






  1. 中国政府已从法国开发署(“AFD”)申请了一笔贷款,用于支付法国开发署贷款宁德市建设自然与文化遗产保护和合理利用示范工程项目的费用,并计划将其中的一部分贷款用于支付第三包:长坋溪生态修复与景观提升工程合同项下的合格支出。
  2. 屏南知进发展股份有限公司现邀请合格的且有资格的投标人就下列工程递交密封的投标文件:

本合同建设内容为:(1)污水收集系统修补;(2)长坋溪蜿蜒曲直恢复 ;(3)长坋溪绿化 ;(4)长坋溪沿岸绿色公共空间建设 ;(5)沿长坋溪建设口袋公园。(“本工程”)


  1. 本次招标为国内竞争性招标,凡符合法国开发署投资项目贷款借款人采购规则规定(2024年2月版)”第一章“通用框架”第1.3款“合格标准”的合格投标人均可投标。招标人应根据以下定义确保申请人、投标人或顾问具有获得AFD贷款的资格:
  2. 感兴趣的合格投标人可从本招标邀请书中列出的地址获取更多信息,可于上午9:00至11:30和下午1:30至4:30(北京时间)在本邀请函第7款规定的地址和方式完成注册及自行下载全套招标文件。
  3. 潜在投标人应注意本招标文件投标人须知第4条关于合格性和利益冲突的规定。所有存在利益冲突的投标人均为不合格的投标人。
  4. 投标人的资格要求包括









7财务资源:投标人的财务资源(如速动资产、授信额度和其它融资来源,但不包括合同预付款)必须能够满足:1) 人民币520万元或其他等值货币的现金流要求,以及2) 实施













  1. 有兴趣的合格投标人可通过以下方式完成报名并获取招标文件等相关资料:
    1. 报名及领取地点:中国通用招标网
    2. 报名方式:有意向的投标人应先在中国通用招标网(www.china-tender.com.cn)电子招标平台免费注册,注册完成后请按照网上操作流程进行购买。注册审核及技术支持电话:400-680-8126。
    3. 注册完成后,按网上操作流程支付费用。招标文件每套(招标文件中文版附英文译本;每套包含投标所需的必要文件)售价【3000】元,过期不售,售后不退,平台自动开具电子普通发票。纸质版招标文件将通过快递的方式寄送,已报名的投标人请将详细收件信息发送至第9款列明的邮箱。
  2. 所有投标文件应于2024年1018日上午9:30之前递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址。迟交的投标文件将被拒绝。开标将在本投标邀请函列明的地址公开进行。投标人可派代表参加开标。开标时间为2024年1018日上午9:30。投标文件必须包括投标保证金。投标保证金的金额为人民币60万元,缴纳方式详见招标文件
  3. 上述有关地址如下:






电子邮箱:yupeng@cgci.gt.cn, zhangshiyu4@cgci.gt.cn










电子邮箱:yupeng@cgci.gt.cn, zhangshiyu4@cgci.gt.cn







The Chinese version shall prevail, English version for reference only

Invitation for Bids (IFB) 


Date: September 20, 2024

NCB Bid No.: 0703-2350CIC2Z009

Invitation for Bids No.: 0703-2350CIC2Z009


  1. The Peoples Republic of China has applied for the loan from the Agence Française de Développement toward the cost of Ningde City Utilizes AFD Loans to Construct a Demonstration Project for Natural and Cultural Heritage Protection and Reasonable Utilization and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the Contract for Lot 3: Works of landscaping and restoration of Changfen River.
  2. The Pingnan Zhijin Development Co., Ltd. now invites sealed bids from all eligible and qualified bidders for the following works:

The construction contents of this contract are: (1) Restoration of the wastewater collection system; (2) The winding and straight recovery of Changfen River; (3) Greening of Changfen River; (4) Design of green public spaces along the Changfen River; (5) Pocket park built along Changfen River.(“the works”)

The construction period of the above works is 18 months.

  1. Bidding will be conducted through the National Procurement Competition (NPC) procedures. The bidding is open to all eligible bidders as defined in Clause 1.3 “Eligibility Criteria” in Section 1 “General Framework” of “Procurement Guidelines for AFD-Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries, February 2024”.
  2. Interested eligible bidders may register and download the full set of bidding documents at the address and method specified in paragraph 7 listed in this IFB from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Beijing time).
  3. The attention of prospective Bidders is drawn to the eligibility and conflict of interest provisions under ITB 4 of the Bidding Documents. All Bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified.
  4. Qualifications requirements include:

(1) Qualification requirements

If the bidder is a domestic bidder, the following requirements should be met:

  1. possessing the second level qualification for general contracting of municipal public engineering construction issued by the construction administrative department;
  2. Having a valid safety production license issued by the construction administrative department.

(2) History of non-performing contracts

Non-performance of a contract did not occur within the last FIVE (5) years prior to the deadline for bid submission, based on all information on fully settled disputes or litigation.  A fully settled dispute or litigation is one that has been resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Mechanism under the respective contract, and where all appeal instances available to the bidder have been exhausted.

(3) Pending Litigation

All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than 50%  of the Bidder’s net worth and shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder.

(4) Declaration: Environmental, Social, Health, and Safety (ESHS) past performance

Declare any civil work contracts that have been suspended or terminated and/or performance security called by an employer for reasons related to the non-compliance of any environmental, or social, or health or safety requirements or safeguard in the past FIVE (5)  years(from January 2019 to submission deadline).

(5) Historical Financial Performance

Submission of audited financial statements or if not required by the law of the bidder’s country, other financial statements acceptable to the Employer, for the last THREE (3) years(2020-2022 or 2021-2023) to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidders financial position and its prospective long term profitability. As a minimum, a Bidder’s net worth calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities for each of the THREE (3) years(from January 2021 to submission deadline) should be positive.

(6) Average Annual Construction Turnover

Minimum average annual turnover of CNY 52 million yuan or any other equivalent currency, calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last THREE (3) years.

(7) Financial Resources

The Bidder shall demonstrate access to, or availability of, financial resources such as liquid assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, other than any contractual advance payments to meet:

  1. the following cash-flow requirement of CNY 5.2 million yuan or any other equivalent currency and
  2. the overall cash flow requirements for this contract and its concurrent commitments.

(8) General Experience

Experience under contracts in the role of contractor, subcontractor,  for at least the last FIVE (5) years prior to the applications submission deadline.  

(9) Specific Experience

1) Participation as contractor, or subcontractor, in at least TWO (2) contracts within the last THREE (3) years(from January 2021 to submission deadline), each with a value of at least CNY 25 million yuan or any other equivalent currency  and at least ONE(1) of the above mentioned contracts shall be a completed foreign government loan projects as a general contractor, that have been successfully and substantially completed (substantially completion refers to at least 80% of the project being completed) and that are similar to the proposed Works.(the similarity mentioned above shall be based on the project scale, complexity, methods/technology or other characteristics as described in Section VII, Employer’s Requirements).

2) For the above or other contracts executed during the period stipulated in 2.4.2(a) above, a minimum experience in the following key activities:

"Municipal water supply and drainage",

②"waterfront landscape park",

③"river water conservancy project" and etc.

(Note: the scope of work(s) specified in any one (1) contract or the multiple contracts provided by the bidder shall individually or combinedly include the above mentioned THREE(3) categories of works).

(10) JV is allowed, and the number of joint venture members shall not exceed THREE(3). 

Additional details are provided in the Bidding Documents.


  1. Interested eligible bidders may register and obtain the bidding documents and other relevant documents through the following ways:
  1. Website to register and obtain the documents: www.china-tender.com.cn
  2. Registration method: Interested eligible Bidders shall register on China-tender (www.china-tender.com.cn) for free and follow the operation process to purchase the documents after registration, Telephone number for registration review and technical support: 400-680-8126.
  3. After registration, complete the payment in accordance with the operation process. A set of Bidding Documents(the Chinese version bidding documents is attached with an English translation; each set contains but is not limited to the necessary documents required for bidding, such as TOR, Feasibility Study Report, etc.) is CNY 3000 yuan. The bidding document is not available after the deadline and payment for bidding document is not refundable after sale. Meanwhile, the electronic ordinary invoice will be automatically issued duly.The paper version of the bidding documents will be sent by express delivery. The registered bidders shall send the detailed receipt information to the E-mail listed in paragraph 9.


  1. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 9:30 a.m. on October 18, 2024. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at 9:30 a.m. on October 18, 2024.  All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of CNY 600 thousand yuan,  payment method refer to the bidding documents.


  1. The address referred to above is:

Address 1 : Procurement Agency:

Name of the Procurement Agency: Instrimpex International Tendering Co., Ltd.

Contact Person: Mr. Yu, Ms. Zhang

Tel. No.: 010-81168922/9003

Fax No.: /

Email Address: yupeng@cgci.gt.cn, zhangshiyu4@cgci.gt.cn

Postal Code: 100073

Postal Address: Room 810, Floor 8, Building C, General Times Center, No. 1, Xiying Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, China


Address 2 : for registration and the Bidding Documents download:

Refer to paragraph 7 listed in this IFB .


Address 3 : for bid submission:

Name of the Procurement Agency: Instrimpex International Tendering Co., Ltd.

Contact Person: Mr. Yu, Ms. Zhang

Tel. No.: 010-81168922/9003

Fax No.: /

Email Address: yupeng@cgci.gt.cn, zhangshiyu4@cgci.gt.cn

Address: 4th floor, Building A, Capital Tech Plaza, No.14, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing.


Address 4 : for bid opening:

Same as the Address 3 for bid submission.



Pingnan Zhijin Development Co., Ltd.

September 20, 2024

