发布时间:2024-06-12 16:48:58
招标编号:0618-244TC240234G 日期:2024年06月12日
项目单位及名称 | 中国航发沈阳黎明航空发动机有限责任公司 异形楞边倒角加工单元 | |
排名第一中标候选人 | 北京精雕科技集团有限公司 | |
最终评标价格(万美元) | 39.913566 | |
得分 | 86.00 | |
价格修正和调整说明 | 中文:无 英文:nothing | |
未进入中标候选人名单的投标人或投标被否决的投标人 | 深圳市朗恩精密科技有限公司 | |
最终评标价格(万美元) | 无 | |
价格修正和调整说明 | 无 | |
招标文件要求 | √商务 ?技术 ?价格 | 中文:1、“第六章 投标资料表 *13.3 4)投标人须提供其开户银行在开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明原件或该原件的复印件(如资信证明中明确注明复印无效的则必须提供该资信证明原件,电子版资信证明应提供银行出具的有效证明;资信证明内容须完整,含多页的应全部提供)”; 2、“第六章 投标资料表 14.3.2)投标产品连续运行1年所需的备件和专用工具清单。分项报价,备件费用不计入投标总价”; 3、“第六章 投标资料表 *17.2投标文件的报价部分、重要商务和技术条款(参数)(加注“*”号的条款或参数)响应等相应内容的每一页都应由法定代表人或其授权代表用姓或首字母逐页签字,否则将导致其投标被拒绝”; 4、“在商务评议过程中,有下列情形之一者,将予以否决投标:*24.5.1 6、投标人的投标书、资格证明材料未提供,或不符合国家规定或者招标文件要求的;” 英文:1. "Chapter VI Bid Data Sheet * 13.34 4) The bidder shall provide the original of the credit certificate issued by its bank within three months before the bid opening date or the copy of the original (if the credit certificate clearly indicates that the copy is invalid, the original of the credit certificate must be provided; the electronic version of the credit certificate shall provide the valid certificate issued by the bank; The content of the credit certificate must be complete, including multiple pages should be provided in full); 2, "Chapter VI Bid Data Table 14.3.2) List of spare parts and special tools required for continuous operation of the bid product for 1 year. Itemized quotation, spare parts costs are not included in the total bid price "; 3. "Chapter VI Bidding Data Sheet *17.2 Each page of the quotation part of the bidding document, important commercial and technical terms (parameters) (terms or parameters marked with" * ") response and other corresponding contents shall be signed by the legal representative or his authorized representative with his surname or initials, otherwise his bid will be rejected "; 4, "In the process of business evaluation, one of the following circumstances, the bid will be rejected: *24.5.1 6, the bidder's bid, qualification certification materials are not provided, or do not meet the requirements of the national regulations or bidding documents;" |
投标文件响应 | √商务 ?技术 ?价格 | 中文:1、“银行资信证明为复印件且含有复印无效字样”; 2、“备件包含在总价中”; 3、“投标文件样本无页签”; 4、“不满足招标文件商务要求,予以否决”。 英文:1, "bank credit certificate is a photocopy and contains the words of invalid copy"; 2. "Spare parts are included in the total price"; 3. "Bid document sample without TAB"; 4. "It is rejected because it does not meet the commercial requirements of the bidding documents." |
理由 | √商务 ?技术 ?价格 | 中文:商务评议不合格。 英文:The business evaluation is unqualified. |
联系人:于品铄 张冬慧 麻浩楠
电话:024-82038188 010-62108107