大连市机电设备招标有限责任公司受瓦房店轴承集团有限责任公司委托,对其下述货物进行国际竞争性公开招标。现邀请合格投标人就瓦轴集团购置进口内外圆磨床项目项目的下列货物及其相关服务提交密封投标: Under the entrustment of Wafangdian Bearing Group Co., Ltd. (ZWZ Group), Dalian Tendering Center of Electromechanical Equipments initiates open international competitive tendering for the following goods. Now it invites qualified bidders to submit a sealed bid for the following goods of Procurement of the imported Horizontal inner round grinder and horizontal outer round grinder by ZWZ Wafangdian Bearing Group and related services:
1、招标条件: Bidding Conditions: 项目概况: Overview: 瓦轴集团购置进口内外圆磨床,内圆磨床1台,外圆磨床1台; 1 set of Procurement of the imported horizontal inner round grinder by ZWZ Wafangdian Bearing Group; 1 set of Procurement of the imported horizontal outer round grinder by ZWZ Wafangdian Bearing Group.
资金到位或资金来源落实情况:已落实 Source of Funds: Yes. 项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备招标条件 Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: Yes. 2、招标内容: Tendering content: 招标项目编号:1271-224ZWZ202206 IFB No.: 1271-224ZWZ202206 招标项目名称:瓦轴集团购置进口内外圆磨床项目 Project name:Procurement of the imported Horizontal inner round grinder and horizontal outer round grinder by ZWZ Wafangdian Bearing Group 项目实施地点:瓦房店轴承集团精密传动轴承有限公司(辽宁省瓦房店市) Place of Implementation: ZWZ Precision Transmission Bearing Co.,Ltd. ( Wa Fangdian, Liaoning ).
招标产品列表(主要设备): List of Products:
有意愿的合格投标人可在招标机构得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。 Qualified bidders willing to bid can obtain further information and consult the tendering document in the tendering agency. 3、本次招标的合格投标人应满足的资格要求: The qualification requirements to be met by the qualified bidders in the tendering this time: 3.1 投标人为代理商须具有所投产品的合法有效授权书;一家制造商只能授权一家代理商进行投标; Any bidder who is an agent shall have the legal valid letter of authorization for the product involved in the bidding; a manufacturer can only authorize an agent to bid. 3.2 投标人必须具有相关业绩,并提供近五年与该项目相关设备销售业绩表及合同一份,要求供货业绩应用领域为轴承行业; The bidder shall have the required business performance and provide a copy of the sales performance list and contracts related to this project for the past five years. The application area of the supply performance shall be the bearing industry. 3.3 提供原产地证明; Provide a certificate of place of origin; 3.4 是否接受联合体投标:不接受; Is joint bidding accepted: no; 3.5 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以。 Is it allowed to join in the bidding without collecting the tendering documents: no 4、招标文件发售的获取: Acquisition of Bidding Documents: 招标文件领受开始时间:2022年11月1日 Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:Nov 1, 2022 招标文件领受结束时间:2022年11月8日 Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: Nov 8, 2022 招标文件获取方式:现场领购 To Obtain: On-site Purchase 招标文件领购地点:大连市机电设备招标有限责任公司三楼303室(大连市沙河口区长兴街2-5号,五一广场广电中心北门西行100米)。 Place: Meeting Room 303 of Dalian Tendering Center of Electromechanical Equipments (Address: No. 2-5, Changxing Street, Shahekou District, Dalian) 招标文件售价:¥1000/$150 Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1000/$150 其他说明:有意愿的潜在投标人请携带(1).营业执照、产品授权书(代理商报名的)。(2).法人本人报名时须提供单位介绍信和法人身份证。(3).委托代理人报名时须提供法人授权委托书或单位介绍信、代理人的身份证、代理人与投标人单位签订的经人社部门盖章的一年以上(含一年)的劳动合同或社会养老保险证明(含基本养老、工伤、生育、失业、医疗等)。(4).提供近五年的类似业绩情况(需提供相不少于一份的关设备供货合同,要求供货业绩应用领域为轴承行业。于2022年11月1日起至2022年11月8日止,每天上午9:00-11:00,下午13:00-16:00(北京时间),公休日、节假日除外,在大连市机电设备招标有限责任公司三楼303室(大连市沙河口区长兴街2-5号,五一广场广电中心北门西行100米)购买招标文件。本招标文件每套售价:1000元人民币,或150美元,中国境内邮购另加邮资 50元人民币,中国境外邮购另加邮资20美元,售后不退,招标人不对邮寄过程中的遗失负责。投标人在购买招标文件时可从招标方拷贝电子版招标文件。任何未在大连市机电设备招标有限责任公司领购招标文件的投标人均不得参加投标。 Other notations: Intending potential bidders shall carry: (1) the license of business corporation, organization code certificate and tax registration certificate (the license of business corporation only, if it is a three-in-one license), and the letter of product authorization (if it acts as an agent); (2) the letter of introduction and the legal person's identity card, if the legal person applies himself/herself; (3) the letter of authorization from the legal person or the letter of introduction of the unit, the agent's identity card, the labor contract for more than one year (inclusive) signed between the agent and the bidder's unit carrying the official seal of the human resources and social security authority, or the certificate of social endowment insurance (covering basic old-age pension, work injury, maternity, unemployment, medical treatment and other insurances), if an agent applies; and (4) the similar business performance for the past five years (not less than one supply contract for the related equipment in the application area of bearing industry required). The Bidding Documents can be bought at Room 303, Floor 3, Dalian Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd. (No. 2-5, Changxing Street, Shahekou District, Dalian, 100 meters west of the north gate of the Radio & Television Center at Wuyi Square) on 9:00 - 11:00 am and 13:00-16:00 pm (Beijing Time) except public holidays fromNov 1, 2022 to Nov 8, 2022. The Bidding Documents are sold at CNY 1,000 or USD 150 per set, adding CNY 50 of postage for an address inside the territory of China or US$ 20 of postage for an address outside the territory of China and not returned as soon as having been sold, and the bid inviting party does not assume any liability for any loss in the mailing process. Bidders may copy the Bidding Documents in electronic form from the bid inviting party when buying them. Any bidder who fails buying the Bidding Documents from Dalian Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd. shall not participate in the bid. 5、投标文件的递交: Bid Submission 投标截止时间(开标时间):2022年11月23日 (北京时间) 9:00整。 Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): Nov 23, 2022 9:00 投标文件送达地点:大连市公共行政服务中心五楼第1开标室(地址:大连市甘井子区东北北路101号大连市公共行政服务中心)。 Place of Bid Opening: Bid opening room (1), Dalian administrative service center (5th floor), (No. 101, northeast North Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian).
届时请参加投标的单位代表出席开标会议。 At that time, the representatives of the units participating in the bid can attend the bid-opening meeting. 6.发布公告的媒介: Media releasing announcement 潜在投标人在投标前应在必联网(http://www.ebnew.com)或机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(http://www.chinabidding.com)完成注册及信息核验。评标结果将在必联网和中国国际招标网公示。否则,投标人不能有效进入招标投标法定程序,由此产生的后果将由投标人自负。 The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com. Otherwise, a bidder can not enter into the legal tendering and bid procedure validly. A bidder shall be liable for any consequence resulting from this itself. 7、招标人及招标代理机构联系方式: Contacts of tenderee and tendering agency 招标人:瓦房店轴承集团有限责任公司 Tenderee: Wafangdian Bearing Group Co., Ltd. (ZWZ Group) 地址:辽宁省瓦房店市北共济街一段1号 Address: No. 1, Section One, North Gongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province 联系人:张策 Contact person:Zhang Ce 电话: 86-411-62198080 Telephone: 86-411-62198080 邮编: 116302 Zipcode: 116302 招标代理机构:大连市机电设备招标有限责任公司 Tendering agency: Dalian Tendering Center of Electromechanical Equipments 地 址:大连市沙河口区长兴街2-5号 Address: No. 2-5, Changxing Street, Shahekou District, Dalian 邮 编:116021 Zip code: 116021 8、汇款方式: Remittance Approach 开户名称:大连市机电设备招标有限责任公司 Bank account name: Dalian Tendering Center of Electromechanical Equipments 开户行:中国银行大连沙河口支行 Deposit bank: BANK OF CHINA DALIAN SHA HE KOU SUB-BRANCH 开户行帐号(人民币CNY):2869 6273 8627 Bank A/C No. (CNY): 2869 6273 8627 开户行帐号(美元USD):316871616161 Account No. (USD): 316871616161 开户行帐号(欧元EUR):290871616521 Account No. (EUR): 290871616521 SWIFT CODE:BKCHCNBJ81A 开户行地址:中国大连沙河口区东北路73号 Deposit bank address: No. 73, Dongbei Road, Shahekou District, Dalian, China 联系人:杨世乾 Contact persons: Yang Shiqian 电 话:86-411-88898513 Telephone: 86-411-88898513 传 真:86-411-88898500 Fax: 86-411-88898500 E-mail:dlzb88898513@163.com 其他说明:因为疫情影响而无法到现场领购招标文件的投标人请电话联系或发电子邮件至邮箱dlzb88898513@163.com,邮件标题格式为招标项目编号、事由简述,邮件内容须包含发件人单位名称、联系人、联系方式、事由详情、具体事项需求等。 Other notations: Bidders who are unable to purchase the bidding documents on site due to the COVID-19 pandemic should contact by phone or email to dlzb88898513@163.com. The subject of the email should be the bidding project number and the description of the reasons. The email should contain the sender's name, contact person, contact information, details of the reasons, and specific requirements. |