I、Project overview
Item number:XJCG22121208469178
Project name:分厂工程车辆备件-20221212
project type:Directional procurement
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.
II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.
III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.
IV、quotation deadline:2022-12-15 12:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.
V、attachment information
Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment
Title Relevant documents

、Target information
material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
30204670831001022 飞轮齿圈 CPCD50XRW28 QSB4.5 康明斯 1 ???天铁热轧板有限公司??? 原厂
30204670260001004 左门总成 临工L956F 1 ???天铁热轧板有限公司??? 原厂
30204670525001021 水平油缸油管 TG500E-3 370-024-11840 L=3250 4 Equipment dept.
30204670580001033 前下视镜总成(圆) 解放牵引车 J6P-375LNG 1 Equipment dept.
30204670230201028 缓冲罐酷增压控制盒 临工 L956-LNG 单线(与4线配套) 1 Production service center 原厂
30204670230201029 缓冲罐酷增压控制盒 临工L956-LNG 四线(与单线配套) 1 Production service center 原厂
30204670230201030 缓冲罐酷增压控制盒 临工 L956-LNG 带急停按钮(1个) 1 Production service center 原厂
30204670260020340 传动油回油胶管 临工L956F,29030031841 3 Production service center 原厂
30204670209001003 车用纯铜线 AVS 1.5平方线 300 Production service center
30204670262001002 轮边减速器 临工L956-LNG 29090009151 1 Production service center 原厂
30204670209001001 纯铜屏蔽信号线 RVVP7芯*1.5平方 300 Production service center
30204672001013007 电瓶夹子 加厚大号红色 5 Production service center
30204672001013008 电瓶夹子 加厚大号黑色 5 Production service center
30204670201680076 铲刀板 龙工(高锰) 10 Production service center 原厂
30204670240001004 橡胶履带块(牛筋) 徐工 XE35U履带专用 100 Production service center
30204670260010104 倒车蜂鸣器 临工L956F 5 ???崇利制钢有限公司??? 原厂
30204670260010148 暖风管开关 临工L956F 10 ???崇利制钢有限公司??? 原厂
30204670262010150 金属软管 临工L956-LNG 2 ???崇利制钢有限公司??? 原厂
30204670262010189 销垫片80 临工L956-LNG 50 ???崇利制钢有限公司??? 原厂
30204670262010190 销垫片85 临工L956-LNG 50 ???崇利制钢有限公司??? 原厂
30204670262010340 机盖锁 临工L956-LNG 10 ???崇利制钢有限公司??? 原厂
30204670840001014 右升降油缸 杭叉CPCD100-XRG77 209800001374 1 ???崇利制钢有限公司??? 原厂
30204670840001038 调距油缸液压管滑轮 杭叉CPCD100 209850050056 6 ???崇利制钢有限公司??? 原厂
30204670525032026 垂直油缸修理包 TG500E-3 36031739900 2 Equipment dept.
30204670580002019 24V挂车尾灯 4寸圆单灯(13CM罩100MM)黄色 2 Equipment dept.
