiation: 9:30 am,2024-5-30.
Venue: Conference Room 308, China Petroleum Materials Co., LTD., No. 5 Gulou Wai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.
7. 联系方式Contact information
采购人:宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司 销售公司
邮 箱:zhaojiyu@cnpc.com.cn
地 址:北京市西城区鼓楼外大街5号
联 系 人:梅博文 丁落涵
电 话:010-62065938 010-62065672
邮 箱:meibowen@cnpc.com.cn
供应商登录http://www2.cnpcbidding.com/#/wel/index 在商城个人中心中进入订单列表,点击已缴纳的标书费订单,点击订单详情,点击投标保证金递交详情,可以获取保证金收款路径,成功缴纳保证金后,可通过订单页面进行查询缴纳状态。如有问题,致电400-8800-114转电子招标平台。(各供应商有唯一的汇款路径,汇款路径根据每个项目信息动态生成,未按照本项目指定路径汇款的保证金无效)